1,052,381 research outputs found

    A Late-Time Flattening of Afterglow Light Curves

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    We present a sample of radio afterglow light curves with measured decay slopes which show evidence for a flattening at late times compared to optical and X-ray decay indices. The simplest origin for this behavior is that the change in slope is due to a jet-like outflow making a transition to sub-relativistic expansion. This can explain the late-time radio light curves for many but not all of the bursts in the sample. We investigate several possible modifications to the standard fireball model which can flatten late-time light curves. Changes to the shock microphysics which govern particle acceleration, or energy injection to the shock (either radially or azimuthally) can reproduce the observed behavior. Distinguishing between these different possibilities will require simultaneous optical/radio monitoring of afterglows at late times.Comment: ApJ, submitte

    Spatial Relationship between Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections

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    We report on the spatial relationship between solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed during 1996-2005 inclusive. We identified 496 flare-CME pairs considering limb flares (distance from central meridian > 45 deg) with soft X-ray flare size > C3 level. The CMEs were detected by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). We investigated the flare positions with respect to the CME span for the events with X-class, M-class, and C-class flares separately. It is found that the most frequent flare site is at the center of the CME span for all the three classes, but that frequency is different for the different classes. Many X-class flares often lie at the center of the associated CME, while C-class flares widely spread to the outside of the CME span. The former is different from previous studies, which concluded that no preferred flare site exists. We compared our result with the previous studies and conclude that the long-term LASCO observation enabled us to obtain the detailed spatial relation between flares and CMEs. Our finding calls for a closer flare-CME relationship and supports eruption models typified by the CSHKP magnetic reconnection model.Comment: 7 pages; 4 figures; Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    No Radio Afterglow from the Gamma-Ray Burst of February 28, 1997

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    We present radio observations of the gamma-ray burster GRB 970228 made with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) spanning a range of postburst timescales from one to 300 days. A search for a time-variable radio source was conducted covering an area which included a fading X-ray source and an optical transient, both of which are thought to be the long wavelength counterparts to the gamma-ray burst. At the position of the optical transient sensitive limits between 10 uJy and 1 mJy can be placed on the absence of a radio counterpart to GRB 970228 between 1.4 and 240 GHz. We apply a simple formulation of a fireball model which has been used with some success to reproduce the behavior of the optical and X-ray light curves. Using this model we conclude that the radio non-detections are consistent with the peak flux density of the afterglow lying between 20-40 uJy and it requires that the optical flux peaked between 4 and 16 hours after the burst.Comment: ApJ Let (submitted

    A Radio Flare from GRB 020405: Evidence for a Uniform Medium Around a Massive Stellar Progenitor

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    We present radio observations of GRB 020405 starting 1.2 days after the burst, which reveal a rapidly-fading ``radio flare''. Based on its temporal and spectral properties, we interpret the radio flare as emission from the reverse shock. This scenario rules out a circumburst medium with a radial density profile \rho ~ r^{-2} expected around a mass-losing massive star, since in that case the reverse shock emission decays on the timescale of the burst duration t~100 s. Using published optical and X-ray data, along with the radio data presented here, we further show that a self-consistent model requires collimated ejecta with an opening angle of 6 degrees (t_j~0.95 days). As a consequence of the early jet break, the late-time (t>10 days) emission measured with the Hubble Space Telescope significantly deviates from an extrapolation of the early, ground-based data. This, along with an unusually red spectrum, F_\nu \~ \nu^{-3.9}, strengthens the case for a supernova that exploded at about the same time as GRB 020405, thus pointing to a massive stellar progenitor for this burst. This is the first clear association of a massive progenitor with a uniform medium, indicating that a \rho ~ r^{-2} profile is not a required signature, and in fact may not be present on the lengthscales probed by the afterglow in the majority of bursts.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 14 pages, 2 tables, 3 figure

    Tracing Galaxy Assembly: Tadpole Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    In the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) an abundance of galaxies is seen with a knot at one end plus an extended tail, resembling a tadpole. These "tadpole galaxies" appear dynamically unrelaxed--presumably in an early merging state--where tidal interactions likely created the distorted knot-plus-tail morphology. Here we systematically select tadpole galaxies from the HUDF and study their properties as a function of their photometric redshifts. In a companion HUDF variability study, Cohen et al. (2005) revealed a total of 45 variable objects believed to be Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Here we show that this faint AGN sample has no overlap with the tadpole galaxy sample, as predicted by theoretical work. The tadpole morphology--combined with the lack of overlap with the variable objects--supports the idea that these galaxies are in the process of an early-stage merger event, i.e., at a stage that likely precedes the "turn-on" of any AGN component and the onset of any point-source variability.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication by Astrophysical Journa

    Meson PVV Interactions are determined by Quark Loops

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    We show that all abnormal parity three-body meson interactions can be adequately described by quark loops, evaluated at zero external momentum, with couplings determined by U(Nf)U(N_f) symmetry. We focus primarily on radiative meson decays which involve one pseudoscalar. The agreement with experiment for non-rare decays is surprisingly good and requires very few parameters, namely the coupling constants gπqqg_{\pi qq} and gρqqg_{\rho qq} and some mixing angles. This agreement extends to some three-body decays that are dominated by pion pairs in a P-wave state.Comment: 21 pages, Revtex, one figur

    Recent Experiments with Bose-Condensed Gases at JILA

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    We consider a binary mixture of two overlapping Bose-Einstein condensates in two different hyperfine states of \Rb87 with nearly identical magnetic moments. Such a system has been simply realized through application of radiofrequency and microwave radiation which drives a two-photon transition between the two states. The nearly identical magnetic moments afford a high degree of spatial overlap, permitting a variety of new experiments. We discuss some of the conditions under which the magnetic moments are identical, with particular emphasis placed on the requirements for a time-averaged orbiting potential (TOP) magnetic trap.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; corrected post-publication editio

    Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of the Heat Transfer Distribution over the Surfaces of Turbine Vanes

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    Three airfoil data sets were selected for use in evaluating currently available analytical models for predicting airfoil surface heat transfer distributions in a 2-D flow field. Two additional airfoils, representative of highly loaded, low solidity airfoils currently being designed, were selected for cascade testing at simulated engine conditions. Some 2-D analytical methods were examined and a version of the STAN5 boundary layer code was chosen for modification. The final form of the method utilized a time dependent, transonic inviscid cascade code coupled to a modified version of the STAN5 boundary layer code featuring zero order turbulence modeling. The boundary layer code is structured to accommodate a full spectrum of empirical correlations addressing the coupled influences of pressure gradient, airfoil curvature, and free-stream turbulence on airfoil surface heat transfer distribution and boundary layer transitional behavior. Comparison of pedictions made with the model to the data base indicates a significant improvement in predictive capability

    Turbulence in Clusters of Galaxies and X-Ray Line Profiles

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    Large-scale bulk motions and hydrodynamic turbulence in the intergalactic gas inside clusters of galaxies significantly broaden X-ray emission lines. For lines of heavy ions (primarily helium-like and hydrogen-like iron ions), the hydrodynamic broadening is significantly larger than the thermal broadening. Since cluster of galaxies have a negligible optical depth for resonant scattering in forbidden and intercombination lines of these ions, these lines are not additionally broadened. At the same time, they are very intense, which allows deviations of the spectrum from the Gaussian spectrum in the line wings to be investigated. The line shape becomes an important indicator of bulk hydrodynamic processes because the cryogenic detectors of new generation of X-ray observatories will have a high energy resolution (from 5 eV for ASTRO-E2 to 1-2 eV for Constellation-X and XEUS). We use the spectral representation of a Kolmogorov cascade in the inertial range to calculate the characteristic shapes of X-ray lines. Significant deviations in the line profiles from the Gaussian profile (shape asymmetry, additional peaks, sharp breaks in the exponential tails) are expected for large-scale turbulence. The kinematic SZ effect and the X-ray line profile carry different information about the hydrodynamic velocity distribution in clusters of galaxies and complement each other, allowing the redshift, the peculiar velocity of the cluster, and the bulk velocity dispersion to be measured and separatedComment: 29 pages, 12 figures, Astronomy Letters 2003, v.29, p.79