579 research outputs found

    Observational evidence for buffeting induced kink waves in solar magnetic elements

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    The role of diffuse photospheric magnetic elements in the energy budget of the upper layers of the Sun's atmosphere has been the recent subject of many studies. This was made possible by the availability of high temporal and spatial resolution observations of the solar photosphere, allowing large numbers of magnetic elements to be tracked to study their dynamics. In this work we exploit a long temporal series of seeing-free magnetograms of the solar photosphere to study the effect of the turbulent convection in the excitation of kink oscillations in magnetic elements. We make use of the empirical mode decomposition technique (EMD) in order to study the transverse oscillations of several magnetic flux tubes. This technique permits the analysis of non-stationary time series like those associated to the horizontal velocities of these flux tubes which are continuously advected and dispersed by granular flows. Our primary findings reveal the excitation of low frequency modes of kink oscillations, which are sub-harmonics of a fundamental mode with a 7.6±0.27.6 \pm 0.2 minute periodicity. These results constitute a strong case for observational proof of the excitation of kink waves by the buffeting of the convection cells in the solar photosphere, and are discussed in light of their possible role in the energy budget of the upper Sun's atmosphere.Comment: A&A accepte

    Magnetic field fluctuation features at Swarm's altitude: a fractal approach

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    The ESA Swarm mission provides a qualitatively new level of observational geomagnetic data, \textbf{which allows us to study the spatial features of magnetic field fluctuations}, capturing their essential characteristics and at the same time establishing a correlation with the dynamics of the systems responsible for the fluctuations. Our study aims to characterize changes in the scaling properties of the geomagnetic field's spatial fluctuations by evaluating the local Hurst exponent, and to construct maps of this index \textbf{at the Swarm's altitude (∼460\sim460 km)}. Since a signal with a larger Hurst exponent is more regular and less erratic than a signal with a smaller one, the maps permit us to localize spatial structures characterized by different scaling properties. This study is an example of the potential of Swarm data to give new insights into ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling; at the same time, it develops new applications where changes in statistical parameters can be used as a local indicator of overall magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling conditions

    On the nonstationarity of the decadal periodicities of the length of day

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    The Earth's rotation rate is not constant, but changes on all observable timescales, from subdaily to decadal and longer. These variations are usually discussed in terms of variations in the length of the day (LoD) and are caused by processes acting within the interior, at the surface and outside of the Earth. Here, we investigate the presence of long-standing decadal variations in yearly LoD data covering the period from 1832 to 2009 by applying the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT). The HHT has been slightly modified here to take into account the uncertainty of LoD values that has changed greatly in time due to the use of different LoD measurement techniques. The LoD time series has been completely decomposed into five intrinsic mode functions (IMF) and a residual trend. The estimation of instantaneous frequencies and related amplitudes of the obtained IMFs has allowed us to compute the Hilbert spectrum that has been used as the starting point for studying and discussing the stationarity of typical LoD timescale stationarity. The obtained results while showing the presence of multiple periodicities also indicate the absence of really stationary periodicities. Therefore, rather than considering the processes taking place in the Earth's core as the result of a superposition of oscillations (i.e. stationary mechanisms) occurring on a discrete number of different timescales, it would be better to think of a superposition of fluctuations that are intermittent in both frequency and amplitude

    On the multi-scale nature of large geomagnetic storms: an empirical mode decomposition analysis

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    Abstract. Complexity and multi-scale are very common properties of several geomagnetic time series. On the other hand, it is amply demonstrated that scaling properties of geomagnetic time series show significant changes depending on the geomagnetic activity level. Here, we study the multi-scale features of some large geomagnetic storms by applying the empirical mode decomposition technique. This method, which is alternative to traditional data analysis and is designed specifically for analyzing nonlinear and nonstationary data, is applied to long time series of Sym-H index relative to periods including large geomagnetic disturbances. The spectral and scaling features of the intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) into which Sym-H time series can be decomposed, as well as those of the Sym-H time series itself, are studied considering different geomagnetic activity levels. The results suggest an increase of dynamical complexity and multi-scale properties for intermediate geomagnetic activity levels

    on the nonstationarity of the decadal periodicities of the length of day

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    Abstract. The Earth's rotation rate is not constant, but changes on all observable timescales, from subdaily to decadal and longer. These variations are usually discussed in terms of variations in the length of the day (LoD) and are caused by processes acting within the interior, at the surface and outside of the Earth. Here, we investigate the presence of long-standing decadal variations in yearly LoD data covering the period from 1832 to 2009 by applying the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT). The HHT has been slightly modified here to take into account the uncertainty of LoD values that has changed greatly in time due to the use of different LoD measurement techniques. The LoD time series has been completely decomposed into five intrinsic mode functions (IMF) and a residual trend. The estimation of instantaneous frequencies and related amplitudes of the obtained IMFs has allowed us to compute the Hilbert spectrum that has been used as the starting point for studying and discussing the stationarity of typical LoD timescale stationarity. The obtained results while showing the presence of multiple periodicities also indicate the absence of really stationary periodicities. Therefore, rather than considering the processes taking place in the Earth's core as the result of a superposition of oscillations (i.e. stationary mechanisms) occurring on a discrete number of different timescales, it would be better to think of a superposition of fluctuations that are intermittent in both frequency and amplitude

