148 research outputs found

    Dynamical Phase Transitions In Driven Integrate-And-Fire Neurons

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    We explore the dynamics of an integrate-and-fire neuron with an oscillatory stimulus. The frustration due to the competition between the neuron's natural firing period and that of the oscillatory rhythm, leads to a rich structure of asymptotic phase locking patterns and ordering dynamics. The phase transitions between these states can be classified as either tangent or discontinuous bifurcations, each with its own characteristic scaling laws. The discontinuous bifurcations exhibit a new kind of phase transition that may be viewed as intermediate between continuous and first order, while tangent bifurcations behave like continuous transitions with a diverging coherence scale.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spatial patterns of desynchronization bursts in networks

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    We adapt a previous model and analysis method (the {\it master stability function}), extensively used for studying the stability of the synchronous state of networks of identical chaotic oscillators, to the case of oscillators that are similar but not exactly identical. We find that bubbling induced desynchronization bursts occur for some parameter values. These bursts have spatial patterns, which can be predicted from the network connectivity matrix and the unstable periodic orbits embedded in the attractor. We test the analysis of bursts by comparison with numerical experiments. In the case that no bursting occurs, we discuss the deviations from the exactly synchronous state caused by the mismatch between oscillators

    Physics of the rhythmic applause

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    We discuss in detail a human scale example of the synchronization phenomenon, namely the dynamics of the rhythmic applause. After a detailed experimental investigation, we describe the phenomenon with an approach based on the classical Kuramoto model. Computer simulations based on the theoretical assumptions, reproduce perfectly the observed dynamics. We argue that a frustration present in the system is responsible for the interesting interplay between synchronized and unsynchronized regimesComment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Stability Analysis of Asynchronous States in Neuronal Networks with Conductance-Based Inhibition

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    Oscillations in networks of inhibitory interneurons have been reported at various sites of the brain and are thought to play a fundamental role in neuronal processing. This Letter provides a self-contained analytical framework that allows numerically efficient calculations of the population activity of a network of conductance-based integrate-and-fire neurons that are coupled through inhibitory synapses. Based on a normalization equation this Letter introduces a novel stability criterion for a network state of asynchronous activity and discusses its perturbations. The analysis shows that, although often neglected, the reversal potential of synaptic inhibition has a strong influence on the stability as well as the frequency of network oscillations

    Coupled Oscillators with Chemotaxis

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    A simple coupled oscillator system with chemotaxis is introduced to study morphogenesis of cellular slime molds. The model successfuly explains the migration of pseudoplasmodium which has been experimentally predicted to be lead by cells with higher intrinsic frequencies. Results obtained predict that its velocity attains its maximum value in the interface region between total locking and partial locking and also suggest possible roles played by partial synchrony during multicellular development.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, latex using jpsj.sty and epsf.sty, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67 (1998

    Topological Speed Limits to Network Synchronization

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    We study collective synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators interacting on asymmetric random networks. We demonstrate that random matrix theory can be used to accurately predict the speed of synchronization in such networks in dependence on the dynamical and network parameters. Furthermore, we show that the speed of synchronization is limited by the network connectivity and stays finite, even if the coupling strength becomes infinite. In addition, our results indicate that synchrony is robust under structural perturbations of the network dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Breaking Synchrony by Heterogeneity in Complex Networks

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    For networks of pulse-coupled oscillators with complex connectivity, we demonstrate that in the presence of coupling heterogeneity precisely timed periodic firing patterns replace the state of global synchrony that exists in homogenous networks only. With increasing disorder, these patterns persist until they reach a critical temporal extent that is of the order of the interaction delay. For stronger disorder these patterns cease to exist and only asynchronous, aperiodic states are observed. We derive self-consistency equations to predict the precise temporal structure of a pattern from the network heterogeneity. Moreover, we show how to design heterogenous coupling architectures to create an arbitrary prescribed pattern.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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