257 research outputs found

    Impact of ethanol containing gasoline blends on emissions from a flex-fuel vehicle tested over the Worldwide Harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC)

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    AbstractRegulated and unregulated emissions from a Euro 5a flex-fuel vehicle tested with nine different hydrous and anhydrous ethanol containing fuel blends at 23 and −7°C over the World harmonized Light-duty vehicle Test Cycle and the New European Driving Cycle, were investigated at the Vehicle Emission Laboratory at the European Commission Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy. The experimental results showed no differences on the regulated and unregulated emissions when hydrous ethanol blends were used instead of anhydrous ethanol blends. The use of E85 and E75 blends (gasoline containing 85% and 75% of ethanol, respectively) resulted in a reduction of NOx emissions (30–55%) but increased the emissions of carbon monoxide, methane, carbonyls and ethanol compared to E5, E10 and E15 blends (gasoline containing 5%, 10% and 15% of ethanol, respectively). The increase of the acetaldehyde and ethanol emissions (up to 120% and 350% at 23°C and up to 400% and 390% at −7°C, for acetaldehyde and ethanol, respectively) caused a severe increment of the ozone formation potential. Most of the studied pollutants presented similar emission factors during the tests performed with E10 and E15 blends. The emission factors of most unregulated compounds were lower over the NEDC (with ammonia as an exception) than over the WLTC. However, when taking into consideration only the cold start emissions, emission factors over the WLTC were observed to be higher, or similar, to those obtained over the NEDC. Low ambient temperature caused an increase of the emissions of all studied compounds with all tested blends

    Distribution of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone in a patient with acute myocardial infarction after intravenous administration

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    The autopsy tissues concentration of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone of a man with acute myocardial infarction treated acutely with intravenous amiodarone is reported. Our data indicate that amiodarone is quickly distributed into all highly perfused tissues after intravenous administration with a high amiodarone/desethylamiodarone ratio. We also report here the autopsy case of a woman who died after 30 days of oral therapy with amiodarone. The increase in heart/plasma ratio of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone concentrations and the decrease in amiodarone/desethylamiodarone ratio after one month of therapy could explain the latency in the antiarrhythmic action of the drug

    Flunisolide Decreases Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Nitrotyrosine Levels in Asthmatic Children

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    Background. Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) has been reported to be elevated in the oxidative stress involved in asthmatic patients, and the reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with superoxide anions results in the formation of nitrotyrosine. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of inhaled steroid treatment on nitrotyrosine levels collected by exhaled breath condensate (EBC) and on FeNO. Methods. This was a single-blind placebo-controlled study. The lung function, FeNO, and nitrotyrosine levels were evaluated in 10 asthmatic children. Results. The nitrotyrosine levels were stable during the placebo period (T0 = 1.16 ng/ml versus T1 = 1.05 ng/ml; NS.), whereas they decreased after the treatment with flunisolide (T2 = 1.14 ng/ml versus T3 = 0.88 ng/ml; P < .001). No significant reduction in FeNO levels was observed after placebo treatment (T0 = 38.4 ppb versus T1 = 34.7 ppb, NS.). In contrast, FeNO values decreased significantly being at T3 = 14.9 ppb (T1 versus T3; P = .024). Conclusions. This study shows that corticosteroid treatment reduces nitrotyrosine levels in EBC of asthmatic subjects

    Intuitionistc probability and the Bayesian objection to dogmatism

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    Given a few assumptions, the probability of a conjunction is raised, and the probability of its negation is lowered, by conditionalising upon one of the conjuncts. This simple result appears to bring Bayesian confirmation theory into tension with the prominent dogmatist view of perceptual justification – a tension often portrayed as a kind of ‘Bayesian objection’ to dogmatism. In a recent paper, David Jehle and Brian Weatherson observe that, while this crucial result holds within classical probability theory, it fails within intuitionistic probability theory. They conclude that the dogmatist who is willing to take intuitionistic logic seriously can make a convincing reply to the Bayesian objection. In this paper, I argue that this conclusion is premature – the Bayesian objection can survive the transition from classical to intuitionistic probability, albeit in a slightly altered form. I shall conclude with some general thoughts about what the Bayesian objection to dogmatism does and doesn’t show

    Two-stroke scooters are a dominant source of air pollution in many cities.

