330 research outputs found

    La neumografia retroperitonealdirecta frente a otras técnicas radioloógicas de contraste negativo para la visualización del riñón en la especie canina

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    Proponemos el uso de una nueva técnica radiológica para la visualización de los riñones, la neumografia retroperitoneal directa, una técnica sencilla y segura, en la que se obtienen imágenes de gran calidad y que nos permite visualizar selectivamente uno o ambos riñones a partir de un único punto de insuflación. Desarrollarnos un modelo experimental en el que se compara esta técnica con la neumoperitoneografía y la neumografía retroperítoneal presacra, valorando la calidad de las imágenes, el grado de dificultad y la seguridad de las mismas.The use of a new radiological technique for kidneys visualization isproposed, the direct retroperitoneal pneumograpby; an easy and safe technique which gives high qua lity images, visualizing selectively one or both kidneys starting from only one insufflation point. An experimental model of comparison between the direct retroperitoneal pneumograpby, the pneumoperitoneograpby and the pararectal retroperitoneal neumography is carried out; estimating the images qua lity, the difficulty level and the security ofthis techniques

    Irrigation from the Sixties: Flumen-Monegros

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    53 Pags.- Tabls.- Maps.In arid and semiarid areas, agricultural land use is mainly restricted, in the first place, by the availability of water for crop growth. The transformation to irrigation of about 600 000 ha in the Ebro Valley has led to high increases in yield and in diversity of crops. After the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), which was followed by II World War, the Spanish food production system was heavily disrupted and food shortages appeared. This put high pressure on the development of new irrigated schemes which had been planned many years ago. In the Flumen-Monegros area, the technology available in the late fifties was based on flood-irrigation systems, with no previous soil studies, an empirical land evaluation, no control of saltinization risk and, finally, levelling without topsoil preservation. The extension of salinity and/or sodicity-affected soils in the Ebro Valley (IRYDA, 1977) was 200 000 ha, from which 160 000 were located in Aragon, mainly in Bardenas, Cinca and Flumen-Monegros area. But Alberto et al. (1984) reckron this data in 300 000 ha. As a result of these studies, ILACO (1975) designed two experimental drainage plots. Although the existence of salt-affected soils was known, information about the extent, location and general functioning at landscape level of those soils was lacking in the area. Some of the problems related to land use and soil management which are present now in the area or can be expected in the near future are:- Salinity-Sodicity: Diagnosis, monitoring and rehabilitation of salt-affected soils. - Soil structural degradation and surface crust formation. - Need for improved efficiency in water use: irrigation technology, water reuse, ... - Control of drainage-system degradation: open-air drains as well as underground drains. Several approaches at different scales have been adopted to work on these issues. Satellite images have been used to monitor land use and its temporal variability. Classical soil mapping at 1: 100000 level have been performed; in addition various detailed studies have been undertaken in model areas using the electromagnetic and four electrode sensors, micromorphological techniques, scanning electronic microscopy, and land evaluation procedures. The results have been presented in several papers: about salinity-sodicity trends in the Flumen sector (Herrero, 1987); about parameters related to water behaviour (Aragues, 1986); about soil porosity in plough horizons (Rodriguez-Ochoa, 1998); about translocation of solid materials (Rodriguez-Ochoa, et al. 1989; Porta and Rodriguez-Ochoa, 1991; Rodriguez-Ochoa, 1998); about degradation of underground drainage systems by mineral siltation (Herrero et al. 1989; Rodriguez-Ochoa, et al. 1989; Munoz, 1991; RodriguezOchoa, 1998).Other studies performed in the area include: Soil-vegetation relationships (Herrero, 1981); laboratory trials with different amendments in the drainage trench infilling material (Porta et al. 1996); dispersive processes because of soil structural instability (Amezketa and Aragues, 1990; Aragues and Amezketa, 1991; Amezketa and Aragues, 1995) and degradation of the hydraulic conductivity of soils (Amezketa and Aragues, 1989; Aragues and Amezketa, 1991; Amezketa and Aragues, 1995). The trip to the Flumen-Monegros area undertakes some of these points, and the stops are located in some of the main soil units. Discussion will be centered on aspects of soil genesis, classification and mapping, land use and soil conservation.Peer reviewe

