467 research outputs found

    Introduction: Political graffiti in critical times

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    Visual sampling techniques represent a valuable resource for a rapid, non-invasive data acquisition for underwater monitoring purposes.Long-term monitoring projects usually requires the collection of large quantities of data, and the visual analysis of a human expertoperator remains, in this context, a very time consuming task. It has been estimated that only the 1-2%of the acquired images are lateranalyzed by scientists (Beijbom et al., 2012). Strategies for the automatic recognition of benthic communities are required to effectivelyexploit all the information contained in visual data. Supervised learning methods, the most promising classification techniques in thisfield, are commonly affected by two recurring issues: the wide diversity of marine organism, and the small amount of labeled data.In this work, we discuss the advantages offered by the use of annotated high resolution ortho-mosaics of seabed to classify and segmentthe investigated specimens, and we suggest several strategies to obtain a considerable per-pixel classification performance although theuse of a reduced training dataset composed by a single ortho-mosaic. The proposed methodology can be applied to a large number ofdifferent species, making the procedure of marine organism identification an highly adaptable tas

    Cadmium and other hazardous elements in phosphatic fertilizers in conformity to the new European Regulation 2019/1009

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    The current European Fertilizers Regulation EC n. 2003/2003 does not include any direction for the content in cadmium [1]. On 25 June 2019, the new EU Fertilizing Products and Amending Regulation (EU-FPR) 2019/1009 was promulgated by the European Parliament and the Council, fixing an initial and temporary limit for Cd content in inorganic macronutrient fertilizer to 60 mgCd ∙ kgP2O5-1 [2]. The new European limit for Cd would be the most stringent in the world and only 15% of the phosphorite deposits currently exploited exhibits a low cadmium content complying with the new standard once processed to fertilizer. Since there are no substitutes for phosphate rock in phosphatic fertilizer production [3,4], the outcome of the new standard application would make unsustainable the supply of phosphatic fertilizers. This will result in a short-term measure that goes beyond the long-term sustainability objective of the proposal. In addition, the new standard will inevitably and disproportionately penalise some producers, mainly from developing countries in North Africa. It is therefore important to investigate for Cd and other hazardous elements content in fertilizers used for food production. The present research has analysed a total of 41 samples of fertilizers both for hobby and professional use obtained from the Italian market. Producers of Western and Middle Eastern Europe use the same phosphorite deposits to obtain fertilizers, thus the results of this investigation can be extended to the whole area. Obtained samples were initially pulverized in a ball mill and subjected to acid digestion in a microwave oven. Different acid digestion methods (HNO3 - HF - aqua regia - H2O2) were developed and tested for processing phosphate rock, inorganic and organo-mineral fertilizers to optimize the dissolution of different matrices. Standard reference materials, NIST SRM-695 (NPK fertilizer) and BCR-032 (Morocco phosphate rock) were processed using the same methods. Elemental analyses were performed in ICP-OES (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Se, Hg) and ICP-MS (Li, Be, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb, Bi, U). The first results showed very low Cd concentrations in hobby products. This commercial sector is known to import low-cost phosphate rock from Russia or Cola Peninsula, with a lower nutrient quality, but also a lower Cd content in comparison with professional products. Uranium content was found in relatively high concentrations and a radioactivity study has been considered as a logical extension of this research. The next analysis of more samples collected in spring will account for different fertilizer types used in distinct agricultural phases. [1] European Union. Off. J. Eur. Union. 2003, EUR-Lex - 32003R2003. [2] European Union. Off. J. Eur. Union. 2019, EUR-Lex - 32019R1009. [3] Mar, S.S., Okazaki, M. Microchem. J. 2012, 104, 17–21. [4] Ulrich, A.E. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 650(1), 541–545


