63 research outputs found

    Attraction of Chrysotropia ciliata (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) Males to P-Anisaldehyde, a Compound with Presumed Pheromone Function

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    In a field-trapping experiment with plant volatiles, we observed notably high attraction of green lacewing (Chrysotropia ciliata) males to the compound p-anisaldehyde. Based on this finding, we initiated the present study to elucidate this phenomenon and to investigate the chemical ecology ofC. ciliata.Scanning electron microscopy revealed elliptical glands abundantly distributed on the 2nd to 6th abdominal sternites ofC. ciliatamales, whereas females of the species completely lacked such glands. No p-anisaldehyde was found in extractions of body parts ofC. ciliata.Methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid were identified exclusively in the extract from abdominal segments 2-8 of males. Field-trapping experiments revealed no attraction ofC. ciliatato either methyl p-anisate or p-methoxybenzoic acid. In contrast, males showed marked attraction to p-anisaldehyde in the field and antennae showed strong responses to this compound. Headspace collections in the field from living insects in their natural environment and during their main daily activity period indicated that p-anisaldehyde was emitted exclusively byC. ciliatamales. Our overall results suggest that p-anisaldehyde might serve as a male-produced pheromone that attracts conspecificC. ciliatamales. Here, we discuss hypotheses regarding possible mechanisms involved in regulation of p-anisaldehyde production, including involvement of the compounds methyl p-anisate and p-methoxybenzoic acid, and the potential ecological function of p-anisaldehyde inC. ciliata

    Reduction of bacteria in storage system of sewage effluents

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    The present work is aimed to investigate the linear regression model of total coliform (TC), faecal coli-form (FC) and enterococci (ENT) responses in the storage system of sewage effluents at different temperatures (room temperature 25 ± 2 °C, 55 and 65 °C). Five litres (v/v) of sewage effluent samples was stored at room temperature (25 ± 2 °C) for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. In order to investigate the response of bacteria to the storage system at thermal conditions, the sewage samples were stored at the tempera-tures of 55 and 65 °C in a water bath shaker for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 min, respectively. The results indicated that the storage system at room tem-perature significantly (p < 0.01) effected the reduction of TC (33%), FC (36.6%) and ENT (47.8%). Moreover, sew-age effluent met WHO guidelines after two weeks of stor-age period at room temperature. The storage system at 55 and 65 °C had more significant influence (p < 0.01) on TC, FC and ENT. The reductions for TC, FC and ENT were 49.6 versus 64, 47.7 versus 83.2% and 47.4 versus 57.3%, respectively. ENT (Gram-positive bacteria) exhibited more resistance to the storage system at 65 °C than TC and FC (both are Gram-negative bacteria). This might be due to the differences in the cell wall structure. It can be concluded that the storage system of sewage effluents has a significant potential for the reduction of indicator bacteria

    A global database of dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration measurements in coastal waters (CoastDOM v1)

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    Measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (DON), and phosphorus (DOP) con-centrations are used to characterize the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and are important components ofbiogeochemical cycling in the coastal ocean. Here, we present the first edition of a global database (CoastDOMv1; available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.964012, L\uf8nborg et al., 2023) compiling previously pub-lished and unpublished measurements of DOC, DON, and DOP in coastal waters. These data are complementedby hydrographic data such as temperature and salinity and, to the extent possible, other biogeochemical variables(e.g. chlorophyll a, inorganic nutrients) and the inorganic carbon system (e.g. dissolved inorganic carbon andtotal alkalinity). Overall, CoastDOM v1 includes observations of concentrations from all continents. However,most data were collected in the Northern Hemisphere, with a clear gap in DOM measurements from the SouthernHemisphere. The data included were collected from 1978 to 2022 and consist of 62 338 data points for DOC,20 356 for DON, and 13 533 for DOP. The number of measurements decreases progressively in the sequenceDOC &gt; DON &gt; DOP, reflecting both differences in the maturity of the analytical methods and the greater focuson carbon cycling by the aquatic science community. The global database shows that the average DOC concen-tration in coastal waters (average \ub1 standard deviation (SD): 182 \ub1 314 μmol C L−1; median: 103 μmol C L−1) is13-fold higher than the average coastal DON concentration (13.6 \ub1 30.4 μmol N L−1; median: 8.0 μmol N L−1),which is itself 39-fold higher than the average coastal DOP concentration (0.34 \ub1 1.11 μmol P L−1; median:0.18 μmol P L−1). This dataset will be useful for identifying global spatial and temporal patterns in DOM and willhelp facilitate the reuse of DOC, DON, and DOP data in studies aimed at better characterizing local biogeochem-ical processes; closing nutrient budgets; estimating carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous pools; and establishing abaseline for modelling future changes in coastal waters