    Recuperación e identificación de variedades de vid en Aragón

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    1 copia .pdf del Póster original de los Autores.- 1 Tabl.- 4 Fots. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)A partir de la década de los setenta diferentes circunstancias provocaron que muchas de las zonas más productivas arrancaran las vides antiguas y apostaran por plantaciones de variedades foráneas o distintas de las tradicionales. Conscientes de la pérdida de biodiversidad, desde la Unidad de Tecnología Vegetal (Gobierno de Aragón) se viene prospectando en toda la geografía aragonesa y recopilando accesiones de vid, especialmente en viñas antiguas y a punto de desaparecer. El año 1992 se formó el Banco de Germoplasma de Vid de Aragón (Dep. de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente) que conserva más de 700 accesiones (algunas caracterizadas molecularmente, Buhner-Zaharieva et al., 2010) .Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el INIA (RF2012-00027-C05-02) y el Gobierno de Aragón (A44)Peer reviewe

    The mechanism of vault opening from the high resolution structure of the N-terminal repeats of MVP

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    Vaults are ubiquitous ribonucleoprotein complexes involved in a diversity of cellular processes, including multidrug resistance, transport mechanisms and signal transmission. The vault particle shows a barrel-shaped structure organized in two identical moieties, each consisting of 39 copies of the major vault protein MVP. Earlier data indicated that vault halves can dissociate at acidic pH. The crystal structure of the vault particle solved at 8 Å resolution, together with the 2.1-Å structure of the seven N-terminal domains (R1–R7) of MVP, reveal the interactions governing vault association and provide an explanation for a reversible dissociation induced by low pH. The structural comparison with the recently published 3.5 Å model shows major discrepancies, both in the main chain tracing and in the side chain assignment of the two terminal domains R1 and R2

    Unique crystal structure of a novel surfactant protein from the foam nest of the frog Leptodactylus vastus.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-26T01:01:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cavalcante2014.pdf: 808321 bytes, checksum: a927306da964e003eaa8404a49991b26 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-19bitstream/item/115835/1/cavalcante2014.pd

    Candida bracarensis, an emerging yeast involved in human infections

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    Sir, Invasive candidiasis is an increasingly detected complication in hospitalized adult patients, due to an increase in patients at risk (patients admitted to intensive care units, post-surgical patients, neutropenic and immunosuppressed patients). Non- albicans Candida species have increased in multiple centers and new species are proposed. This is the case of Candida nivariensis and Candida bracarensis that are phylogenetically related with C. glabrata, although with sufficiently genotypically different to justify their assignment as separate species..

    Fragment-based determination of a proteinase K structure from MicroED data using ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER.

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    Structure determination of novel biological macromolecules by X-ray crystallography can be facilitated by the use of small structural fragments, some of only a few residues in length, as effective search models for molecular replacement to overcome the phase problem. Independence from the need for a complete pre-existing model with sequence similarity to the crystallized molecule is the primary appeal of ARCIMBOLDO, a suite of programs which employs this ab initio algorithm for phase determination. Here, the use of ARCIMBOLDO is investigated to overcome the phase problem with the electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM) method known as microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED). The results support the use of the ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER pipeline to provide phasing solutions for a structure of proteinase K from 1.6 Å resolution data using model fragments derived from the structures of proteins sharing a sequence identity of as low as 20%. ARCIMBOLDO_SHREDDER identified the most accurate polyalanine fragments from a set of distantly related sequence homologues. Alternatively, such templates were extracted in spherical volumes and given internal degrees of freedom to refine towards the target structure. Both modes relied on the rotation function in Phaser to identify or refine fragment models and its translation function to place them. Model completion from the placed fragments proceeded through phase combination of partial solutions and/or density modification and main-chain autotracing using SHELXE. The combined set of fragments was sufficient to arrive at a solution that resembled that determined by conventional molecular replacement using the known target structure as a search model. This approach obviates the need for a single, complete and highly accurate search model when phasing MicroED data, and permits the evaluation of large fragment libraries for this purpose

    Parrel, vinífera aragonesa de la depresión del Ebro. Adaptación a terroir semiáridos de cultivo

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    En el marco del proyecto VALOVITIS (Programa POCTEFA 2014-2020) de identificación y evaluación de variedades minoritarias en el Piedemonte Pirenaico, se está trabajando y sometiendo a estudio la variedad PARREL. Tras los resultados obtenidos en sucesivas campañas de vendimia y vinificación semi-industrial, la variedad Parrel destaca como una de las variedades autóctonas de la región de Aragón con mayor potencial para su posterior desarrollo comercial atendiendo a sus propiedades agronómicas, enológicas a su resistencia a enfermedades como el oídio y a su capacidad de adaptación a condiciones climáticas continentales caracterizadas por elevadas oscilaciones térmicas a lo largo del año