975 research outputs found

    The Logical Structure of Consciousness (behavior, personality, rationality, higher order thought, intentionality)

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    After half a century in oblivion, the nature of consciousness is now the hottest topic in the behavioral sciences and philosophy. Beginning with the pioneering work of Ludwig Wittgenstein in the 1930’s (the Blue and Brown Books) and from the 50’s to the present by his logical successor John Searle, I have created the following table as an heuristic for furthering this study. The rows show various aspects or ways of studying and the columns show the involuntary processes and voluntary behaviors comprising the two systems (dual processes) of the Logical Structure of Consciousness (LSC), which can also be regarded as the Logical Structure of Rationality (LSR-Searle), of behavior (LSB), of personality (LSB), of reality (LSOR), of Intentionality (LSI) -the classical philosophical term, the Descriptive Psychology of Consciousness (DPC) , the Descriptive Psychology of Thought (DPT) –or better, the Language of the Descriptive Psychology of Thought (LDPT), terms introduced here and in my other very recent writings. Those wishing a comprehensive up to date framework for human behavior from the modern two systems view may consult my book ‘The Logical Structure of Philosophy, Psychology, Mind and Language in Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle’ 2nd ed (2019). Those interested in more of my writings may see ‘Talking Monkeys--Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet--Articles and Reviews 2006-2019 3rd ed (2019), The Logical Structure of Human Behavior (2019), and Suicidal Utopian Delusions in the 21st Century 4th ed (2019

    Seeing With the Two Systems of Thought—a Review of ‘Seeing Things As They Are: a Theory of Perception’ by John Searle (2015)

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    As so often in philosophy, the title not only lays down the battle line but exposes the author’s biases and mistakes, since whether or not we can make sense of the language game ‘Seeing things as they are’ and whether it’s possible to have a ‘philosophical’ ‘theory of perception’ (which can only be about how the language of perception works), as opposed to a scientific one, which is a theory about how the brain works, are exactly the issues. This is classic Searle—superb and probably at least as good as anyone else can produce, but lacking a full understanding of the fundamental insights of the later Wittgenstein and with no grasp of the two systems of thought framework, which could have made it brilliant. As in his previous work, Searle largely avoids scientism but there are frequent lapses and he does not grasp that the issues are always about language games, a failing he shares with nearly everyone. After providing a framework consisting of a Table of Intentionality based on the two systems of thought and thinking and decision research, I give a detailed analysis of the book. Those wishing a comprehensive up to date framework for human behavior from the modern two systems view may consult my book ‘The Logical Structure of Philosophy, Psychology, Mind and Language in Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle’ 2nd ed (2019). Those interested in more of my writings may see ‘Talking Monkeys--Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet--Articles and Reviews 2006-2019 3rd ed (2019), The Logical Structure of Human Behavior (2019), and Suicidal Utopian Delusions in the 21st Century 4th ed (2019

    Speech Rate Effects on Fluency in a Preschooler with Disordered Phonology

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    Slow rate of speech, a therapy method that falls under the Demands Capacity Model of treatment, is a go to technique for treating children who stutter (Conture, 2001; Franken, 2013; Franken, Kielstra-Van der Schalk, et al., 2005; Gottwald, 2010). However, recent literature has presented the idea that this method may not be as effective when working with children who stutter and have a concomitant phonological disorder (S+DP). The purpose of the present study is to investigate in-depth the case of a four-year-old boy who stutters and who presents with disordered phonology (S+DP), and the effects of a clinician’s rate of speech on facilitating his fluency. Using adjacent utterance pair methodology, this study looks at the relationship between how fast or slow the clinician’s rate of speech is, and whether or not the child stutters or speaks fluently in response. The rates of the clinician’s utterances were calculated in syllables per minute, and a median split comparison was performed to separate the utterances as either fast or slow. The AUP’s were then separated into four groups based on clinician’s rate and child response. A chi-square test for independence provided a non-significant result, suggesting that a slow rate of speech did not facilitate the fluency of this S+DP child. A noteworthy connection between the child participant’s unintelligibility and fluency was also found. These findings support the idea that slow rate does not facilitate fluency in S+DP children, and that further research into this population, as well as effective methods of treatment for them, is necessary

