65 research outputs found

    Performances of the UNDERground SEISmic array for the analysis of seismicity in Central Italy

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    This paper presents the first results from the operation of a dense seismic array deployed in the underground Physics Laboratories at Gran Sasso (Central Italy). The array consists of 13 short-period, three-component seismometers with an aperture of about 550 m and average sensor spacing of 90 m. The reduced sensor spacing, joined to the spatially-white character of the background noise allows for quick and reliable detection of coherent wavefront arrivals even under very poor SNR conditions. We apply high-resolution frequency-slowness and polarization analyses to a set of 27 earthquakes recorded between November, 2002, and September, 2003, at epicentral distances spanning the 20-140 km interval. We locate these events using inversion of P- and S-wave backazimuths and S-P delay times, and compare the results with data from the Centralized National Seismic Network catalog. For the case of S-wave, the discrepancies among the two set of locations never exceed 10 km; the largest errors are instead observed for the case of P-waves. This observation may be due to the fact that the small array aperture does not allow for robust assessment of waves propagating at high apparent velocities. This information is discussed with special reference to the directions of future studies aimed at elucidating the location of seismogenetic structures in Central Italy from extended analysis of the micro-seismicity

    Slow earthquakes and low frequency tremor along the Apennines, Italy

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    This paper reviews the main observations on slow earthquakes and low frequency tremor made along the Apennines, the main seismic active zone of Italy. These observations have been made using a geodetic interferometer system operating since 1994 in the underground tunnel of Gran Sasso, central Italy, and an underground seismic array (UNDERSEIS) operating since 2002 in the same environment. The observations made in recent years indicate that both phenomena are quite rare and apparently uncorrelated. Slow earthquakes, mainly recorded in 1997 and occasionally later, have probably been caused by the activity of a shallow fault system located near the interferometers. Until now only one tremor episode characterized by low frequency content and duration of several hours has been detected in January 2004, without any correlations with the occurrence of slow or regular earthquakes. The signal to noise ratio of this event is very low, but the results of our detailed analysis show that its frequency contents and wave field characteristics are compatible with a low frequency non volcanic tremor

    Performances of the UNDERground SEISmic array for the analysis of seismicity in Central Italy

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    This paper presents the first results from the operation of a dense seismic array deployed in the underground Physics Laboratories at Gran Sasso (Central Italy). The array consists of 13 short-period, three-component seis- mometers with an aperture of about 550 m and average sensor spacing of 90 m. The reduced sensor spacing, joined to the spatially-white character of the background noise allows for quick and reliable detection of coher- ent wavefront arrivals even under very poor SNR conditions. We apply high-resolution frequency-slowness and polarization analyses to a set of 27 earthquakes recorded between November, 2002, and September, 2003, at epi- central distances spanning the 20-140 km interval. We locate these events using inversion of P- and S-wave back- azimuths and S-P delay times, and compare the results with data from the Centralized National Seismic Network catalog. For the case of S-wave, the discrepancies among the two set of locations never exceed 10 km; the largest errors are instead observed for the case of P-waves. This observation may be due to the fact that the small array aperture does not allow for robust assessment of waves propagating at high apparent velocities. This informa- tion is discussed with special reference to the directions of future studies aimed at elucidating the location of seismogenetic structures in Central Italy from extended analysis of the micro-seismicity

    Jornada de reflexión sobre derecho ambiental : 2008

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    Los trabajos que presentamos en esta oportunidad son de variada temática y textura. Se ha privilegiado -como es tradición de las Jornadas- la libertad y espontaneidad de expresión en la percepción de los problemas ambientales a la conectividad o a la compactación de exposiciones en temáticas conexas. Creemos que ello favorece la frescura de las motivaciones y la llaneza de los tratamientos, generando comentarios más abiertos y enriquecedores entre los participantes.publishedVersionDrnas de Clément, Zlata. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Bellotti, Mirta Liliana. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Galván, Susana B. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Mathieu, Esther. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Campo, Cristina del. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Consigli, Rafael E.. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Juliá, Marta Susana. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Salas, Graciela R. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Listoffsky, Adriana. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Morales Lamberti, Alicia. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Medina de Bolleta, Lidia. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Ponte Iglesias, María Teresa. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Rosenberg, Gloria. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Sticca, María Alejandra. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Torres, Patricia. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Assenza, Conrado. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina.Tronca, Graciela L. Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba; Argentina

    Esserte madri a Parma oggi

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    Si tratta di una ricerca condotta su un campione rappresentativo di madri parmiggiane con figli dai 6 ai 14 anni. La ricerca indaga le loro strategie quotidiane per conciliare gli impegni di cura con quelli lavorativi. Particolare rilevanza \ue8 data alla analisi delle reti di sostegno delle madri e al loro "budget time"

    Essere madri a Parma, oggi: tempi di vita, risorse del ciclo di vita familiare, strategie educative per i figli e percezione del futuro, in una citt\ue0 ad alto sviluppo socio-economico

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    La pubblicazione presenta un'indagine campionaria condotta nell'ambito del "Laboratorio per le politiche familiari", promosso dal Comune di Parma in collaborazione con il Forum delle Associazioni Familiari

    Il ruolo del capitale sociale nel mediare fra esperienza associativa ed impegno civico.

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    Viene rivista la tesi Tocqueville-Putnam che afferma l'esistenza di una relazione positiva diretta fra esperienza associativa, capitale sociale civico e impegno civico. tale correlazione certamente esiste, ma non \ue8 detto che un elevato capitale sociale generalizzato implichi un elevato impegno civico, e viceversa. ci\uf2 dimostra che si tratta di due concetti diversi. Occorre tenere distinte la dimensione del far far parte di associazioni e la cultura civica. Esposizione e commento, da parte dell'unit\ue0 di ricerca dell'Universit\ue0 di Bologna, dei risultati di una ricerca empirica Prin 2005-07, dal titolo omonimo (coordinata a livello nazionale e locale da P. Donati