51 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan perbankan syari‟ah di Indonesia demikian pesat yang ditandai dengan berdirinya Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Perkembangan ini berimplikasi pada besarnya tantangan perbankan syari‟ah di Indonesia terutama dalam mempertahankan identitasnya sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip syari‟ah. Sejak berdirinya perbankan syariah,berbagai kontroversi muncul dari masyarakat, masalah yang paling banyak disorot adalah pelekatan label syariah pada institusi keuangan Islam yang masih dianggap belum layak. Keraguan masyarakat tersebut seolah terjawab dengan munculnya kasus yang cukup menggemparkan yakni kasus fraud (tindak kecurangan) yang terjadi di lembaga syariah. Bank Muamalat Indonesia merupakan bank syari‟ah pertama yang muncul dengan gagasan bank murni syari‟ah. Akan tetapi, bank Muamalat Indonesia juga tak luput dari kasus fraud yang dilakukan oleh karyawan bank tersebut. Berdasarkan Laporan Tahunan BMI menyebutkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kasus fraud dari tahun sebelumnya yang berjumlah 18 kasus menjadi 82 kasus pada tahun 2016. Padahal perusahaan yang menggunakan identitas syariah seharusnya dapat lebih meminimalisir bahkan meniadakan resiko terjadinya kasus fraud dengan adanya internal control perusahaan. Dari latar belakang tersebut, peneliti berusaha mendalami peran pengawasan Unit Kerja Anti Fraud dalam fraud preventive pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitin pustaka yang bersifat deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun sumber bahan hukum primer yang dipakai yaitu berdasarkan Laporan Tahunan Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tahun 2016. Sedangkan sumber bahan hukum sekunder berupa buku-buku, jurnal,karya ilmiah, artikel, terkait dengan strategi anti fraud perbankan syariah. Dari hasil penelitian dikemukakan bahwa peningkatan kasus fraud yang terjadi pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia disebabkan kurang efektifnya pengawasan Unit Kerja Anti Fraud. Hal ini dikarenakan kegiatan yang dilakukan selama tahun 2016 belum menujukkan adanya usaha preventif terhadap kasus fraud. Sedangkan pencegahan merupakan pilar penting dalam keefektivan sebuah pengawasan. Tujuan perusahaan dalam mencegah fraud dapat tercapai, jika fungsi pengawasan dilakukan sebelum terjadinya penyimpangan-penyimpangan sehingga lebih bersifat mencegah (prefentive control). Oleh karena itu, keefektivan pengawasan Unit Kerja Anti Fraud diharapkan dapat meminimalisir tindak kecurangan demi mewujudkan perusahaan yang patuh terhadap ketentuan syariah sesuai dengan identitas perusahaan. vii Usaha pencegahan terjadinya kasus pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi bukti terlaksananya tatakelola perusahaan (Good Corporate Governance) pada Bank Syari‟ah dengan baik. Hal ini berdasarkan dalam dalam perbankan syariah dikenal adanya prinsip-prinsip syariah yang mendukung bagi terlaksananya prinsip GCG yakni keharusan bagi subjek hukum termasuk bank untuk menerapkan prinsip kejujuran (shiddiq), edukasi kepada masyarakat (tabligh), kepercayaan (amanah), dan pengelolaan secara profesional (fathanah)

    Economies of scale and scope in EC credit institutions

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    Competition versus Efficiency: What drives franchise values in European banking?

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    This paper investigates how stock market investors perceive the impact of market structure and efficiency on the long-run performance potential of European banks. To that end, a modified Tobin’s Q ratio is introduced as a measure of bank franchise value. This measure is applied to discriminate between the Market Structure and Efficient-Structure hypotheses in a coherent forward-looking framework, in which differences in banks’ horizontal and vertical differentiation strategies are controlled for. The results show that banks with better management or production technologies possess a long-run competitive advantage. In addition, bank market concentration does not affect all banks equally. Only the banks with a large market share in a concentrated market are able to generate non-competitive rents. The paper further documents that the forward-looking, long-run perspective and the noise adjustment of the performance measure overcome most of the drawbacks associated with testing these hypotheses in a multi-country set-up. Finally, notwithstanding the international expansion of bank activities, the harmonization of regulation and the macroeconomic convergence in the European Union (EU15), we still find that country-specific macroeconomic variables have a significant impact on bank performance. The findings indicate that there is a trade-off between competition and stability that should be taken into account when assessing mergers or acquisitions.charter value, market power, efficiency, Tobin’s Q, stochastic frontier

    Efficiency Effects of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions

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    Next to technological progress and deregulation, theintroduction of the euro is widely considered to be an importantcatalyst for bank consolidation in Europe. In order to assessthe public policy issues surrounding bank mergers, this paperanalyzes the efficiency effects of 52 horizontal bank mergersover the period 1994-1998, i.e. the period immediately precedingthe start of EMU. We find evidence of substantial unexploitedscale economies and large X-inefficiencies in European banking.The dynamic merger analysis indicates that the cost efficiencyof merging banks is positively affected by the merger, while therelative degree of profit efficiency improves only marginally.We do not find any evidence that merging banks are able toexercise greater market power in the deposit market. Hence, thebank M&As in this study appear to be socially beneficial.

    Value-at-risk prediction using context modeling

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    In financial market risk measurement, Value-at-Risk (VaR) techniques have proven to be a very useful and popular tool. Unfortunately, most VaR estimation models suffer from major drawbacks: the lognormal (Gaussian) modeling of the returns does not take into account the observed fat tail distribution and the non-stationarity of the financial instruments severely limits the efficiency of the VaR predictions. In this paper, we present a new approach to VaR estimation which is based on ideas from the field of information theory and lossless data compression. More specifically, the technique of context modeling is applied to estimate the VaR by conditioning the probability density function on the present context. Tree-structured vector quantization is applied to partition the multi-dimensional state space of both macroeconomic and microeconomic priors into an increasing but limited number of context classes. Each class can be interpreted as a state of aggregation with its own statistical and dynamic behavior, or as a random walk with its own drift and step size. Results on the US S&P500 index, obtained using several evaluation methods, show the strong potential of this approach and prove that it can be applied successfully for, amongst other useful applications, VaR and volatility prediction. The October 1997 crash is indicated in time

    Value-at-risk prediction using context modeling

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