1,834 research outputs found

    Representasi Sikap Media Terhadap Calon Kepala Daerah

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    Sikap merupakan a "readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way" (Jung, [1921] 1971:par. 687). Dijelaskan pula bahwa sikap ini merupakan suatu konstruksi yang bersifat hipotesis yang mencerminkan suka tidak suka atau netralnya individu terhadap suatu persoalan. Ini sejalan dengan asumsi Sherif (2003.) yang dikemukakannya melalui Social Judgement Theory.-nya, bahwa dalam diri individu itu memang ada wilayah sikap yang terbagi menjadi tiga, dan masing-masing wilayah ini berisi tentang bentuk-bentuk sikap individu terhadap obyek. Tiga bentuk sikap tadi terdiri dari : latitude of acceptance (sikap menerima) ; latitude of non commitment (netral) ; latitude of rejection (sikap menolak). Namun, ke mana pilihan bentuk sikap ini ditentukan, maka menurut Sherif ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor ego involvement, yaitu relevansi individu dengan sesuatu obyek sikap

    Penggunaan Internet Dan Kategori Sosial Penggunanya

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    Based on internet media USAge in relationship with society difference, this research focused on two things, first, internet USAge pattern of society and internet USAge description according to individual difference (social category). By surveying 373 respondents member of PNPM or national program for community empowerment in Makassar, this study showed that community was varied on the basis of their social category e.g. sex; age in MDGs category; education, job, faith and income. Their pattern in internet use tended to show the relationship with their social category. Statistic test regarding relationship among variables showed a significant results, e.g. relationship between internet USAge activities with job; internet USAge activities with income and internet USAge activities with job

    Komunitas Pedesaan Dan Pola Selektifitas Internet (Survai Komunitas Desa Kading, Kecamatan Tanete Riaja, Kabupaten Barru, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan)

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    This study Background is to view the rural community condition regarding internet. This study focuses on the selectivity pattern issue of internet access and these pattern significance with rural communities characteristics. The findings of rural community activity phenomenon -in the context of audience orientation dimensions, at the level selectivity, involvement and utilization which- shows the the internet use variation, become evidence that individuals in rural communities are active. Activities theoretically occur because peoples in rural communities psychologically have "needs and gratifications". The such activities emergence because of the five alternatives of "needs and gratifications". Attempts to see this relationship significance was done in this study, at least, by knowing the significance of the characteristic relationship variable and selectivity pattern variable. But it doesn't get proof statistically in this research. Neither significance of individual characteristic variables with the type of information does. Theoretically those relations are not significant statistically. Even the association is more unsignificant when viewed from other minor variables within information types. The cause may be intervening/extraneous variables. Further research must implement similar research to make the theory advancemen

    Radio Siaran Dan Khalayak (Survei Masyarakat Kota Merauke Terkait Radio Pro 2 Fm Rri Merauke)

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    The background of this research is the phenomenon of FM USAge by radio industries in Indonesia.This research focuses on Radio PRO 2 FM RRI in Merauke. This one triesto focus on audience in Merauke district, that is Karang Indah village. The radio phenomenon is content of Radio programs in PRO 2 FM RRI in Merauke. The relationship with audience is about motivation and aspiration variables. By non-probability-sampling survey, this one shows that most of audiences are eager to listen to program of Pro 2 FM RRI in Merauke. But, respondents have a great aspiration to listen to Radio Pro 2 FM RRI. In the elaboration, it shows that those two variables are assumed to have a relationship. Statistically, the alpa value is 0, 05

    Effect of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic devices

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    We investigate the effects of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic conductors with a recently developed statistical model, focusing in particular on mesoscopic cavities and Aharonov-Bohm rings. For such devices, we analyze the influence of an arbitrary degree of decoherence on the cumulants of the current. We recover known results for the limiting cases of fully coherent and totally incoherent transport and are able to obtain detailed information on the intermediate regime of partial coherence for a varying number of open channels. We show that dephasing affects the average current, shot noise, and higher order cumulants in a quantitatively and qualitatively similar way, and that consequently shot noise or higher order cumulants of the current do not provide information on decoherence additional or complementary to what can be already obtained from the average current.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring the experiences of African refugees and asylum seeking women in a northern town in the UK

