228 research outputs found

    Multiple Widespread Blue Nodules: A Clinicopathological Case

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    Glomangiomas are a variant of benign glomus tumours; glomus tumours are benign neoplastic proliferations of the glomus body, which is made up of perivascular smooth muscle cells. This forms arteriovenous anastomoses which play an important role in vascular regulation of skin temperature. The aim of this article is to describe 2 cases of hereditary glomangiomas

    Transition Towards a Green Economy in Europe: Innovation and Knowledge Integration in the Renewable Energy Sector

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    This paper investigates the fragmentation of the EU innovation system in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) by estimating the intensity and direction of knowledge spillovers over the years 1985-2010. We modify the original double exponential knowledge diffusion model proposed by Caballero and Jaffe (1993) to provide information on the degree of integration of EU countries’ RES knowledge bases and to assess how citation patterns changed over time. We show that EU RES inventors have increasingly built “on the shoulders of the other EU giants”, intensifying their citations to other member countries and decreasing those to domestic inventors. Furthermore, the EU strengthened its position as source of RES knowledge for the US. Finally, we show that this pattern is peculiar to RES, with other traditional (i.e. fossil-based) energy technologies and other radically new technologies behaving differently. We provide suggestive, but convincing evidence that such decrease in fragmentation around the turn of the century emerged as a result of the EU increased support for RES taking mainly the form of demand-pull policies

    A Patient-Specific in silico Model of Inflammation and Healing Tested in Acute Vocal Fold Injury

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    The development of personalized medicine is a primary objective of the medical community and increasingly also of funding and registration agencies. Modeling is generally perceived as a key enabling tool to target this goal. Agent-Based Models (ABMs) have previously been used to simulate inflammation at various scales up to the whole-organism level. We extended this approach to the case of a novel, patient-specific ABM that we generated for vocal fold inflammation, with the ultimate goal of identifying individually optimized treatments. ABM simulations reproduced trajectories of inflammatory mediators in laryngeal secretions of individuals subjected to experimental phonotrauma up to 4 hrs post-injury, and predicted the levels of inflammatory mediators 24 hrs post-injury. Subject-specific simulations also predicted different outcomes from behavioral treatment regimens to which subjects had not been exposed. We propose that this translational application of computational modeling could be used to design patient-specific therapies for the larynx, and will serve as a paradigm for future extension to other clinical domains

    Assessment of vocal cord nodules: A case study in speech processing by using Hilbert-Huang Transform

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    Vocal cord nodules represent a pathological condition for which the growth of unnatural masses on vocal folds affects the patients. Among other effects, changes in the vocal cords' overall mass and stiffness alter their vibratory behaviour, thus changing the vocal emission generated by them. This causes dysphonia, i.e. abnormalities in the patients' voice, which can be analysed and inspected via audio signals. However, the evaluation of voice condition through speech processing is not a trivial task, as standard methods based on the Fourier Transform, fail to fit the non-stationary nature of vocal signals. In this study, four audio tracks, provided by a volunteer patient, whose vocal fold nodules have been surgically removed, were analysed using a relatively new technique: the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) via Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD); specifically, by using the CEEMDAN (Complete Ensemble EMD with Adaptive Noise) algorithm. This method has been applied here to speech signals, which were recorded before removal surgery and during convalescence, to investigate specific trends. Possibilities offered by the HHT are exposed, but also some limitations of decomposing the signals into so-called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are highlighted. The results of these preliminary studies are intended to be a basis for the development of new viable alternatives to the softwares currently used for the analysis and evaluation of pathological voice

    Down-Regulated NOD2 by Immunosuppressants in Peripheral Blood Cells in Patients with SLE Reduces the Muramyl Dipeptide-Induced IL-10 Production

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    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors are aberrantly expressed of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, for playing immunopathological roles. basal productions of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) were significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressants compared with HCs. Upon MDP stimulaiton, relative induction (%) of cytokines (IL-1β) from PBMC was significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients with inactive disease, and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressant treatment compared with HCs. Immunosuppressant usage was associated with a decreased basal production and MDP induced relative induction (%) of IL-10 in patients with inactive disease compared with immunosuppressant naïve patients and HCs.Bacterial exposure may increase the NOD2 expression in monocytes in immunosuppressant naïve SLE patients which can subsequently lead to aberrant activation of PBMCs to produce proinflammatory cytokines, implicating the innate immune response for extracellular pathogens in the immunopathological mechanisms in SLE. Immunosuppressant therapy may downregulate NOD2 expression in CD8+ T lymphocytes, monocytes, and DCs in SLE patients which subsequently IL-10 reduction, contributing towards the regulation of immunopathological mechanisms of SLE, at the expense of increasing risk of bacterial infection

    Mechanism of and Threshold Biomechanical Conditions for Falsetto Voice Onset

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    The sound source of a voice is produced by the self-excited oscillation of the vocal folds. In modal voice production, a drastic increase in transglottal pressure after vocal fold closure works as a driving force that develops self-excitation. Another type of vocal fold oscillation with less pronounced glottal closure observed in falsetto voice production has been accounted for by the mucosal wave theory. The classical theory assumes a quasi-steady flow, and the expected driving force onto the vocal folds under wavelike motion is derived from the Bernoulli effect. However, wavelike motion is not always observed during falsetto voice production. More importantly, the application of the quasi-steady assumption to a falsetto voice with a fundamental frequency of several hundred hertz is unsupported by experiments. These considerations suggested that the mechanism of falsetto voice onset may be essentially different from that explained by the mucosal wave theory. In this paper, an alternative mechanism is submitted that explains how self-excitation reminiscent of the falsetto voice could be produced independent of the glottal closure and wavelike motion. This new explanation is derived through analytical procedures by employing only general unsteady equations of motion for flow and solids. The analysis demonstrated that a convective acceleration of a flow induced by rapid wall movement functions as a negative damping force, leading to the self-excitation of the vocal folds. The critical subglottal pressure and volume flow are expressed as functions of vocal fold biomechanical properties, geometry, and voice fundamental frequency. The analytically derived conditions are qualitatively and quantitatively reasonable in view of reported measurement data of the thresholds required for falsetto voice onset. Understanding of the voice onset mechanism and the explicit mathematical descriptions of thresholds would be beneficial for the diagnosis and treatment of voice diseases and the development of artificial vocal folds