159 research outputs found

    Microtiming patterns and interactions with musical properties in Samba music

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    In this study, we focus on the interaction between microtiming patterns and several musical properties: intensity, meter and spectral characteristics. The data-set of 106 musical audio excerpts is processed by means of an auditory model and then divided into several spectral regions and metric levels. The resulting segments are described in terms of their musical properties, over which patterns of peak positions and their intensities are sought. A clustering algorithm is used to systematize the process of pattern detection. The results confirm previously reported anticipations of the third and fourth semiquavers in a beat. We also argue that these patterns of microtiming deviations interact with different profiles of intensities that change according to the metrical structure and spectral characteristics. In particular, we suggest two new findings: (i) a small delay of microtiming positions at the lower end of the spectrum on the first semiquaver of each beat and (ii) systematic forms of accelerando and ritardando at a microtiming level covering two-beat and four-beat phrases. The results demonstrate the importance of multidimensional interactions with timing aspects of music. However, more research is needed in order to find proper representations for rhythm and microtiming aspects in such contexts

    Clinical and Pathological Findings in SARS-CoV-2 Disease Outbreaks in Farmed Mink (Neovison vison)

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    SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, caused respiratory disease outbreaks with increased mortality in 4 mink farms in the Netherlands. The most striking postmortem finding was an acute interstitial pneumonia, which was found in nearly all examined mink that died at the peak of the outbreaks. Acute alveolar damage was a consistent histopathological finding in mink that died with pneumonia. SARS-CoV-2 infections were confirmed by detection of viral RNA in throat swabs and by immunohistochemical detection of viral antigen in nasal conchae, trachea, and lung. Clinically, the outbreaks lasted for about 4 weeks but some animals were still polymerase chain reaction–positive for SARS-CoV-2 in throat swabs after clinical signs had disappeared. This is the first report of the clinical and pathological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in mink farms

    Music production and its role in coalition signaling during foraging contexts in a hunter-gatherer society

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    Music is a cultural activity universally present in all human societies. Several hypotheses have been formulated to understand the possible origins of music and the reasons for its emergence. Here, we test two hypotheses: (1) the coalition signaling hypothesis which posits that music could have emerged as a tool to signal cooperative intent and signal strength of alliances and (2) music as a strategy to deter potential predators. In addition, we further explore the link between tactile cues and the propensity of mothers to sing toward infants. For this, we investigated the singing behaviors of hunter-gatherer mothers during daily foraging trips among the Mbendjele BaYaka in the Republic of the Congo. Although singing is a significant component of their daily activities, such as when walking in the forest or collecting food sources, studies on human music production in hunter-gatherer societies are mostly conducted during their ritual ceremonies. In this study, we collected foraging and singing behavioral data of mothers by using focal follows of five BaYaka women during their foraging trips in the forest. In accordance with our predictions for the coalition signaling hypothesis, women were more likely to sing when present in large groups, especially when group members were less familiar. However, predictions of the predation deterrence hypothesis were not supported as the interaction between group size and distance from the village did not have a significant effect on the likelihood of singing. The latter may be due to limited variation in predation risk in the foraging areas, because of the intense bush meat trade, and hence, future studies should include foraging areas with higher densities of wild animals. Lastly, we found that mothers were more likely to sing when they were carrying infants compared to when infants were close, but carried by others, supporting the prediction that touch plays an important prerequisite role in musical interaction between the mother and child. Our study provides important insight into the role of music as a tool in displaying the intent between or within groups to strengthen potentially conflict-free alliances during joint foraging activities