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    This research aims to gain an insight into the experiences of African women refugees and asylum seekers, in order to provide an in-depth perspective of their experiences since arriving in the UK. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 5 participants in a northern town in the UK; this means participants were selected due to their specific characteristics to fit in with the study design. The main criteria for the subjects of the study were that they are African women refugees or asylum seekers, aged 21 and above. Participants were recruited through a drop-in centre in a northern town in the UK and were interviewed in the English Language, using semi-structured interviews in order to generate in-depth information. The interviews were hand written as the women in the study did not consent to tape recording as originally planned. However, this allowed a deeper flow of information, and I was able to immerse myself in the interview contexts and gained a robust understanding of the responses. Thematic analysis was the most appropriate method for analysis. Major interpretation from this study revealed themes of restricted access to state welfare provisions as well as employment restrictions. The study further reveals other themes such as, communication difficulties, racism, uncertainties, powerlessness, segregation and isolation, provision of help through voluntary organisations, choice of destination and finally theme of peace and safety. The themes in this study reflect existing academic literature on asylum seekers. However, this research added to the existing body of knowledge by exploring how women who participated in the study felt about the UK. They believed it is more peaceful and secure than where they have come from. They also believe that the UK is a good choice of destination based on the justice and welfare system, also because their countries were colonised by the UK. The main limitation of this study was that the samples were small and not representative of all African women refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Therefore, recommendations are made for a larger scale project that will gather information from more refugees and asylum seeking women. This research should look for examples of lack of social and economic engagement within the environment and the community. It should compare the experiences of asylum seekers and refugees in different parts of the UK in order to ascertain the impact of current dispersal policy on asylum seekers in the UK. Moreover, studies that examine the long-term effects of the entire asylum processes on health and well-being of asylum seekers in the UK are also deemed important. Finally, recommendations are made that Social Workers who work with these groups of people should endeavour to work in an anti-discriminatory way and try as much as possible to offer emotional support in form of counselling services for these groups of individuals

    Evidence for reduced magnetic braking in polars from binary population models

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    We present the first population synthesis of synchronous magnetic cataclysmic variables, called polars, taking into account the effect of the white dwarf (WD) magnetic field on angular momentum loss. We implemented the reduced magnetic braking (MB) model proposed by Li, Wu & Wickramasinghe into the Binary Stellar Evolution (BSE) code recently calibrated for cataclysmic variable (CV) evolution. We then compared separately our predictions for polars and non-magnetic CVs with a large and homogeneous sample of observed CVs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We found that the predicted orbital period distributions and space densities agree with the observations if period bouncers are excluded. For polars, we also find agreement between predicted and observed mass transfer rates, while the mass transfer rates of non-magnetic CVs with periods ≳3 h drastically disagree with those derived from observations. Our results provide strong evidence that the reduced MB model for the evolution of highly magnetized accreting WDs can explain the observed properties of polars. The remaining main issues in our understanding of CV evolution are the origin of the large number of highly magnetic WDs, the large scatter of the observed mass transfer rates for non-magnetic systems with periods ≳3 h, and the absence of period bouncers in observed samples

    A Literature review on Balancing Workload in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is the realistic evolution of information technology in a world that is learning to be more and more based on the division of work. Cloud computing offers many principles that are long accomplished in other industries to the IT. We focus on basic characteristics of cloud computing help you understand them. A pattern language is used to interconnecting set of cloud patterns. A cloud pattern is a small human readable document of a well-defined format describing a good solution to a cloud related problem. We studied and captured such patterns describing different types of clouds, the offerings they provide and how to build application with them. In this paper we mainly focus on different types of application workload patterns. Pattern for application workloads describe different user behavior resulting in changing utilization of IT resources hosting an application. Having motivated the need for cloud offerings to handle different workloads we introduce common cloud service models that describe different styles to offer IT resources on different levels of an application stack. Furthermore we also discuss how the corresponding service models and cloud deployment models enable the cloud computing properties

    Statistical model of dephasing in mesoscopic devices introduced in the scattering matrix formalism

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    We propose a phenomenological model of dephasing in mesoscopic transport, based on the introduction of random phase fluctuations in the computation of the scattering matrix of the system. A Monte Carlo averaging procedure allows us to extract electrical and microscopic device properties. We show that, in this picture, scattering matrix properties enforced by current conservation and time reversal invariance still hold. In order to assess the validity of the proposed approach, we present simulations of conductance and magnetoconductance of Aharonov-Bohm rings that reproduce the behavior observed in experiments, in particular as far as aspects related to decoherence are concerned.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Local Density of States in Mesoscopic Samples from Scanning Gate Microscopy

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    We study the relationship between the local density of states (LDOS) and the conductance variation ΔG\Delta G in scanning-gate-microscopy experiments on mesoscopic structures as a charged tip scans above the sample surface. We present an analytical model showing that in the linear-response regime the conductance shift ΔG\Delta G is proportional to the Hilbert transform of the LDOS and hence a generalized Kramers-Kronig relation holds between LDOS and ΔG\Delta G. We analyze the physical conditions for the validity of this relationship both for one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems when several channels contribute to the transport. We focus on realistic Aharonov-Bohm rings including a random distribution of impurities and analyze the LDOS-ΔG\Delta G correspondence by means of exact numerical simulations, when localized states or semi-classical orbits characterize the wavefunction of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure