13 research outputs found

    Awareness and use of intertrochanteric osteotomies in current clinical practice. An international survey

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    Current literature shows that intertrochanteric osteotomies can produce excellent results in selected hip disorders in specific groups of patients. However, it appears that this surgical option is considered an historical one that has no role to play in modern practice. In order to examine current awareness of and views on intertrochanteric osteotomies among international hip surgeons, an online survey was carried out. The survey consisted of a set of questions regarding current clinical practice and awareness of osteotomies. The second part of the survey consisted of five clinical cases and sought to elicit views on preoperative radiological investigations and preferred (surgical) treatments. The results of our survey showed that most of these experts believe that intertrochanteric osteotomies should still be performed in selected cases. Only 56% perform intertrochanteric osteotomies themselves and of those, only 11% perform more than five per year. The responses to the cases show that about 30–40% recommend intertrochanteric osteotomies in young symptomatic patients. This survey shows that the role of intertrochanteric osteotomies is declining in clinical practice

    Isolated varus intertrochanteric osteotomy for hip dysplasia in 52 patients: long-term results

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    Great strides have been made in the field of total hip arthroplasty, but the issue of wear and osteolysis continue to be a problem, mostly for young adults. For this population varus rotational osteotomy still remains a viable alternative to total hip arthroplasty. The purpose of this prospective study was to describe the indications, the technique and the functional outcome of an isolated varus femoral osteotomy in 52 patients with hip dysplasia. We obtained very good results with a significant improvement of hip function and pain relief. We conclude that with appropriate selection of the patient the procedure may prevent or postpone the development of secondary osteoarthritis

    Análise da influência da bandagem funcional de tornozelo no tempo de reação do fibular longo em sujeitos saudáveis Analysis of ankle taping influence in the peroneal reaction time in healthy subjects

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    OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da bandagem funcional de tornozelo no tempo de reação do fibular longo de indivíduos sadios. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por oito indivíduos do gênero masculino, fisicamente ativos, sem histórias prévias de lesões de tornozelo e, com os resultados negativos aos testes de instabilidade articular de tornozelo. Foram usados como instrumentos da pesquisa, a bandagem funcional de tornozelo tipo bota fechada, para realizar o teste uma plataforma capaz de inclinar 30o no plano frontal simulando a entorse lateral do tornozelo e um eletromiógrafo de oito canais (Bortec Electronics Incorporation, Canadá) para aquisições dos sinais eletromiográficos. Os sinais EMG foram coletados juntamente com o sinal da plataforma (sincronismo). A coleta dos dados foi realizada em dois momentos, primeiramente sem a bandagem e logo após com a bandagem. RESULTADOS: Os indivíduos tinham idade média de 23,3 anos (± 2,8), massa corpórea de 74,4kg (± 9,4), estatura de 1,7m (± 0,4) e IMC de 23,7kg/m2 (± 2,4). O estudo encontrou diferença estatisticamente significativa p = 0,018 na situação da bandagem funcional de tornozelo com diminuição do tempo de reação do fibular longo. CONCLUSÃO: Acreditamos que esta melhora se deva ao íntimo contato da bandagem com os receptores cutâneos do tornozelo, aumentando a ativação do reflexo fibular, com consequente ganho proprioceptivo e, assim, aumentando a habilidade dos sujeitos em responder a situações súbitas de entorses. O estudo demonstrou diminuição no tempo de reação do fibular longo de indivíduos sadios com o uso da bandagem funcional de tornozelo quando submetidos à inclinação lateral súbita do tornozelo.<br>OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of the ankle functional tape on long fibular reaction time in health subjects. METHODS: The sample was composed of eight physically active male subjects, without ankle injury history and with negative results on ankle joint instabilities tests. The instruments used in this research were an ankle functional tape(closed boot type), a platform capable to 30° frontal inclination and an eight-channel electromyograph (Bortec Electronics Incorporation, Canada) for the electrical signals acquisition. The EMG signals were collected concomitantly to the platform (synchronism). Data were collected in two moments: firstly without tape and immediately after, with the tape. RESULTS: The subject average age was 23.3 years (± 2.8), body mass of 74.4 kg (± 9.4), height of 1.7 m (± 0.4) and BMI of 23.7 kg/m2. The research found statistically significant difference of p = 0.018 when the subjects were using the functional ankle tape, with a decreasing of reaction time in long fibular. CONCLUSION: We believe that this increase is related to the close contact of the functional tape with the ankle cutaneous receptors, increasing the fibular reflex activation, with a consequent proprioceptive gain and hence increasing the subjects' ability to respond to sudden ankle sprains. The study showed decrease in long fibular reaction time of health subjects while using this kind of ankle tape when submitted to a sudden lateral ankle inclination

    A novel compression garment with adhesive silicone stripes improves repeated sprint performance : a multi-experimental approach on the underlying mechanisms.

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    BACKGROUND: Repeated sprint performance is determined by explosive production of power, as well as rapid recovery between successive sprints, and there is evidence that compression garments and sports taping can improve both of these factors. METHODS: In each of two sub-studies, female athletes performed two sets of 30 30-m sprints (one sprint per minute), one set wearing compression garment with adhesive silicone stripes (CGSS) intended to mimic taping and the other with normal clothing, in randomized order. Sub-study 1 (n = 12) focused on cardio-respiratory, metabolic, hemodynamic and perceptual responses, while neuronal and biomechanical parameters were examined in sub-study 2 (n = 12). RESULTS: In both sub-studies the CGSS improved repeated sprint performance during the final 10 sprints (best P &lt; 0.01, d = 0.61). None of the cardio-respiratory or metabolic variables monitored were altered by wearing this garment (best P = 0.06, d = 0.71). Also during the final 10 sprints, rating of perceived exertion by the upper leg muscles was reduced (P = 0.01, d = 1.1), step length increased (P = 0.01, d = 0.91) and activation of the m. rectus femoris elevated (P = 0.01, d = 1.24), while the hip flexion angle was lowered throughout the protocol (best P &lt; 0.01, d = 2.28) and step frequency (best P = 0.34, d = 0.2) remained unaltered. CONCLUSION: Although the physiological parameters monitored were unchanged, the CGSS appears to improve performance during 30 30-m repeated sprints by reducing perceived exertion and altering running technique