669 research outputs found

    Iodine biofortification of sweet basil and lettuce grown in two hydroponic systems

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    Two hydroponic techniques (floating system and aeroponics) were assessed for iodine (I) biofortification of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and baby-leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Iodine was supplemented by adding KI into the nutrient solution to achieve a final I concentration of 10 μM. Shoot biomass production and leaf concentration of I, nitrates, total phenols and pigments were measured on the occasion of two successive cuts, 14 and 28 days after transplanting. In both the hydroponic systems, the supplementation of KI represented an effective method for the biofortification of basil as it did not affect the plant growth, while it moderately reduced the biomass production in lettuce. Leaf I accumulation occurred to a greater extent in aeroponics than the floating system in both species. In KI-treated basil plants, leaf I content ranged between 9.76 and 23.58 mg kg− 1 FW. Consequently, 6 g of fresh basil leaves, which is contained in a portion of Italian pesto sauce (12 g), could satisfy 40%–94% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of iodine for healthy adults (150 μg day− 1). In lettuce, leaf I contents of first-cut leaves were 1.55 and 3.60 mg kg− 1 FW, in the floating system and aeroponics, respectively. Therefore, a serving size of 26 g of lettuce containing I from 1.55 (floating culture) to 3.60 (aeroponics) mg kg− 1 FW could satisfy 27 % to 62 % of the RDI of iodine. Lettuce grew much less in the floating system than aeroponics, probably because of the lower dissolved oxygen level in the nutrient solution as compared to aeroponics. Basil was less sensitive to the oxygen availability in the root zone, since no differences were detected between the two hydroponic systems in terms of fresh and dry biomass

    Copper and Zinc Accumulation in Young Leaves of Eruca sativa (L.) Grown in Soilless Culture

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    Heavy metals are environmental pollutants that cause toxicity in plants and represent a risk for human health, linked to bioaccumulation through the food chain. However, excess accumulation may not occur in young plants in the early stages of exposure to the toxic element. In the present work, rocket (Eruca sativa L.) plants grown in hydroponics were exposed for three weeks to excess concentrations (25, 50, or 100 μM) of Cu or Zn in the nutrient solution and were more sensitive to Cu than Zn toxicity. However, a significant decrease in the leaf biomass production as compared with the control was observed only after two or three weeks, and only minor signals of metal-induced adverse effects were evidenced concerning photosynthesis, oxidative stress indicators, antioxidant metabolites, and macronutrients. After two or three weeks, the leaf level of Cu occasionally approached the upper value associated with the recommended limits of dietary intake for human adults. However, as rocket leaves are commercialized when they achieve a 10–15 cm length, after one week of cultivation in perlite, the plants had an adequate size without metal contamination and could be considered suitable for the food market, even after exposure to Cu or Zn concentrations up to 100 μM

    UV-B Physiological Changes Under Conditions of Distress and Eustress in Sweet Basil

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    UV-B radiation has been previously reported to induce protective or deleterious effects on plants depending on the UV-B irradiation doses. To elucidate how these contrasting events are physiologically coordinated, we exposed sweet basil plants to two UV-B doses: low (8.5 kJ m-2 day-1, 30 min exposure) and high (68 kJ m-2 day-1, 4 h exposure), with the plants given both doses once continuously in a single day. Physiological tests during and after both UV-B exposures were performed by comparing the stress-induced damage and adverse effects on photosynthetic activity, the concentration and composition of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic pigments, and stress-related hormones biosynthesis in basil plants. Our results showed that upon receiving a high UV-B dose, a severe inactivation of oxygen evolving complex (OEC) activity at the PSII donor side and irreversible PSII photodamage caused primarily by limitation of the acceptor side occurred, which overloaded protective mechanisms and finally led to the death of the plants. In contrast, low UV-B levels did not induce any signs of UV-B stress injuries. The OEC partial limitation and the inactivation of the electron transport chain allowed the activation of photoprotective mechanisms, avoiding irreversible damage to PSII. Overall results indicate the importance of a specific response mechanisms regulating photoprotection vs irreversible photoinhibition in basil that were modulated depending on the UV-B doses

