508 research outputs found

    Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete Made With Fly Ash ā€“ A Contribution to the Sustainable Civil Engineering

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    Somatic cell counts in bulk milk and their importance for milk processing

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    Bulk tank milk somatic cell counts are the indicator of the mammary gland health in the dairy herds and may be regarded as an indirect measure of milk quality. Elevated somatic cell counts are correlated with changes in milk composition The aim of this study was to assess the somatic cell counts that significantly affect the quality of milk and dairy products. We examined the somatic cell counts in bulk tank milk samples from 38 farms during the period of 6 months, from December to the May of the next year. The flow cytometry, Fossomatic was used for determination of somatic cell counts. In the same samples content of total proteins and lactose was determined by Milcoscan. Our results showed that average values for bulk tank milk samples were 273,605/ml from morning milking and 292,895/ml from evening milking. The average values for total proteins content from morning and evening milking are 3,31 and 3,34%, respectively. The average values for lactose content from morning and evening milking are 4,56 and 4,63%, respectively. The highest somatic cell count (516,000/ml) was detected in bulk tank milk sample from evening milk in the Winter and the lowest content of lactose was 4,46%. Our results showed that obtained values for bulk tank milk somatic cell counts did not significantly affected the content of total proteins and lactose

    Procena koeficijenta heritabiliteta za broj živorođene prasadi u prva tri praÅ”enja krmača Å”vedskog landrasa

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate phenotypic and genetic variation of the number of piglets born alive (NBA) Swedish Landrace sows (SL) in three consecutive parities under the influence of sires, year and season of mating. The study included: 618 litters in the first, 470 in the second and 403 litter in the third farrowing. Testing the homogeneity of variance was performed with Levene's test. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Heritability coefficients were evaluated by intra-class correlation. Swedish Landrace sires have influenced on the variability of the NBA's daughter in the first and second farrowing (p (lt) 0.05), but not in the third farrowing. Year and season of mating was not influenced on the variability of the NBA (p>0.05). The estimated heritability coefficients for the NBA were the highest in the second (0.123), then the first (0.092) and lowest in the third farrowing (0.030).Osnovni cilj rada bio je da se oceni fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost broja živorođene prasadi (NBA) krmača Å”vedskog landrasa (SL) u tri uzastopna praÅ”enja pod uticajem očeva, godine i sezone pripusta. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno: 618 legala u prvom, 470 u drugom i 403 legla u trećem praÅ”enju. Testiranje homogenosti varijanse izvrÅ”eno je testom Levene-a. Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni metodom analize varijanse (Statistica Ver. 6.0., 2003). Koeficijenti heritabiliteta su ocenjeni metodom intra-klasne korelacije. Očevi Å”vedskog landrasa uticali su na varijabilnost NBA kćeri u prvom i drugom praÅ”enju (p (lt) 0.05), ali ne i u trećem praÅ”enju. Godina i sezona pripusta nisu uticale na varijabilnost NBA (p>0.05). Procenjeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za NBA su bili najviÅ”i u drugom (0.123), zatim u prvom (0.092) i najniži u trećem praÅ”enju (0.030)

    Protolytic equilibria and stability of quercetin in aqueous solutions

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    The protonation constant of carbonyl group and dissociation constants of -OH groups of quercetin were determined from the changes in UV and IR spectra of aqueous solutions of various acidities. The distribution diagram of ionic species was calculated. Besides, the stability of quercetin was investigated as the function of pH and concentration. The analysis of kinetic curves indicated that a noncatalyzed conversion took place together with the autocatalyzed degradation of quercetin.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    The Laboratory Investigations of High-Density Polyethylene Drains for Application in Tailings

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    For the purposes of draining material deposited in the tailings pond under construction, there was a need to examine the properties of the high-density polyethylene drain tubes and the consisting materials in order to assess their adequacy in the specific conditions. The conducted laboratory investigations of the samples cut from the tubes included: determination of bulk density, tensile strength in the tangential direction, as well as the compressive strength in a radial direction. Representative samples of the tubes themselves were tested in two different loading dispositions, in order to record the load-deflection effects. The test results indicated the specific behavior of the tested material in service conditions

    Granični sloj ioniziranog plina na rotacijskim tijelima pri postojanju magnetskog polja

