1,634 research outputs found

    Whole-genome shotgun sequence assembly enables rapid gene characterization in the tropical fish barramundi, Lates calcarifer

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    [Extract] Source description: Barramundi, Lates calcarifer, is a commercially important fish farmed throughout Australia and South-East Asia. Despite an increasing availability of genetic resources for the species (e.g. microsatellite and SNP markers, linkage and BAC-based maps and transcriptomic assemblies), the complete characterization of genes is still reliant on laborious molecular methods (e.g. genome walking/RACE PCR cloning/Sanger sequencing)

    Gene flow and genetic structure in Nile perch, Lates niloticus, from African freshwater rivers and lakes

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    Background Geological evolution of the African continent has been subject to complex processes including uplift, volcanism, desert formation and tectonic rifting. This complex geology has created substantial biogeographical barriers, and coupled with anthropogenic introductions of freshwater fishes, has influenced the genetic diversity, connectivity and sub-structuring of the teleost fauna. Nile perch, Lates niloticus, is an iconic fish in Africa and is of high commercial importance, both in the species' native range and where it has been translocated. However, the species is in decline and there is a need to understand its population genetic structure to facilitate sustainable management of the fishery and aquaculture development. Methodology Nile perch tissue samples were acquired from two West and four East (Lakes; Albert, Kyoga, Victoria and Turkana) African locations. Nineteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to study the genetic variation among populations across regions (West and East Africa), as well as between native and introduced environments within East Africa. Principal findings and their significance Results revealed strong and significant genetic structuring among populations across the sampled distribution (divergence across regions, FCT = 0.26, P = 0.000). STRUCTURE analysis at a broad scale revealed K = 2 clusters, the West African individuals were assigned to one cluster, while all individuals from the East African region, regardless of whether native or introduced, were assigned to another cluster. The distinct genetic clusters identified in the current study between the West and East African Nile perch, appear to have been maintained by presence of biogeographic barriers and restricted gene flow between the two regions. Therefore, any translocations of Nile perch should be carefully considered across the regions of West and East Africa. Further analysis at a regional scale revealed further structuring of up to K = 3 genetic clusters in East African Nile perch. Significantly (P < 0.05) lower genetic diversity based on analysis of allelic richness (AR) was obtained for the two translocated populations of Lake Kyoga (AR = 3.61) and Lake Victoria (AR = 3.52), compared to Nile perch populations from their putative origins of Lakes Albert (AR = 4.12) and Turkana (AR = 4.43). The lower genetic diversity in the translocated populations may be an indication of previous bottlenecks and may also indicate a difficulty for these populations to persist and adapt to climatic changes and anthropogenic pressures that are currently present in the East African region

    Genome-wide comparisons reveal evidence for a species complex in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Bivalvia: Pteriidae)

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    Evolutionary relationships in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera which is highly valued for pearl production remain poorly understood. This species possesses an 18,000 km Indo-Pacific natural distribution, and its current description includes six subspecies defined exclusively on morphological characters. To evaluate its taxonomic identity using molecular data, 14 populations in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans (n = 69), and the congeneric taxa P. maxima and P. mazatlanica (n = 29 and n = 10, respectively) were sampled. Phylogenomic reconstruction was carried out using both 8,308 genome-wide SNPs and 10,000 dominant loci (DArTseq PAVs). Reconstructions using neighbour-joining (Nei’s 1972 distances), maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches all indicate that the taxonomy of P. margaritifera is quite complex, with distinct evolutionary significant units (ESUs) identified within Tanzanian and Iranian populations. Contrastingly, phylogenies generated for Pacific Ocean oysters resolved a large monophyletic clade, suggesting little support for two current morphological subspecies classifications. Furthermore, P. mazatlanica formed a basal clade closest to French Polynesian P. margaritifera, suggesting it may be conspecific. Collectively, these findings provide evidence that P. margaritifera comprises a species complex, perhaps as a result of population fragmentation and increased divergence at range limits

    Conservation genomics reveals fine-scale population structuring and recent declines in the Critically Endangered Australian Kuranda Treefrog