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    Visual sampling techniques represent a valuable resource for a rapid, non-invasive data acquisition for underwater monitoring purposes. Long-term monitoring projects usually requires the collection of large quantities of data, and the visual analysis of a human expert operator remains, in this context, a very time consuming task. It has been estimated that only the 1-2% of the acquired images are later analyzed by scientists (Beijbom et al., 2012). Strategies for the automatic recognition of benthic communities are required to effectively exploit all the information contained in visual data. Supervised learning methods, the most promising classification techniques in this field, are commonly affected by two recurring issues: the wide diversity of marine organism, and the small amount of labeled data. In this work, we discuss the advantages offered by the use of annotated high resolution ortho-mosaics of seabed to classify and segment the investigated specimens, and we suggest several strategies to obtain a considerable per-pixel classification performance although the use of a reduced training dataset composed by a single ortho-mosaic. The proposed methodology can be applied to a large number of different species, making the procedure of marine organism identification an highly adaptable task.</p

    Maxillary arch development with Invisalign system: Analysis of expansion dental movements on digital dental casts

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    Objectives: To evaluate tooth movements during maxillary arch expansion with clear aligner treatment.Materials and Methods: The study group included 28 subjects (16 females, 12 males, mean age 31.9 +/- 5.4 years) collected prospectively from January 2018 to May 2019. Inclusion criteria were European ancestry, posterior transverse discrepancy of 3-6 mm, permanent dentition stage, presence of second permanent molars, mild or moderate crowding, and good compliance with aligners. Treatment protocol included nonextraction strategies, application of Invisalign clear aligner system, and no auxiliaries other than Invisalign attachments. Linear and angular measurements were performed before treatment (T1), at the end of treatment (T2), and on final virtual models (T2 ClinCheck). A paired t-test was used to compare T2-T1 and T2-T2 ClinCheck changes. The level of significance was set at 5%.Results: Statistically significant differences were found for all measurements, except for ones at the upper second molars. The greatest increase in maxillary width was detected at the upper first and second premolars: 13.5 mm for the first premolar and 13.8 mm for the second premolar at T2. Comparison of T2-T1 angular outcomes showed statistically significant changes in the inclinations of all teeth except for the second permanent molars. T2-T2 ClinCheck showed significant differences for both linear and angular measurements for maxillary canines, resulting in poor predictability.Conclusions: Maxillary arch development revealed a progressive reduction of the expansion rate and buccal tipping in the anterior, lateral, and posterior regions, with the greatest net increase at the first and second premolars. Clinical attention should be paid to maxillary canine movements, and overcorrection should be planned for them during dentoalveolar expansion

    A factor analytic study of the Italian National Institute of Health Quality of Life – Core Evaluation Form (ISSQoL-CEF)

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    Objectives: The Italian National Institute of Health Quality of Life - Core Evaluation Form (ISSQoL-CEF) is a specific questionnaire measuring health-related quality of life for human immunodeficiency virus-infected people in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. The main goal of this study was to examine the construct validity of this questionnaire by confirmation of its hypothesized dimensional structure. Methods: Baseline quality of life data from four clinical studies were collected and a confirmatory factor analysis of the ISSQoL-CEF items was carried out. Both first-order and secondorder factor models were tested: Model 1 with nine correlated first-order factors; Model 2 with three correlated second-order factors (Physical, Mental, and Social Health); Model 3 with two correlated second-order factors (Physical and Mental/Social Health); Model 4 with only one second-order factor (General Health). Results: A total of 261 patients were surveyed. Model 1 had a good fit to the data. Model 2 had an acceptable fit to the data and it was the best of all hierarchical models. However, Model 2 fitted the data worse than Model 1. Conclusions: The findings of in this study, consistent with the results of previous study, pointed out the construct validity of the ISSQoL-CEF. © 2010 Lauriola et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Capture-based next-generation sequencing improves the identification of immunoglobulin/t-cell receptor clonal markers and gene mutations in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients lacking molecular probes

