159 research outputs found

    Total serum calcium and corrected calcium as severity predictors in acute pancreatitis

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    AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate total serum calcium (TC) and albumin-corrected calcium (ACC) as prognostic severity factors in acute pancreatitis (AP).MethodsNinety-six patients were included in the study. They were diagnosed with AP and admitted to the Hospital Regional de Veracruz within the time frame of January 2010 to December 2012. AP severity was determined through the updated Atlanta Classification (2013). TC and ACC values were measured in the first 24hours of admittance and the percentages of sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (LR+), and negative likelihood ratio (LR-) were calculated through ROC curves and contingency tables.ResultsIn accordance with the updated Atlanta Classification, 70 patients presented with mild AP, 17 with moderately severe AP, and 9 with severe AP. Of the patient total, 61.5% were women, and 69.8% presented with biliary etiology. The maximum TC cut-off point was 7.5mg/dL, with values of S, 67%; Sp, 82%; PPV, 27%, and NPV, 96%. The maximum ACC cut-off point was 7.5mg/dL, with values of S, 67%; Sp, 90%; PPV, 40%; NPV, 96%. Both had values similar to those of the Ranson and APACHE II prognostic scales.ConclusionsTC and ACC, measured within the first 24hours, are useful severity predictors in acute pancreatitis, with sensitivity and predictive values comparable or superior to those of the conventional prognostic scales

    Mental Health, Schooling Attainment and Polygenic Scores: Are There Significant Gene-Environment Associations?

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    We estimate associations between a polygenic score (PGS) for depressive symptoms, schooling attainment and genetic-environmental (GxE) associations with depressive symptoms and depression for 29 years old in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) and 53 years old in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS). We find some suggestive evidence that the association of the PGS with mental health is lower for more-schooled older individuals in the WLS, but no evidence in Add Health. Quantile regression estimates also show that in the WLS the GxE associations are statistically significant only in the upper parts of the conditional depressive symptoms score distribution. We assess the robustness of the OLS results to possible omitted variable bias by estimating sibling fixed-effect regressions. The sibling fixed-effect results must be qualified, in part due to low statistical power. However, they show that college education is associated with fewer depressive symptoms in both datasets

    Genetic Risks, Adolescent Health and Schooling Attainment

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    We provide new evidence on the effect of adolescent health behaviors/outcomes (obesity, depression, smoking, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)) on schooling attainment using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. We take two different approaches to deal with omitted variable bias and reverse causality. Our first approach attends to the issue of reverse causality by using health polygenic scores (PGSs) as proxies for actual adolescent health. Second, we estimate the effect of adolescent health using sibling fixed-effects models that control for unmeasured genetic and family factors shared by siblings. We use the PGSs as additional controls in the sibling fixed-effects models to reduce concerns about residual confounding from sibling-specific genetic differences. We find consistent evidence across both approaches that being genetically predisposed to smoking and smoking regularly in adolescence reduces schooling attainment. We find mixed evidence for ADHD. Our estimates suggest that having a high genetic risk for ADHD reduces grades of schooling, but we do not find any statistically significant negative effects of ADHD on grades of schooling. Finally, results from both approaches show no consistent evidence for a detrimental effect of obesity or depression on schooling attainment

    Comparación de la densidad mineral ósea en futbolistas y árbitros de nivel profesional