    A case-control study on factors affecting the incidence of dengue fever in Johor Bahru

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    Introduction : Johor Bahru has one of the highest rates of dengue disease in this country in spite of the implementation of COMBI (Communication for Behavioural Impact) in 2001. Methods : To identify factors contributing to this problem, a case control study was conducted, focusing on risk factors such as the weather (rainfall and temperature), environment and sociodemography. Cases were selected from confirmed dengue cases from January to June, 2006. Controls were selected from patients who had no past history of having dengue illness from Health Clinics in Johore Bahru. Both case group and control group were matched by age and sex. All risk factors were analysed using SPSS version 11.5. Results : Results from time-series analysis indicated that the cases of dengue illness were related to changes in the minimum temperature (r =-0.149; p<0.05). It was also shown that the number of dengue illness on a particular week were affected by changes of the minimum temperature at two weeks prior, during that particular week and the week after. As for other risk factors, multivariate analysis indicated that those who were unmarried (Odd ratio (OR): 2.7; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.34 – 5.65), not wearing long sleeve clothes (OR: 5.4; 95% CI: 1.72 – 10.44) and whose homes were not protected with screen windows (OR: 4.2; 95% CI: 1.02 – 29.03) were at higher risk of contracting dengue. Other analysis indicated that the implementation of COMBI improved the knowledge and attitude about combating dengue but did not protect them from the illness. Conclusion : The high rate of dengue illness in Johor Bahru is due to presence of risk behaviour such as lack of personal and home protection which exposed them to the dengue vector, Aedes spp. There is also a need to enhance the COMBI activities, to better protect the population from dengue illness

    Aula de innovación educativa

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    El artículo forma parte de un monográfico dedicado a sinergias en torno a la lectura.- Resumen tomado parcialmente de la revista.Análisis de dos aspectos importantes en el proceso de la lectura estrechamente relacionados con las destrezas del lector y con el resultado de su proceso de compresión, más concretamente, con la destreza metacognitiva de control de la comprensión y las destrezas cognitivas implicadas en la tarea del resumen. Concluye con algunas sugerencias sobre cómo desarrollar estas habilidades para formar lectores competentes..CataluñaConsejería de Educación, Formación y Empleo. Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística; Avda.la Fama, 15; 30006 Murcia; +34 968279685; +34 968279835; [email protected]

    The Ratio between Field Attractive and Background Volatiles Encodes Host-Plant Recognition in a Specialist Moth

