A Literature review on Balancing Workload in Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is the realistic evolution of information technology in a world that is learning to be more and more based on the division of work. Cloud computing offers many principles that are long accomplished in other industries to the IT. We focus on basic characteristics of cloud computing help you understand them. A pattern language is used to interconnecting set of cloud patterns. A cloud pattern is a small human readable document of a well-defined format describing a good solution to a cloud related problem. We studied and captured such patterns describing different types of clouds, the offerings they provide and how to build application with them. In this paper we mainly focus on different types of application workload patterns. Pattern for application workloads describe different user behavior resulting in changing utilization of IT resources hosting an application. Having motivated the need for cloud offerings to handle different workloads we introduce common cloud service models that describe different styles to offer IT resources on different levels of an application stack. Furthermore we also discuss how the corresponding service models and cloud deployment models enable the cloud computing properties

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