135 research outputs found

    Near-IR narrow-band imaging with CIRCE at the Gran Telescopio Canarias: Searching for Lyα-emitters at z ∼ 9.3

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    Context. Identifying very high-redshift galaxies is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, many questions still remain, and the uncertainty on the epoch of reionization is large. In this approach, some models allow a double-reionization scenario, although the number of confirmed detections at very high z is still too low to serve as observational proof. Aims: The main goal of this project is studying whether we can search for Lyman-α emitters (LAEs) at z ∼ 9 using a narrow-band (NB) filter that was specifically designed by our team and was built for this experiment. Methods: We used the NB technique to select candidates by measuring the flux excess due to the Lyα emission. The observations were taken with an NB filter (full width at half minimum of 11 nm and central wavelength λc = 1.257 μm) and the CIRCE near-infrared camera for the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We describe a data reduction procedure that was especially optimized to minimize instrumental effects. With a total exposure time of 18.3 h, the final NB image covers an area of ∼6.7 arcmin2, which corresponds to a comoving volume of 1.1 × 103 Mpc3 at z = 9.3. Results: We pushed the source detection to its limit, which allows us to analyze an initial sample of 97 objects. We detail the different criteria we applied to select the candidates. The criteria included visual verifications in different photometric bands. None of the objects resembled a reliable LAE, however, and we found no robust candidate down to an emission-line flux of 2.9 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2, which corresponds to a Lyα luminosity limit of 3 × 1044 erg s−1. We derive an upper limit on the Lyα luminosity function at z ∼ 9 that agrees well with previous constraints. We conclude that deeper and wider surveys are needed to study the LAE population at the cosmic dawn

    An ionized superbubble powered by a protocluster at z = 6.5

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    We show herein that a proto-cluster of Ly α emitting galaxies, spectroscopically confirmed at redshift 6.5, produces a remarkable number of ionizing continuum photons. We start from the Ly α fluxes measured in the spectra of the sources detected spectroscopically. From these fluxes, we derive the ionizing emissivity of continuum photons of the protocluster, which we compare with the ionizing emissivity required to reionize the protocluster volume. We find that the sources in the protocluster are capable of ionizing a large bubble, indeed larger than the volume occupied by the protocluster. For various calculations, we have used the model AMIGA, in particular to derive the emissivity of the Lyman continuum photons required to maintain the observed volume ionized. Besides, we have assumed the ionizing photons escape fraction given by AMIGA at this redshift

    Gran Telescopio Canarias observations of an overdense region of Lyman α emitters at z = 6.5

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    We present the results of our search near the end of the Reionization Epoch for faint galaxies. This has been done using very deep OSIRIS images obtained at the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). Our observations focus around two close, massive Lyman α emitters (LAEs) at redshift 6.5, discovered in the SXDS field within a large-scale overdense region. The total GTC observing time in three medium band filters (F883w35, F913w25 and F941w33) is over 34 h covering 7.0 × 8.5 arcmin2 (or ∼30 000 Mpc3 at z = 6.5). In addition to the two spectroscopically confirmed LAEs in the field, we have identified 45 other LAE candidates. The preliminary luminosity function derived from our observations, assuming a spectroscopic confirmation success rate of 2/3 as in previous surveys, suggests this area is about 2 times denser than the general field galaxy population at z = 6.5. If confirmed spectroscopically, our results will imply the discovery of one of the earliest protoclusters in the Universe, which will evolve to resemble the most massive galaxy clusters today

    Physical Properties of a Coma-analog Protocluster at z = 6.5

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    We present evidence for the discovery of a protocluster of starburst galaxies (Lyα emitters, or LAEs) near the end of the epoch of reionization. The recent trend in the search for high-redshift protoclusters focuses on utilizing bias tracers, such as luminous starburst galaxies, as signposts of overdensities. Thus, we conducted a photometric selection of LAE candidates around a pair of spatially close, luminous LAEs at z = 6.5 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey field, using OSIRIS in its imaging mode at the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias in La Palma, Spain. The spectroscopic follow-up was done with OSIRIS in its multiobject spectroscopy capability. We have spectroscopically confirmed 10 LAEs via their recognizable Lyα emission feature. The redshifts of these LAEs shed light on their 3D distributions within the observing window defined by the photometric selection. We have derived the galaxy number density contrast of {δ }gal}={3.18}-1.99+3.47, which led to the expected mass of the overdensity of {8.40}-1.39+2.98× {10}14 {M}ȯ . We also found evidence for the presence of a virialized core with {M}200={4.06}-1.90+2.77× {10}13 {M}ȯ within this overdensity. Based on the extended Press─Schechter formalism, this overdensity would continue to grow in the linear regime and collapse to form a galaxy cluster at {z}coll}={0.84}-0.43+0.57. By the time this protocluster reaches z = 0, it will be a massive cluster of galaxies with mass {1.54}-0.69+1.12× {10}15 {M}ȯ , comparable to the Coma cluster. Thus, our careful analysis has pointed to evidence that this protocluster would evolve into a Coma-analog cluster in the present-day universe

    First results using a new near-infrared 1% narrow-band filter in the GTC 10.4m telescope to detect galaxies at the dawn of the universe