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    This paper studies ionized gas flow in the boundary layer on bodies of revolution. The present magnetic field is normal to a nonporous contour of the body. The governing boundary layer equations are brought to a generalized form by general similarity method. The obtained equations are numerically solved by finite differences method. Based on the obtained solutions, diagrams of distributions of physical qualities in the boundary layer are given. Conclusions of behaviour of these quantities for the studied ionized gas problem are also drawn.Istraživano je strujanje ioniziranog plina u graničnom sloju na rotacijskim tijelima. Prisutno magnetsko polje je okomito na neporoznu konturu tijela. Polazne jednadžbe graničnog sloja dovedene su na uopćeni oblik metodom uopćene sličnosti u verziji Saljnikova. Dobivene jednadžbe numerički su rijeÅ”ene metodom konačnih razlika. Na osnovu dobivenih rjeÅ”enja prikazani su dijagrami raspodjela fizikalnih veličina u graničnom sloju. Izvedeni su zaključci o ponaÅ”anju ovih veličina kod razmatranog problema strujanja ioniziranog plina

    Muon-spin rotation measurements of the penetration depth of the Mo_3Sb_7 superconductor

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    Measurements of the magnetic field penetration depth \lambda in superconductor Mo_3Sb_7 (T_c~2.1 K) were carried out by means of muon-spin-rotation. The absolute values of \lambda, the Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa, the first H_{c1} and the second H_{c2} critical fields at T=0 are \lambda(0)=720(100)nm, \kappa(0)=55(9), \mu_0H_{c1}(0)=1.8(3)mT, and \mu_0H_{c2}(0)=1.9(2)T. The zero temperature value of the superconducting energy gap \Delta(0) was found to be 0.35(1)meV corresponding to the ratio 2\Delta(0)/k_BT_c=3.83(10). At low temperatures \lambda^{-2}(T) saturates and becomes constant below T~0.3T_c, in agreement with what is expected for s-wave BCS superconductors. Our results suggest that Mo_3Sb_7 is a BCS superconductor with the isotropic energy gapComment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    An artificial neural network-based rainfall runoff model for improved drainage network modelling

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    This Presentation is brought to you for free and open access by the City College of New York at CUNY Academic Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Conference on Hydroinformatics by an authorized administrator of CUNY Academic Works. For more information, please contact [email protected] th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2014, New York City, USAModelling rainfall-runoff processes enables hydrologists to plan their response to flooding events. Urban drainage catchment modelling requires rainfall-runoff models as a prerequisite. In the UK, one of the main software tools used for drainage modelling is InfoWorks CS, based on relatively simple methods which are relatively robust in predicting runoff. This paper presents an alternative approach to modelling runoff that will allow for the complex inter-relation of runoff that occurs from impermeable areas, permeable areas, local surface storage and variation in rainfall induced infiltration. Apart from the uncertainties associated with the measurement of connected surfaces to the drainage system, the physical processes involved in runoff are nonlinear, making artificial neural networks (ANNs) an ideal candidate for modelling them. ANNs have been used for runoff prediction in natural catchments, and recently on a study for predicting the performance of urban drainage systems. This study seeks to determine an input set that predicts sewerage flow in urban catchments where the runoff is dominated by infiltration, a major issue for the water industry. A framework is proposed in which an ANN is trained by an evolutionary algorithm, which optimises ANN weights; results are assessed using the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Coefficient. The model is demonstrated on a real-world case study site for which rainfall, flow, air temperature and groundwater levels in three boreholes have been measured. Various combinations of these data are used as model inputs, examining a mixture of daily and sub-daily timesteps. The best predictions are generated from daily linearly combined antecedent rainfall and air temperature, although sub-daily information improves the worst-case performance of the model. Although infiltration is affected by groundwater levels, incorporating groundwater into the model does not improve predictions. The proposed ANN model is capable of producing acceptable predictions, thus avoiding many of the uncertainties involved in traditional infiltration modelling

    Investigation of properties of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete with mineral additions based on industrial by-products

