445 research outputs found

    VR safety training for Fab Lab

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    Abstract. With advancements in both hardware and software, virtual reality has become more common in homes, offices and other workplaces. As with all new technologies, it is important to find uses that are best suited for VR. Education and training are the most common professional applications for VR. In this thesis we describe ways that VR has been utilized by others, and introduce an application developed by us to display the possibilities brought by VR. We developed an application to teach safe behaviour when using a laser cutter, to aid in the education of new users of a Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab). The application was built using Unity3D game engine for the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, and was tested in an evaluation by staff at the University of Oulu Fab Lab. There were four test users in total, all of them with limited experience using VR. A member of our team was there to guide them in the use of the application. After the evaluation was complete, the participants answered a questionnaire containing multiple-choice and open questions. From the evaluation with the staff and questionnaire responses, it was concluded that the application was a mixed success with positive feedback but caused VR sickness in many. In addition, the evaluation resulted in suggestions for improvements from the users. We had planned to add other features, which were not possible to include due to the tight schedule. The application showed a lot of potential for future improvement such as including other machinery and features located in the Fab Lab such as 3D Printers and vinyl cutters for safety training.VR turvallisuuskoulutus Fab Lab-ympäristöön. Tiivistelmä. Tietokonelaitteistojen ja ohjelmistojen kehittyessä virtuaalitodellisuudesta on tullut tavallisempaa kodeissa, toimistoissa ja työpaikoilla. Uusien teknologioiden, kuten VR:n, ilmaantuessa on tärkeää löytää käyttökohteita, jotka parhaiten hyödyntävät kyseistä teknologiaa. Tässä työssä kerromme tavoista joilla muut ovat hyödyntäneet VR:ää, ja tuomme julki kehittämämme sovelluksen, esittääksemme asioita joita VR mahdollistaa. Kehitimme sovelluksen opettaaksemme turvallisia toimintatapoja laserleikkuria käytettäessä, helpottaaksemme uusien Fabrication Laboratoryn(Fab Lab) käyttäjiä. Sovellus on kehitetty Oculus Quest 2 -VR-laseille käyyttäen Unity3D pelimoottoria, ja sitä on testannut Fab Labin henkilökunta. Testikäyttäjiä oli neljä, ja heillä kaikilla oli hierman kokemusta VR:n käytöstä. Yksi ryhmämme jäsenistä oli mukana testaustilanteessa, opastamassa sovelluksen käyttöä. Käyttäjätestauksen jälkeen testaajat vastasivat kyselyyn jossa oli monivalinta- sekä avoimia kysymyksiä. Käyttäjätestauksesta ja kyselyn vastauksista tulkiten sovelluksen menestys oli keskinkertainen. Käyttäjät antoivat positiivista palautetta ja ehdotuksia sovelluksen kehittämiseen, mutta käytöstä aiheutui pahoinvointia useille. Tarkoituksenamme oli kehittää enemmän toiminnallisuutta, mutta rajoitteena oli tiukka aikataulu. Sovelluksella on paljon potentiaalia turvallisuusopetuksen laajentamiseksi, ja siihen voisi lisätä muita Fab Labissa sijaitsevia laitteita, kuten 3D-tulostimia ja vinyylileikkurin

    Lähestyykö tyypin 1 diabeteksen ehkäisy – mitä kertoo DIPP?

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    Analyses of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T cells and observations from peripheral T cell subpopulation markers during the development of type 1 diabetes in children

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    Our aim was to study whether the aberrant amount or function of regulatory T cells is related to the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children. We also set out to investigate the balance of different T cell subtype markers during the T1D autoimmune process. Treg cells were quantified with flow cytometric assay, and the suppression capacity was analysed with a carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-based T cell suppression assay in children in various phases of T1D disease process and in healthy autoantibody-negative control children. The mRNA expression of different T cell subpopulation markers was analysed with real-time qPCR method. The proportion and suppression capacity of regulatory T cells were similar in seroconverted children at an early stage of beta cell autoimmunity and also in children with T1D when compared to healthy and autoantibody-negative children. Significant differences were observed in the mRNA expression of different T cell subpopulation markers in prediabetic children with multiple (2) autoantibodies and in children with newly diagnosed T1D when compared to the control children. In conclusion, there were no quantitative or functional differences in regulatory T cells between the case and control groups in any phase of the autoimmune process. Decreased mRNA expression levels of T cell subtype markers were observed in children with multiple islet autoantibodies and in those with newly diagnosed T1D, probably reflecting an exhaustion of the immune system after the strong immune activation during the autoimmune process or a generally aberrant immune response related to the progression of the disease.Peer reviewe

    Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: Effect of prospective studies with newborn genetic screening and follow up of risk children

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    We studied the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a region where newborn infants have since 1995 been recruited for genetic screening for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-conferred disease susceptibility and prospective follow up. The aim was to study whether participation in newborn screening and follow up affected the frequency of DKA, and to follow the time trends in DKA frequency. We first included children born in Oulu University Hospital since 1995 when the prospective studies have been ongoing and diagnosed with T1D <15 years by 2015 (study cohort 1, n = 517). Secondly, we included all children diagnosed with T1D <15 years in this center during 2002-2014 (study cohort 2, n = 579). Children who had an increased genetic risk for T1D and participated in prospective follow up had low frequency of DKA at diagnosis (5.0%). DKA was present in 22.7% of patients not screened for genetic risk, 26.7% of those who were screened but had not an increased risk and 23.4% of children with increased genetic risk but who were not followed up. In study cohort 2 the overall frequency of DKA was 18.5% (13.0% in children <5 years, 14.0% in children 5-10 years and 28.6% in children 10 years at diagnosis; P<.001). In children <2 years the frequency of DKA was 17.1%. Participation in prospective follow-up studies reduces the frequency of DKA in children at diagnosis of T1D, but genetic screening alone does not decrease DKA risk

    Predictors of long-term change in adult cognitive performance: systematic review and data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

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    Objective: Several social life events and challenges have an impact on cognitive development. Our goal was to analyze the predictors of change in cognitive performance in early midlife in a general population sample. Additionally, systematic literature review was performed. Method: The study sample was drawn from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 at the ages of 34 and 43 years. Primary school performance, sociodemographic factors and body mass index (BMI) were used to predict change in cognitive performance measured by the California Verbal Learning Test, Visual Object Learning Test, and Abstraction Inhibition and Working Memory task. Analyses were weighted by gender and education, and p-values were corrected for multiple comparisons using Benjamini–Hochberg procedure (B–H). Results: Male gender predicted decrease in episodic memory. Poor school marks of practical subjects, having no children, and increase in BMI were associated with decrease in episodic memory, though non-significantly after B–H. Better school marks, and higher occupational class were associated with preserved performance in visual object learning. Higher vocational education predicted preserved performance in visual object learning test, though non-significantly after B-H. Likewise, having children predicted decreased performance in executive functioning but non-significantly after B-H. Conclusions: Adolescent cognitive ability, change in BMI and several sociodemographic factors appear to predict cognitive changes in early midlife. The key advantage of present study is the exploration of possible predictors of change in cognitive performance among general population in the early midlife, a developmental period that has been earlier overlooked

    Circulating beta cell-specific CD8(+) T cells restricted by high-risk HLA class I molecules show antigen experience in children with and at risk of type 1 diabetes

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    In type 1 diabetes (T1D), autoreactive cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells are implicated in the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells. The HLA-B*3906 and HLA-A*2402 class I genes confer increased risk and promote early disease onset, suggesting that CD8(+) T cells that recognize peptides presented by these class I molecules on pancreatic beta cells play a pivotal role in the autoimmune response. We examined the frequency and phenotype of circulating preproinsulin (PPI)-specific and insulin B (InsB)-specific CD8(+) T cells in HLA-B*3906(+) children newly diagnosed with T1D and in high-risk HLA-A*2402(+) children before the appearance of disease-specific autoantibodies and before diagnosis of T1D. Antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected using human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I tetramers and flow cytometry was used to assess memory status. In HLA-B*3906(+) children with T1D, we observed an increase in PPI5-12-specific transitional memory CD8(+) T cells compared to non-diabetic, age- and HLA-matched subjects. Furthermore, PPI5-12-specific CD8(+) T cells in HLA-B*3906(+) children with T1D showed a significantly more antigen-experienced phenotype compared to polyclonal CD8(+) T cells. In longitudinal samples from high-risk HLA-A*2402(+) children, the percentage of terminal effector cells within the InsB(15-24)-specific CD8(+) T cells was increased before diagnosis relative to samples taken before the appearance of autoantibodies. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to report HLA-B*3906-restricted autoreactive CD8(+) T cells in T1D. Collectively, our results provide evidence that beta cell-reactive CD8(+) T cells restricted by disease-associated HLA class I molecules display an antigen-experienced phenotype and acquire enhanced effector function during the period leading to clinical diagnosis, implicating these cells in driving disease.Peer reviewe

