24,784 research outputs found

    DSN observations of Titan

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    When using Deep Space Station (DSS)-14 in a monostatic configuration, radar observations of Titan show that Titan is a diffuse reflector with a relative radar cross section of 0.14 +/- 0.03. No hot spots were observed

    Improvement of oxygen partial pressure sensor

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    Flight type calcium stabilized solid electrolyte oxygen senso

    Rotorcraft contingency power study

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    Twin helicopter engines are often sized by the power requirement of a safe mission completion after the failure of one of the two engines. This study was undertaken for NASA Lewis by General Electric Co. to evaluate the merits of special design features to provide a 2-1/2 Contingency Power rating, permitting an engine size reduction. The merits of water injection, turbine cooling airflow modulation, throttle push, and a propellant auxiliary power plant were evaluated using military Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and commercial helicopter Direct Operating Cost (DOC) merit factors in a rubber engine and a rubber aircraft scenario

    Vortex shedding from a blunt trailing edge with equal and unequal external mean velocities

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    A flow visualization study showed that strong Karman vortices are developed behind the blunt trailing edge of a plate when the free stream velocities over both surfaces are equal. These vortices tend to disappear when the surface velocities are unequal. This observation provided an explanation for the occurrence and disappearance of the lip noise often present in coaxial jets. Vortex formation and lip noise occurred at a Strouhal number of about 0.2 based on the lip thickness and the average of the external steady-state velocities. Results from theoretical calculations of the vortex formation, based on an inviscid, incompressible analysis of the motion of point vortices, were in good agreement with the experimental observations

    The 3-D world modeling with updating capability based on combinatorial geometry

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    A 3-D world modeling technique using range data is discribed. Range data quantify the distances from the sensor focal plane to the object surface, i.e., the 3-D coordinates of discrete points on the object surface are known. The approach proposed herein for 3-D world modeling is based on the Combinatorial Geometry (CG) method which is widely used in Monte Carlo particle transport calculations. First, each measured point on the object surface is surrounded by a small sphere with a radius determined by the range to that point. Then, the 3-D shapes of the visible surfaces are obtained by taking the (Boolean) union of all the spheres. The result is an unambiguous representation of the object's boundary surfaces. The pre-learned partial knowledge of the environment can be also represented using the CG Method with a relatively small amount of data. Using the CG type of representation, distances in desired directions to boundary surfaces of various objects are efficiently calculated. This feature is particularly useful for continuously verifying the world model against the data provided by a range finder, and for integrating range data from successive locations of the robot during motion. The efficiency of the proposed approach is illustrated by simulations of a spherical robot in a 3-D room in the presence of moving obstacles and inadequate prelearned partial knowledge of the environment

    Statistical Mechanics of Quantum-Classical Systems with Holonomic Constraints

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    The statistical mechanics of quantum-classical systems with holonomic constraints is formulated rigorously by unifying the classical Dirac bracket and the quantum-classical bracket in matrix form. The resulting Dirac quantum-classical theory, which conserves the holonomic constraints exactly, is then used to formulate time evolution and statistical mechanics. The correct momentum-jump approximation for constrained system arises naturally from this formalism. Finally, in analogy with what was found in the classical case, it is shown that the rigorous linear response function of constrained quantum-classical systems contains non-trivial additional terms which are absent in the response of unconstrained systems.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Lagrangian Variational Framework for Boundary Value Problems

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    A boundary value problem is commonly associated with constraints imposed on a system at its boundary. We advance here an alternative point of view treating the system as interacting "boundary" and "interior" subsystems. This view is implemented through a Lagrangian framework that allows to account for (i) a variety of forces including dissipative acting at the boundary; (ii) a multitude of features of interactions between the boundary and the interior fields when the boundary fields may differ from the boundary limit of the interior fields; (iii) detailed pictures of the energy distribution and its flow; (iv) linear and nonlinear effects. We provide a number of elucidating examples of the structured boundary and its interactions with the system interior. We also show that the proposed approach covers the well known boundary value problems.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figure

    Dimensional analysis and Rutherford Scattering

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    Dimensional analysis, and in particular the Buckingham Π\Pi theorem is widely used in fluid mechanics. In this article we obtain an expression for the impact parameter from Buckingham's theorem and we compare our result with Rutherford's original discovery found in the early twentieth century

    A BPS Interpretation of Shape Invariance

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    We show that shape invariance appears when a quantum mechanical model is invariant under a centrally extended superalgebra endowed with an additional symmetry generator, which we dub the shift operator. The familiar mathematical and physical results of shape invariance then arise from the BPS structure associated with this shift operator. The shift operator also ensures that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the energy levels of such a model and the energies of the BPS-saturating states. These findings thus provide a more comprehensive algebraic setting for understanding shape invariance.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    On Observing Top Quark Production at the Tevatron

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    A technique for separating top quark production from Standard Model background events is introduced. It is applicable to the channel in which one top quark decays semi-leptonically and its anti-quark decays hadronically into three jets, or vice versa. The method is shown to discriminate dramatically between Monte Carlo generated events with and without simulated top quarks of mass around 120 GeV and above. The simulations were performed with CDF detector characteristics incorporated, showing that the method is applicable to existing data.Comment: 8 pages, TUFTS-TH-92-G01 (Two minor TeX mistakes corrected
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