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    Volatiles emitted by plants convey an array of information through different trophic levels. Animals such as host-seeking herbivores encounter plumes with filaments from both host and non-host plants. While studies showed a behavioral effect of non-host plants on herbivore host location, less information is available on how a searching insect herbivore perceives and flies upwind to a host-plant odor plume within a background of non-host volatiles. We hypothesized here that herbivorous insects in search of a host-plant can discriminate plumes of host and non-host plants and that the taxonomic relatedness of the non-host have an effect on finding the host. We also predicted that the ratio between certain plant volatiles is cognized as host-plant recognition cue by a receiver herbivorous insect. To verify these hypotheses we measured the wind tunnel response of the moth Argyresthia conjugella to the host plant rowan, to non-host plants taxonomically related (Rosaceae, apple and pear) or unrelated to the host (Pinaceae, spruce) and to binary combination of host and non-host plants. Volatiles were collected from all plant combinations and delivered to the test insect via an ultrasonic sprayer as an artificial plume. While the response to the rowan as a plant was not affected by the addition of any of the non-host plants, the attraction to the corresponding sprayed headspace decreased when pear or apple but not spruce were added to rowan. A similar result was measured toward the odor exiting a jar where freshly cut plant material of apple or pear or spruce was intermixed with rowan. Dose-response gas-chromatography coupled to electroantennography revealed the presence of seven field attractive and seven background non-attractive antennally active compounds. Although the abundance of field attractive and of some background volatiles decreased in all dual combinations in comparison with rowan alone, an increased amount of the background compounds (3E)-4,8-Dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene ((E)-DMNT) and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate was found in the rowan-apple and rowan-pear but not in the rowan-spruce headspace. A higher ratio between the abundance of each field attractive component and that of (E)-DMNT and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate was measured for rowan and rowan-spruce in contrast to rowan-pear and rowan-apple headspaces. Our result suggests that the ratio between field attractive and background antennaly active volatiles encodes host-plant recognition in our study system

    New Lists: Fundamentals and Survival Rates

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    The class of firms that obtain public equity financing expands dramatically in the 1980s and 1990s. After 1979, the rate at which new firms are listed on major U.S. stock exchanges jumps from about 160 to near 550 per year, and the characteristics of new lists change. The cross-section of new list profitability becomes progressively more left skewed, and growth becomes more right skewed. The result is a sharp decline in new list survival rates. We suggest that the changes in the characteristics of new lists are due to a decline in the cost of equity capital that allows weaker firms and firms with more distant expected payoffs to become viable candidates for public equity financing

    Overvåking av Indre Oslofjord i 2012 - Vedleggsrapport

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    Her presenteres data for overvåkingen av Indre Oslofjord i 2012. En mindre omfattende beskrivelse av resultatene er presentert i NIVA rapport nr. 6533. Undersøkelsene omfatter fysiske, kjemiske og biologiske forhold. Fjordens innelukkede karakter gjør at utslipp vil kunne medføre uønskede effekter (eutrofiering, miljøgifteffekter). Dette er påvirkninger som fremdeles er aktuelle fordi det ventes en betydelig befolkningsøkning i området med dertil følgende tilførsler. Kapasiteten på de kommunale renseanleggene er også i ferd med å bli sprengt. Vannutskiftningen i Indre Oslofjord var i 2012 svært lav. Innenfor Drøbak ble ca. 25 % av vannet mellom 20 meters dyp og bunn skiftet ut mot ca. 73 % i 2011. I Bunnefjorden var det ingen dypvannsfornyelse i 2012 og oksygenkonsentrasjonen sank mot sommeren, med litt sulfidutvikling på 150 m dyp frem til august. Vinteren 2012 var det en relativt god dypvannsfornyelse i Vestfjorden. Algemengden i overflatevannet var i 2012 nær gjennomsnittet for tidligere år. Forekomsten av reker var relativt god i Lysakerfjorden, men var lavere lengre utover i Vestfjorden. Horisontalutbredelsen av tang viste en positiv utvikling i Vestfjorden og Bunnefjorden, og negativ utvikling i sørlige deler av Vestfjorden og Drøbak-området. I 2011/12 ble det startet en registrering av fisk innsamlet med bunntrål ved Steilene i Indre Oslofjord. Resultatene tyder på en sesongavhengighet mht. tilstedeværende arter og deres antall. I august og november var fangstene dominert av øyepål som utgjorde 43-46 % av fangsten. Sypike og hvitting utgjorde hver ca. 15 %. I februar og juni var sypike, gapeflyndre (20-25 %) og sølvtorsk (20 %) mest dominerende. De fleste artene syntes likevel å være tilstede året rundt. Fangstene av torsk varierte mellom 2 og 5 %, og var på topp i november måned. Biomarkør resultater fra de siste ti årene antyder at det blir gradvis mindre effekter av miljøgifter på torsken i Indre Oslofjord