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    The aim of this study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) of soccer players and professional referees. There were made bone mineral density measurements with the dual x-ray absorptiometry equipment (DEXA) to 27 players (19.81 ± 1.14 years old) and 22 referees (24.95 ± 3.54 years old) from the second division of the Mexican professional soccer league (Liga MX) where the areas of the spine, hip, ribs, arms, legs and full body were evaluated.  It was used the statistical program SPSS (21.0), using the test for independent samples of the t of Student, considering the significance value of p ≤ .05. The players achieved a higher BMD than the referees in most regions of the body, finding only significant difference in the legs and hip (p ≤ .05). The high mineralization of the legs of the players is due to the high contact repeatedly to the game ball, although a higher BMD was also obtained in the referees than in other sports of other studies. Thus concluding that the practice of refereeing in football is positive for bone strengthening. However, more studies on BMD in referees, officials and judges in football and in other disciplines are needed.El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) de los futbolistas y árbitros de nivel profesional. Se realizaron mediciones de la densidad mineral del hueso con el equipo de absorciometría dual de rayos X (DEXA) en el cual se evaluaron las regiones de la columna, cadera, costillas, brazos, piernas y cuerpo completo a 27 futbolistas (19.81 ± 1.14 años de edad) y 22 árbitros (24.95 ± 3.54 años de edad) de la segunda división de la liga profesional de fútbol MX de México. Se utilizo el programa estadístico SPSS (21.0), utilizando la prueba para muestras independientes de la t de Student, considerando el valor de significancia de p ≤ .05. Los futbolistas lograron una mayor DMO que los árbitros en la mayoría de las regiones del cuerpo, encontrándose solamente diferencia significativa en las piernas y en la cadera (p ≤ .05). La alta mineralización de las piernas de los futbolistas se debe al alto contacto de repetidas ocasiones con el balón de juego, aunque también se obtuvo un alta DMO en los árbitros que en otros deportes de otros estudios. Concluyendo así que la práctica del arbitraje en el fútbol es positivo para el fortalecimiento del hueso. Sin embargo hacen falta realizar más estudios sobre la DMO en árbitros, réferi y jueces en el fútbol y en otras disciplinas

    Thiamethoxam in Papaya (Carica papaya Linnaeus) Agroecosystems

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    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a profitable fruit of economic and food importance in Mexico and Central America. Veracruz is the state in Mexico with the highest cultivable area, eventhough its production presents numerous phytosanitary problems, which are being faced with the use of the pesticide thiamethoxam. The aim of this study was to make a diagnosis of the use and management of thiamethoxam in papaya agroecosystems in the municipality of Cotaxtla, Veracruz. Two surveys were applied, one to a 30% of the total number of producers organized by an association dedicated to papaya culture, and the other survey was through key informants, both surveys were designed using the snowball sampling, a non-probability sampling technique. The results indicate that 6% of papaya producers use mainly the pesticide thiamethoxam, which belongs to the chemical group of neonicotinoids. It was found out that for five years there have been records of thiamethoxam use in vertisoils. During the cycle of papaya cultivation the producers use a maximum dose of 3 L/ha and a minimum dose of 250 ml/ha per crop cycle. One hundred per cent of those who apply thiamethoxam are not aware of its use and efficient management, nor of the damage they are doing or have caused to agroecosystems


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    Para cultivar una especie silvestre es necesario modificar el esquema genético resultante de los procesos de selección natural a uno adaptado a las condiciones manejadas por el hombre, e implica detectar áreas geográficas similares a aquellas donde se originó la especie. En este estudio se analiza un modelo de áreas geográficas potenciales para la adaptación de Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav. con el objetivo de detectar las condiciones de nicho ecológico apropiado, determinar zonas potenciales en México y describir las relaciones entre el medio ambiente y las características morfológicas del fruto. Se utilizó el algoritmo reciente de máxima entropía (MaxEnt) para modelar el nicho de C. pubescens dentro de una región de importancia en el centro de Veracruz, México. Se utilizó un total de 44 sitios de presencia y cuatro variables bioclimáticas para detectar nichos adecuados para la especie; así mismo, se realizó un análisis de regresión por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) combinando los sitios de presencia, variables bioclimáticas y características morfológicas del fruto. Se construyó un mapa final de idoneidad identificando las áreas adecuadas para el crecimiento de C. pubescens. Las contribuciones de las variables predictoras al modelo fueron preipitación anual (Bio12) 43.9 %, capa de potasio (K) 23 %, altitud (DEM) 22.3 % y temperatura media anual (Bio1) 10.7 %, con valor del área bajo la curva de 99.7 %. Los mínimos cuadrados parciales corroboraron la importancia de las covariables, que intervienen en la expresión de características morfológicas del fruto, ayudando a entender mejor las relaciones entre especies y el medio ambiente. Áreas aún no exploradas arrojaron probabilidades de ocurrencia mayores a 90 %, principalmente en las zonas montañosas de Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León y la Sierra de Santa Martha al sur del estado de Veracruz. Se identificó un grupo de accesiones sobresalientes que podrían servir como base para iniciar un programa de mejoramiento genético en esta especie

    La espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano (NIRS) en el seguimiento de la madurez del cultivo de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.)

