173 research outputs found

    Group Formation of the Long-Tailed Macaques Introduced Onto Tinjil Island, West Java

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    Between 1;ebruary 1488 and June 1941, 478 long-tailed macaques (58 males, 420 females) were releasedonto 'Tinjil Island to estahlisli a natural habitat breeding facility. The monkeys were released on 10 differentoccasions over the three years period and did not represent established social groups at the time of release. Approxirnalely 33% of the entire breeder populalion (28 males and 130 females) has been identified by tattoo. Because each monkey received a chest tattoo before released onto the island, it has been possible to reconstruct and tract social group formation by matching an individual's tattoo with its date of release. Assesment of the tattoo data From five of the groups identified on the island indicates that the social groups are not composed of animals from a single release group, hut rather consist of animals from several release groups. Animals from all10 release groups are represented among the five social groups. Membership in the five groups has remainedrelatively stahle during the past four years olohservation (1990-1993) with minimal exchange of group members

    The effects of symmetry on the dynamics of antigenic variation

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    In the studies of dynamics of pathogens and their interactions with a host immune system, an important role is played by the structure of antigenic variants associated with a pathogen. Using the example of a model of antigenic variation in malaria, we show how many of the observed dynamical regimes can be explained in terms of the symmetry of interactions between different antigenic variants. The results of this analysis are quite generic, and have wider implications for understanding the dynamics of immune escape of other parasites, as well as for the dynamics of multi-strain diseases.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; J. Math. Biol. (2012), Online Firs

    Pictorial gaze cues do not enhance long tailed macaques’ performance on a computerised object location task

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    The perception of pictorial gaze cues was examined in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). A computerised object location task was used to explore whether the monkeys would show faster response time to locate a target when its appearance was preceded with congruent as opposed to incongruent gaze cues. Despite existing evidence that macaques preferentially attend to the eyes in facial images and also visually orient with depicted gaze cues, the monkeys did not show faster response times on congruent trials either in response to schematic or photographic stimuli. These findings coincide with those reported for baboons tested with a similar paradigm in which gaze cues preceded a target identification task (Fagot and Deruelle 2002). When tested with either pictorial stimuli or interactants, non human primates readily follow gaze but do not seem to use this mechanism to identify a target object; there seems to be some mismatch in performance between attentional changes and manual responses to gaze cues on ostensibly similar tasks

    Default Pathway of var2csa Switching and Translational Repression in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Antigenic variation is a subtle process of fundamental importance to the survival of a microbial pathogen. In Plasmodium falciparum malaria, PfEMP1 is the major variable antigen and adhesin expressed at the surface of the infected erythrocyte, which is encoded for by members of a family of 60 var-genes. Peri-nuclear repositioning and epigenetic mechanisms control their mono-allelic expression. The switching of PfEMP1 depends in part on variable transition rates and short-lived immune responses to shared minor epitopes. Here we show var-genes to switch to a common gene that is highly transcribed, but sparsely translated into PfEMP1 and not expressed at the erythrocyte surface. Highly clonal and adhesive P. falciparum, which expressed distinct var-genes and the corresponding PfEMP1s at onset, were propagated without enrichment or panning. The parasites successively and spontaneously switched to transcribe a shared var-gene (var2csa) matched by the loss of PfEMP1 surface expression and host cell-binding. The var2csa gene repositioned in the peri-nuclear area upon activation, away from the telomeric clusters and heterochromatin to transcribe spliced, full-length RNA. Despite abundant transcripts, the level of intracellular PfEMP1 was low suggesting post-transcriptional mechanisms to partake in protein expression. In vivo, off-switching and translational repression may constitute one pathway, among others, coordinating PfEMP1 expression

    clag9 Is Not Essential for PfEMP1 Surface Expression in Non-Cytoadherent Plasmodium falciparum Parasites with a Chromosome 9 Deletion

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    BACKGROUND: The expression of the clonally variant virulence factor PfEMP1 mediates the sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes in the host vasculature and contributes to chronic infection. Non-cytoadherent parasites with a chromosome 9 deletion lack clag9, a gene linked to cytoadhesion in previous studies. Here we present new clag9 data that challenge this view and show that surface the non-cytoadherence phenotype is linked to the expression of a non-functional PfEMP1. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Loss of adhesion in P. falciparum D10, a parasite line with a large chromosome 9 deletion, was investigated. Surface iodination analysis of non-cytoadherent D10 parasites and COS-7 surface expression of the CD36-binding PfEMP1 CIDR1α domain were performed and showed that these parasites express an unusual trypsin-resistant, non-functional PfEMP1 at the erythrocyte surface. However, the CIDR1α domain of this var gene expressed in COS-7 cells showed strong binding to CD36. Atomic Force Microscopy showed a slightly modified D10 knob morphology compared to adherent parasites. Trafficking of PfEMP1 and KAHRP remained functional in D10. We link the non-cytoadherence phenotype to a chromosome 9 breakage and healing event resulting in the loss of 25 subtelomeric genes including clag9. In contrast to previous studies, knockout of the clag9 gene from 3D7 did not interfere with parasite adhesion to CD36. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data show the surface expression of non-functional PfEMP1 in D10 strongly indicating that genes other than clag9 deleted from chromosome 9 are involved in this virulence process possibly via post-translational modifications

    Surface Co-Expression of Two Different PfEMP1 Antigens on Single Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Facilitates Binding to ICAM1 and PECAM1

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    The Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) antigens play a major role in cytoadhesion of infected erythrocytes (IE), antigenic variation, and immunity to malaria. The current consensus on control of variant surface antigen expression is that only one PfEMP1 encoded by one var gene is expressed per cell at a time. We measured var mRNA transcript levels by real-time Q-PCR, analysed var gene transcripts by single-cell FISH and directly compared these with PfEMP1 antigen surface expression and cytoadhesion in three different antibody-selected P. falciparum 3D7 sub-lines using live confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and in vitro adhesion assays. We found that one selected parasite sub-line simultaneously expressed two different var genes as surface antigens, on single IE. Importantly, and of physiological relevance to adhesion and malaria pathogenesis, this parasite sub-line was found to bind both CD31/PECAM1 and CD54/ICAM1 and to adhere twice as efficiently to human endothelial cells, compared to infected cells having only one PfEMP1 variant on the surface. These new results on PfEMP1 antigen expression indicate that a re-evaluation of the molecular mechanisms involved in P. falciparum adhesion and of the accepted paradigm of absolutely mutually exclusive var gene transcription is required
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