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    Fossil fuel-powered vehicles emit significant particulate matter, for example, black carbon and primary organic aerosol, and produce secondary organic aerosol. Here we quantify secondary organic aerosol production from two-stroke scooters. Cars and trucks, particularly diesel vehicles, are thought to be the main vehicular pollution sources. This needs re-thinking, as we show that elevated particulate matter levels can be a consequence of 'asymmetric pollution' from two-stroke scooters, vehicles that constitute a small fraction of the fleet, but can dominate urban vehicular pollution through organic aerosol and aromatic emission factors up to thousands of times higher than from other vehicle classes. Further, we demonstrate that oxidation processes producing secondary organic aerosol from vehicle exhaust also form potentially toxic 'reactive oxygen species'.This work was supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO), the Swiss National Science Foundation (Ambizione PZ00P2_131673, SAPMAV 200021_13016), the EU commission (FP7, COFUND: PSI-Fellow, grant agreement n.° 290605), the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME, Grant number 1162C00O2) and the Velux Foundation.This is the accepted manuscript version. The final version is available from http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140513/ncomms4749/full/ncomms4749.html

    Anti-ganglioside antibodies : experience from the Italian Association of Neuroimmunology external quality assessment scheme

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    Anti-ganglioside antibodies are currently used in the differential diagnosis of suspected immune-mediated neuropathies. In-house and increasingly used commercial assays seem to perform suboptimally, and comparative information on their analytical performance are essentially lacking. Born within the frame of guidelines and standardization activities by the Italian Association of Neuroimmunology, this external quality assessment scheme (EQAS) is a real-life snapshot of the laboratory diagnostics in this field. The EQAS consisted of five surplus, anonymized serum samples from patients with clinically-defined neuropathies and two serum samples from healthy blood donors. Eight laboratories used commercial line-/dot-blots, seven in-house/commercial ELISAs (in addition, 13 laboratories tested a recently released ELISA by B\ufchlmann). Only high anti-ganglioside antibody reactivities were considered, in accordance with consolidated recommendations. Large variations in anti-ganglioside antibody profiles were observed, even, although to a lesser extent, within homogeneous classes of assays. Concordance between the profiles and clinical phenotypes was also partial. Although conducted on a relatively small, but representative number of Italian laboratories, this EQAS shows a critical between-laboratory disagreement in the test results of anti-ganglioside antibodies. Also considering the trend for using certified assays in generalist laboratories, strong efforts toward standardization and the identification of the best method(s) for their determinations are compellingly needed

    Chronic complications in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: prevalence and related metabolic and clinical features: the Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 9

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    INTRODUCTION: We explored the presence of chronic complications in subjects with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes referred to the Verona Diabetes Clinic. Metabolic (insulin secretion and sensitivity) and clinical features associated with complications were also investigated.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The comprehensive assessment of microvascular and macrovascular complications included detailed medical history, resting ECG, ultrasonography of carotid and lower limb arteries, quantitative neurological evaluation, cardiovascular autonomic tests, ophthalmoscopy, kidney function tests. Insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function were assessed by state-of-the-art techniques (insulin clamp and mathematical modeling of glucose/C-peptide curves during oral glucose tolerance test).RESULTS: We examined 806 patients (median age years, two-thirds males), of whom prior clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) was revealed in 11.2% and preclinical CVD in 7.7%. Somatic neuropathy was found in 21.2% and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in 18.6%. Retinopathy was observed in 4.9% (background 4.2%, proliferative 0.7%). Chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate &lt;60mL/min/1.73 m2) was found in 8.8% and excessive albuminuria in 13.2% (microalbuminuria 11.9%, macroalbuminuria 1.3%).Isolated microvascular disease occurred in 30.8%, isolated macrovascular disease in 9.3%, a combination of both in 9.1%, any complication in 49.2% and no complications in 50.8%.Gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hemoglobin A1c and/or hypertension were independently associated with one or more complications. Insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction were associated with macrovascular but not microvascular disease.CONCLUSIONS: Despite a generally earlier diagnosis for an increased awareness of the disease, as many as ~50% of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes had clinical or preclinical manifestations of microvascular and/or macrovascular disease. Insulin resistance might play an independent role in macrovascular disease.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01526720

    Losing Confidence in Luminosity

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    A mental state is luminous if, whenever an agent is in that state, they are in a position to know that they are. Following Timothy Williamson’s Knowledge and Its Limits, a wave of recent work has explored whether there are any non-trivial luminous mental states. A version of Williamson’s anti-luminosity appeals to a safety- theoretic principle connecting knowledge and confidence: if an agent knows p, then p is true in any nearby scenario where she has a similar level of confidence in p. However, the relevant notion of confidence is relatively underexplored. This paper develops a precise theory of confidence: an agent’s degree of confidence in p is the objective chance they will rely on p in practical reasoning. This theory of confidence is then used to critically evaluate the anti-luminosity argument, leading to the surprising conclusion that although there are strong reasons for thinking that luminosity does not obtain, they are quite different from those the existing literature has considered. In particular, we show that once the notion of confidence is properly understood, the failure of luminosity follows from the assumption that knowledge requires high confidence, and does not require any kind of safety principle as a premis