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    Objective: To determine the viability of the near infrared spectroscopy methodology to estimate the maturity of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Design/methodology/approximation: The management of the parameters to evaluate the maturity were the total soluble solids (ºBrix) and Pol (%). This work was carried out at the Obispo Colombres Agroindustrial Experimental Station in Tucumán, Argentina, where 1265 juice samples were collected from sugar cane in the laboratory, where the total soluble solids (ºBrix) and Pol (%) were examined with the usual methods and to obtain the spectra of the juice samples, the near infrared spectrophotometer FOSS NIR Systems model 6500 for liquids was used. And the prediction model for ºBrix and Pol (%) in juices, was generated from the mathematical treatment SNV and Detrend and arrangements 1,4,4,1 and 2,4,4,1 (derived, GAP and smoothed, respectively). Results: The prediction models generated for ºBrix and Pol (%) have standard calibration error values ??(SEC) of 0.126 and 0.296; standard prediction error (SEP) of 0.181 and 0.327; and calibration correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.997 and 0.991, respectively. Limitations/implications: The study was carried out at the Obispo Colombres Agroindustrial Experimental Station in Tucumán, Argentina, for reasons of logistics between Public and Private Institutions in Mexico. Findings/Conclusions: These results indicate that the models developed for ºBrix and Pol (%) can be used as a cheaper alternative to conventional procedures in the determination of maturity since it improves the speed in the determinations, does not use chemical reagents and requires less workforce.Objetivo: Fue determinar la viabilidad de la metodología de espectroscopía del infrarrojo cercano para estimar la madurez de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.). Diseño/metodología/aproximación: El manejado de los parámetros para evaluar la madurez fueron los sólidos solubles totales (ºBrix) y Pol (%). Este trabajo se realizó en la Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres en Tucumán, Argentina, donde se colectaron 1265 muestras de jugos de caña de azúcar en laboratorio, donde se examinaron los sólidos solubles totales (ºBrix) y Pol (%) con los métodos habituales y para la obtención de los espectros de las muestras de jugo se utilizó el espectrofotómetro de infrarrojo cercano FOSS NIR Systems modelo 6500 para líquidos. Y el modelo de predicción para ºBrix y Pol (%) en jugos, se generó a partir del tratamiento matemático SNV y Detrend y arreglos 1,4,4,1 y 2,4,4,1 (derivada, GAP y suavizados, respectivamente). Resultados: Los modelos de predicción generados para ºBrix y Pol (%), tienen valores de error estándar de calibración (SEC) de 0.126 y 0.296; error estándar de predicción (SEP) de 0.181 y 0.327; y coeficiente de correlación de la calibración (R2) de 0.997 y 0.991, respectivamente. Limitaciones/implicaciones: El estudio se realizó en la Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres en Tucumán, Argentina, por motivos de logística entre Instituciones Públicas y Privadas en México. Hallazgos/Conclusiones: Estos resultados indican que los modelos desarrollados para ºBrix y Pol (%) se pueden utilizar como una alternativa más económica a los procedimientos convencionales en la determinación de la madurez ya que mejora la velocidad en las determinaciones, no emplea reactivos químicos y requiere de menor mano de obra

    β-Adrenergic Inhibition of Contractility in L6 Skeletal Muscle Cells

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    The β-adrenoceptors (β-ARs) control many cellular processes. Here, we show that β-ARs inhibit calcium depletion-induced cell contractility and subsequent cell detachment of L6 skeletal muscle cells. The mechanism underlying the cell detachment inhibition was studied by using a quantitative cell detachment assay. We demonstrate that cell detachment induced by depletion of extracellular calcium is due to myosin- and ROCK-dependent contractility. The β-AR inhibition of L6 skeletal muscle cell detachment was shown to be mediated by the β2-AR and increased cAMP but was surprisingly not dependent on the classical downstream effectors PKA or Epac, nor was it dependent on PKG, PI3K or PKC. However, inhibition of potassium channels blocks the β2-AR mediated effects. Furthermore, activation of potassium channels fully mimicked the results of β2-AR activation. In conclusion, we present a novel finding that β2-AR signaling inhibits contractility and thus cell detachment in L6 skeletal muscle cells by a cAMP and potassium channel dependent mechanism