3,629 research outputs found

    Proposed parametric cooling of bilayer cuprate superconductors by terahertz excitation

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    We propose and analyze a scheme for parametrically cooling bilayer cuprates based on the selective driving of a cc-axis vibrational mode. The scheme exploits the vibration as a transducer making the Josephson plasma frequencies time-dependent. We show how modulation at the difference frequency between the intra- and interbilayer plasmon substantially suppresses interbilayer phase fluctuations, responsible for switching cc-axis transport from a superconducting to resistive state. Our calculations indicate that this may provide a viable mechanism for stabilizing non-equilibrium superconductivity even above TcT_c, provided a finite pair density survives between the bilayers out of equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages + 7 page supplementa

    Hubungan Faktor Predisposing, Reinforcing dan Enabling pada Pekerja Sandblasting di PT X

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    Sandblasting process contained some hazards such as shock effect on workers, who may pose a danger to himself or worker in the vicinity, the wound on the surface of the workers skin or eyes, and silicosis. The aim of this study was analyze correlation between predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors with PPE USAge behavior on worker in sandblasting division at PT X. This study is an observational analytic with cross sectional design. Data of knowledge, attitudes, perception, motivation, the role of co-workers, the role of supervisor, HSE promotion, HSE training, availability of PPE and HSE regulations obtained from interviews to all 11 people who worked at sandblasting division of PT X. PPE USAge of 90,9% workers are in the safe category. Results analysis with contingency coefficient was known that motivation factor has a value at 0.707, the factor of co-workers role has a value at 0.459, and the factor of knowledge, attitudes, supervisors role, as well as HSE training has a value at 0.100, while the perception factor, HSE promotion, availability of PPE, and HSE regulations showed that 100% of workers are in the good category. Motivational factors have a strong correlation with the PPE USAge behavior, co-workers role factors have correlation in the medium category, the factors of knowledge, attitudes, role of supervisor, HSE training has a very weak correlation to the PPE USAge behavior, meanwhile perception, HSE promotion, availability of PPE, and HSE regulations factors of all workers are included in good categories

    Tuning gastropod locomotion: Modeling the influence of mucus rheology on the cost of crawling

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    Common gastropods such as snails crawl on a solid substrate by propagating muscular waves of shear stress on a viscoelastic mucus. Producing the mucus accounts for the largest component in the gastropod's energy budget, more than twenty times the amount of mechanical work used in crawling. Using a simple mechanical model, we show that the shear-thinning properties of the mucus favor a decrease in the amount of mucus necessary for crawling, thereby decreasing the overall energetic cost of locomotion.Comment: Corrected typo

    DNA and the chromosome – varied targets for chemotherapy

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    The nucleus of the cell serves to maintain, regulate, and replicate the critical genetic information encoded by the genome. Genomic DNA is highly associated with proteins that enable simple nuclear structures such as nucleosomes to form higher-order organisation such as chromatin fibres. The temporal association of regulatory proteins with DNA creates a dynamic environment capable of quickly responding to cellular requirements and distress. The response is often mediated through alterations in the chromatin structure, resulting in changed accessibility of specific DNA sequences that are then recognized by specific proteins. Anti-cancer drugs that target cellular DNA have been used clinically for over four decades, but it is only recently that nuclease specific drugs have been developed to not only target the DNA but also other components of the nuclear structure and its regulation. In this review, we discuss some of the new drugs aimed at primary DNA sequences, DNA secondary structures, and associated proteins, keeping in mind that these agents are not only important from a clinical perspective but also as tools for understanding the nuclear environment in normal and cancer cells

    Karakterisasi Struktur Mikro dan Struktur Kristal Film Tebal Fetio3 dari Bahan Mineral Indonesia

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    Telah dilakukan studi awal pembuatan dan pengolahan bahan mineral Indonesia sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan termistor NTC. Bahan mineral yarosit dari alam dimurnikan dengan larutan HCl, diendapkan dengan menggunakan NH4OH dan dipanaskan pada suhu kalsinasi 700oC selama 2 jam. Pembuatan termistor NTC dilakukan dengan mecampurkan serbuk yarosit hasil pemurnian dan pengendapan dengan TiO2. Pasta termistor FeTiO3 dicetak dipermukaan alumina substrat dengan metode screen printing, kemudian dilakukan pemanasan pada suhu 500oC selama 1 jam diruangan udara dilanjutkan disinter pada suhu 1100oC selama 1 jam diruangan hidrogen. Sifat listrik keramik film tebal hasil sinter diukur pada berbagai suhu. Struktur kristal dievaluasi dengan difraksi sinar x (XRD), dan struktur mikro dievaluasi dengan menggunakan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Data analisis XRD memperlihatkan bahwa seluruh keramik film tebal berstruktur heksagonal (Illiminite). Data struktur mikro dan sifat listrik memperlihatkan bahwa termistor dari yarosit memenuhi kebutuhan pasar

    Media Live Streaming Berbasis Raspberry Pi pada Perguruan Tinggi Raharja

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    Higher Education Prog is a university that focuses konsestrasi in the field of computer and technology, but in the field of penyampaikan information to students remains less efektik because they still use a paper or poster is attached to the wall magazine (Magazine Wall) and his appearance did not attract the students to see and listen information contained campus. The need for an innovation to renew methods penyampaikan user information into a digital form. The authors mebuat Broadcast media based information tool Raspberry Pi utilizing campus facilities like television to show some internal information campuses and as a forum to showcase the work of the Student Video Mavib to display to the Personal Prog

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Kompos Sampah Kota Dan Kompos Residu Rumah Tangga Pada Tanah Terhadap Kadar Pb Serta Cd Tersedia Dan Produksi Sawi (Brasillia Oleraceae L.)

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    The effect of domestyc waste compost and residual of household waste compost for Pb and Cd andmustard (Brassica oleraceae L.) product.This research is done in the land of cassa room ofagricultural faculty and is analised central labor of agricultural faculty, North Sumatera University.The design of this research is arranged in non-factorial random design which is consisting of 9treatments with 3 replications. The treatmentis treatmentis M1 (100% Soil), M2 (75% Soil + 25%domestyc waste compost), M3 (50% Soil + 50 % domestyc waste compost), M4 (25 % Soil + 75 %domestyc waste compost), M5(75% Soil + 25 % residual of household waste compost), M6 (50%Soil + 50% residual of household waste compost), M7(25% % Soil + 75% residual of householdwaste compost), M8 (50 % domestyk waste compost + 50 residual of household waste compost),M9 (100 % residual of household waste compost). The result of this research is showed thatcomposing domestyc waste compost and residual of household waste compost and combination ofboth very significantly increased to increase pH soil, Pb, Cd soil and production of weigh themustard in a good treatment is M3 (50% Soil + 50% domestyc waste compost) is 142,47 g
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