    Analyses of regulatory CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T cells and observations from peripheral T cell subpopulation markers during the development of type 1 diabetes in children

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    Our aim was to study whether the aberrant amount or function of regulatory T cells is related to the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in children. We also set out to investigate the balance of different T cell subtype markers during the T1D autoimmune process. Treg cells were quantified with flow cytometric assay, and the suppression capacity was analysed with a carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-based T cell suppression assay in children in various phases of T1D disease process and in healthy autoantibody-negative control children. The mRNA expression of different T cell subpopulation markers was analysed with real-time qPCR method. The proportion and suppression capacity of regulatory T cells were similar in seroconverted children at an early stage of beta cell autoimmunity and also in children with T1D when compared to healthy and autoantibody-negative children. Significant differences were observed in the mRNA expression of different T cell subpopulation markers in prediabetic children with multiple (≥2) autoantibodies and in children with newly diagnosed T1D when compared to the control children. In conclusion, there were no quantitative or functional differences in regulatory T cells between the case and control groups in any phase of the autoimmune process. Decreased mRNA expression levels of T cell subtype markers were observed in children with multiple islet autoantibodies and in those with newly diagnosed T1D, probably reflecting an exhaustion of the immune system after the strong immune activation during the autoimmune process or a generally aberrant immune response related to the progression of the disease.</p

    Mortality by diseases and medical conditions in the offspring of parents with severe mental illness

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    PurposeThe lifespan of people with severe mental illness (SMI) is shorter compared to the general population. There might be common familial pathway leading to a high co-occurrence of somatic disorders and SMI. To study this we explored the long-term mortality for natural causes in the offspring of people with SMI.Methods Participants were members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966; N=11,325). The data on cause of deaths of the members were obtained from the Population Register Center until year 2015. The data on hospital-treated psychiatric disorders of parents were obtained from nationwide Care Register for Health Care. Cumulative incidences by age were calculated in the NFBC1966 members having a parent with SMI and those who did not have. We were able to take into account multiple confounders.Results Of the total sample of 11,325 offspring, 853 (7.4%) died during the follow-up period, 74 (8.7%) from the study cohort and 779 (91.3%) from the comparison group. These numbers included 160 stillborn children. There were 557 cases of deaths from diseases and medical conditions and 296 deaths from external causes. The adjusted risk ratio for offspring of mothers with SMI was 1.08 (0.72-1.64), and for offspring of fathers with SMI 0.58 (0.36-0.93).Conclusions This was the first long-term follow-up study (up to age 49) of all-cause mortality in offspring of parents with SMI. Our findings were contrary to expectations. Offspring of parents with SMI had no increased risk for dying. In fact, the risk for dying in the group of offspring of fathers with SMI was lower than in the comparison group. This study does not support the assumption of common familial pathway leading to a high co-occurrence of somatic disorders and SMI.</p

    Simulations of Aerodynamic Damping for MEMS Resonators

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    Aerodynamic damping for MEMS resonators is studied based on the numerical solution of Boltzmann-ESBGK equation. A compact model is then developed based on numerical simulations for a wide range of Knudsen numbers. The damping predictions are compared with both Reynold equation based models and several sets of experimental data. It has been found that the structural damping is dominant at low pressures (high Knudsen numbers). For cases with small length-to-width ratios and large vibration amplitudes, the threedimensionality effects must be taken into account. Finally, an uncertainty quantification approach based on the probability transformation method has been applied to assess the influence of pressure and geometric uncertainties. The output probability density functions (PDF) of the damping ratio has been studied for various input PDF of beam geometry and ambient pressure