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    Beton, kao jedan od najčeŔće upotrebljavanih materijala u građevinskojindustriji evoluirao je sa razvojem građevinarstva, od početaka primene dodanaÅ”njih dana. Konvencionalni beton se ugrađuje pomoću vibrirajućeopreme kako bi se u njemu redukovao sadržaj zaostalog vazduha,eliminisala mogućnost pojave kaverni i drugih Å”upljina na kontaktima saarmaturom i oplatom (takozvani normalno vibrirani beton, Normal VibratedConcrete ā€“ NVC). Na taj način beton postaje kompaktniji, guŔći ihomogeniji, Å”to je osnov za njegovo prihvatljivo ponaÅ”anje u konstrukciji.TehnoloÅ”ka operacija kompaktiranja tradicionalno igra ključnu ulogu uproizvodnji kvalitetnog betona sa optimalnom čvrstoćom i trajnoŔću.Razvoj hemijskih dodataka tipa superplastifikatora omogućio je lakÅ”eugrađivanje betona, poÅ”to se malim doziranjem ovakvog hemijskog dodatkamogu smanjiti sile trenja između čvrstih čestica, Å”to za rezultat dajepokretljivije i obradljivije betone (betone tečnijih konzistencija) koje jelakÅ”e ugraditi, uz zadržavanje iste količine vode. Ekstrapolacijom konceptaupotrebe superplastifikatora u pravcu dobijanja betona tečnijih konzistencijadoÅ”lo se do koncepta samozbijajućeg betona (Self-compacting Concrete -skraćeno SCC). Samozbijajući beton se može definisati kao beton, koji ćebez primene mehaničkih sredstava za ugrađivanje popunjavati sve ugloveoplate i uzane prostore između gusto raspoređenih Å”ipki armature, samo poddejstvom sopstvene težine, tako da se u zavrÅ”noj fazi dobije kompaktanbeton veće trajnosti.U sastav samozbijajućeg betona, po pravilu, ulaze veoma fini mineralnidodaci, od kojih su najčeŔće primenjivani krečnjačko i dolomitno braÅ”no,kao i leteći pepeo. U okviru eksperimentalnog rada u ovoj disertaciji je,osim letećeg pepela (poreklom iz dve termoelektrane, TE "Kolubara" i TE"Kostolac") upotrebljen i spraÅ”eni reciklirani beton (dobijen ruÅ”enjemdotrajalih armiranobetonskih konstrukcija, odnosno drobljenjem kontrolnihlaboratorijskih kocki) i spraÅ”eni elementarni sumpor (koji se dobija kaonusprodukt u naftnoj industriji, u Rafineriji nafte Pančevo).U okviru eksperimentalnog rada spravljeno je i detaljno ispitivano 11meÅ”avina SCC: dve referentne SCC meÅ”avine sa krečnjačkim braÅ”nom kaomineralnim dodatkom, pet meÅ”avina sa letećim pepelom, tri meÅ”avine saspraÅ”enim recikliranim betonom i četiri meÅ”avine sa spraÅ”enim sumporom.Prethodno je prilikom definisanja recepture za SCC meÅ”avine spravljeno iispitano 12 probnih (pilot) meÅ”avina. Sve navedene meÅ”avine, osim dveprobne (pilot) meÅ”avine, imale su svojstva koja karakteriÅ”u samozbijajuće...Concrete, as one of the most commonly used materials in the constructionindustry, has evolved with the development of construction, from thebeginning to the present day. Placing of conventional concrete is usuallydone with the use of vibrating equipment to help in reduction of entrainedair content, eliminating the possibility of cavities occurrence in contact withreinforcement and formwork (the so-called Normal Vibrated Concrete,NVC). Concrete becomes more compact, denser and more homogeneous,which are the basic aspects for an acceptable behavior in the structure. Thisoperation, compaction, traditionally plays a key role in the production ofhigh quality concrete, with optimum strength and durability.Development of superplasticizers (chemical admixtures for concrete)allowed easier placing of concrete with stiffer consistency; a small dosageof this type of chemical admixtures can reduce the friction between theparticles, which results in more mobile and workable concrete (concretewith fluid consistency) that is easier to place in formwork, whilemaintaining the same amount of water. Extrapolation of the concept of thesuperplasticizers use towards obtaining concrete with fluid consistency ledto the concept of Self-compacting Concrete - SCC for short. Selfcompactingconcrete, is defined as a concrete mix that can be placed purelyby means of its own weight, with little or no vibration and is a highlyflowable concrete that spreads into place, fills formwork, and wraps eventhe most congested reinforcement, and showing no signs of segregation.Typically, SCC contains certain quantities of very fine mineral additions;the most commonly applied are limestone and dolomite powder and fly ash.Within the experimental work in this thesis, besides fly ash (originatingfrom two power plants, "Kolubara" and "Kostolac"), recycled pulverizedconcrete (obtained by demolition of old concrete structures) and powderedelemental sulfur (which is obtained as a by-product of the petrol industry, inPancevo Oil Refinery).Within this experimental work, 11 mixtures of SCC were prepared, tworeference SCC mixtures with limestone powder as mineral addition, fivemixtures with fly ash, three mixtures with ground recycled concrete andfour mixtures with ground elemental sulfur. Also, during the proces ofdefining the composition of SCC mixtures, 12 test (pilot) mixutures weremade and investigated. All mixtures, except two test mixtures, could becharacterized as self-compacting concrete, based on their fresh properties.The applied extensive testing of fresh and hardened SCC (with respect tothe designed properties of fresh SCC, the research findings of the recent..
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