128 research outputs found

    Physiological changes induced by either pre- or post-veraison deficit irrigation in 'Merlot' vines grafted on two different rootstocks

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    Reduced summer precipitations and higher evapotranspiration due to elevated temperatures are expected to enhance the impact of water deficit in modern viticulture. We investigated the effect of the timing of deficit irrigation on vine growth, water relations, yield and grape composition in 'Merlot' vines grafted on 1103P or SO4. In both years we did not measure any differences between rootstocks in stem water potential (SWP). Vegetative growth was decreased by the restriction of irrigation between fruit set and veraison. Stomatal conductance (gs) was affected by irrigation, but not by the rootstock. During the pre-veraison period there was a clear inverse relationship between gs and SWP. The leaf non photochemical quenching readily responded to the stress imposed on 1103P rootstock. Vines subjected to water deficit between fruit set and veraison produced smaller berries than well irrigated ones, whereas deficit applied after veraison determined about 10 % differences in berry weight. The highest and lowest values of pH and TA were measured in berries from pre-veraison deficit irrigated vines grafted on both 1103P and SO4, respectively

    Observation of Spin-glass-like Behavior in SrRuO3 Epitaxial Thin Films

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    We report the observation of spin-glass-like behavior and strong magnetic anisotropy in extremely smooth (~1-3 \AA) roughness) epitaxial (110) and (010) SrRuO3 thin films. The easy axis of magnetization is always perpendicular to the plane of the film (unidirectional) irrespective of crystallographic orientation. An attempt has been made to understand the nature and origin of spin-glass behavior, which fits well with Heisenberg model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 Figure

    Estimating biophysical and geometrical parameters of grapevine canopies ('Sangiovese') by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and VIS-NIR cameras

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    Three zones of different vine vigour were identified in a mature vineyard (Vitis vinifera 'Sangiovese') to test the potential of the Visible-Near Infrared (VIS-NIR) spectral information acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in estimating the leaf area index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll, pruning weight, canopy height and canopy volume of grapevines. A significant linear correlation between the normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) and LAI or between NDVI and leaf chlorophyll was found at day of the year (DOY) 162 and 190, whereas in August the relationship between NDVI and leaf chlorophyll was less evident. The canopy volume of low-vigour (LV) vines was 35 and 45 % of the high-vigour (HV) and medium-vigour (MV) ones, respectively. The pruning weight was linearly correlated with NDVI values of each vigour cohort. A good correlation between the measured canopy volume and UAV-estimated one as well as between measured and estimated canopy height was found. Our results indicated that the combined use of VIS-NIR cameras and UAV is a rapid and reliable technique to determine canopy structure and LAI of grapevine

    The effective surface Debye temperature of Yb:GaN

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    The effective Debye temperature of ytterbium and gallium in Yb:GaN thin films has been obtained using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The vibrational motion normal to the surface results in a dimunition of photoemission intensities from which we have estimated the effective Debye temperatures of 221±30 K and 308±30 K for Yb and Ga, respectively. The difference between the measured values for Yb and Ga suggests that the Debye temperatures are influenced by the local environment. The smaller effective surface Debye temperature for Yb correlates to a soft, strained surface, possibly due to an increased Yb―N bond length as compared to the Ga―N bond length

    Schottky barrier formation at the Au to rare earth doped GaN thin film interface

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    The Schottky barriers formed at the interface between gold and various rare earth doped GaN thin films (RE = Yb, Er, Gd) were investigated in situ using synchrotron photoemission spectroscopy. The resultant Schottky barrier heights were measured as 1.68 ± 0.1 eV (Yb:GaN), 1.64 ± 0.1 eV (Er:GaN), and 1.33 ± 0.1 eV (Gd:GaN). We find compelling evidence that thin layers of gold do not wet and uniformly cover the GaN surface, even with rare earth doping of the GaN. Furthermore, the trend of the Schottky barrier heights follows the trend of the rare earth metal work function

    Analiza metilacije CpG kao moguće drugačije metode metilacije Xist gena u somatskih stanica koze (Capra hircus).

