48 research outputs found

    Thorax organ dose estimation in computed tomography based on patient CT data using Monte Carlo simulation

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    Background: This study presents pati ent specific and organ dose esti mati on in computed tomography (CT) imaging of thorax directly from pati ent CT image using Monte Carlo simulati on. Pati ent's CT image is considered as the pati ent specific phantom and the best representati ve of pati ent physical index in order to calculate specific organ dose. Materials and Methods: EGSnrc/BEAMnrc Monte Carlo (MC) System was used for CT scanner simulati on and DOSXYZnrc was used in order to produce pati ent specific phantom and irradiati on of photons to phantom in step and shoot mode (axial mode). In order to calculate pati ent thorax organ dose, pati ent CT image of thorax as voxelized phantom was divided to a 64x64x20 matrix and 6.25 x 6.25 x 6.25 mm3 voxel size and this phantom was imported to DOSXYZnrc code. MC results in unit of Gy/parti cle were converted to absorbed dose in unit of mGy by a conversion factor (CF). We calculated pati ent thorax organ dose in MC simulati on from all irradiated slices, in 120 kV and 80 kV photon energies. Results: Effecti ve dose was obtained from organ dose and organ weighti ng factor. Esophagus and spinal cord received the lowest, and bone received the highest dose. In our study, effecti ve dose in CT of thorax was 7.4 mSV and 1.8 mSv in 120 and 80 kV, respecti vely. Conclusion: The results of this study might be used to provide the actual pati ent organ dose in CT imaging and calculati on of real effecti ve dose based on organ dose

    The impact of Loa loa microfilaraemia on research subject retention during a whole sporozoite malaria vaccine trial in Equatorial Guinea

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    Loa loa microfilariae were found on thick blood smears (TBSs) from 8 of 300 (2.7%) residents of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, during a Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite malaria vaccine clinical trial. Only one subject was found to have microfilaraemia on his first exam; parasites were not discovered in the other seven until subsequent TBSs were performed, at times many weeks into the study. All infected individuals were asymptomatic, and were offered treatment with diethylcarbamazine, per national guidelines. L. loa microfilaraemia complicated the enrolment or continued participation of these eight trial subjects, and only one was able to complete all study procedures. If ruling out loiasis is deemed to be important during clinical trials, tests that are more sensitive than TBSs should be performed

    Interphase Chromosomes in Replicative Senescence: Chromosome Positioning as a Senescence Biomarker and the Lack of Nuclear Motor-Driven Chromosome Repositioning in Senescent Cells

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    This study demonstrates, and confirms, that chromosome territory positioning is altered in primary senescent human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs). The chromosome territory positioning pattern is very similar to that found in HDFs made quiescent either by serum starvation or confluence; but not completely. A few chromosomes are found in different locations. One chromosome in particular stands out, chromosome 10, which is located in an intermediate location in young proliferating HDFs, but is found at the nuclear periphery in quiescent cells and in an opposing location of the nuclear interior in senescent HDFs. We have previously demonstrated that individual chromosome territories can be actively and rapidly relocated, with 15 min, after removal of serum from the culture media. These chromosome relocations require nuclear motor activity through the presence of nuclear myosin 1β (NM1β). We now also demonstrate rapid chromosome movement in HDFs after heat-shock at 42°C. Others have shown that heat shock genes are actively relocated using nuclear motor protein activity via actin or NM1β (Khanna et al., 2014; Pradhan et al., 2020). However, this current study reveals, that in senescent HDFs, chromosomes can no longer be relocated to expected nuclear locations upon these two types of stimuli. This coincides with a entirely different organisation and distribution of NM1β within senescent HDFs

    Increased levels of anti-PfCSP antibodies in post-pubertal females versus males immunized with PfSPZ Vaccine does not translate into increased protective efficacy

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    BACKGROUND: While prior research has shown differences in the risk of malaria infection and sickness between males and females, little is known about sex differences in vaccine-induced immunity to malaria. Identifying such differences could elucidate important aspects of malaria biology and facilitate development of improved approaches to malaria vaccination. METHODS: Using a standardized enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, IgG antibodies to the major surface protein on Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ), the Pf circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP), were measured before and two weeks after administration of a PfSPZ-based malaria vaccine (PfSPZ Vaccine) to 5-month to 61-year-olds in 11 clinical trials in Germany, the US and five countries in Africa, to determine if there were differences in vaccine elicited antibody response between males and females and if these differences were associated with differential protection against naturally transmitted Pf malaria (Africa) or controlled human malaria infection (Germany, the US and Africa). RESULTS: Females >/= 11 years of age made significantly higher levels of antibodies to PfCSP than did males in most trials, while there was no indication of such differences in infants or children. Although adult females had higher levels of antibodies, there was no evidence of improved protection compared to males. In 2 of the 7 trials with sufficient data, protected males had significantly higher levels of antibodies than unprotected males, and in 3 other trials protected females had higher levels of antibodies than did unprotected females. CONCLUSION: Immunization with PfSPZ Vaccine induced higher levels of antibodies in post-pubertal females but showed equivalent protection in males and females. We conclude that the increased antibody levels in post-pubertal females did not contribute substantially to improved protection. We hypothesize that while antibodies to PfCSP (and PfSPZ) may potentially contribute directly to protection, they primarily correlate with other, potentially protective immune mechanisms, such as antibody dependent and antibody independent cellular responses in the liver

    Safety and immunogenicity of radiation-attenuated PfSPZ vaccine in equatoguinean infants, children, and adults

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    The radiation-attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZ) Vaccine has demonstrated safety and immunogenicity in 5-month-old to 50-year-old Africans in multiple trials. Except for one, each trial has restricted enrollment to either infants and children or adults /= 0.17). There were no significant differences between vaccinees and controls with respect to the rates or severity of unsolicited AEs or laboratory abnormalities. Development of antibodies to P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein occurred in 67/69 vaccinees (97%) and 0/15 controls. Median antibody levels were highest in infants and 1-5-year-olds and declined progressively with age. Antibody responses in children were greater than in adults protected against controlled human malaria infection. Robust immunogenicity, combined with a benign AE profile, indicates children are an ideal target for immunization with PfSPZ Vaccine


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    Tree crown size (CS) and stem number per hectare (SN) has become increasingly important for forest management and ecosystem monitoring. Tree crown size is also strongly related to other canopy structural parameters, such as diameter at breast height, tree height and biomass. For both issues, remote sensing data are attractive for their large-area and up-to-date mapping capacities. The QuickBird and ASTER imagery used in this study was acquired over Zagros Forests in southern Zagros region, Fars province of Iran on 1 August 2005 and 1 July 2005, respectively. For the forest site investigated in this study, we concentrated on stands of Quercus Persica which is the dominant species in Zagros region. This study was conducted to investigate the capabilities of ASTER-L1B data to estimate some of forest parameters at individual tree and stand level in dry area. The forest stand parameters are crown area, crown density, average crown area. Obtaining the accuracy of classification the ground truth map was prepared by tree crown delineation using the panchromatic band of QuickBird data. Individual tree crowns were automatically delineated by color segmentation of QuickBird imagery. Simple linear regression procedure was used to show the relationships between spectral variables and the individual trees and forest stand parameters. With decreasing the crown density the effects of background will increase. Our results indicated that crown size could be accurately extracted from panchromatic band of QuickBird images especially for open forest stands. This paper demonstrates that using high-resolution satellite imagery in the open forest offers a unique opportunity for deriving single tree attributes and allowing reliable ground truth map to estimate stand structure. ASTER data and its indices showed good capability to estimate crown area in this study


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    Urbanization, industrialization and modernization are rapidly growing in developing countries. New industrial cities, with all the problems brought on by rapid population growth, need infrastructure to support the growth. This has led to the expansion and development of the road network. A great deal of road network data has made by using traditional methods in the past years. Over time, a large amount of descriptive information has assigned to these map data, but their geometric accuracy and precision is not appropriate to today’s need. In this regard, the improvement of the geometric accuracy of road network data by preserving the descriptive data attributed to them and updating of the existing geo databases is necessary. Due to the size and extent of the country, updating the road network maps using traditional methods is time consuming and costly. Conversely, using remote sensing technology and geographic information systems can reduce costs, save time and increase accuracy and speed. With increasing the availability of high resolution satellite imagery and geospatial datasets there is an urgent need to combine geographic information from overlapping sources to retain accurate data, minimize redundancy, and reconcile data conflicts. In this research, an innovative method for a vector-to-imagery conflation by integrating several image-based and vector-based algorithms presented. The SVM method for image classification and Level Set method used to extract the road the different types of road intersections extracted from imagery using morphological operators. For matching the extracted points and to find the corresponding points, matching function which uses the nearest neighborhood method was applied. Finally, after identifying the matching points rubber-sheeting method used to align two datasets. Two residual and RMSE criteria used to evaluate accuracy. The results demonstrated excellent performance. The average root-mean-square error decreased from 11.8 to 4.1 m