78 research outputs found

    Mapping Peptidergic Cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM Fits In

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    The bHLH transcription factor DIMMED has been associated with the differentiation of peptidergic cells in Drosophila. However, whether all Drosophila peptidergic cells express DIMM, and the extent to which all DIMM cells are peptidergic, have not been determined. To address these issues, we have mapped DIMM expression in the central nervous system (CNS) and periphery in the late larval stage Drosophila. At 100 hr after egg-laying, DIMM immunosignals are largely congruent with a dimm-promoter reporter (c929-GAL4) and they present a stereotyped pattern of 306 CNS cells and 52 peripheral cells. We assigned positional values for all DIMM CNS cells with respect to reference gene expression patterns, or to patterns of secondary neuroblast lineages. We could assign provisional peptide identities to 68% of DIMM-expressing CNS cells (207/306) and to 73% of DIMM-expressing peripheral cells (38/52) using a panel of 24 markers for Drosophila neuropeptide genes. Furthermore, we found that DIMM co-expression was a prevalent feature within single neuropeptide marker expression patterns. Of the 24 CNS neuropeptide gene patterns we studied, six patterns are >90% DIMM-positive, while 16 of 22 patterns are >40% DIMM-positive. Thus most or all DIMM cells in Drosophila appear to be peptidergic, and many but not all peptidergic cells express DIMM. The co-incidence of DIMM-expression among peptidergic cells is best explained by a hypothesis that DIMM promotes a specific neurosecretory phenotype we term LEAP. LEAP denotes Large cells that display Episodic release of Amidated Peptides

    CRF-Like Diuretic Hormone Negatively Affects Both Feeding and Reproduction in the Desert Locust, Schistocerca gregaria

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    Diuretic hormones (DH) related to the vertebrate Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) have been identified in diverse insect species. In the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, the CRF-like DH (CRF/DH) is localized in the same neurosecretory cells as the Ovary Maturating Parsin (OMP), a neurohormone that stimulates oocyte growth, vitellogenesis and hemolymph ecdysteroid levels in adult female locusts. In this study, we investigated whether CRF-like DH can influence feeding and reproduction in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. We identified two highly similar S. gregaria CRF-like DH precursor cDNAs, each of which also encodes an OMP isoform. Alignment with other insect CRF-like DH precursors shows relatively high conservation of the CRF/DH sequence while the precursor region corresponding to OMP is not well conserved. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR revealed that the precursor transcripts mainly occur in the central nervous system and their highest expression level was observed in the brain. Injection of locust CRF/DH caused a significantly reduced food intake, while RNAi knockdown stimulated food intake. Therefore, our data indicate that CRF-like DH induces satiety. Furthermore, injection of CRF/DH in adult females retarded oocyte growth and caused lower ecdysteroid titers in hemolymph and ovaries, while RNAi knockdown resulted in opposite effects. The observed effects of CRF/DH may be part of a wider repertoire of neurohormonal activities, constituting an integrating control system that affects food intake and excretion, as well as anabolic processes like oocyte growth and ecdysteroidogenesis, following a meal. Our discussion about the functional relationship between CRF/DH and OMP led to the hypothesis that OMP may possibly act as a monitoring peptide that can elicit negative feedback effects

    Neuroarchitecture of Peptidergic Systems in the Larval Ventral Ganglion of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Recent studies on Drosophila melanogaster and other insects have revealed important insights into the functions and evolution of neuropeptide signaling. In contrast, in- and output connections of insect peptidergic circuits are largely unexplored. Existing morphological descriptions typically do not determine the exact spatial location of peptidergic axonal pathways and arborizations within the neuropil, and do not identify peptidergic in- and output compartments. Such information is however fundamental to screen for possible peptidergic network connections, a prerequisite to understand how the CNS controls the activity of peptidergic neurons at the synaptic level. We provide a precise 3D morphological description of peptidergic neurons in the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres of the Drosophila larva based on fasciclin-2 (Fas2) immunopositive tracts as landmarks. Comparing the Fas2 “coordinates” of projections of sensory or other neurons with those of peptidergic neurons, it is possible to identify candidate in- and output connections of specific peptidergic systems. These connections can subsequently be more rigorously tested. By immunolabeling and GAL4-directed expression of marker proteins, we analyzed the projections and compartmentalization of neurons expressing 12 different peptide genes, encoding approximately 75% of the neuropeptides chemically identified within the Drosophila CNS. Results are assembled into standardized plates which provide a guide to identify candidate afferent or target neurons with overlapping projections. In general, we found that putative dendritic compartments of peptidergic neurons are concentrated around the median Fas2 tracts and the terminal plexus. Putative peptide release sites in the ventral nerve cord were also more laterally situated. Our results suggest that i) peptidergic neurons in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord have separated in- and output compartments in specific areas, and ii) volume transmission is a prevailing way of peptidergic communication within the CNS. The data can further be useful to identify colocalized transmitters and receptors, and develop peptidergic neurons as new landmarks

