1,352 research outputs found

    Numerical interactions between compactons and kovatons of the Rosenau-Pikovsky K(cos) equation

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    A numerical study of the nonlinear wave solutions of the Rosenau-Pikovsky K(cos) equation is presented. This equation supports at least two kind of solitary waves with compact support: compactons of varying amplitude and speed, both bounded, and kovatons which have the maximum compacton amplitude, but arbitrary width. A new Pad\'e numerical method is used to simulate the propagation and, with small artificial viscosity added, the interaction between these kind of solitary waves. Several numerically induced phenomena that appear while propagating these compact travelling waves are discussed quantitatively, including self-similar forward and backward wavepackets. The collisions of compactons and kovatons show new phenomena such as the inversion of compactons and the generation of pairwise ripples decomposing into small compacton-anticompacton pairs

    Dissipative perturbations for the K(n,n) Rosenau-Hyman equation

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    Compactons are compactly supported solitary waves for nondissipative evolution equations with nonlinear dispersion. In applications, these model equations are accompanied by dissipative terms which can be treated as small perturbations. We apply the method of adiabatic perturbations to compactons governed by the K(n,n) Rosenau-Hyman equation in the presence of dissipative terms preserving the "mass" of the compactons. The evolution equations for both the velocity and the amplitude of the compactons are determined for some linear and nonlinear dissipative terms: second-, fourth-, and sixth-order in the former case, and second- and fourth-order in the latter one. The numerical validation of the method is presented for a fourth-order, linear, dissipative perturbation which corresponds to a singular perturbation term

    Self-similar Radiation from Numerical Rosenau-Hyman Compactons

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    The numerical simulation of compactons, solitary waves with compact support, is characterized by the presence of spurious phenomena, as numerically-induced radiation, which is illustrated here using four numerical methods applied to the Rosenau-Hyman K(p,p) equation. Both forward and backward radiations are emitted from the compacton presenting a self-similar shape which has been illustrated graphically by the proper scaling. A grid refinement study shows that the amplitude of the radiations decreases as the grid size does, confirming its numerical origin. The front velocity and the amplitude of both radiations have been studied as a function of both the compacton and the numerical parameters. The amplitude of the radiations decreases exponentially in time, being characterized by a nearly constant scaling exponent. An ansatz for both the backward and forward radiations corresponding to a self-similar function characterized by the scaling exponent is suggested by the present numerical results.Comment: To be published in Journal of Computational Physic

    Fractal structure of the soliton scattering for the graphene superlattice equation

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    The graphene superlattice equation, a modified sine-Gordon equation, governs the propagation of solitary electromagnetic waves in a graphene superlattice. This equation has kink solutions without explicit analytical expression, requiring the use of quadrature methods. The inelastic collision of kinks and antikinks with the same but opposite speed is studied numerically for the first time; after their interaction they escape to infinity when its speed is either larger than a critical value or it is inside a series of resonance windows; otherwise, they form a breather-like state that slowly decays by radiating energy. Here, the fractal structure of these resonance windows is characterized by using a multi-index notation and their main features are compared with the predictions of the resonant energy exchange theory showing good agreement. Our results can be interpreted as new evidence in favour of this theory.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Planning and control for microassembly of structures composed of stress-engineered MEMS microrobots

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    We present control strategies that implement planar microassembly using groups of stress-engineered MEMS microrobots (MicroStressBots) controlled through a single global control signal. The global control signal couples the motion of the devices, causing the system to be highly underactuated. In order for the robots to assemble into arbitrary planar shapes despite the high degree of underactuation, it is desirable that each robot be independently maneuverable (independently controllable). To achieve independent control, we fabricated robots that behave (move) differently from one another in response to the same global control signal. We harnessed this differentiation to develop assembly control strategies, where the assembly goal is a desired geometric shape that can be obtained by connecting the chassis of individual robots. We derived and experimentally tested assembly plans that command some of the robots to make progress toward the goal, while other robots are constrained to remain in small circular trajectories (orbits) until it is their turn to move into the goal shape. Our control strategies were tested on systems of fabricated MicroStressBots. The robots are 240–280 µm × 60 µm × 7–20 µm in size and move simultaneously within a single operating environment. We demonstrated the feasibility of our control scheme by accurately assembling five different types of planar microstructures