35 research outputs found

    Gambaran Penggunaan Bahan Tumpatan Di Rumah Sakit Gigi Dan Mulut Pspdg Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat Tahun 2015

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    GAMBARAN PENGGUNAAN BAHAN TUMPATAN DI RUMAH SAKIT GIGI DAN MULUT PSPDG FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNSRAT TAHUN 2015 Practissa R. Wigati1), Damajanty H. C. Pangemanan1), Wulan G. Parengkuan1) 1) Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Dental filling use to restore the function of the teeth in the mouth by stopping the caries process and keep the pulp in order to stay vital and healthy. Some of filling material which was used at Unsrat Dental Hospital, such of composites resin which have good esthetic, amalgam have strength and cost relatively cheap, and GIC have a low vitality against acid. The purpose of this study was to know about used of dental filling material at Unsrat Dental Hospital on year 2015. This was a descriptive retrospective study. Population used from all patients medical records who come to Unsrat Dental Hospital for restorative treatment on 2015. Sampling was chosen with total sampling. Total amount of sample according to inclusion and exclusion criteria consist to 189 medical record. Result study showed that restorative treatment from patients at Unsrat Dental Hospital on year 2015 a total of 409. Patients that where recorded on medical record amounted to 189 patients, whereas the lost medical records amounted to 220 patients. Data that was used on this study from the medical record consist of 189 sample data. Result showed that majority sample (52,91%) using amalgam fillings. Keywords: material dental filling, amalgam, GIC, resin composite ABSTRAK Tumpatan adalah mengembalikan fungsi gigi dalam mulut dengan jalan menghentikan proses karies dan menjaga pulpa agar tetap vital dan sehat. Beberapa bahan tumpatan yang dipakai di RSGM Unsrat, yaitu resin komposit mempunyai estetik yang baik, amalgam mempunyai kekuatan dan harganya yang relatif murah, dan GIC memiliki daya tahan rendah terhadap kondisi yang asam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan bahan tumpatan di RSGM Unsrat pada tahun 2015. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif retrospektif. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu seluruh kartu rekam medik pasien yang datang untuk melakukan penumpatan di RSGM Unsrat pada tahun 2015. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling. Besar sampel pada penelitian ini setelah melihat kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi menjadi 189 sampel rekam medik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan penumpatan pada daftar kunjungan pasien di RSGM Unsrat pada tahun 2015 berjumlah 409 pasien. Pasien yang tercatat dalam kartu rekam medik berjumlah 189 pasien, sedangkan kartu rekam medik yang hilang berjumlah 220 pasien. Data penelitian yang didapat dari catatan kartu rekam medik yaitu 189 sampel data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (52,91%) menggunakan bahan tumpatan amalgam

    Fenomena Gizi Buruk pada Keluarga dengan Status Ekonomi Baik: sebuah Studi Tentang Negative Deviance di Indonesia

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    Negative defaviance is a term as the oposite condition of positive deviance that has been used to described the performance regarding health, growth and development of certain children in the community and family. From the perspective of young child nutrition, negative deviants are children who grow and develop insufficiency in good or high income families. This condition was cased by poor child care practice due to low educated mother or low exposure of health and nutrition education, and may caused by tradition and beliefs relating to food preparation, anda also feeding techniques. This paper will discuss some aspects of negative deviance such as the definition of negative defiance, epidemilogical aspect and also prevention aspects.Key words: negative defiance, undernutrition, under five years childre

    Hubungan Karakteristik, Pengetahuan, dan Sikap, dengan Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Penggunaan Anti Nyamuk di Kelurahan Kutowinangun

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    . There are various selections of household insecticides in the community. So far socialization on appropriate method of using household insecticide has never been undertaken. The majority of heterogenous community of Kutowinangun village have the habit of using household insecticide. Based on this condition the problem of the study is how community behaves in relation to the use of household insecticide. The aim of study was to describe community behavior include knowledge, attitude and their practice in the use of household insecticide . The study used descriptive analytical. method to identify community behavior was done by closed questionnaire. Population of the study were community of Kutowinangun village, Salatiga Municipality whereas samples were taken using quota sampling technique. Information on community behavior was obtained quantitatively and qualitatively. Out of 100 respondents, only 72 respondents that use of mosquito repellent. Users of aerosol insecticides were 28%, repellent insecticide 8%, Mosquito coils were 36% and electric mat insecticide were 42%. Knowledge of respondents was 62% is adequate; but only 36% had supportive attitude toward the use of mosquito repellent. Users of household insecticides sometimes read the label of mosquito repellent package (58 %) at the frequency of spray once a day (36.3%). Most of them did not wash their hand after using household insecticide (54%), and they were kept insecticide on the floor (> 40%). Knowledge and attitudes influence peoples behavior with a p value 40%). Pengetahuan dan Sikap berpengaruh terhadap perilaku masyarakat dengan p value < 0.05. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Praktik, insektisida rumah tangg