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    X chromosome inactivation is a complex epigenetic process that ensures equal expression of most Xlinked genes in both sexes. Xist (X-chromosome inactive specific transcript) is a crucial development related gene that initiates X chromosome inactivation in mammalian females during embryogenesis. DNA methylation is a major chromatin modification involved in transcriptional repression of genes, regulating X chromosome inactivation, genomic imprinting, and cell or tissue specific gene expression and in many other processes during embryo development. Appropriate DNA methylation of cytosine residues at CpG dinucleotide within the differential methylated region of many imprinted genes is required for normal post implantation development of a mammalian embryo. An aberrant pattern of DNA methylation because of incomplete or anomalous nuclear reprogramming of somatic cells is a reason for poor success rate of somatic cell nuclear transfer in farm animals. In the present study, a putative differential methylated region was identified for first time in goats (Capra hircus) followed by study of the DNA methylation status of this region, using bisulfite sequencing analysis taking fibroblast and cumulus cells from goats. The putative differential methylated region contains 10 CpG sites with a mean methylation level of 92% and 94% for fi broblast and cumulus cells respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of this region revealed goats and sheep positioned in a single cluster distinct from others studied. This study will be a definite help in future research on molecular events responsible for complete nuclear reprogramming of goat somatic cells in SCNT.Inaktivacija X kromosoma složeni je epigenski postupak kojim se osigurava jednaka ekspresija većine X-vezanih gena kod oba spola. Xist (X kromosom specifični inaktivirajući transkript) je ključni gen povezan s razvojem koji potiče inaktivaciju X kromosoma kod ženki sisavaca tijekom embriogeneze. Metilacija DNA glavna je modifikacija kromatina uključena u transkripcijsku regresiju gena, regulaciju X kromosomske inaktivacije, genomskog utiska, specifičnu staničnu ili tkivnu gensku ekspresiju odnosno u mnoge druge procese tijekom embrionalnog razvoja. Prikladna DNA metilacija citozin-rezidua na CpG dinukleotidu, unutar metilacijske regije mnogih utišanih gena, prijeko je potrebna za normalni postimplantacijski razvoj embrija sisavaca. Nepravilan oblik DNA metilacije zbog nekompletnog ili poremećenog reprogramiranja u jezgi somatskih stanica razlog je manje uspješnosti njezinog prijenosa kod farmskih životinja. U ovom radu istražena je moguća druga metilacijska regija koja je utvrđena prvi put u koze (Capra hircus). Navedeno je omogućeno nakon istraživanja statusa DNA metilacije u toj regiji, primjenom analize bisulfit sekvenciranja, uz upotrebu fibroblasta i stanice kumulusa koze. Moguća nova metilirajuća regija sadrži 10 CpG mjesta s prosječnom razinom metilacije od 92% i 94% za fibroblaste odnosno stanica kumulusa. Filogenetske analize regije pokazale su da su koze i ovce smještene u jedan odvojeni “grozd”. Istraživanje će pomoći u budućem radu vezanom za molekularnu razinu koja je odgovorna za potpuno reprogramiranje jezgre somatskih stanica koza u SCNT

    Phase transition close to room temperature in BiFeO3 thin films

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    BiFeO3 (BFO) multiferroic oxide has a complex phase diagram that can be mapped by appropriately substrate-induced strain in epitaxial films. By using Raman spectroscopy, we conclusively show that films of the so-called supertetragonal T-BFO phase, stabilized under compressive strain, displays a reversible temperature-induced phase transition at about 100\circ, thus close to room temperature.Comment: accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communication

    The local metallicity of gadolinium doped compound semiconductors

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    The local metallicities of Hf0:97Gd0:03O2, Ga0:97Gd0:03N, Eu0:97Gd0:04O and EuO films were studied through a comparison of the findings from constant initial state spectroscopy using synchrotron light. Resonant enhancements, corresponding to the 4d→4f transitions of Eu and Gd, were observed in some of the valence band photoemission features. The resonant photoemission intensity enhancements for the Gd 4f photoemission features are far stronger for the more insulating host systems than for the metallic system Eu0:96Gd0:04O. The evidence seems to suggest a correlation between the effective screening in the films and the resonant photoemission process