5,537 research outputs found

    A Radial Velocity Study of the Intermediate Polar EX Hydrae

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    A study on the intermediate polar EX Hya is presented, based on simultaneous photometry and high dispersion spectroscopic observations, during four consecutive nights. The strong photometric modulation related to with the 67-min spin period of the primary star is clearly present, as well as the narrow eclipses associated to the orbital modulation. Since our eclipse timings have been obtained almost 91,000 cycles since the last reported observations, we present new linear ephemeris, although we cannot rule out a sinusoidal variation suggested by previous authors. The system mainly shows double-peaked Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta and HeI λ\lambda5876 \AA emission lines. From the profile of the Hα\alpha line, we find two components; one with a steep rise and velocities not larger than ∼\sim1000 km s−1^{-1} and another broader component extending up to ∼\sim2000 km s−1^{-1}, which we interpret as coming mainly from the inner disc. A strong and variable hotspot is found and a stream-like structure is seen at times. We show that the best solution correspond to K1=58±5K_1 = 58 \pm 5 km s−1^{-1} from Hα\alpha, from the two emission components, which are both in phase with the orbital modulation. We remark on a peculiar effect in the radial velocity curve around phase zero, which could be interpreted as a Rositter-MacLaughlin-like effect, which has been taken into account before deriving K1K_1. This value is compatible with the values found in high-resolution both in the ultraviolet and X-ray. We find: M1=0.78±0.03M_{1} = 0.78 \pm 0.03 M⊙_{\odot}, M2=0.10±0.02 M_{2} = 0.10 \pm 0.02 M⊙_{\odot} and a=0.67±0.01a = 0.67 \pm 0.01 R⊙_{\odot}. Doppler Tomography has been applied, to construct six Doppler tomograms for single orbital cycles spanning the four days of observations to support our conclusions. Our results indicate that EX Hya has a well formed disc and that the magnetosphere should extend only to about 3.75 RWD3.75\,R_{\rm{WD}}.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Análisis temporal del combate de judo en competición

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    This study seeks to analyze the temporal structure of combat in judo competition. Therefore, 14 finals of men¿s and women¿s under-23 Spanish Championship were studied. Variables such as time of total work, total and mean rest time, time of total and mean work on the floor, time of total and mean work while standing, the total and mean number of work and rest sequences were analyzed. Among the results that can be highlighted include the significant differences among men and women in mean rest time, and the mean time of standing judo work. This type of analysis tries to contribute different aspects in planning and organizing the practice of judo in a more specific wayEl presente trabajo pretende analizar la estructura temporal del combate de judo de competición. Para ello, se consideraron 14 finales del Campeonato de España sub¿23 tanto en categoría masculina como femenina. En ellas se analizaron variables como tiempo de trabajo total, tiempo de descanso total y medio, tiempo de trabajo total y medio en suelo, tiempo de trabajo total y medio en pie, y el número total y medio de secuencias de trabajo y descanso. Entre los resultados destacan las diferencias significativas entre sexos del tiempo medio de pausa, y el tiempo medio de trabajo de judo pie. Este tipo de análisis intentarán aportar diferentes aspectos para planificar y organizar el entrenamiento de judo de una forma más específic

    Model of dissolution in the framework of tissue engineering and drug delivery

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    Dissolution phenomena are ubiquitously present in biomaterials in many different fields. Despite the advantages of simulation-based design of biomaterials in medical applications, additional efforts are needed to derive reliable models which describe the process of dissolution. A phenomenologically based model, available for simulation of dissolution in biomaterials, is introduced in this paper. The model turns into a set of reaction–diffusion equations implemented in a finite element numerical framework. First, a parametric analysis is conducted in order to explore the role of model parameters on the overall dissolution process. Then, the model is calibrated and validated versus a straightforward but rigorous experimental setup. Results show that the mathematical model macroscopically reproduces the main physicochemical phenomena that take place in the tests, corroborating its usefulness for design of biomaterials in the tissue engineering and drug delivery research areas.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2015-71284-

    Efectos de un programa de actividad física con el método pilates sobre la funcionalidad de mujeres embarazadas. Estudio piloto

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    This study aims to determine the effect of a Pilates programme on functionality in pregnant women; and to analyse its impact on childbirth. A group of 10 pregnant women developed a Pilates program for 8 weeks (2 sessions/week), overall functionality was assessed through functional tests Overhead Squat (OHS), Hurdle Step (HS), Forward Step Down (FSD), Shoulder Mobility (SM) and Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR), as well as the type of subsequent delivery. The results show an improvement in the functionality of the Hurdle test; Forward step down and Shoulder mobility test (p<0.01), as well as a significant decrease in compensation and overall risk of injury after the physical activity programme (p<0.01). In turn, the delivery was healthier. The effects of Pilates on pregnant women offer improvements in overall functionality and a positive effect on childbirth.El presente estudio pretende determinar el efecto de un programa de Pilates sobre la funcionalidad en mujeres gestantes y analizar su repercusión en el parto. Un grupo de 10 mujeres embarazadas desarrollaron un programa de Pilates durante 8 semanas (2 sesiones/semana), se valoró la funcionalidad global a través de los test funcionales Overhead Squat (OHS), Hurdle Step (HS), Forward Step Down (FSD); Shoulder Mobility (SM) y Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR), así como el tipo de parto posterior. Los resultados muestran una mejora de la funcionalidad del Hurdle test, Forward step down  y Shoulder mobility test (p<0,01), así como un descenso significativo de las compensaciones y riesgo de lesión global después del programa de actividad física (p<0,01). A su vez, se tuvo un parto más saludable. Los efectos del Pilates en mujeres embarazadas, ofrecen mejoras en la funcionalidad global y un efecto positivo en el parto

    Influencia del riego deficitario controlado precosecha sobre la calidad de la cereza ´Prime Giant`

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    El uso de redes de sensores para el manejo del riego deficitario controlado (RDC) en cerezo puede incidir en la mejora de la productividad del agua, calidad de la fruta y en su comportamiento poscosecha, al permitir el conocimiento y control del estado hídrico del suelo y árbol en todo momento. En el primer año de ensayo, el riego deficitario aplicado en precosecha para satisfacer el 85% de las necesidades máximas del cultivo (ETcg) permitió un ahorro de agua del 17% (380 m3 ha-1) respecto al tratamiento control, que se regó al 110% de la ETcg. Este déficit hídrico ligero no afectó a la producción (16,13 t ha-1) e incluso mejoró la calidad del fruto. Así, en el momento de la cosecha (t0) los frutos bajo déficit ligero presentaron matices más rojos y mayor acidez que los de riego completo. Esta mayor acidez no afectó al índice de madurez debido a la compensación por sólidos solubles totales (SST). El carácter de mayor acidez perduró tras 30 días de conservación en frio (t1) y 5 días de simulación de las condiciones de comercialización (t2). Igualmente, los frutos bajo déficit hídrico presentaron una tendencia a menores pérdidas de peso por deshidratación a finales de los periodos de conservación en frio y de simulación de la comercialización.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-49047-C2-1
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