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    The Kuranda Treefrog occurs in tropical north-east Australia and is listed as Critically Endangered due to its small distribution and population size, with observed declines due to drought and human-associated impacts to habitat. Field surveys identified marked population declines in the mid-2000s, culminating in very low abundance at most sites in 2005 and 2006, followed by limited recovery. Here, samples from before (2001–2004) and after (2007–2009) this decline were analysed using 7132 neutral genome-wide SNPs to assess genetic connectivity among breeding sites, genetic erosion, and effective population size. We found a high level of genetic connectivity among breeding sites, but also structuring between the population at the eastern end of the distribution (Jumrum Creek) versus all other sites. Despite finding no detectable sign of genetic erosion between the two times periods, we observed a marked decrease in effective population size (Ne), from 1720 individuals pre-decline to 818 post-decline. This mirrors the decline detected in the field census data, but the magnitude of the decline suggested by the genetic data is greater. We conclude that the current effective population size for the Kuranda Treefrog remains around 800 adults, split equally between Jumrum Creek and all other sites combined. The Jumrum Creek habitat requires formal protection. Connectivity among all other sites must be maintained and improved through continued replanting of rainforest, and it is imperative that impacts to stream flow and water quality are carefully managed to maintain or increase population sizes and prevent genetic erosion

    Microbiome diversity and composition varies across body areas in a freshwater turtle

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    There is increasing recognition that microbiomes are important for host health and ecology, and understanding host microbiomes is important for planning appropriate conservation strategies. However, microbiome data are lacking for many taxa, including turtles. To further our understanding of the interactions between aquatic microbiomes and their hosts, we used next generation sequencing technology to examine the microbiomes of the Krefft's river turtle (Emydura macquarii krefftii). We examined the microbiomes of the buccal (oral) cavity, skin on the head, parts of the shell with macroalgae and parts of the shell without macroalgae. Bacteria in the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the most common in most samples (particularly buccal samples), but Cyanobacteria, Deinococcus-thermus and Chloroflexi were also common (particularly in external microbiomes). We found significant differences in community composition among each body area, as well as significant differences among individuals. The buccal cavity had lower bacterial richness and evenness than any of the external microbiomes, and it had many amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) with a low relative abundance compared to other body areas. Nevertheless, the buccal cavity also had the most unique ASVs. Parts of the shell with and without algae also had different microbiomes, with particularly obvious differences in the relative abundances of the families Methylomonaceae, Saprospiraceae and Nostocaceae. This study provides novel, baseline information about the external microbiomes of turtles and is a first step in understanding their ecological roles

    Comparing genomic signatures of selection between the Abbassa Strain and eight wild populations of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Egypt

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    Domestication to captive rearing conditions, along with targeted selective breeding have genetic consequences that vary from those in wild environments. Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most translocated and farmed aquaculture species globally, farmed throughout Asia, North and South America, and its African native range. In Egypt, a breeding program established the Abbassa Strain of Nile tilapia (AS) in 2002 based on local broodstock sourced from the Nile River. The AS has been intensively selected for growth and has gone through genetic bottlenecks which have likely shifted levels and composition of genetic diversity within the strain. Consequently, there are questions on the possible genetic impact AS escapees may have on endemic populations of Nile tilapia. However, to date there have been no genetic studies comparing genetic changes in the domesticated AS to local wild populations. This study used 9,827 genome-wide SNPs to investigate population genetic structure and signatures of selection in the AS (generations 9–11) and eight wild Nile tilapia populations from Egypt. SNP analyses identified two major genetic clusters (captive and wild populations), with wild populations showing evidence of isolation-by-distance among the Nile Delta and upstream riverine populations. Between genetic clusters, approximately 6.9% of SNPs were identified as outliers with outliers identified on all 22 O. niloticus chromosomes. A lack of localized outlier clustering on the genome suggests that no genes of major effect were presently detected. The AS has retained high levels of genetic diversity (Ho_All = 0.21 ± 0.01; He_All = 0.23 ± 0.01) when compared to wild populations (Ho_All = 0.18 ± 0.01; He_All = 0.17 ± 0.01) after 11 years of domestication and selective breeding. Additionally, 565 SNPs were unique within the AS line. While these private SNPs may be due to domestication signals or founder effects, it is suspected that introgression with blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) has occurred. This study highlights the importance of understanding the effects of domestication in addition to wild population structure to inform future management and dissemination decisions. Furthermore, by conducting a baseline genetic study of wild populations prior to the dissemination of a domestic line, the effects of aquaculture on these populations can be monitored over time

