1,853 research outputs found

    Soliton attenuation and emergent hydrodynamics in fragile matter

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    Disordered packings of soft grains are fragile mechanical systems that loose rigidity upon lowering the external pressure towards zero. At zero pressure, we find that any infinitesimal strain-impulse propagates initially as a non-linear solitary wave progressively attenuated by disorder. We demonstrate that the particle fluctuations generated by the solitary-wave decay, can be viewed as a granular analogue of temperature. Their presence is manifested by two emergent macroscopic properties absent in the unperturbed granular packing: a finite pressure that scales with the injected energy (akin to a granular temperature) and an anomalous viscosity that arises even when the microscopic mechanisms of energy dissipation are negligible. Consistent with the interpretation of this state as a fluid-like thermalized state, the shear modulus remains zero. Further, we follow in detail the attenuation of the initial solitary wave identifying two distinct regimes : an initial exponential decay, followed by a longer power law decay and suggest simple models to explain these two regimes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figure

    CARE1, a TY3-gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposon in the food legume chickpea (Cicer arietinum L)

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    We report a novel Ty3-gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposon CARE1 (_Cicer arietinum_ retro-element 1) in chickpea. This 5920-bp AT-rich (63%) element carries 723-bp 5' and 897-bp 3' LTRs respectively flanking an internal region of 4300-bp. The LTRs of CARE1 show 93.9% nucleotide identity to each other and have 4-bp (ACTA) terminal inverted repeats. A 17-bp potential tRNAmet primer binding site downstream to 5' LTR and a 13-bp polypurine tract upstream to 3' LTR have been identified. The order of domains (Gag-proteinase-reverse transcriptase-RNaseH-integrase) in the deduced amino acid sequence and phylogenetic tree constructed using reverse transcriptase sequences places CARE1 in the gypsy group of retrotransposons. Homologues of a number of _cis_-elements including CCAAT, TATA and GT-1 have been detected in the regulatory region or the 5' LTR of CARE1. Transgenic tobacco plants containing 5' LTR:GUS construct show that its 5'-LTR is inactive in a heterologous system under normal as well as tissue culture conditions. Genomic Southern blot experiments using 5’LTR of the element as a probe show that CARE1 or its related elements are present in the genomes of various chickpea accessions from various geographic regions

    Characterization and Evaluation of a Rare Orchid Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe from Manipur & Nagaland

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    The orchid Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe is the only species under the genus available in India at Manipur and Nagaland, which is a part of Indo-Burma mega diversity hot-spot. The only collection, NRCO-Coll-77 (1998)/IC 566525 of this species available with us was evaluated and characterized as per 'Common Descriptors of Orchids' developed at this center. Monopodial nature in habit, un-branched raceme with a length of 32.2 cm having attractive dominant red-purple (RHS-60A) flowers and petals coloured grayed orange (RHS-164C) with shade is typical of this species. Broad, lateral sepals with attractive dominant crimson/red purple colour flower having medium-range vase life of 23.7 days, imparts high breeding value to this species for developing new hybrid derivatives

    Optical analysis of RF sputtering plasma through colour characterization

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    © 2019 by the authors. The photometric properties of an radio frequency (RF)-based sputtering plasma source were monitored through optical spectroscopy. The colour of the plasma source was deduced based on conventional chromaticity index analysis and it was compared to the direct spectral data plots of the emission peaks to investigate the possibility of characterising the plasma based on its specific colour and exploring the potential of defining a new method by which the plasma sputtering process can be addressed based on the plasma colour parameters. The intention of this investigation is to evaluate the possibility of simplifying the monitoring and assessment of the sputtering process for applied scientists operating plasma sputter deposition systems. We demonstrate a viable potential for this technique in terms of providing information regarding the stability of the plasma, chamber pressure, and plasma power; however, further work is underway to verify and assess a relationship between the quality of the thin film coating and the colour characteristics of the deposition plasma. Here, we only focus on the feasibility of such an approach and demonstrate interesting observations. We observed a linear relationship between the colour functions and the plasma power, while the stability of the sputtering plasma can be assessed based on the plasma colour functions. The colour functions also follow a unique pattern when the working gas pressure is increased