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    The monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) in Philadelphia-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) requires the identification at diagnosis of immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor (Ig/TCR) rearrangements as clonality markers. Aiming to simplify and possibly improve the patients\u2019 initial screening, we designed a capture-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel combining the Ig/TCR rearrangement detection with the profiling of relevant leukemia-related genes. The validation of the assay on well-characterized samples allowed us to identify all the known Ig/TCR rearrangements as well as additional clonalities, including rare rearrangements characterized by uncommon combinations of variable, diversity, and joining (V-D-J) gene segments, oligoclonal rearrangements, and low represented clones. Upon validation, the capture NGS approach allowed us to identify Ig/TCR clonal markers in 87% of a retrospective cohort (MRD-unknown within the Northern Italy Leukemia Group (NILG)-ALL 09/00 clinical trial) and in 83% of newly-diagnosed ALL cases in which conventional method failed, thus proving its prospective applicability. Finally, we identified gene variants in 94.7% of patients analyzed for mutational status with the same implemented capture assay. The prospective application of this technology could simplify clonality assessment and improve standard assay development for leukemia monitoring, as well as provide information about the mutational status of selected leukemia-related genes, potentially representing new prognostic elements, MRD markers, and targets for specific therapies

    Interval Sentinel Lymph Nodes: An Unusual Localization in Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma

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    Background. Recent studies have demonstrated that there exists a great variation in the lymphatic drainage in patients with malignant melanoma. Some patients have drainage to lymph nodes outside of conventional nodal basins. The lymph nodes that exist between a primary melanoma and its regional nodal basin are defined “interval nodes”. Interval node occurs in a small minority of patients with forearm melanoma. We report our experience of the Melanoma Unit of University Hospital Spedali Civili Brescia, Italy. Methods. Lymphatic mapping using cutaneous lymphoscintigraphy (LS) has become a standard preoperative diagnostic procedure to locate the sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) in cutaneous melanoma. We used LS to identify sentinel lymph nodes biopsy (SLNB) in 480 patients. Results. From over 2100 patients affected by cutaneous melanoma, we identified 2 interval nodes in 480 patients with SLNB . The melanomas were both located in the left forearm. The interval nodes were also both located in the left arm. Conclusion. The combination of preoperative LS and intraoperative hand-held gamma detecting probe plays a remarkable role in identifying these uncommon lymph node locations. Knowledge of the unusual drainage patterns will help to ensure the accuracy and the completeness of sentinel nodes identification

    Hyperlipidemia control using the innovative association of lupin proteins and chitosan and α-cyclodextrin dietary fibers: food supplement formulation, molecular docking study, and in vivo evaluation

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    A dietary supplement potentially employed for the treatment and/or prevention of hyperlipidemia was developed. The proposed product is composed of a combination of natural macromolecules as chitosan (CH), α-cyclodextrin (α-CD), and lupin proteins (LP). First, the anti-hyperlipidemic effect of the α-CD and LP binary mixture was assessed and compared to that of the extensively utilized anti-hyperlipidemic CH, using a hyperlipidemic rat model. The anti-hyperlipidemic effect of their combination was also demonstrated. Additionally, ligand–target and protein–protein docking studies were performed. The in vivo results displayed that on intergroup comparison, blending CH, α-CD, and LP promised a superior therapeutic effect over α-CD and LP mixture, CH, and the marketed atorvastatin, potentiating a considerable reduction of serum lipid profile and the calculated atherogenic risk predictor indices. Molecular docking study revealed a weak hydrophobic cholesterol–CH and cholesterol–α-CD interactions, while protein–protein docking study showed a good lipase–LP interaction, involving eight hydrogen bonds. Then, on the base of the in vivo and docking study results, a tablet formulation was produced aimed to overcome the negative technological effects of the anti-hyperlipidemic macromolecules: long disintegration time and tablets mechanical resistance. The optimized tablet formulation has a disintegration time shorter than 15&nbsp;min and a weight loss from friability test lower than 1%, which are in line with the regulatory specifications for uncoated tablets. Overall, this anti-hyperlipidemic formulation is attractive for the dietary and nutraceutical market, despite further clinical studies are required to assess the efficacy, possible side effects, and product compliance