685 research outputs found

    Analisis penetapan Pengadilan Agama Subang omor: 0386/Pdt.P/2017/PA. Sbg. tentang itsbat nikah di bawah umur

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    Itsbat nikah adalah pengesahan atas perkawinan yang telah dilangsungkan menurut syariat agama Islam, akan tetapi tidak dicatat oleh KUA atau PPN yang berwenang. Berdasarkan kasus yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Subang dalam penetapannya Nomor: 0386/Pdt.P/2017/PA. Sbg., bahwa Para Pemohon dahulu menikah berdasarkan syariat agama Islam namun ternyata tidak dicatat oleh KUA atau PPN dikarenakan kurangnya umur mempelai wanita pada saat itu yang masih berusia 15 tahun 11 bulan, namun setelah perkawinan tersebut berlangsung selama 2 tahun dan menghasilkan 1 orang anak yang ternyata tidak bisa memiliki akta lahir dikarenakan perkawinan antara Ibu dan Ayahnya tidak tercatat maka Para Pemohon bermaksud mengajukan itsbat atas perkawinannya. Hasil dalam penetapan Pengadilan Agama Subang Nomor: 0386/Pdt.P/2017/PA. Sbg., permohonan itsbat sebagaimana penjelasan diatas dikabulkan, padahal berdasarkan pasal 7 ayat (3) huruf (e) Kompilasi Hukum Islam, itsbat nikah yang dapat diajukan ke Pengadilan Agama adalah “Perkawinan yang dilakukan oleh mereka yang tidak mempunyai halangan perkawinan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui landasan hukum yang digunakan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus perkara tersebut, alasan Majelis Hakim mengabulkan permohonan itsbat nikah tersebut, serta metode penemuan hukum yang digunakan Majelis Hakim dalam memutus perkara tersebut. Penelitian ini bertolak pada kerangka pemikiran bahwa terdapat perbedaan pendapat dalam batasan usia perkawinan, sehingga menimbulkan banyak tafsir (multi tafsir) dalam pengamalannya. Faktor kemaslahatan yang terdapat dalam metode ijtihad maslahah mursalah, masih mengundang pertanyaan seputar kaidah ushul fiqh yang digunakan dalam penetapan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis isi (content analysis). Jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah penetapannya itu sendiri sebagai data primer dan sumber-sumber lain yang berupa buku-buku penunjang, jurnal dan penunjang lainnya sebagai data sekunder. Penelitian ini pun menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dari wawancara kepada responden yang berkaitan sumber data dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Agama Subang menggunakan pasal 2 ayat (1), pasal 6 ayat (2) dan pasal 7 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan begitupun pasal 4 dan pasal 7 ayat (2) Kompilasi Hukum Islam. (2) Sesuai pertimbangan hukum penetapannya, bahwasanya batasan usia perkawinan dalam perundang-undangan bukan merupakan sesuatu yang bersifat temporer, dibuktikan dengan harus adanya izin dari orang tua atau dispensasi Pengadilan Agama, dalam hal ini tentu saja kematangan mental dan fisik yang nyata dari calon mempelai harus diperhatikan. (3) Metode penemuan hukum yang di gunakan, menggunakan metode interpretasi gramatikal (penafsiran menurut bahasa) dengan merujuk pada metode tasyri’iyyah dalam penggalian makna filosofis dari suatu Undang-Undang, dalam hal ini Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan Impres Nomor 1 Tahun 1991 tentang Kompilasi Hukum Islam

    Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—A Multilayer Low-Altitude Airspace Model for Distributed UAV Traffic Management

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    The rapid adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) has encouraged the integration of new connected devices such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to the ubiquitous network. UAVs promise a pragmatic solution to the limitations of existing terrestrial IoT infrastructure as well as bring new means of delivering IoT services through a wide range of applications. Owning to their potential, UAVs are expected to soon dominate the low-altitude airspace over populated cities. This introduces new research challenges such as the safe management of UAVs operation under high traffic demands. This paper proposes a novel way of structuring the uncontrolled, low-altitude airspace, with the aim of addressing the complex problem of UAV traffic management at an abstract level. The work, hence, introduces a model of the airspace as a weighted multilayer network of nodes and airways and presents a set of experimental simulation results using three UAV traffic management heuristics

    The tautological ring of Mg,n via Pandharipande-Pixton-Zvonkine r-spin relations

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    We use relations in the tautological ring of the moduli spaces Mg,n derived by Pandharipande, Pixton, and Zvonkine from the Givental formula for the r-spin Witten class in order to obtain some restrictions on the dimensions of the tautological rings of the open moduli spacesMg,n. In particular, we give a new proof for the result of Looijenga (for n = 1) and Buryak et al. (for n > 2) that dimRg-1(Mg,n) ≤ n. We also give a new proof of the result of Looijenga (for n = 1) and Ionel (for arbitrary n > 1) that Ri(Mg,n) = 0 for i > g and give some estimates for the dimension of Ri(Mg,n) for i ≤ g - 2

    Comparison Between Combined Sensory Index Test and Diagnostic Ultrasonography (Inlet Outlet Ratio) in Suspected or Early Cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Background: The combined sensory index (CSI) test is more precise in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) early cases. Another useful tool for early detection of CTS is the diagnostic ultrasonography. Objective: The present study was conducted to compare between the CSI test and its sensitivity with diagnostic ultrasonography IOR (inlet outlet ratio) in suspected or early cases of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).Patients and methods: The present case-control study involved 20 subjects with signs and symptoms suggestive of early cases of CTS with duration less than 6 months, in addition to 20 apparently healthy subjects who were clinically examined and underwent EDX and US evaluation. We excluded patients with severe CTS, proximal cervical lesion, or other neurological diseases.Results: By comparison, CSI shows a higher sensitivity than IOR. Combining both tests induced elevated substantial differences between patients as well as controls (P <0.01), besides elevating the sensitivity to 100%.Conclusion: It could be concluded that the sensitivity and accuracy of CSI is higher than diagnostic ultrasonography IOR on the median nerve. On the contrary, diagnostic ultrasonography can detect the anatomical abnormalities of the median nerve while the physiological abnormalities of the median nerve and their level can be examined by nerve conduction studies (NCS). They are complementary tests for CTS diagnosi

    Adverse effects of energy drink on rat pancreas and the therapeutic role of each of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and Nigella Sativa oil

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    Background: Energy drinks have been observed to threaten public health leading to many medical problems. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) have broad prospects in tissue regeneration. Nigella Sativa (NS) possess great therapeutic properties for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Materials and methods: Forty adult male albino rats were divided into: control group and treated group. The treated group was further subdivided into: energy drink subgroup 2a, BMSCs-injected subgroup 2b, NS-injected subgroup 2c. Histological, immunohistochemical and biochemical assessment was performed. Results: Administration of energy drink revealed that it adversely affected the pancreatic cytoarchitecture. BMSCs and NS have been similarly observed to significantly ameliorate the histological, biochemical and immunohistochemical changes induced by energy drink. Conclusions: The extent of pancreatic regeneration, exerted by each of BMSCs and NS oil, is nearly similar but the effect of BMSCs is more superior; however, NS could be privileged to BMSCs as a line of treatment being easily accessible and of lower cost

    Mitotic CDK Promotes Replisome Disassembly, Fork Breakage, and Complex DNA Rearrangements

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    DNA replication errors generate complex chromosomal rearrangements and thereby contribute to tumorigenesis and other human diseases. One mechanism that triggers these errors is mitotic entry before the completion of DNA replication. To address how mitosis might affect DNA replication, we used Xenopus egg extracts. When mitotic CDK (Cyclin B1-CDK1) is used to drive interphase egg extracts into a mitotic state, the replicative CMG (CDC45/MCM2-7/GINS) helicase undergoes ubiquitylation on its MCM7 subunit, dependent on the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRAIP. Whether replisomes have stalled or undergone termination, CMG ubiquitylation is followed by its extraction from chromatin by the CDC48/p97 ATPase. TRAIP-dependent CMG unloading during mitosis is also seen in C. elegans early embryos. At stalled forks, CMG removal results in fork breakage and end joining events involving deletions and templated insertions. Our results identify a mitotic pathway of global replisome disassembly that can trigger replication fork collapse and DNA rearrangements. Mitotic entry before completion of DNA replication causes genome instability via an unknown mechanism. Using Xenopus egg extracts, Deng et al. find that mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase triggers replication fork breakage and DNA rearrangements. The mechanism requires TRAIP-dependent ubiquitylation of the replicative helicase followed by p97 ATPase-dependent helicase removal from chromatin.</p

    Concurrent Acquisition of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Diverse Influenza H5N1 Clade 2.2 Sub-clades

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    Highly pathogenic Influenza A H5N1 was first identified in Guangdong Province in 1996, followed by human cases in Hong Kong in 1997. The number of confirmed human cases now exceeds 300, and the associated Case Fatality Rate exceeds 60%. The genetic diversity of the serotype continues to increase. Four distinct clades or sub-clades have been linked to human cases. The gradual genetic changes identified in the sub-clades have been attributed to copy errors by viral encoded polymerases that lack an editing function, thereby resulting in antigenic drift. We report here the concurrent acquisition of the same polymorphism by multiple, genetically distinct, clade 2.2 sub-clades in Egypt, Russia, and Ghana. These changes are not easily explained by the current theory of &#x201c;random mutation&#x201d; through copy error, and are more easily explained by recombination with a common source. This conclusion is supported by additional polymorphisms shared by clade 2.2 isolates in Egypt and Germany

    Aggregation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in a Human H5N1 Clade 2.2 Hemagglutinin

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    The evolution of H5N1 has attracted significant interest 1-4 due to linkages with avian 5,6 and human infections 7,8. The basic tenets of influenza genetics 9 attribute genetic drift to replication errors caused by a polymerase complex that lacks a proof reading function. However, recent analysis 10 of swine influenza genes identifies regions copied with absolute fidelity for more than 25 years. In addition, polymorphism tracing of clade 2.2 H5N1 single nucleotide polymorphisms identify concurrent acquisition 11 of the same polymorphism onto multiple genetic backgrounds in widely dispersed geographical locations. Here we show the aggregation of regional clade 2.2 polymorphisms from Germany, Egypt, and sub-Sahara Africa onto a human Nigerian H5N1 hemagglutinin (HA), implicating recombination in the dispersal and aggregation of single nucleotide polymorphisms from closely related genomes
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