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    We present the first results using a new SCHOTT 1% narrow band filter in the near infrared for the CIRCE camera of the 10.4m GTC telescope. The goal of the project is to detect very distant galaxies at the dawn of the Universe. These remote and extremely faint galaxies are selected by their Ly-alpha emission. For this project SCHOTT manufactured a high transmission 11 nm narrow band filter which has been used in the fully cryogenic near-infrared camera CIRCE of the Gran Telescopio Canarias Telescope. A steep interference filter Bandpass with FWHM 11nm centered at 1254nm was coated on a fused silica substrate. The filter achieved excellent maximum transmission and deep out of band blocking. This was achieved by using magnetron sputtering for the filter coating process. We report on the spectral and interferometric results of the filter and the scientific results achieved with a first set of observations

    MOS spectroscopy of protocluster candidate galaxies at z = 6.5

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    The epoch corresponding to a redshift of z ̃ 6.5 is close to full re-ionization of the Universe, and early enough to provide an intriguing environment to observe the early stage of large-scale structure formation. It is also an epoch that can be used to verify the abundance of a large population of low luminosity star-forming galaxies that are deemed responsible for cosmic re-ionization. Here, we present the results of follow-up multi-object spectroscopy using OSIRIS at Gran Telescopio Canarias of 16 Ly α emitter (LAE) candidates discovered in the Subaru/XMM Newton Deep Survey. We have securely confirmed 10 LAEs with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio of the Ly α emission line. The inferred star formation rates of the confirmed LAEs are on the low side, within the range 0.9-4.7 M☉ yr-1. However, they show relatively high Ly α rest frame equivalent widths. Finally we have shown that the mechanical energy released by the star formation episodes in these galaxies is enough to create holes in the neutral hydrogen medium such that Lyman continuum photons can escape to the intergalactic medium, thus contributing to the re-ionization of the Universe

    Resultados del estudio geológico a escala 1/25.000 del término municipal de Madrid.

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    Se exponen de forma abreviada los rasgos en cuanto a metodología y conclusiones del estudio geológico a escala 1/25000 realizado en el Municipio de Madrid en los años 1982/83. Las diferentes unidades expresadas en la cartografiase describen en función de las pautas mayores observables en los materiales que forman cada una de ellas, analizándose sus relaciones estratigráficas. El Proyecto «Estudio Geológico a escala 1/25000 del Término Municipal de Madrid ha sido llevado a cabo a lo largo de los años 1982-83 como resultado de la colaboración científica entre diversos organismos de la Administración (Facultad de CC. Geológicas-Universidad Complutense, Instituto Geológico y Minero. Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Instituto de Geología de Madrid-CSIC, y otros). Constituye una de las áreas de actuación definidas dentro del Convenio de Colaboración Técnica y Cultural para el conocimiento de las Características del Suelo y Subsuelo de Madrid», propiciado y patrocinado por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento. La financiación del proyecto especifico de Geología ha sido realizada íntegramente por el IGME, organismo encargado además de su supervisión. El desarrollo del Proyecto tiene un marcado carácter interdisciplinar, fruto del trasvase de información entre los distintos grupos que abarca el Convenio general (aparte de los ya referidos, el SGOP, COPLACO, Laboratorio «José Luis Escario» siendo precisamente uno de los objetivos del trabajo el servir de apoyo a las restantes áreas de investigación. Los estudios geológicos realizados se plasman en un total de siete mapas a escala 1/25000 elaborados según la normativa Magna de cartografía geológica mapas que toman como referencia, aunque en algunos casos no las completan y en otros adosan porciones de hojas adyacentes, las hojas 1/25000 de Madrid, Alcorcón, El Pardo, San Femando de Henares, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Alcobendas y Castillo de Viñuelas

    II Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de Los Mamíferos (SECEM) Soria 7-9 diciembre 1995

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    Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en ambiente mediterráneo. Dispersión y área de campeoModelos de distribución de los insectívoros ern la Península IbéricaDieta anual del zorro, Vulpes vulpes, en dos hábitats del Parque Nacional de DoñanaDesarrollo juvenil del cráneo en las poblaciones ibéricas de gato montés, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777Presencia y expansión del visón americano (Mustela vison) en las provincias de Teruel y Castellón (Este de España).Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norteUso de cámaras automáticas para la recogida de información faunística.Dieta del lobo en dos zonas de Asturias (España) que difieren en carga ganadera.Consumo de frutos y dispersión de semillas de serbal (Sorbus aucuparia L.) por zorros y martas en la cordillera Cantábrica occidentalEvaluación de espermatozoides obtenidos postmorten en el ciervo.Frecuencia de aparición de diferentes restos de conejo en excrementos de lince y zorroAtlas preliminar de los mamíferos de Soria (España)Censo y distribución de la marmota alpina (Marmota marmota) en Navarra.Trampeo fotográfico del género Martes en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lleida)Peer reviewe

    Ceramides bind VDAC2 to trigger mitochondrial apoptosis

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    Ceramides draw wide attention as tumor suppressor lipids that act directly on mitochondria to trigger apoptotic cell death. However, molecular details of the underlying mechanism are largely unknown. Using a photoactivatable ceramide probe, we here identify the voltage-dependent anion channels VDAC1 and VDAC2 as mitochondrial ceramide binding proteins. Coarse-grain molecular dynamics simulations reveal that both channels harbor a ceramide binding site on one side of the barrel wall. This site includes a membrane-buried glutamate that mediates direct contact with the ceramide head group. Substitution or chemical modification of this residue abolishes photolabeling of both channels with the ceramide probe. Unlike VDAC1 removal, loss of VDAC2 or replacing its membrane-facing glutamate with glutamine renders human colon cancer cells largely resistant to ceramide-induced apoptosis. Collectively, our data support a role of VDAC2 as direct effector of ceramide-mediated cell death, providing a molecular framework for how ceramides exert their anti-neoplastic activity