    Energy stores, oxidative balance and sleep in migratory Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) and Whitethroats (Sylvia communis) at a spring stopover site

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    Little is known about how songbirds modulate sleep during migratory periods. Due to the alternation of nocturnal endurance flights and diurnal refueling stopovers, sleep is likely to be a major constraint for many migratory passerine species. Sleep may help to increase the endogenous antioxidant capacity that counteracts free radicals produced during endurance flight and reduces energy expenditure. Here, we investigated the relationship between sleep behavior, food intake, and two markers of physiological condition—the amount of energy reserves and oxidative status—in two migratory songbird species, the garden warbler (Sylvia borin) and the whitethroat (Sylvia communis). In garden warblers, birds with high energy stores were more prone to sleep during the day, while this condition-dependent sleep pattern was not present in whitethroats. In both species, birds with low energy stores were more likely to sleep with their head tucked in the feathers during nocturnal sleep. Moreover, we found a positive correlation between food intake and the extent of energy reserves in garden warblers, but not in whitethroats. Finally, we did not find significant correlations between oxidative status and sleep, or oxidative status and energy stores. Despite our study was not comparative, it suggests that different species might use different strategies to manage their energy during stopover and, additionally, it raises the possibility that migrants have evolved physiological adaptations to deal with oxidative damage produced during migration

    Brief communication: Co-seismic displacement on 26 and 30 October 2016 ( M w = 5.9 and 6.5) – earthquakes in central Italy from the analysis of a local GNSS network

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    Abstract. On 24 August 2016 a strong earthquake (Mw = 6.0) affected central Italy and an intense seismic sequence started. Field observations, DInSAR (Differential INterferometry Synthetic-Aperture Radar) analyses and preliminary focal mechanisms, as well as the distribution of aftershocks, suggested the reactivation of the northern sector of the Laga fault, the southern part of which was already rebooted during the 2009 L'Aquila sequence, and of the southern segment of the Mt Vettore fault system (MVFS). Based on this preliminary information and following the stress-triggering concept (Stein, 1999; Steacy et al., 2005), we tentatively identified a potential fault zone that is very vulnerable to future seismic events just north of the earlier epicentral area. Accordingly, we planned a local geodetic network consisting of five new GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) stations located a few kilometres away from both sides of the MVFS. This network was devoted to working out, at least partially but in some detail, the possible northward propagation of the crustal network ruptures. The building of the stations and a first set of measurements were carried out during a first campaign (30 September and 2 October 2016). On 26 October 2016, immediately north of the epicentral area of the 24 August event, another earthquake (Mw = 5.9) occurred, followed 4 days later (30 October) by the main shock (Mw = 6.5) of the whole 2016 summer–autumn seismic sequence. Our local geodetic network was fully affected by the new events and therefore we performed a second campaign soon after (11–13 November 2016). In this brief note, we provide the results of our geodetic measurements that registered the co-seismic and immediately post-seismic deformation of the two major October shocks, documenting in some detail the surface deformation close to the fault trace. We also compare our results with the available surface deformation field of the broader area, obtained on the basis of the DInSAR technique, and show an overall good fit

    Medicinal plants and their bacterial microbiota: A review on antimicrobial compounds production for plant and human health

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    Medicinal plants (MPs) have been used since antiquity in traditional and popular medicine, and they represent a very important source of bioactive molecules, including antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal molecules. Such compounds are often of plant origin, but in some cases, an origin or a modification from plant microbiota has been shown. Actually, the research continues to report the production of bioactive molecules by plants, but the role of plant–endophytic interaction is emerging. Classic examples are mainly concerned with fungal endophytes; however, it has been recently shown that bacterial endophytes can also play an important role in influencing the plant metabolism related to the synthesis of bioactive compounds. In spite of this, a deep investigation on the power of MP bacterial endophytes is lacking. Here, an overview of the studies on MP bacterial microbiota and its role in the production of plant antimicrobial compounds contributing to prime host defense system and representing a huge resource for biotech and therapeutic applications is provided