    Neuropeptide Receptor Transcriptome Reveals Unidentified Neuroendocrine Pathways

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    Neuropeptides are an important class of molecules involved in diverse aspects of metazoan development and homeostasis. Insects are ideal model systems to investigate neuropeptide functions, and the major focus of insect neuropeptide research in the last decade has been on the identification of their receptors. Despite these vigorous efforts, receptors for some key neuropeptides in insect development such as prothoracicotropic hormone, eclosion hormone and allatotropin (AT), remain undefined. In this paper, we report the comprehensive cloning of neuropeptide G protein-coupled receptors from the silkworm, Bombyx mori, and systematic analyses of their expression. Based on the expression patterns of orphan receptors, we identified the long-sought receptor for AT, which is thought to stimulate juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the corpora allata (CA). Surprisingly, however, the AT receptor was not highly expressed in the CA, but instead was predominantly transcribed in the corpora cardiaca (CC), an organ adjacent to the CA. Indeed, by using a reverse-physiological approach, we purified and characterized novel allatoregulatory peptides produced in AT receptor-expressing CC cells, which may indirectly mediate AT activity on the CA. All of the above findings confirm the effectiveness of a systematic analysis of the receptor transcriptome, not only in characterizing orphan receptors, but also in identifying novel players and hidden mechanisms in important biological processes. This work illustrates how using a combinatorial approach employing bioinformatic, molecular, biochemical and physiological methods can help solve recalcitrant problems in neuropeptide research

    Effect of maternal supplementation with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid on metabolic and endocrine development in neonatal calves.

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    We tested the hypothesis that the maternal supply of essential fatty acids (EFA), especially α-linolenic acid, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), affects glucose metabolism, the endocrine regulation of energy metabolism and growth, and the intestinal development of neonatal calves. We studied calves from dams that received an abomasal infusion of 76 g/d coconut oil (CTRL; n = 9), 78 g/d linseed oil and 4 g/d safflower oil (EFA; n = 9), 38 g/d Lutalin (BASF SE) containing 27% cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 CLA (CLA; n = 9), or a combination of EFA and CLA (EFA+CLA; n = 11) during the last 63 d of gestation and early lactation. Calves received colostrum and transition milk from their own dam for the first 5 d of life. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, leptin, and adiponectin concentrations were measured in milk. Blood samples were taken before first colostrum intake, 24 h after birth, and from d 3 to 5 of life before morning feeding to measure metabolic and endocrine traits in plasma. On d 3 of life, energy expenditure was evaluated by a bolus injection of NaH13CO3 and determination of CO2 appearance rate. On d 4, additional blood samples were taken to evaluate glucose first-pass uptake and 13CO2 enrichment after [13C6]-glucose feeding and intravenous [6,6-2H2]-glucose bolus injection, as well as postprandial changes in glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin, and glucagon. On d 5, calves were killed 2 h after feeding and samples of small intestinal mucosa were taken for histomorphometric measurements. The concentrations of IGF-I, adiponectin, and leptin in milk decreased during early lactation in all groups, and the concentrations of leptin in first colostrum was higher in EFA than in CTRL cows. Plasma glucose concentration before first colostrum intake was higher in EFA calves than in non-EFA calves and was lower in CLA calves than in non-CLA calves. Plasma IGF-I concentration was higher on d 1 before colostrum intake in EFA calves than in EFA+CLA calves and indicated an overall CLA effect, with lower plasma IGF-I in CLA than in non-CLA calves. Postprandial NEFA concentration was lowest in EFA and CLA calves. The postprandial rise in plasma insulin was higher in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Plasma adiponectin concentration increased from d 1 to d 2 in all groups and was higher on d 3 in CLA than in non-CLA calves. Plasma leptin concentration was higher on d 4 and 5 in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Maternal fatty acid treatment did not affect energy expenditure and first-pass glucose uptake, but glucose uptake on d 4 was faster in EFA than in non-EFA calves. Crypt depth was lower, and the ratio of villus height to crypt depth was higher in the ilea of CLA than non-CLA calves. Elevated plasma glucose and IGF-I in EFA calves immediately after birth may indicate an improved energetic status in calves when dams are supplemented with EFA. Maternal EFA and CLA supplementation influenced postprandial metabolic changes and affected factors related to the neonatal insulin response