295 research outputs found

    Discovery of Trade Secrets

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    Purification and properties of a pea chloroplast DNA polymerase

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    Successional dynamics of a 35 year old freshwater mitigation wetland in southeastern New Hampshire

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    The long-term ecological success of compensatory freshwater wetland projects has come into question based on follow-up monitoring studies over the past few decades. Given that wetland restoration may require many years to decades to converge to desired outcomes, long-term monitoring of successional patterns may increase our ability to fully evaluate success of wetland mitigation projects or guide adaptive management when needed. In Portsmouth, New Hampshire a 4 ha wetland was constructed in an abandoned gravel quarry as off-site compensatory mitigation for impacts to a scrub-shrub swamp associated with property expansion. Building upon prior evaluations from 1992 and 2002, we conducted a floral survey in 2020 to compare results with prior surveys to document vegetation successional trends over time. In addition, we monitored the avian community throughout the growing season as a measure of habitat quality. The plant community mirrored documented successional trends of freshwater wetland restoration projects as native hydrophytes dominated species composition. Plant species composition stabilized as the rate of turnover, the measurement of succession, declined by nearly half after 17 years. Researchers should consider long-term monitoring of specific sites to better understand successional patterns of created wetlands as we documented long time frames required for the development of scrub-shrub swamps, red maple swamps, and sedge meadows. High species richness was attributed to beaver activity, topographic heterogeneity from Carex stricta tussocks, and the seed bank from the application of peat from the original wetland. Habitat heterogeneity of open water, herbaceous cover, and woody vegetation supports a diverse avian community including 11 wetland dependent species. Although the mitigation project has not created the full area of lost scrub-shrub swamp after 35 years, it has developed a structurally complex habitat and diverse avian community that effectively provides the functions and values of the impacted system

    Evidence of avian-mediated long distance dispersal in American tardigrades

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    Terrestrial tardigrades, commonly known as “water bears”, are part of a phylum of microscopic, aquatic invertebrates famous for cryptobiosis and space travel, but little is known about their modes of dispersal on Earth. Wind is assumed, but not truly demonstrated, to be the major method of global dispersal. Yet, some water bear distribution patterns cannot be explained by patterns of prevailing winds. Mammals and birds have been proposed as potential animal vectors. Importantly, most nearctic-neotropical migrant birds move north and south, with many crossing the equator, whereas prevailing winds move west to east or east to west but do not cross the equator. When multiplied by billions of birds over tens of millions of years, if the ectozoochory of tardigrades by birds is true then both regional and intercontinental patterns can be better explained. To test for the potential role of birds in tardigrade dispersal, the nests of 10 species for birds were examined. Seventy percent of nests were positive for tardigrades, demonstrating that some birds are in a position for transference. The carcasses of eight birds (six species) found dead from window strikes and a Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) found dead during routine surveys were also examined. Of the birds examined, 66% yielded tardigrades from two classes, three orders, and five species, including juveniles, adults, and eggs, suggesting that many bird species are potential vectors for many species of tardigrades. Our data support the hypothesis of avian-mediated long distance dispersal of tardigrades and provide evidence that further investigation is warranted

    Detection of \u3ci\u3eMannheimia haemolytica\u3c/i\u3e-Specific IgG, IgM and IgA in Sera and Their Relationship to Respiratory Disease in Cattle