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Likuiditas, Leverage, dan Profitabilitas terhadap Luas Pengungkapan

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    This research is a study that tested the effect of firm size, liquidity, leverage and profitability with agency theory perspective. Basic need for financial statement disclosure practices by management to shareholders described inagency theory. Firm size, liquidity, leverage and profitability will determine the extent of disclosure. In this research, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling and obtain a sample of 62 companies. Thecompany's data and then tested with normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. The results showed normal data and avoid the classical assumption violations. Subsequent analysis is the use ofmultiple linear regression to explain the influence between these variables. The result is a positive firm size is not significant, liquidity and leverage significant negative effect. While significant positive effect on theprofitability of Mandatory Disclosure. Thus the higher profitability will increase broad disclosure

    Pendekatan Sustainable Livelihood Framework Dalam Rangka Membongkar Dominasi Tengkulak Melalui Kegiatan Keagamaan: Study Kasus Pada Pendampingan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Par 2012 Di Desa Luworo Kecamatan Pilang Kenceng Kabupaten Madiun

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    Kondisi masyarakat yang terpasung oleh kondisi geografis dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam penyediaan infrastruktur transportasi menyebabkan distribusi produksi pertanian terhambat. Masyarakat mengandalkan jasa tengkulak dan peng-Ijon dalam menjual produk pertanian. Kesempatan untuk bisa mendapatkan nilai jual hasil pertanian tinggi menjadi sulit. Apa dan bagaimana potensi, kerentanan dan proses dukungan kebijakan di Desa Luworo bisa mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap tengkulak dan ijon melalui kegiatan berbasis keagamaan?Untuk mengetahui persoalan tersebut kami menggunakan pendekatan SLF dengan empat variable analisis yaitu : analisis potensi dan akses sumber daya, analisa kerentanan dan kapasitas, analisa kebijakan, kelembagaan dan proses, serta melihat sejauh mana pengaruh global/pasar terhadap kerentanan masyarakat. Dari pendekatan Sustainable livelihood framework yang dikombinasi dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang berbasis budaya mendapatkan hasil yang sangat positif. Pendekatan keagaman mampu meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan sebaliknya pemberdayaan masyarakat mampu meningkatkan kehidupan beragama masyarakat desa Luworo

    Suitability Analysis Between Expectations and Reality of Employee From Organizational Aspect at Bulu Lor Public Health Center in Semarang

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    Background; At the health center Bulu Lor Semarang was obtained employees dissatisfaction to leadership, compensation, work environment, promotion opportunities, and supervision. The purpose of this study was to determine the fit between the expectations and reality of employee's job satisfaction in the organizational aspects of the health center Bulu Lor Semarang. Method; This research is an observational method and cross sectional survey. The research aspects were leadership, compensation, work environment, promotion opportunities, and supervision. The sample was civil servant who works in the health center of Bulu Lor Semarang totaling 17 people. The instrument in this study was using questionnaire that given twice, the first are expectations and the second are reality. Analysis of the research data was using Importance- Performance Analysis by Cartesian Diagram. Result; The results showed the level of suitability between expectation and reality employees are leadership 89.95%, compensation 82.82%, work environment 76,47%, promotion opportunities 86.59%, and supervision 84.50%. Summary of Cartesian diagram analysis shows that work environment needs to be fixed and there are aspects to maintain; compensation and leadership. Conclusions; It can be concluded that characteristics of the respondents in the health center of Semarang Bulu Lor percentage are, 58.8% Early Adult (26-35 years), 82.4% female, 82.4% are highly educated (D3, D4, S1), 76.5% period the new work is less than 10 years, and each as much as 17.6% holding positions as doctors, Sanitarian, Nurse, Administrative staff, The level of suitability between expectation and reality employees are leadership 89.95%, compensation 82.82%, work environment 76,47%, promotion opportunities 86.59%, and supervision 84.50%. Summary of Cartesian diagram analysis shows that work environment needs to be fixed and aspects to maintain are compensation and leadershi


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    Illiteracy is the basis of human knowledge. By reading humans can improve their quality. The purpose of this community service activity is to establish a Community Learning House (RBK) to the illiterate community in Yabema village, Elelim District, Yalimo Regency, so that the community is able to read, write and count. The activity method consists of six stages, namely problem identification, planning process, projection, assessment, evaluation, and monitoring. The results achieved from the community empowerment program through Community Learning Centers (RBK) for the illiterate community in Yabema Village have a significant influence in motivating participants, increasing readiness for learning, increasing the ability of calistung (reading, writing and arithmetic) and communication and enhancing functional skills (for example, can read identity card, write names, and make simple sentences). Keywords: Illiteracy, Community Learning Centers, Yabema, Yalim