295 research outputs found

    Sensitive Detection and Early Prognostic Significance of p24 Antigen in Heat-Denatured Plasma of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Infected Infants

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    Immune complex formation causes underdetection of p24 antigen in human immunodeficiencyvirus(HIV)infection.Brieflyboilingdilutedplasma releasesallcomplexedantigen, which can then be measured by some commercial assays. In a retrospective pediatric cohort study, the specificity of this procedure in 390 uninfected samples was 96.9% after initial testing and 100% after neutralization. Sensitivity among 125 postnatal infected samples was, at a detection of 2 pg/ml., 96.0% (97% neutralizable) compared with 47.7% for regular antigen (76% neutralizable), 96% for polymerase chain reaction, and 77% for viral culture. The high sensitivity and specificity of heat-denatured antigen was confirmed by prospectively testing 113 additional samples.Quantitativeanalysisofsamplesfrominfectedinfants showedlowlevelsofp24 antigen in 29% of cord blood sera, a postnatal increase to levels that were during the first 6 months of life inversely associated with survival, and persistence of antigenemia thereafter independent of clinical status. Prevalence and antigen levels were significantly lower in mothers. The persistent antigenemia in children indicates that their immune systems cannot restrict HIV expression as efficiently as those of adult

    Degree of explanation

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    Partial explanations are everywhere. That is, explanations citing causes that explain some but not all of an effect are ubiquitous across science, and these in turn rely on the notion of degree of explanation. I argue that current accounts are seriously deficient. In particular, they do not incorporate adequately the way in which a cause’s explanatory importance varies with choice of explanandum. Using influential recent contrastive theories, I develop quantitative definitions that remedy this lacuna, and relate it to existing measures of degree of causation. Among other things, this reveals the precise role here of chance, as well as bearing on the relation between causal explanation and causation itself

    The Explication Defence of Arguments from Reference

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    In a number of influential papers, Machery, Mallon, Nichols and Stich have presented a powerful critique of so-called arguments from reference, arguments that assume that a particular theory of reference is correct in order to establish a substantive conclusion. The critique is that, due to cross-cultural variation in semantic intuitions supposedly undermining the standard methodology for theorising about reference, the assumption that a theory of reference is correct is unjustified. I argue that the many extant responses to Machery et al.’s critique do little for the proponent of an argument from reference, as they do not show how to justify the problematic assumption. I then argue that it can in principle be justified by an appeal to Carnapian explication. I show how to apply the explication defence to arguments from reference given by Andreasen (for the biological reality of race) and by Churchland (against the existence of beliefs and desires)

    ML-based Real-Time Control at the Edge: An Approach Using hls4ml

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    This study focuses on implementing a real-time control system for a particle accelerator facility that performs high energy physics experiments. A critical operating parameter in this facility is beam loss, which is the fraction of particles deviating from the accelerated proton beam into a cascade of secondary particles. Accelerators employ a large number of sensors to monitor beam loss. The data from these sensors is monitored by human operators who predict the relative contribution of different sub-systems to the beam loss. Using this information, they engage control interventions. In this paper, we present a controller to track this phenomenon in real-time using edge-Machine Learning (ML) and support control with low latency and high accuracy. We implemented this system on an Intel Arria 10 SoC. Optimizations at the algorithm, high-level synthesis, and interface levels to improve latency and resource usage are presented. Our design implements a neural network, which can predict the main source of beam loss (between two possible causes) at speeds up to 575 frames per second (fps) (average latency of 1.74 ms). The practical deployed system is required to operate at 320 fps, with a 3ms latency requirement, which has been met by our design successfully

    Osseointegration of zirconia implants: an SEM observation of the bone-implant interface

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    Background The successful use of zirconia ceramics in orthopedic surgery led to a demand for dental zirconium-based implant systems. Because of its excellent biomechanical characteristics, biocompatibility, and bright tooth-like color, zirconia (zirconium dioxide, ZrO2) has the potential to become a substitute for titanium as dental implant material. The present study aimed at investigating the osseointegration of zirconia implants with modified ablative surface at an ultrastructural level. Methods A total of 24 zirconia implants with modified ablative surfaces and 24 titanium implants all of similar shape and surface structure were inserted into the tibia of 12 Gottinger minipigs. Block biopsies were harvested 1 week, 4 weeks or 12 weeks (four animals each) after surgery. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was performed at the bone implant interface. Results Remarkable bone attachment was already seen after 1 week which increased further to intimate bone contact after 4 weeks, observed on both zirconia and titanium implant surfaces. After 12 weeks, osseointegration without interposition of an interfacial layer was detected. At the ultrastructural level, there was no obvious difference between the osseointegration of zirconia implants with modified ablative surfaces and titanium implants with a similar surface topography. Conclusion The results of this study indicate similar osseointegration of zirconia and titanium implants at the ultrastructural level

    Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction

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    Diagnostic performance of line-immunoassay based algorithms for incident HIV-1 infection

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    Background: Serologic testing algorithms for recent HIV seroconversion (STARHS) provide important information for HIV surveillance. We have previously demonstrated that a patient's antibody reaction pattern in a confirmatory line immunoassay (INNO-LIA™ HIV I/II Score) provides information on the duration of infection, which is unaffected by clinical, immunological and viral variables. In this report we have set out to determine the diagnostic performance of Inno-Lia algorithms for identifying incident infections in patients with known duration of infection and evaluated the algorithms in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. Methods: Diagnostic sensitivity was determined in 527 treatment-naive patients infected for up to 12 months. Specificity was determined in 740 patients infected for longer than 12 months. Plasma was tested by Inno-Lia and classified as either incident (< = 12 m) or older infection by 26 different algorithms. Incident infection rates (IIR) were calculated based on diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of each algorithm and the rule that the total of incident results is the sum of true-incident and false-incident results, which can be calculated by means of the pre-determined sensitivity and specificity. Results: The 10 best algorithms had a mean raw sensitivity of 59.4% and a mean specificity of 95.1%. Adjustment for overrepresentation of patients in the first quarter year of infection further reduced the sensitivity. In the preferred model, the mean adjusted sensitivity was 37.4%. Application of the 10 best algorithms to four annual cohorts of HIV-1 notifications totalling 2'595 patients yielded a mean IIR of 0.35 in 2005/6 (baseline) and of 0.45, 0.42 and 0.35 in 2008, 2009 and 2010, respectively. The increase between baseline and 2008 and the ensuing decreases were highly significant. Other adjustment models yielded different absolute IIR, although the relative changes between the cohorts were identical for all models Conclusions: The method can be used for comparing IIR in annual cohorts of HIV notifications. The use of several different algorithms in combination, each with its own sensitivity and specificity to detect incident infection, is advisable as this reduces the impact of individual imperfections stemming primarily from relatively low sensitivities and sampling bias