1,239 research outputs found

    Delay Induced Excitability

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    We analyse the stochastic dynamics of a bistable system under the influence of time-delayed feedback. Assuming an asymmetric potential, we show the existence of a regime in which the systems dynamic displays excitability by calculating the relevant residence time distributions and correlation times. Experimentally we then observe this behaviour in the polarization dynamics of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser with opto-electronic feedback. Extending these observations to two-dimensional systems with dispersive coupling we finally show numerically that delay induced excitability can lead to the appearance of propagating wave-fronts and spirals.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamical mechanism of anticipating synchronization in excitable systems

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    We analyze the phenomenon of anticipating synchronization of two excitable systems with unidirectional delayed coupling which are subject to the same external forcing. We demonstrate for different paradigms of excitable system that, due to the coupling, the excitability threshold for the slave system is always lower than that for the master. As a consequence the two systems respond to a common external forcing with different response times. This allows to explain in a simple way the mechanism behind the phenomenon of anticipating synchronization.Comment: 4 pages including 7 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Modeling rhythmic patterns in the hippocampus

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    We investigate different dynamical regimes of neuronal network in the CA3 area of the hippocampus. The proposed neuronal circuit includes two fast- and two slowly-spiking cells which are interconnected by means of dynamical synapses. On the individual level, each neuron is modeled by FitzHugh-Nagumo equations. Three basic rhythmic patterns are observed: gamma-rhythm in which the fast neurons are uniformly spiking, theta-rhythm in which the individual spikes are separated by quiet epochs, and theta/gamma rhythm with repeated patches of spikes. We analyze the influence of asymmetry of synaptic strengths on the synchronization in the network and demonstrate that strong asymmetry reduces the variety of available dynamical states. The model network exhibits multistability; this results in occurrence of hysteresis in dependence on the conductances of individual connections. We show that switching between different rhythmic patterns in the network depends on the degree of synchronization between the slow cells.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Control spiral wave dynamics using feedback signals from line detectors

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    We numerically study trajectories of spiral-wave-cores in excitable systems modulated proportionally to the integral of the activity on the straight line, several or dozens of equi-spaced measuring points on the straight line, the double-line and the contour-line. We show the single-line feedback results in the drift of core center along a straight line being parallel to the detector. An interesting finding is that the drift location in yy is a piecewise linear-increasing function of both the feedback line location and time delay. Similar trajectory occurs when replacing the feedback line with several or dozens of equi-spaced measuring points on the straight line. This allows to move the spiral core to the desired location along a chosen direction by measuring several or dozens of points. Under the double-line feedback, the shape of the tip trajectory representing the competition between the first and second feedback lines is determined by the distance of two lines. Various drift attractors in spiral wave controlled by square-shaped contour-line feedback are also investigated. A brief explanation is presented.Comment: 6 pages and 7 figures; Accepted for publication in EPL; Figs.5 and 6 are in JPG forma

    Computational inference in systems biology

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    Parameter inference in mathematical models of biological pathways, expressed as coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs), is a challenging problem. The computational costs associated with repeatedly solving the ODEs are often high. Aimed at reducing this cost, new concepts using gradient matching have been proposed. This paper combines current adaptive gradient matching approaches, using Gaussian processes, with a parallel tempering scheme, and conducts a comparative evaluation with current methods used for parameter inference in ODEs

    Life History Parameters of Gulf Flounder (Paralichthys albigutta) From Northwest Florida

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    Age, growth, natural and total mortality, a length-weight relationship, reproductive seasonality, sex ratio, maturity, and reproductive potential by size were estimated for gulf flounder, Paralichthys albigutta, from northwest Florida. The study used a fishery-independent approach during three annual migratory spawning seasons to sample gulf flounder offshore (spearing by divers) and inshore (multipanel trammel nets). We found gulf flounder to be slightly smaller at L∞ than other paralichthids (using either von Bertalanffy or damped growth functions), but gulf flounder obtained larger sizes and older ages than previously thought for this species [females to 575 mm total length (TL) and age 7, males to 373 mm TL and age 11], probably due to offshore sampling targeting more of the adult component of the stock. Given the older age structure than previously noted for this species, gulf flounder maturity and mortality estimates were similar to values reported for other U.S. paralichthids. Gulf flounder exhibited fall-winter gonad development with all evidence pointing to spawning occurring offshore. We estimated batch fecundity and spawning frequency, but it was apparent that there was a seasonal effect for both of these parameters, with increased oocyte density and nearly daily spawning occurring by late October to November, the peak period of development, also reflected in the gonadosomatic index