    On Differential Effects of the Shock Wave in Conducting Fluid

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    The differential effects of the shock wave in conducting fluid have been discussed purely a vector technique. While discussing the vorticity and current density generated behind shock wave, it has been observed that the vorticity depends on the thermodynamical behaviour of the fluid

    Role of sustainomics and external climate forcing mechanism in biodiversity extinction : An overview

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    Over millions of years, physiology and anatomy of the living organisms has been changed due to internal climate forcing mechanism. This has influenced the world wide distribution of species. External climate forcing mechanism has caused rapid rise in earth’s temperature and it is expected to rise by 2-4 °C by the end of the century. It has now been recognised as the most complex problem of present scenario and being concerned in almost every field of science. Climate change is the most sensitive issue which is a challenge not only for the government and society but also for each individual. In the present communication impact of external climate forcing mechanism on biodiversity and its extinction is being analysed and role of sustainomics for the same is overviewed. Studies reveal that the rate of speciation of flora and fauna is not in the accordance with the rate of externally enforced climate change. Thus, the increased rate of climate change has caused catastrophic mass extinction threat for plants, animals and insects in the anthrapocene era. The pattern of extinction and threatened species are not yet known. Various solutions for the problem have been suggested by the multidisciplinary researches, rooted by the sustainomics. These suggestions include to diverge from fossil fuel, to use renewables, to make and apply rules for 3Rs etc. Only cooperative involvement of social, scientific and industrial bodies may resolve the problem

    Assessing the prevalence of various modes of injury and type of malleolar fractures based on Lauge-Hansen classification presenting at a tertiary care center

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    Background: Ankle fractures represent approximately 9% of all fractures and are a common occurrence with an incidence of 138-169 per 100,000 per year. The mechanism of injury differs in terms of mode of injury in various age groups. The Lague-Hansen classification is a pathologic-anatomic classification and emphasizes different stages of ligamentous injury, in addition to the fracture pattern, and provides options for fracture treatment.Methods: A retrospective observational study, where the prevalence of various types of ankle fractures were classified according to the Lauge-Hansen Classification, in the period of 2018 onwards till date. The mode of injury and age group of the patient was also noted.Results: A total of 84 patients were analyzed, supination-external rotation (48.7%) were the most frequently observed fractures in our study population, with no significant correlation between mode of injury and fracture pattern noted. There was a statistically significant association (p<0.05) between the velocity of injury and the age groups suffering ankle trauma.Conclusion: The Lauge-Hansen Classification continues to be an important tool in assessing the biomechanics of ankle fractures and the management options available, especially in a country like India where more expensive imaging modalities may not be available or affordable at times. Our study also highlights that high velocity fractures continue to be a major cause of morbidity in the younger age group, especially in developing countries such as India. Stringent traffic rules and public awareness need to be put into practice to reduce the toll of this problem

    Human Capital and Collegiality in Academic Beehives: Theory and Analysis of European Economics Faculties

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    This study investigates the importance of the quality of human capital investment and collegiality (i.e., good colleagues) in achieving the type of acclaim in economics captured by receipt of the Yrjö Jahnsson Award, arguably the second-most prestigious award that a European economist can receive as recognition of the importance of his or her research endeavors. We provide an economic model as a foundation for both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Our results indicate that four institutions, namely the Toulouse School of Economics, University College London, University of Oxford and the London School of Economics generally rank highest in supporting a position of acclaim among academic economics faculties in Europe

    The Role of r-Modes in Pulsar Spindown, Pulsar Timing and Gravitational Waves

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    Pulsars are fast spinning neutron stars that lose their rotational energy via various processes such as gravitational and magnetic radiation, particle acceleration and mass loss processes. This dissipation can be quantified by a spin-down equation that measures the rate of change of the frequency as a function of the rotational frequency itself. We explore the pulsar spin-down and consider the spin-down equation upto the seventh order in frequency. This seventh order term accounts for energy loss due to the gravitational radiation caused by a current type quadrupole in the pulsar due to r-modes. We derive the rotational frequency due to the r-modes and find a solution in terms of the Lambert function. We also present an analytic exact solution for the period from the spindown equation and numerically verify this for the Crab pulsar. This analysis will be relevant for the detection of continuous gravitational waves by 3G ground based and space based gravitational wave detectors
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