    On the multi-scale nature of large geomagnetic storms: an empirical mode decomposition analysis

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    Complexity and multi-scale are very common properties of several geomagnetic time series. On the other hand, it is amply demonstrated that scaling properties of geomagnetic time series show significant changes depending on the geomagnetic activity level. Here, we study the multiscale features of some large geomagnetic storms by applying the empirical mode decomposition technique. This method, which is alternative to traditional data analysis and is designed specifically for analyzing nonlinear and nonstationary data, is applied to long time series of Sym-H index relative to periods including large geomagnetic disturbances. The spectral and scaling features of the intrinsic mode functions(IMFs) into which Sym-H time series can be decomposed, as well as those of the Sym-H time series itself, are studied considering different geomagnetic activity levels. The results suggest an increase of dynamical complexity and multi-scale properties for intermediate geomagnetic activity levels

    Kinetic description of avalanching systems

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    Avalanching systems are treated analytically using the renormalization group (in the self-organized-criticality regime) or mean-field approximation, respectively. The latter describes the state in terms of the mean number of active and passive sites, without addressing the inhomogeneity in their distribution. This paper goes one step further by proposing a kinetic description of avalanching systems making use of the distribution function for clusters of active sites. We illustrate application of the kinetic formalism to a model proposed for the description of the avalanching processes in the reconnecting current sheet of the Earth magnetosphere.Comment: 9 page

    Principal components’ features of mid-latitude geomagnetic daily variation

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    The ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems are responsible of the daily magnetic field changes. Recently, the Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC) technique has been applied to model the physical system responsible of the daily variation of the geomagnetic field, efficiently and accurately (Xu and Kamide, 2004). Indeed, this approach guarantees that the number of parameters used to represent the physical process is small as much as possible, and consequently process control for such system becomes apparent. We focus our present study on the analysis of the hourly means of the magnetic elements H, D and Z recorded at L’Aquila observatory in Italy from 1993 to 2004. We apply to this dataset the NOC technique to reconstruct the 3-dimensional structures of the different ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems which contribute to the geomagnetic daily variations. To support our interpretation in terms of the different ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems, the spectral and statistical features of the timedependent amplitudes associated to the set of natural orthogonal components are analyzed and compared to those of a set of descriptors of the magnetospheric dynamics and solar wind changes

    Intermittency and multifractional Brownian character of geomagnetic time series

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    Abstract. The Earth's magnetosphere exhibits a complex behavior in response to the solar wind conditions. This behavior, which is described in terms of mutifractional Brownian motions, could be the consequence of the occurrence of dynamical phase transitions. On the other hand, it has been shown that the dynamics of the geomagnetic signals is also characterized by intermittency at the smallest temporal scales. Here, we focus on the existence of a possible relationship in the geomagnetic time series between the multifractional Brownian motion character and the occurrence of intermittency. In detail, we investigate the multifractional nature of two long time series of the horizontal intensity of the Earth's magnetic field as measured at L'Aquila Geomagnetic Observatory during two years (2001 and 2008), which correspond to different conditions of solar activity. We propose a possible double origin of the intermittent character of the small-scale magnetic field fluctuations, which is related to both the multifractional nature of the geomagnetic field and the intermittent character of the disturbance level. Our results suggest a more complex nature of the geomagnetic response to solar wind changes than previously thought

    Principal components' features of mid-latitude geomagnetic daily variation

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    Abstract. The ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems are responsible of the daily magnetic field changes. Recently, the Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC) technique has been applied to model the physical system responsible of the daily variation of the geomagnetic field, efficiently and accurately (Xu and Kamide, 2004). Indeed, this approach guarantees that the number of parameters used to represent the physical process is small as much as possible, and consequently process control for such system becomes apparent. We focus our present study on the analysis of the hourly means of the magnetic elements H, D and Z recorded at L'Aquila observatory in Italy from 1993 to 2004. We apply to this dataset the NOC technique to reconstruct the 3-dimensional structures of the different ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems which contribute to the geomagnetic daily variations. To support our interpretation in terms of the different ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems, the spectral and statistical features of the time-dependent amplitudes associated to the set of natural orthogonal components are analyzed and compared to those of a set of descriptors of the magnetospheric dynamics and solar wind changes
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