3,405 research outputs found

    Kisspeptin receptor on the sperm surface reflects epididymal maturation in the dog

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    Alongside the well-known central modulatory role, the Kisspeptin system, comprising Kiss1, its cleavage products (Kisspeptins), and Kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1R), was found to regulate gonadal functions in vertebrates; however, its functional role in the male gamete and its localization during maturation have been poorly understood. The present study analyzed Kisspeptin system in dog testis and spermatozoa recovered from different segments of the epididymis, with focus on Kiss1R on sperm surface alongside the maturation during epididymal transit, demonstrated by modification in sperm kinetic, morphology, and protamination. The proteins Kiss1 and Kiss1R were detected in dog testis. The receptor Kiss1R only was detected in total protein extracts from epididymis spermatozoa, whereas dot blot revealed Kiss1 immunoreactivity in the epidydimal fluid. An increase of the Kiss1R protein on sperm surface along the length of the epididymis, with spermatozoa in the tail showing plasma membrane integrity and Kiss1R protein (p < 0.05 vs. epididymis head and body) was observed by flow cytometry and further confirmed by epifluorescence microscopy and Western blot carried on sperm membrane preparations. In parallel, during the transit in the epididymis spermatozoa significantly modified their ability to move and the pattern of motility; a progressive increase in protaminization also occurred. In conclusion, Kisspeptin system was detected in dog testis and spermatozoa. Kiss1R trafficking toward plasma membrane along the length of the epididymis and Kiss1 in epididymal fluid suggested a new functional role of the Kisspeptin system in sperm maturation and storage

    The use of nanoencapsulation to decrease human skin irritation caused by capsaicinoids

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    Capsaicin, a topical analgesic used in the treatment of chronic pain, has irritant properties that frequently interrupt its use. In this work, the effect of nanoencapsulation of the main capsaicinoids (capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin) on skin irritation was tested in humans. Skin tolerance of a novel vehicle composed of chitosan hydrogel containing nonloaded nanocapsules (CH-NC) was also evaluated. The chitosan hydrogel containing nanoencapsulated capsaicinoids (CH-NC-CP) did not cause skin irritation, as measured by an erythema probe and on a visual scale, while a formulation containing free capsaicinoids (chitosan gel with hydroalcoholic solution [CH-ET-CP]) and a commercially available capsaicinoids formulation caused skin irritation. Thirty-one percent of volunteers reported slight irritation one hour after application of CH-NC-CP, while moderate (46% [CH-ET-CP] and 23% [commercial product]) and severe (8% [CH-ET-CP] and 69% [commercial product]) irritation were described for the formulations containing free capsaicinoids. When CH-NC was applied to the skin, erythema was not observed and only 8% of volunteers felt slight irritation, which demonstrates the utility of the novel vehicle. A complementary in vitro skin permeation study showed that permeation of capsaicinoids through an epidermal human membrane was reduced but not prevented by nanoencapsulation

    Farelo de soja geneticamente modificado é equivalente aos demais farelo de soja convencionais utilizados em rações para frangos de corte.

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    Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de frangos de corte alimentados com ração contendo farelo de soja evento CV127, geneticamente modificada, tolerante aos herbicidas do grupo químico das Imidazolinonas, tendo como testemunhas os farelos de soja convencionais CONQUISTA, MONSOY 8001 e COODETEC 217

    Biochemical blood analysis along pregnancy in Martina Franca jennies

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    The availability of biochemical blood data specific for the pregnant condition are essential for the correct management of both normal pregnancies and also for the prompt recognition of every abnormality. Because of the lacking knowledge about biochemical blood analysis in the donkey along the entire pregnancy, the study was designed to provide first preliminary data about the values and possible changes of blood alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin (TBIL), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatine-kinase (CK), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CREA), uric acid (UA), amylase (AMY), gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), triglycerides (TRI), cholesterol (CHOL), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), glucose (GLU), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), occurring from the beginning of pregnancy until parturition. The study was performed on 10 Martina Franca healthy jennies with normal pregnancy course and giving birth to mature, healthy and viable foals. Blood samples were collected monthly from the 1st to the 6th month of pregnancy, then twice a month from the 6th to the 9th month and afterwards weekly until parturition. The results showed a significant slight increase of glucose and creatinine in the second quarter of pregnancy and a minor decrease of cholesterol near to parturition, while all the other parameters did not significantly change along pregnancy