    The Logical Structure of Philosophy, Psychology, Mind and Language as Revealed in the Writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle

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    I provide a critical survey of some of the major findings of Wittgenstein and Searle on the logical structure of intentionality (mind, language, behavior), taking as my starting point Wittgenstein’s fundamental discovery –that all truly ‘philosophical’ problems are the same—confusions about how to use language in a particular context, and so all solutions are the same—looking at how language can be used in the context at issue so that its truth conditions (Conditions of Satisfaction or COS) are clear. The basic problem is that one can say anything but one cannot mean (state clear COS for) any arbitrary utterance and meaning is only possible in a very specific context. I begin with ‘On Certainty’ and continue the analysis of recent writings by and about them from the perspective of the two systems of thought, employing a new table of intentionality and new dual systems nomenclature

    Evaluation of AIS Data for Agronomic and Rangeland Vegetation: Preliminary Results for August 1984 Flight over Nebraska Sandhills Agricultural Laboratory

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    Since 1978 scientists from the Center for Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology at the University of Nebraska have been conducting research at the Sandhills Agricultural Laboratory on the effects of water stress on crop growth, development and yield using remote sensing techniques. We have been working to develop techniques, both remote and ground-based, to monitor water stress, phenological development, leaf area, phytomass production and grain yields of corn, soybeans and sorghum. Because of the sandy soils and relatively low rainfall at the site it is an excellent location to study water stress without the necessity of installing expensive rainout shelters. The primary objectives of research with the airborne imaging spectrometer (AIS) data collected during an August 1984 flight over the Sandhills Agricultural Laboratory are to evaluate the potential of using AIS to: (1) discriminate crop type; (2) to detect subtle architectural differences that exist among different cultivars or hybrids of agronomic crops; (3) to detect and quantify, if possible, the level of water stress imposed on the crops; and (4) to evaluate leaf area and biomass differences for different crops

    Classification improvement by optimal dimensionality reduction when training sets are of small size

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    A computer simulation was performed to test the conjecture that, when the sizes of the training sets are small, classification in a subspace of the original data space may give rise to a smaller probability of error than the classification in the data space itself; this is because the gain in the accuracy of estimation of the likelihood functions used in classification in the lower dimensional space (subspace) offsets the loss of information associated with dimensionality reduction (feature extraction). A number of pseudo-random training and data vectors were generated from two four-dimensional Gaussian classes. A special algorithm was used to create an optimal one-dimensional feature space on which to project the data. When the sizes of the training sets are small, classification of the data in the optimal one-dimensional space is found to yield lower error rates than the one in the original four-dimensional space

    An algorithm for optimal single linear feature extraction from several Gaussian pattern classes

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    A computational algorithm is presented for the extraction of an optimal single linear feature from several Gaussian pattern classes. The algorithm minimizes the increase in the probability of misclassification in the transformed (feature) space. Numerical results on the application of this procedure to the remotely sensed data from the Purdue Cl flight line as well as LANDSAT data are presented. It was found that classification using the optimal single linear feature yielded a value for the probability of misclassification on the order of 30% less than that obtained by using the best single untransformed feature. Also, the optimal single linear feature gave performance results comparable to those obtained by using the two features which maximized the average divergence

    Methods of Making Modified Polypeptides

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    Novel polypeptides and the corresponding nucleic acids encoding such polypeptides are disclosed herein. The invention provides methods of making modified polypeptides by altering one or more amino acid residues involved in the active site of a preselected polypeptide


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    Novel synthases and the corresponding nucleic acids encoding such synthases are disclosed herein. Such synthases possess an active site pocket that includes key amino acid residues that are modified to generate desired terpenoid reaction intermediates and products. Synthase modifications are designed based on, e.g., the three-dimensional coordinates of tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase, with or without a substrate bound in the active site


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    Novel synthases and the corresponding nucleic acids encoding such synthases are disclosed herein. Such synthases possess an active site pocket that includes key amino acid residues that are modified to generate desired terpenoid reaction intermediates and products. Synthase modifications are designed based on, e.g., the three-dimensional coordinates of tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with or without a substrate bound in the active site
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