444 research outputs found

    Matching structure and bargaining outcomes in buyer–seller networks

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    We examine the relationship between the matching structure of a bipartite (buyer-seller) network and the (expected) shares of the unit surplus that each connected pair in this network can create. We show that in different bargaining environments, these shares are closely related to the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem. This theorem characterizes the structure of maximum matchings in an undirected graph. We show that the relationship between the (expected) shares and the tructure Theorem is not an artefact of a particular bargaining mechanism or trade centralization. However, this relationship does not necessarily generalize to non-bipartite networks or to networks with heterogeneous link values

    Experimental study of digital image processing techniques for LANDSAT data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Results are reported for: (1) subscene registration, (2) full scene rectification and registration, (3) resampling techniques, (4) and ground control point (GCP) extraction. Subscenes (354 pixels x 234 lines) were registered to approximately 1/4 pixel accuracy and evaluated by change detection imagery for three cases: (1) bulk data registration, (2) precision correction of a reference subscene using GCP data, and (3) independently precision processed subscenes. Full scene rectification and registration results were evaluated by using a correlation technique to measure registration errors of 0.3 pixel rms thoughout the full scene. Resampling evaluations of nearest neighbor and TRW cubic convolution processed data included change detection imagery and feature classification. Resampled data were also evaluated for an MSS scene containing specular solar reflections

    GJ 1252b: A Hot Terrestrial Super-Earth With No Atmosphere

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    The increasing numbers of rocky, terrestrial exoplanets known to orbit nearby stars (especially M dwarfs) has drawn increased attention to the possibility of studying these planets' surface properties, and atmospheric compositions & escape histories. Here we report the detection of the secondary eclipse of the terrestrial exoplanet GJ1252b using the Spitzer Space Telescope's IRAC2 4.5 micron channel. We measure an eclipse depth of 149(+25/-32) ppm, corresponding to a day-side brightness temperature of 1410(+91/-125) K and consistent with the prediction for no atmosphere. Comparing our measurement to atmospheric models indicates that GJ1252b has a surface pressure of <10 bar, substantially less than Venus. Assuming energy-limited escape, even a 100 bar atmosphere would be lost in <1 Myr, far shorter than estimated age of 3.9+/-0.4 Gyr. The expected mass loss could be overcome by mantle outgassing, but only if the mantle's carbon content were >7% by mass - over two orders of magnitude greater than that found in Earth. We therefore conclude that GJ1252b has no significant atmosphere. Model spectra with granitoid or feldspathic surface composition, but with no atmosphere, are disfavored at >2 sigma. The eclipse occurs just +1.4(+2.8/-1.0) min after orbital phase 0.5, indicating e cos omega=+0.0025(+0.0049/-0.0018), consistent with a circular orbit. Tidal heating is therefore likely to be negligible to GJ1252b's global energy budget. Finally, we also analyze additional, unpublished TESS transit photometry of GJ1252b which improves the precision of the transit ephemeris by a factor of ten, provides a more precise planetary radius of 1.180+/-0.078 R_E, and rules out any transit timing variations with amplitudes <1 min.Comment: ApJL in press. 16 pages, 12 figures, 10 eclipses, 1 bandpass. Models will be available at journal websit

    The Effect of Pre-Analytical Variability on the Measurement of MRM-MS-Based Mid- to High-Abundance Plasma Protein Biomarkers and a Panel of Cytokines

