3,706 research outputs found

    White-tailed deer populations in Illinois

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    Feature discrimination/identification based upon SAR return variations

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    A study of the statistics of The look-to-look variation statistics in the returns recorded in-flight by a digital, realtime SAR system are analyzed. The determination that the variations in the look-to-look returns from different classes do carry information content unique to the classes was illustrated by a model based on four variants derived from four look in-flight SAR data under study. The model was limited to four classes of returns: mowed grass on a athletic field, rough unmowed grass and weeds on a large vacant field, young fruit trees in a large orchard, and metal mobile homes and storage buildings in a large mobile home park. The data population in excess of 1000 returns represented over 250 individual pixels from the four classes. The multivariant discriminant model operated on the set of returns for each pixel and assigned that pixel to one of the four classes, based on the target variants and the probability distribution function of the four variants for each class

    RXJ0123.4-7321, a Be/X-ray binary in the wing of the SMC

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    To confirm faint Be/X-ray binary candidates from the XMM-Newton survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud, we searched for X-ray outbursts in archival ROSAT observations. We found that RXJ0123.4-7321 was much brighter when detected with ROSAT than seen 16 years later by XMM-Newton. We analysed the ROSAT observations and the OGLE I-band light curve of the optical counterpart to investigate the nature of the system. High long-term variability in the X-ray flux of a factor of ~150 was found between the ROSAT and XMM-Newton detections, indicating strong outburst activity during the ROSAT observations. The I-band light curve reveals long-term variability and regular outbursts with a period of (119.9+-2.5) days indicating the orbital period of the binary system. The large X-ray flux variations and the properties of the optical counterpart confirm RXJ0123.4-7321 as a new Be/X-ray binary in the wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    High Latitude HI in NGC 2613: Buoyant Disk-Halo Outflow

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    We combine new VLA D array HI data of NGC 2613 with previous high resolution data to show new disk-halo features in this galaxy. The global HI distribution is modeled in detail using a technique which can disentangle the effects of inclination from scale height and can also solve for the average volume density distribution in and perpendicular to the disk. The model shows that the galaxy's inclination is on the low end of the range given by Chaves & Irwin (2001) and that the HI disk is thin (z_e = 188 pc), showing no evidence for halo. Numerous discrete disk-halo features are observed, however, achieving z heights up to 28 kpc from mid-plane. One prominent feature in particular, of mass, 8X10^7 Msun and height, 22 kpc, is seen on the advancing side of the galaxy at a projected galactocentric radius of 15.5 kpc. If this feature achieves such high latitudes because of events in the disk alone, then input energies of order ~ 10^{56} ergs are required. We have instead investigated the feasibility of such a large feature being produced via buoyancy (with drag) within a hot, pre-existing X-ray corona. Reasonable plume densities, temperatures, stall height (~ 11 kpc), outflow velocities and ages can indeed be achieved in this way. The advantage of this scenario is that the input energy need only be sufficient to produce blow-out, a condition which requires a reduction of three orders of magnitude in energy. If this is correct, there should be an observable X-ray halo around NGC 2613.Comment: 32 pages 7 gif figures, accepted by Ap

    Plant biomass nitrogen and effects on the risk of nitrate leaching of intercrops under organic farming in Eastern Austria

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    Data on the potential of intercrops to reduce soil nitrate contents, on their N accumulation and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) are lacking for organic farming in the dry, pannonic region of Eastern Austria. The effect of legumes, non-legumes, and legumes + non-legumes used as intercrops on inorganic soil nitrogen, crop yield and biomass N, and BNF were tested in comparison to bare fallow. Non-legumes and legumes + non-legumes were more efficient than legumes in reducing inorganic soil N contents in autumn and nitrate contents in soil solution from the subsoil in winter. This reduction in inorganic soil N did not last until March of the following year due to an N mineralisation from the mulch. The legume + non-legume mixture contained a larger amount of crop N than both legumes and non-legumes. This was due to the combined effect of soil-N uptake by the non-legumes and BNF by the legumes in the mixture

    Auswirkungen variierter Nutzungstermine auf den Ertrag und die Stickstofffixierleistung in ökologisch bewirtschafteten Luzernebeständen im pannonischen Klimaraum Ostösterreichs

