25 research outputs found
Genome-wide analysis of the RpoN regulon in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Background The role of the RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoN in regulation of gene expression in Geobacter sulfurreducens was investigated to better understand transcriptional regulatory networks as part of an effort to develop regulatory modules for genome-scale in silico models, which can predict the physiological responses of Geobacter species during groundwater bioremediation or electricity production. Results An rpoN deletion mutant could not be obtained under all conditions tested. In order to investigate the regulon of the G. sulfurreducens RpoN, an RpoN over-expression strain was made in which an extra copy of the rpoN gene was under the control of a taclac promoter. Combining both the microarray transcriptome analysis and the computational prediction revealed that the G. sulfurreducens RpoN controls genes involved in a wide range of cellular functions. Most importantly, RpoN controls the expression of the dcuB gene encoding the fumarate/succinate exchanger, which is essential for cell growth with fumarate as the terminal electron acceptor in G. sulfurreducens. RpoN also controls genes, which encode enzymes for both pathways of ammonia assimilation that is predicted to be essential under all growth conditions in G. sulfurreducens. Other genes that were identified as part of the RpoN regulon using either the computational prediction or the microarray transcriptome analysis included genes involved in flagella biosynthesis, pili biosynthesis and genes involved in central metabolism enzymes and cytochromes involved in extracellular electron transfer to Fe(III), which are known to be important for growth in subsurface environment or electricity production in microbial fuel cells. The consensus sequence for the predicted RpoN-regulated promoter elements is TTGGCACGGTTTTTGCT. Conclusion The G. sulfurreducens RpoN is an essential sigma factor and a global regulator involved in a complex transcriptional network controlling a variety of cellular processes
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Phase transitions in the neuropercolation model of neural populations with mixed local and non-local interactions
We model the dynamical behavior of the neuropil, the densely interconnected neural tissue in the cortex, using neuropercolation approach. Neuropercolation generalizes phase transitions modeled by percolation theory of random graphs, motivated by properties of neurons and neural populations. The generalization includes ( 1) a noisy component in the percolation rule, ( 2) a novel depression function in addition to the usual arousal function, ( 3) non-local interactions among nodes arranged on a multi-dimensional lattice. This paper investigates the role of non-local ( axonal) connections in generating and modulating phase transitions of collective activity in the neuropil. We derived a relationship between critical values of the noise level and non-locality parameter to control the onset of phase transitions. Finally, we propose a potential interpretation of ontogenetic development of the neuropil maintaining a dynamical state at the edge of criticality
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Neuropercolation: A random cellular automata approach to spatio-temporal neurodynamics
We outline the basic principles of neuropercolation, a generalized percolation model motivated by the dynamical properties of the neuropil, the densely interconnected neural tissue structure in the cortex. We apply the mathematical theory of percolation in lattices to analyze chaotic dynamical memories and their related phase transitions. This approach has several advantages, including the natural introduction of noise that is necessary for system stability, a greater degree of biological plausibility, a more uniform and simpler model description, and a more solid theoretical foundation for neural modeling. Critical phenomena and scaling properties of a class of random cellular automata (RCA) are studied on the lattice ZZ(2). In addition to RCA, we study phase transitions in mean-field models, as well as in models with axonal, non-local interactions. Relationship to the Ising universality class and to Toom cellular automata is thoroughly analyzed
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Diversity of promoter elements in a Geobacter sulfurreducens mutant adapted to disruption in electron transfer
The delta-proteobacterium, Geobacter sulfurreducens, can obtain energy by coupling the oxidation of organic matter to the reduction of insoluble Fe(III) or the anode of a microbial fuel cell. Because Fe(III) oxide or the anode surface, in contrast to oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate, is not soluble nor can it be reduced readily, Geobacter species have developed mechanisms which allow electrons to be delivered across outer membrane to the cell surface. OmcB is an outer-membrane c-type cytochrome important for G. sulfurreducens Fe(III) respiration. In the absence of OmcB, cells lost the ability to reduce soluble or insoluble Fe(III). However, the omcB deletion mutant can slowly adapt to growth on soluble Fe(III) over prolonged incubation in the medium with acetate as the electron donor. We discuss available information about predicted or experimentally validated promoters and transcription regulatory sites identified upstream of operons with transcriptional expression significantly changed in the adapted omcB mutant. DNA sequences of upstream regions of coregulated operons in the adapted mutant are divergent, suggesting the presence of recognition sites for different transcriptional regulators and indicating that adaptation of the omcB mutant to growth on soluble Fe(III) has shifted the relevant expression networks involved to a more diverse molecular basis.link_to_subscribed_fulltex