    Medicinal Plants and Their Bacterial Microbiota: A Review on Antimicrobial Compounds Production for Plant and Human Health

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    Medicinal plants (MPs) have been used since antiquity in traditional and popular medicine, and they represent a very important source of bioactive molecules, including antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal molecules. Such compounds are often of plant origin, but in some cases, an origin or a modification from plant microbiota has been shown. Actually, the research continues to report the production of bioactive molecules by plants, but the role of plant–endophytic interaction is emerging. Classic examples are mainly concerned with fungal endophytes; however, it has been recently shown that bacterial endophytes can also play an important role in influencing the plant metabolism related to the synthesis of bioactive compounds. In spite of this, a deep investigation on the power of MP bacterial endophytes is lacking. Here, an overview of the studies on MP bacterial microbiota and its role in the production of plant antimicrobial compounds contributing to prime host defense system and representing a huge resource for biotech and therapeutic applications is provided

    Prognostic value of soluble P-selectin levels in colorectal cancer

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    Measurement of soluble (s) P-selectin levels has been proposed as a diagnostic tool for monitoring the clinical course of human neoplasms. Thus, our study was aimed at analyzing the role of sP-selectin in association with clinicopathological variables in 181 patients with primary (n =149) or metastatic (n = 32) colorectal cancer (CRC), 34 patients with benign diseases and 181 control subjects. The results obtained showed that sP-selectin levels were higher in patients with CRC compared either to patients with benign disease (p = 0.006) or controls (p = 0.003). No differences were observed between the latter and patients with benign diseases. Increased median sP-selectin levels were significantly associated with the presence of distant metastasis (68.2 ng/ml vs. 48.6 ng/ml, p = 0.002). Of interest, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels were independently associated to sP-selectin (regression coefficient = 0.28, p < 0.002). Cox's proportional hazards survival analysis of primary CRC patients demonstrated that beside the stage of disease sP-selectin levels had an independent prognostic role in predicting recurrent disease (HR = 2.22, p = 0.019) and mortality from CRC (HR = 3.44, p= 0.017). These results suggest that measurement of plasma sP-selectin might represent a prognostic indicator in the management of patients with CRC

    The impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and use of herbal medicines during breastfeeding: A Post Hoc analysis of the herbal supplements in breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT)

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    Introduction. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) are commonly used among lactating women, despite the poor knowledge of these products and of their safety. Perception of pregnancy- and breastfeeding-related difficulties and consequent use of CAMs may differ in bereaved women, by force of the distress related to previous loss, although no literature evidence is available. This Herbal supplements in Breastfeeding InvesTigation (HaBIT) post hoc analysis explored the impact of previous pregnancy loss on lactating behaviors and on use of CAMs during breastfeeding. Methods. A web-based survey was conducted among lactating women with no previous alive child, resident in Tuscany (Italy). Data on lactating behavior and on CAMs use were collected and evaluated among women with previous pregnancy loss as compared to control women. Results. Out of 476 women answering the questionnaire, 233 lactating women with one child were considered. Of them, 80 had history of pregnancy loss. Cesarean birth was significantly more frequent among women with history of pregnancy loss as compared to controls (41% versus 22%; p=0.004). Proportion, length of exclusive breastfeeding, and occurrence of breastfeeding-related complications were comparable among the two cohorts. More than half of women used CAMs during breastfeeding. Use of CAMs was more frequent among women with previous pregnancy loss (54% versus 68%; p=0.050), specifically considering herbal preparations (16% versus 30%; p=0.018). Major advisors for CAMs use were midwives. 18% and 23% of women without and with history of pregnancy loss declared no clear perception on CAMs efficacy and safety. Conclusion. Overcoming the social taboo of pregnancy loss and training healthcare professionals for an adequate management of the perinatal period are essential for an effective and safe care. Despite the common use and advice on CAMs use during breastfeeding, it is important to acknowledge that limited evidence supports their safety and efficacy during such critical period
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