814 research outputs found
Produire des programmes pour la radio
Ce livre est incontournable pour les personnes impliquées dans la production radiophonique. Il en aborde tous les aspects, depuis les techniques opérationnelles et la production de différents formats de programmes jusqu'à la conduite d'interviews et l'écriture pour la radio. Il présente des informations récentes sur les techniques de production numérique comme le montage assisté par ordinateur, le reportage à distance et l'acoustique pour les programmes de théâtre
Allostery without conformation change: modelling protein dynamics at multiple scales
The original ideas of Cooper and Dryden, that allosteric signalling can be induced between distant binding sites on proteins without any change in mean structural conformation, has proved to be a remarkably prescient insight into the rich structure of protein dynamics. It represents an alternative to the celebrated Monod–Wyman–Changeux mechanism and proposes that modulation of the amplitude of thermal fluctuations around a mean structure, rather than shifts in the structure itself, give rise to allostery in ligand binding. In a complementary approach to experiments on real proteins, here we take a theoretical route to identify the necessary structural components of this mechanism. By reviewing and extending an approach that moves from very coarse-grained to more detailed models, we show that, a fundamental requirement for a body supporting fluctuation-induced allostery is a strongly inhomogeneous elastic modulus. This requirement is reflected in many real proteins, where a good approximation of the elastic structure maps strongly coherent domains onto rigid blocks connected by more flexible interface regions
Silk Protein Solution : A Natural Example of Sticky Reptation
Silk is one of the most intriguing examples of biomolecular self-assembly, yet little is understood of molecular mechanisms behind the flow behavior generating these complex high-performance fibers. This work applies the polymer physics of entangled solution rheology to present a first microphysical understanding of silk in the linear viscoelastic regime. We show that silk solutions can be approximated as reptating polymers with "sticky" calcium bridges whose strength can be controlled through the potassium concentration. This approach provides a new window into critical microstructural parameters, in particular identifying the mechanism by which potassium and calcium ions are recruited as a powerful viscosity control in silk. Our model constitutes a viable starting point to understand not only the "flow-induced self-assembly" of silk fibers but also a broader range of phenomena in the emergent field of material-focused synthetic biology
Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends
We introduce an entanglement model mixing rule for stress relaxation in a polymer blend to a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation of motion for concentration fluctuations in the presence of shear flow. Such an approach predicts both shear-induced mixing and demixing, depending on the relative relaxation times and plateau moduli of the two components
Після зруйнування Чортомлицької Січі російськими військами полковника Яковлєва та козаками Гната Галаган між запорожцями та турецьким султаном Ахметом ІІІ було укладено pacta conventa. За умовами угоди при впадінні річки Кам’янки в Дніпро, вище сьогоднішнього м. Берислава (Кизикермена) запорожцями була заснована Кам’янська Січ. Топографія Січі підтверджувалася свідченням козацьких істориків ХVIII ст. С. Мишецьким, документальними джерелами із січового архіву, архіву Малоросійської колегії, дослідженнями археологічних експедицій Державного історико-культурного заповідника запорозького козацтва на о. Хортиця в 1971-1975 рр. та ін. Археологічні знахідки свідчать, що Кам’янська Січ проіснувала близько 8 років з однією тривалою перервою (1712-1728), коли Запорожці сиділи в шостій по числу – Олешківській Січі. Після трагедії на Чортомлицькій Січі новий кошовий спадкоємець героя Полтавської баталії Костя Гордієнка, енергійний і кмітливий Яків Богуш організував опір козаків Чортомлицької Січі, а потім очолив їх і заклав Кам’янську Січ
Combined RAF1 protein expression and p53 mutational status provides a strong predictor of cellular radiosensitivity
The tumour suppressor gene, p53, and genes coding for positive signal transduction factors can influence transit through cell-cycle checkpoints and modulate radiosensitivity. Here we examine the effects of RAF1 protein on the rate of exit from a G2/M block induced by γ-irradiation in relation to intrinsic cellular radiosensitivity in human cell lines expressing wild-type p53 (wtp53) protein as compared to mutant p53 (mutp53) protein. Cell lines which expressed mutp53 protein were all relatively radioresistant and exhibited no relationship between RAF1 protein and cellular radiosensitivity. Cell lines expressing wtp53 protein, however, showed a strong relationship between RAF1 protein levels and the radiosensitivity parameter SF2. In addition, when post-irradiation perturbation of G2/M transit was compared using the parameter T50 (time after the peak of G2/M delay at which 50% of the cells had exited from a block induced by 2 Gy of irradiation), RAF1 was related to T50 in wtp53, but not mutp53, cell lines. Cell lines which expressed wtp53 protein and high levels of RAF1 had shorter T50s and were also more radiosensitive. These results suggest a cooperative role for wtp53 and RAF1 protein in determining cellular radiosensitivity in human cells, which involves control of the G2/M checkpoint. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig
Kramers rate theory of ionization and dissociation of bound states
Calculating the microscopic dissociation rate of a bound state, such as a
classical diatomic molecule, has been difficult so far. The problem was that
standard theories require an energy barrier over which the bound particle (or
state) escapes into the preferred low-energy state. This is not the case when
the long-range repulsion responsible for the barrier is either absent or
screened (as in Cooper pairs, ionized plasma, or biomolecular complexes). We
solve this classical problem by accounting for entropic memory at the
microscopic level. The theory predicts dissociation rates for arbitrary
potentials and is successfully tested on the example of plasma, where it yields
an estimate of ionization in the core of Sun in excellent agreement with
experiments. In biology, the new theory accounts for crowding in
receptor-ligand kinetics and protein aggregation
‘‘Lozenge’’ contour plots in scattering from polymer networks
We present a consistent explanation for the appearance of “lozenge” shapes in contour plots of the two dimensional scattering intensity from stretched polymer networks. By explicitly averaging over quenched variables in a tube model, we show that lozenge patterns arise as a result of chain material that is not directly deformed by the stretch. We obtain excellent agreement with experimental data
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