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    Mannheimia haemolytica is one of the major causes of bovine respiratory disease in cattle. The organism is the primary bacterium isolated from calves and young cattle affected with enzootic pneumonia. Novel indirect ELISAs were developed and evaluated to enable quantification of antibody responses to whole cell antigens using M. haemolytica A1 strain P1148. In this study, the ELISAs were initially developed using sera from both M. haemolytica-culture-free and clinically infected cattle, then the final prototypes were tested in the validation phase using a larger set of known-status M. haemolytica sera (n = 145) collected from feedlot cattle. The test showed good inter-assay and intra-assay repeatability. Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were estimated at 91% and 87% for IgG at a cutoff of S/P ≥ 0.8. IgM diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 91% and 81% at a cutoff of sample to positive (S/P) ratio ≥ 0.8. IgA diagnostic sensitivity was 89% whereas specificity was 78% at a cutoff of S/P ≥ 0.2. ELISA results of all isotypes were related to the diagnosis of respiratory disease and isolation of M. haemolytica (p-value \u3c 0.05). These data suggest that M. haemolytica ELISAs can be adapted to the detection and quantification of antibody in serum specimens and support the use of these tests for the disease surveillance and disease prevention research in feedlot cattle

    Spread Footings for Highway Bridges

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    DTFH61-82-C-00075A long term study of the settlement performance of 21 bridge foundations supported on cohesionless soil sand or silt was completed to provide a reliable database for engineering evaluation. The observations documented the successful performance of the foundations where total average settlement of 0.75 In was recorded while an average of only 0.25 In of settlement was noted after construction of the bridge decks. Geotechnical engineering methods for prediction of settlement of foundations on sand were evaluated with five methods compared in detail to observed data. Recommendations for design are provided. Geotechnical instrumentation monitoring systems for observation of settlement and tilt and related parameters are described along with preparation of a computerized data base for data storage and retrieval. Design recommendations for foundations on rock as well as risk based design concepts are presented

    The Lantern Vol. 27, No. 2, Spring 1959

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    • The Case for a Stratified Society • Education Courses • Some Thoughts for God\u27s Thinking Creatures • Sawdust to the Oats? • To Change the Things I Can... • Vignette • I Meet Goliath • Reverie and Reminiscence • On Flight • In Defense of Jazz • A Description • Line of Retreat • Alan Lomax and the American Folk Song • Dawn Stillness • Seasons • Two Poems • Despair • Too Late • Education • For All Practical Purposes He Was Bald • Contrast • I Belong to the Sea • Waves • Love • The Glory and the Dreamhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1077/thumbnail.jp

    Estimativa dos coeficientes especĂ­ficos de mortalidade infantil segundo peso ao nascer no municĂ­pio de SĂŁo Paulo (Brasil)

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    Foi estimada a distribuição do peso ao nascer da coorte dos recém-nascidos que deu origem aos óbitos infantis estudados pela Investigação Interamericana de Mortalidade na Infância no projeto de São Paulo (1968-70) e determinados os riscos de óbito associados a cada intervalo de peso de nascimento. Assim, foram apurados coeficientes de mortalidade infantil de 305,5, 50,2 e 34,4 para recém-nascidos de baixo peso, peso deficiente e peso superior a 3.000 g. A comparação destes coeficientes com os registrados na área americana incluída na investigação citada (Califórnia), revelou excesso de mortalidade, particularmente notável não para os recém-nascidos de baixo peso, mas para os recém-nascidos de peso superior a 3.000 g. O ajuste da mortalidade de São Paulo (Brasil) à distribuição do peso ao nascer observada na Califórnia foi capaz de explicar 15% do excesso da mortalidade infantil e 21% do excesso da mortalidade neonatal de São Paulo.By means of the birth-rate distribution found to exist during the Inter-American Investigation of Mortality in Childhood in S. Paulo (1968-70) the infant death rate association with each birth-weight interval was estimated. The infant mortality rates were 305.5, 50.2 and 34.4 respectively for low birth-weight, deficient weight and weight above 3,000 grams. Compared with the rates found in California, USA, by the same Investigation, the infant mortality rates in S. Paulo are higher, particularly for mortality associated with birth-weight of above 3,000 grams. The adjustment of infant mortality rates in S. Paulo according to the birth-weight distribution found in California led to the conclusion that, at that period, only 15% of the excess of the infant mortality of S. Paulo could be attributed exclusively to birth-weight. In the case of neonatal mortality, 21% of the mortality excess in S. Paulo could be attributed to birth-weight
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