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    Blood sample processing and handling can have a significant impact on the stability and levels of proteins measured in biomarker studies. Such pre-analytical variability needs to be well understood in the context of the different proteomics platforms available for biomarker discovery and validation. In the present study we evaluated different types of blood collection tubes including the BD P100 tube containing protease inhibitors as well as CTAD tubes, which prevent platelet activation. We studied the effect of different processing protocols as well as delays in tube processing on the levels of 55 mid and high abundance plasma proteins using novel multiple-reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (MRM-MS) assays as well as 27 low abundance cytokines using a commercially available multiplexed bead-based immunoassay. The use of P100 tubes containing protease inhibitors only conferred proteolytic protection for 4 cytokines and only one MRM-MS-measured peptide. Mid and high abundance proteins measured by MRM are highly stable in plasma left unprocessed for up to six hours although platelet activation can also impact the levels of these proteins. The levels of cytokines were elevated when tubes were centrifuged at cold temperature, while low levels were detected when samples were collected in CTAD tubes. Delays in centrifugation also had an impact on the levels of cytokines measured depending on the type of collection tube used. Our findings can help in the development of guidelines for blood collection and processing for proteomic biomarker studies

    Evidence for self-similar bedload transport on Andean alluvial fans, Iglesia basin, south Central Argentina

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    Self‐similar downstream grain‐size fining trends in fluvial deposits are being increasingly used to simplify equilibrium sediment transport dynamics in numerical models. Their ability to collapse time‐averaged behavior of a depositional system into a simple mass balance framework makes them ideal for exploring the sensitivity of sediment routing systems to their climatic and tectonic boundary conditions. This is important if we want to better understand the sensitivity of landscapes to environmental change over timescales >102 years. However, the extent to which self‐similarity is detectable in the deposits of natural rivers is not fully constrained. In transport‐limited rivers, stored sediment can be remobilized or “recycled” and this behavior has been highlighted as a mechanism by which externally forced grain‐size fining trends are distorted. Here we evaluate evidence of self‐similarity in surface gravel‐size distributions on three geomorphically diverse alluvial fans in the Iglesia basin, south Central Argentine Andes. We find that size distributions are self‐similar, deviating from that condition only when significant variability occurs in the coarse tails of the distributions. Our analysis indicates a strong correlation between the degree of sediment recycling and the proportion of coarse clasts present on the bed surface. However, by fitting a relative mobility transfer function, we demonstrate that size‐selectivity alone can explain the bulk size distributions observed. This strengthens the application of self‐similar grain size fining models to solving problems of mass balance in a range of geomorphic settings, with an aim for reconstructing environmental boundary conditions from stratigraphy

    Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific adaptations and clonal architecture in humans

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    Despite their crucial role in health and disease, our knowledge of immune cells within human tissues remains limited. Here, we surveyed the immune compartment of 15 tissues of six deceased adult donors by single-cell RNA sequencing and paired VDJ sequencing. To systematically resolve immune cell heterogeneity across tissues, we developed CellTypist, a machine learning tool for rapid and precise cell type annotation. Using this approach, combined with detailed curation, we determined the tissue distribution of 45 finely phenotyped immune cell types and states, revealing hitherto unappreciated tissue-specific features and clonal architecture of T and B cells. In summary, our multi-tissue approach lays the foundation for identifying highly resolved immune cell types by leveraging a common reference dataset, tissue-integrated expression analysis and antigen receptor sequencing. One Sentence Summary We provide an immune cell atlas, including antigen receptor repertoire profiling, across lymphoid and non-lymphoid human tissues

    Multivariate Approximations to Portfolio Return Distribution

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    This article proposes a three-step procedure to estimate portfolio return distributions under the multivariate Gram-Charlier (MGC) distribution. The method combines quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation for conditional means and variances and the method of moments (MM) estimation for the rest of the density parameters, including the correlation coefficients. The procedure involves consistent estimates even under density misspecification and solves the so-called ‘curse of dimensionality’ of multivariate modelling. Furthermore, the use of a MGC distribution represents a flexible and general approximation to the true distribution of portfolio returns and accounts for all its empirical regularities. An application of such procedure is performed for a portfolio composed of three European indices as an illustration. The MM estimation of the MGC (MGC-MM) is compared with the traditional maximum likelihood of both the MGC and multivariate Student’s t (benchmark) densities. A simulation on Value-at-Risk (VaR) performance for an equally weighted portfolio at 1% and 5% confidence indicates that the MGC-MM method provides reasonable approximations to the true empirical VaR. Therefore, the procedure seems to be a useful tool for risk managers and practitioners

    A cell atlas of human thymic development defines T cell repertoire formation.