    Thermal Impact on Spiking Properties in Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron with Synaptic Stimulus

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    The effect of environmental temperature on neuronal spiking behaviors is investigated by numerically simulating the temperature dependence of spiking threshold of the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron subject to synaptic stimulus. We find that the spiking threshold exhibits a global minimum in a "comfortable temperature" range where spike initiation needs weakest synaptic strength, indicating the occurrence of optimal use of synaptic transmission in neural system. We further explore the biophysical origin of this phenomenon in ion channel gating kinetics and also discuss its possible biological relevance in information processing in neural systems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Limits and dynamics of stochastic neuronal networks with random heterogeneous delays

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    Realistic networks display heterogeneous transmission delays. We analyze here the limits of large stochastic multi-populations networks with stochastic coupling and random interconnection delays. We show that depending on the nature of the delays distributions, a quenched or averaged propagation of chaos takes place in these networks, and that the network equations converge towards a delayed McKean-Vlasov equation with distributed delays. Our approach is mostly fitted to neuroscience applications. We instantiate in particular a classical neuronal model, the Wilson and Cowan system, and show that the obtained limit equations have Gaussian solutions whose mean and standard deviation satisfy a closed set of coupled delay differential equations in which the distribution of delays and the noise levels appear as parameters. This allows to uncover precisely the effects of noise, delays and coupling on the dynamics of such heterogeneous networks, in particular their role in the emergence of synchronized oscillations. We show in several examples that not only the averaged delay, but also the dispersion, govern the dynamics of such networks.Comment: Corrected misprint (useless stopping time) in proof of Lemma 1 and clarified a regularity hypothesis (remark 1

    A Review of Different Behavior Modification Strategies Designed to Reduce Sedentary Screen Behaviors in Children

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    Previous research suggests that reducing sedentary screen behaviors may be a strategy for preventing and treating obesity in children. This systematic review describes strategies used in interventions designed to either solely target sedentary screen behaviors or multiple health behaviors, including sedentary screen behaviors. Eighteen studies were included in this paper; eight targeting sedentary screen behaviors only, and ten targeting multiple health behaviors. All studies used behavior modification strategies for reducing sedentary screen behaviors in children (aged 1–12 years). Nine studies only used behavior modification strategies, and nine studies supplemented behavior modification strategies with an electronic device to enhance sedentary screen behaviors reductions. Many interventions (50%) significantly reduced sedentary screen behaviors; however the magnitude of the significant reductions varied greatly (−0.44 to −3.1 h/day) and may have been influenced by the primary focus of the intervention, number of behavior modification strategies used, and other tools used to limit sedentary screen behaviors

    The Shapes of Flux Domains in the Intermediate State of Type-I Superconductors

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    In the intermediate state of a thin type-I superconductor magnetic flux penetrates in a disordered set of highly branched and fingered macroscopic domains. To understand these shapes, we study in detail a recently proposed "current-loop" (CL) model that models the intermediate state as a collection of tense current ribbons flowing along the superconducting-normal interfaces and subject to the constraint of global flux conservation. The validity of this model is tested through a detailed reanalysis of Landau's original conformal mapping treatment of the laminar state, in which the superconductor-normal interfaces are flared within the slab, and of a closely-related straight-lamina model. A simplified dynamical model is described that elucidates the nature of possible shape instabilities of flux stripes and stripe arrays, and numerical studies of the highly nonlinear regime of those instabilities demonstrate patterns like those seen experimentally. Of particular interest is the buckling instability commonly seen in the intermediate state. The free-boundary approach further allows for a calculation of the elastic properties of the laminar state, which closely resembles that of smectic liquid crystals. We suggest several new experiments to explore of flux domain shape instabilities, including an Eckhaus instability induced by changing the out-of-plane magnetic field, and an analog of the Helfrich-Hurault instability of smectics induced by an in-plane field.Comment: 23 pages, 22 bitmapped postscript figures, RevTex 3.0, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Higher resolution figures may be obtained by contacting the author