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob und in welchem Umfang die aus wildtierbiologischer Sicht sinnvolle Vorverlegung des 1. Nutzungstermins (zwei Wochen früher als der produktionsoptimierte, praxisübliche Nutzungstermin) und die Verzögerung des 2. Nutzungstermins (zwei Wochen später als in der produktionsoptimierte Variante) die Ertrags- und biologische N2 – Fixierleistung von Luzerne verringert und den Beikrautdruck auf den untersuchten Flächen erhöht. Der Feldversuch zur Untersuchung von Stickstofffixierleistung und Ertrag wurde auf den ökologisch bewirtschafteten Flächen der Universität für Bodenkultur in Raasdorf (Marchfeld, östlich von Wien) durchgeführt. Der gesamtpflanzliche Trockenmasseertrag war sowohl bei der 1. Mulchnutzung (Spross und Stoppel; naturschutzoptimierte Variante = 3640 kg/ha; produktionsoptimierte Variante = 5266 kg/ha) als auch insgesamt beim naturschutzoptimierten Nutzungsregime signifikant geringer als beim produktionsoptimierten Nutzungsregime. Die Jahres-N2-Fixierleistung betrug in der naturschutzoptimierten Variante 154 kg N/ha gegenüber 208 kg N/ha bei der produktionsoptimierten Variante. Weder die Jahres-N2-Fixierleistung noch der Anteil des Leguminosen-N aus der Luft unterscheiden sich signifikant zwischen den Varianten. Die Vorverlegung des 1. Mulchtermins um 2 Wochen und die Verzögerung des 2. Mulchtermins um 2 Wochen erhöhte den Beikrautdruck in den Luzernebeständen nicht. Eine an den Bedürfnissen der Wildtiere orientierte Verschiebung der Nutzungstermine von Luzerne hat aus pflanzenbaulicher Sicht daher weder für die Versorgung der Fruchtfolge mit Stickstoff noch für die Beikrautregulierung einen deutlichen, nachteiligen Effekt

    Swift J053041.9-665426, a new Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We observed the newly discovered X-ray source Swift J053041.9-665426 in the X-ray and optical regime to confirm its proposed nature as a high mass X-ray binary. We obtained XMM-Newton and Swift X-ray data, along with optical observations with the ESO Faint Object Spectrograph, to investigate the spectral and temporal characteristics of Swift J053041.9-665426. The XMM-Newton data show coherent X-ray pulsations with a period of 28.77521(10) s (1 sigma). The X-ray spectrum can be modelled by an absorbed power law with photon index within the range 0.76 to 0.87. The addition of a black body component increases the quality of the fit but also leads to strong dependences of the photon index, black-body temperature and absorption column density. We identified the only optical counterpart within the error circle of XMM-Newton at an angular distance of ~0.8 arcsec, which is 2MASS J05304215-6654303. We performed optical spectroscopy from which we classify the companion as a B0-1.5Ve star. The X-ray pulsations and long-term variability, as well as the properties of the optical counterpart, confirm that Swift J053041.9-665426 is a new Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A new super-soft X-ray source in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of the first Be/white dwarf system in the SMC?

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    The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) hosts a large number of Be/X-ray binaries, however no Be/white dwarf system is known so far, although population synthesis calculations predict that they might be more frequent than Be/neutron star systems. XMMUJ010147.5-715550 was found as a new faint super-soft X-ray source (SSS) with a likely Be star optical counterpart. We investigate the nature of this system and search for further high-absorbed candidates in the SMC. We analysed the XMM-Newton X-ray spectrum and light curve, optical photometry, and the I-band OGLE III light curve. The X-ray spectrum is well represented by black-body and white dwarf atmosphere models with highly model-dependent temperature between 20 and 100 eV. The likely optical counterpart AzV 281 showed low near infrared emission during X-ray activity, followed by a brightening in the I-band afterwards. We find further candidates for high-absorbed SSSs with a blue star as counterpart. We discuss XMMUJ010147.5-715550 as the first candidate for a Be/white dwarf binary system in the SMC.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&
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