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    The thymus provides a nurturing environment for the differentiation and selection of T cells, a process orchestrated by their interaction with multiple thymic cell types. We used single-cell RNA sequencing to create a cell census of the human thymus across the life span and to reconstruct T cell differentiation trajectories and T cell receptor (TCR) recombination kinetics. Using this approach, we identified and located in situ CD8αα+ T cell populations, thymic fibroblast subtypes, and activated dendritic cell states. In addition, we reveal a bias in TCR recombination and selection, which is attributed to genomic position and the kinetics of lineage commitment. Taken together, our data provide a comprehensive atlas of the human thymus across the life span with new insights into human T cell development

    Impact of Protein Stability, Cellular Localization, and Abundance on Proteomic Detection of Tumor-Derived Proteins in Plasma

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    Tumor-derived, circulating proteins are potentially useful as biomarkers for detection of cancer, for monitoring of disease progression, regression and recurrence, and for assessment of therapeutic response. Here we interrogated how a protein's stability, cellular localization, and abundance affect its observability in blood by mass-spectrometry-based proteomics techniques. We performed proteomic profiling on tumors and plasma from two different xenograft mouse models. A statistical analysis of this data revealed protein properties indicative of the detection level in plasma. Though 20% of the proteins identified in plasma were tumor-derived, only 5% of the proteins observed in the tumor tissue were found in plasma. Both intracellular and extracellular tumor proteins were observed in plasma; however, after normalizing for tumor abundance, extracellular proteins were seven times more likely to be detected. Although proteins that were more abundant in the tumor were also more likely to be observed in plasma, the relationship was nonlinear: Doubling the spectral count increased detection rate by only 50%. Many secreted proteins, even those with relatively low spectral count, were observed in plasma, but few low abundance intracellular proteins were observed. Proteins predicted to be stable by dipeptide composition were significantly more likely to be identified in plasma than less stable proteins. The number of tryptic peptides in a protein was not significantly related to the chance of a protein being observed in plasma. Quantitative comparison of large versus small tumors revealed that the abundance of proteins in plasma as measured by spectral count was associated with the tumor size, but the relationship was not one-to-one; a 3-fold decrease in tumor size resulted in a 16-fold decrease in protein abundance in plasma. This study provides quantitative support for a tumor-derived marker prioritization strategy that favors secreted and stable proteins over all but the most abundant intracellular proteins

    MAPK-Activated Protein Kinase 2 Is Required for Mouse Meiotic Spindle Assembly and Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachment

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    MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), a direct substrate of p38 MAPK, plays key roles in multiple physiological functions in mitosis. Here, we show for the first time the unique distribution pattern of MK2 in meiosis. Phospho-MK2 was localized on bipolar spindle minus ends and along the interstitial axes of homologous chromosomes extending over centromere regions and arm regions at metaphase of first meiosis (MI stage) in mouse oocytes. At metaphase of second meiosis (MII stage), p-MK2 was localized on the bipolar spindle minus ends and at the inner centromere region of sister chromatids as dots. Knockdown or inhibition of MK2 resulted in spindle defects. Spindles were surrounded by irregular nondisjunction chromosomes, which were arranged in an amphitelic or syntelic/monotelic manner, or chromosomes detached from the spindles. Kinetochore–microtubule attachments were impaired in MK2-deficient oocytes because spindle microtubules became unstable in response to cold treatment. In addition, homologous chromosome segregation and meiosis progression were inhibited in these oocytes. Our data suggest that MK2 may be essential for functional meiotic bipolar spindle formation, chromosome segregation and proper kinetochore–microtubule attachments