    Direct and indirect mechanisms behind successful biomanipulation

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    Lake Vesijärvi is a relatively large (length 25 km; total area 110 km2), shallow (mean depth 6 m), but stratified lake in southern Finland. The Enonselkä basin (26 km2), surrounded by the city of Lahti, received its sewage effluent, and changed from a clear water basin with flourishing fisheries from the 1940–50s to one of the most eutrophic lake systems in Finland thereafter. In 1976, the sewage effluent was diverted, resulting in a temporary recovery of water quality. However, in the 1980s, massive surface scums of cyanobacteria degraded the water quality and arrested the recovery of the lake. A restoration strategy providing an ecologically sound basis for the management of the lake was initiated in 1987. This strategy involved biomanipulation (mass removal of coarse fish) together with conventional pollution control measures on discharges to the lake. Biomanipulation was chosen instead of much more expensive chemical and/or technical methods, such as chemical treatment or dredging of the profundal sediment. The large-scale biomanipulation trial was carried out in the Enonselkä basin during 1989–93. Following the mass removal of coarse fish (1000 metric tons of fish; mainly roach and smelt), the biomass of cyanobacteria collapsed concomitantly with a decline of total phosphorus concentration from 45 to 35 mg P m3, and with an increase of Secchi depth from 1 m to 3.5 m. These observed improvements in the water quality were matched with a large decline in roach-mediated phosphorus movement from littoral to pelagial, from 100 mg P m2 in 1989 t

    A structural explanation for the binding of endocytic dileucine motifs by the AP2 complex.

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    Most transmembrane proteins are selected as transport-vesicle cargo through the recognition of short, linear amino-acid motifs in their cytoplasmic portions by vesicle coat proteins. For clathrin-coated vesicles, the motifs are recognized by clathrin adaptors. The AP2 adaptor complex (subunits α, β2, μ2 and σ2) recognizes both major endocytic motifs: YxxΦ motifs1 (where Φ can be F, I, L, M or V) and [ED]xxxL[LI] acidic dileucine motifs. Here we describe the binding of AP2 to the endocytic dileucine motif from CD4 (ref. 2). The major recognition events are the two leucine residues binding in hydrophobic pockets on σ2. The hydrophilic residue four residues upstream from the first leucine sits on a positively charged patch made from residues on the σ2 and α subunits. Mutations in key residues inhibit the binding of AP2 to ‘acidic dileucine’ motifs displayed in liposomes containing phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate, but do not affect binding to YxxΦ motifs through μ2. In the ‘inactive’ AP2 core structure3 both motif-binding sites are blocked by different parts of the β2 subunit. To allow a dileucine motif to bind, the β2 amino terminus is displaced and becomes disordered; however, in this structure the YxxΦ-binding site on μ2 remains blocked.D.J.O., B.T.K. and S.E.M. are funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to D.J.O. S.H. and K.S. are supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB635 and SFB670)

    Temporal regularity of the environment drives time perception

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    It’s reasonable to assume that a regularly paced sequence should be perceived as regular, but here we show that perceived regularity depends on the context in which the sequence is embedded. We presented one group of participants with perceptually regularly paced sequences, and another group of participants with mostly irregularly paced sequences (75% irregular, 25% regular). The timing of the final stimulus in each sequence could be varied. In one experiment, we asked whether the last stimulus was regular or not. We found that participants exposed to an irregular environment frequently reported perfectly regularly paced stimuli to be irregular. In a second experiment, we asked participants to judge whether the final stimulus was presented before or after a flash. In this way, we were able to determine distortions in temporal perception as changes in the timing necessary for the sound and the flash to be perceived synchronous. We found that within a regular context, the perceived timing of deviant last stimuli changed so that the relative anisochrony appeared to be perceptually decreased. In the irregular context, the perceived timing of irregular stimuli following a regular sequence was not affected. These observations suggest that humans use temporal expectations to evaluate the regularity of sequences and that expectations are combined with sensory stimuli to adapt perceived timing to follow the statistics of the environment. Expectations can be seen as a-priori probabilities on which perceived timing of stimuli depend

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in farmed minks, the Netherlands, April and May 2020

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    Respiratory disease and increased mortality occurred in minks on two farms in the Netherlands, with interstitial pneumonia and SARS-CoV-2 RNA in organ and swab samples. On both farms, at least one worker had coronavirus disease-associated symptoms before the outbreak. Variations in mink-derived viral genomes showed between-mink transmission and no infection link between the farms. Inhalable dust contained viral RNA, indicating possible exposure of workers. One worker is assumed to have attracted the virus from mink