9,124 research outputs found

    Enhanced Convergence and Robust Performance of Randomized Dynamical Decoupling

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    We demonstrate the advantages of randomization in coherent quantum dynamical control. For systems which are either time-varying or require decoupling cycles involving a large number of operations, we find that simple randomized protocols offer superior convergence and stability as compared to deterministic counterparts. In addition, we show how randomization always allows to outperform purely deterministic schemes at long times, including combinatorial and concatenated methods. General criteria for optimally interpolating between deterministic and stochastic design are proposed and illustrated in explicit decoupling scenarios relevant to quantum information storage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced with final versio

    Kepler-1656b: a Dense Sub-Saturn With an Extreme Eccentricity

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    Kepler-1656b is a 5 RER_E planet with an orbital period of 32 days initially detected by the prime Kepler mission. We obtained precision radial velocities of Kepler-1656 with Keck/HIRES in order to confirm the planet and to characterize its mass and orbital eccentricity. With a mass of 48±4ME48 \pm 4 M_E, Kepler-1656b is more massive than most planets of comparable size. Its high mass implies that a significant fraction, roughly 80%, of the planet's total mass is in high density material such as rock/iron, with the remaining mass in a low density H/He envelope. The planet also has a high eccentricity of 0.84±0.010.84 \pm 0.01, the largest measured eccentricity for any planet less than 100 MEM_E. The planet's high density and high eccentricity may be the result of one or more scattering and merger events during or after the dispersal of the protoplanetary disk.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, published in The Astronomical Journa

    Working with simple machines

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    A set of examples is provided that illustrate the use of work as applied to simple machines. The ramp, pulley, lever and hydraulic press are common experiences in the life of a student and their theoretical analysis therefore makes the abstract concept of work more real. The mechanical advantage of each of these systems is also discussed so that students can evaluate their usefulness as machines.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Fluctuations of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier driven by changes in atmospheric forcing : observations and modelling of Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, 1859–present

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    Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Stephen Price, Mauri Pelto, and the anonymous reviewer for their reviews and comments that helped to improve the manuscript. RACMO2.1 data were provided by Jan van Angelen and Michiel van den Broeke, IMAU, Utrecht University. MAR v3.2 data used for runoff calculations were provided by Xavier Fettweis, Department of Geography, University of Liège. The photogrammetric DEM used in Figs. 1 and 3 was provided by Kurt H. Kjær, Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen. This research was financially supported by J. M. Lea’s PhD funding, NERC grant number NE/I528742/1. Support for F. M. Nick was provided through the Conoco-Phillips/Lundin Northern Area Program CRIOS project (Calving Rates and Impact on Sea Level).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Magneto-shear modes and a.c. dissipation in a two-dimensional Wigner crystal

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    The a.c. response of an unpinned and finite 2D Wigner crystal to electric fields at an angular frequency ω\omega has been calculated in the dissipative limit, ωτ1\omega \tau \ll 1, where τ1\tau ^{-1} is the scattering rate. For electrons screened by parallel electrodes, in zero magnetic field the long-wavelength excitations are a diffusive longitudinal transmission line mode and a diffusive shear mode. A magnetic field couples these modes together to form two new magneto-shear modes. The dimensionless coupling parameter β=2(ct/cl)σxy/σxx\beta =2(c_{t}/c_{l})|\sigma_{xy}/\sigma_{xx}| where ctc_{t} and clc_{l} are the speeds of transverse and longitudinal sound in the collisionless limit and σxy\sigma_{xy} and σxx\sigma_{xx} are the tensor components of the magnetoconductivity. For β1\beta \geqslant 1, both the coupled modes contribute to the response of 2D electrons in a Corbino disk measurement of magnetoconductivity. For β1\beta \gg 1, the electron crystal rotates rigidly in a magnetic field. In general, both the amplitude and phase of the measured a.c. currents are changed by the shear modulus. In principle, both the magnetoconductivity and the shear modulus can be measured simultaneously.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pp., 4 eps figure

    The glacial geomorphology of upper Godthåbsfjord (Nuup Kangerlua) in south-west Greenland

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is known to have experienced widespread retreat over the last century. Information on outlet glacier dynamics, prior to this, are limited due to both a lack of observations and a paucity of mapped or mappable deglacial evidence which restricts our understanding of centennial to millennial timescale dynamics of the GrIS. Here we present glacial geomorphological mapping, for upper Godthåbsfjord, covering 5800 km 2 at a scale of 1:92,000, using a combination of ASTER GDEM V2, a medium-resolution DEM (error < 10 m horizontal and < 6 m vertical accuracy), panchromatic orthophotographs and ground truthing. This work provides a detailed geomorphological assessment for the area, compiled as a single map, comprising of moraines, meltwater channels, streamlined bedrock, sediment lineations, ice-dammed lakes, trimlines, terraces, gullied sediment and marine limits. Whilst some of the landforms have been previously identified, the new information presented here improves our understanding of ice margin behaviour and can be used for future numerical modelling and landform dating programmes. Data also form the basis for palaeoglaciological reconstructions and contribute towards understanding of the centennial to millennial timescale record of this sector of the GrIS.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Long-Period Giant Companions to Three Compact, Multiplanet Systems

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    Understanding the relationship between long-period giant planets and multiple smaller short-period planets is critical for formulating a complete picture of planet formation. This work characterizes three such systems. We present Kepler-65, a system with an eccentric (e = 0.28 ± 0.07) giant planet companion discovered via radial velocities (RVs) exterior to a compact, multiply transiting system of sub-Neptune planets. We also use precision RVs to improve mass and radius constraints on two other systems with similar architectures, Kepler-25 and Kepler-68. In Kepler-68 we propose a second exterior giant planet candidate. Finally, we consider the implications of these systems for planet formation models, particularly that the moderate eccentricity in Kepler-65\u27s exterior giant planet did not disrupt its inner system

    Expression of glucocorticoid and progesterone nuclear receptor genes in archival breast cancer tissue

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies in our laboratory have shown associations of specific nuclear receptor gene variants with sporadic breast cancer. In order to investigate these findings further, we conducted the present study to determine whether expression levels of the progesterone and glucocorticoid nuclear receptor genes vary in different breast cancer grades. METHODS: RNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded archival breast tumour tissue and converted into cDNA. Sample cDNA underwent PCR using labelled primers to enable quantitation of mRNA expression. Expression data were normalized against the 18S ribosomal gene multiplex and analyzed using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Analysis of variance indicated a variable level of expression of both genes with regard to breast cancer grade (P = 0.00033 for glucocorticoid receptor and P = 0.023 for progesterone receptor). CONCLUSION: Statistical analysis indicated that expression of the progesterone nuclear receptor is elevated in late grade breast cancer tissue