    SNP data reveals the complex and diverse evolutionary history of the blue-ringed octopus genus (Octopodidae: Hapalochlaena) in the Asia-Pacific

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    The blue-ringed octopus species complex (Hapalochlaena spp.), known to occur from Southern Australia to Japan, currently contains four formally described species (Hapalochlaena maculosa, Hapalochlaena fasciata, Hapalochlaena lunulata and Hapalochlaena nierstraszi). These species are distinguished based on morphological characters (iridescent blue rings and/or lines) along with reproductive strategies. However, the observation of greater morphological diversity than previously captured by the current taxonomic framework indicates that a revision is required. To examine species boundaries within the genus we used mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [COI], cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 [COIII] and cytochrome b [Cytb]) and genome-wide SNP data (DaRT seq) from specimens collected across its geographic range including variations in depth from 3 m to >100 m. This investigation indicates substantially greater species diversity present within the genus Hapalochlaena than is currently described. We identified 10,346 SNPs across all locations, which when analysed support a minimum of 11 distinct clades. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial COI gene on a more limited sample set dates the diversification of the genus to ∼30 mya and corroborates eight of the lineages indicated by the SNP analyses. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the diagnostic lined patterning of H. fasciata found in North Pacific waters and NSW, Australia is polyphyletic and therefore likely the result of convergent evolution. Several “deep water” (>100 m) lineages were also identified in this study with genetic convergence likely to be driven by external selective pressures. Examination of morphological traits, currently being undertaken in a parallel morphological study, is required to describe additional species within the complex

    Validation of the Patient-Doctor-Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9) in a representative cross-sectional German population survey

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    The patient-doctor relationship (PDR) as perceived by the patient is an important concept in primary care and psychotherapy. The PDR Questionnaire (PDRQ-9) provides a brief measure of the therapeutic aspects of the PDR in primary care. We assessed the internal and external validity of the German version of the PDRQ-9 in a representative cross-sectional German population survey that included 2,275 persons aged≥14 years who reported consulting with a primary care physician (PCP). The acceptance of the German version of this questionnaire was good. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the PRDQ-9 was unidimensional. The internal reliability (Cronbach's α) of the total score was .95. The corrected item-total correlations were≥.94. The mean satisfaction index of persons with a probable depressive disorder was lower than that of persons without a probable depressive disorder, indicating good discriminative concurrent criterion validity. The correlation coefficient between satisfaction with PDR and satisfaction with pain therapy was r = .51 in 489 persons who reported chronic pain, indicating good convergent validity. Despite the limitation of low variance in the PDRQ-9 total scores, the results indicate that the German version of the PDRQ-9 is a brief questionnaire with good psychometric properties to assess German patients' perceived therapeutic alliance with PCPs in public health research

    Genomic selection in aquaculture: application, limitations and opportunities with special reference to marine shrimp and pearl oysters

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    Within aquaculture industries, selection based on genomic information (genomic selection) has the profound potential to change genetic improvement programs and production systems. Genomic selection exploits the use of realized genomic relationships among individuals and information from genome-wide markers in close linkage disequilibrium with genes of biological and economic importance. We discuss the technical advances, practical requirements, and commercial applications that have made genomic selection feasible in a range of aquaculture industries, with a particular focus on molluscs (pearl oysters, Pinctada maxima) and marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon). The use of low-cost genome sequencing has enabled cost-effective genotyping on a large scale and is of particular value for species without a reference genome or access to commercial genotyping arrays. We highlight the pitfalls and offer the solutions to the genotyping by sequencing approach and the building of appropriate genetic resources to undertake genomic selection from first-hand experience. We describe the potential to capture large-scale commercial phenotypes based on image analysis and artificial intelligence through machine learning, as inputs for calculation of genomic breeding values. The application of genomic selection over traditional aquatic breeding programs offers significant advantages through being able to accurately predict complex polygenic traits including disease resistance; increasing rates of genetic gain; minimizing inbreeding; and negating potential limiting effects of genotype by environment interactions. Further practical advantages of genomic selection through the use of large-scale communal mating and rearing systems are highlighted, as well as presenting rate-limiting steps that impact on attaining maximum benefits from adopting genomic selection. Genomic selection is now at the tipping point where commercial applications can be readily adopted and offer significant short- and long-term solutions to sustainable and profitable aquaculture industries