185 research outputs found

    Topologically Massive Gauge Theory: A Lorentzian Solution

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    We obtain a lorentzian solution for the topologically massive non-abelian gauge theory on AdS space by means of a SU(1, 1) gauge transformation of the previously found abelian solution. There exists a natural scale of length which is determined by the inverse topological mass. The topological mass is proportional to the square of the gauge coupling constant. In the topologically massive electrodynamics the field strength locally determines the gauge potential up to a closed 1-form via the (anti-)self-duality equation. We introduce a transformation of the gauge potential using the dual field strength which can be identified with an abelian gauge transformation. Then we present the map from the AdS space to the pseudo-sphere including the topological mass. This is the lorentzian analog of the Hopf map. This map yields a global decomposition of the AdS space as a trivial circle bundle over the upper portion of the pseudo-sphere which is the Hyperboloid model for the Lobachevski geometry. This leads to a reduction of the abelian field equation onto the pseudo-sphere using a global section of the solution on the AdS space. Then we discuss the integration of the field equation using the Archimedes map from the pseudo-sphere to the cylinder over the ideal Poincare circle. We also present a brief discussion of the holonomy of the gauge potential and the dual-field strength on the upper portion of the pseudo-sphere.Comment: 23 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Systematic Analysis of Double-Ionization Dynamics Based on Four-Body Dalitz Plots

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    We report on an experimental and theoretical systematic study of double ionization of helium by ion impact in terms of four-particle Dalitz plots. Several collision systems covering abroad range of perturbation parameters η (projectile charge to speed ratio) were investigated. With increasing η we observe a systematic trend from features, characteristic to correlated double-ionization mechanisms, to signatures of higher-order processes not requiring electron-electron correlations [the mechanism called two-step-two projectile-electron interaction (TS-2)]. The data for the largest η can qualitatively be amazingly well described by a simple model only including the TS-2 mechanism

    Increased interactions and engulfment of dendrites by microglia precede Purkinje cell degeneration in a mouse model of Niemann Pick Type-C.

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    Niemann Pick Type-C disease (NPC) is an inherited lysosomal storage disease (LSD) caused by pathogenic variants in the Npc1 or Npc2 genes that lead to the accumulation of cholesterol and lipids in lysosomes. NPC1 deficiency causes neurodegeneration, dementia and early death. Cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs) are particularly hypersensitive to NPC1 deficiency and degenerate earlier than other neurons in the brain. Activation of microglia is an important contributor to PCs degeneration in NPC. However, the mechanisms by which activated microglia promote PCs degeneration in NPC are not completely understood. Here, we are demonstrating that in the Npc1nmf164 mouse cerebellum, microglia in the molecular layer (ML) are activated and contacting dendrites at early stages of NPC, when no loss of PCs is detected. During the progression of PCs degeneration in Npc1nmf164 mice, accumulation of phagosomes and autofluorescent material in microglia at the ML coincided with the degeneration of dendrites and PCs. Feeding Npc1nmf164 mice a western diet (WD) increased microglia activation and corresponded with a more extensive degeneration of dendrites but not PC somata. Together our data suggest that microglia contribute to the degeneration of PCs by interacting, engulfing and phagocytosing their dendrites while the cell somata are still present

    On the Transition Rate of the Fe X RED Coronal Line

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    We present a lifetime measurement of the 3s 23p 5 2 Po 1/2 first excited fine-structure level of the ground state configuration in chlorine-like Fe X, which relaxes to the ground state through a magnetic dipole (M1) transition (the so-called red coronal line) with a wavelength accurately determined to 637.454(1) nm. Moreover, the Zeeman splitting of line was observed. The lifetime of 14.2(2) ms is the most precise one measured in the red wavelength region and agrees well with advanced theoretical predictions and an empirically scaled interpolation based on experimental values from the same isoelectronic sequence

    Limit cycles, complex Floquet multipliers and intrinsic noise

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    We study the effects of intrinsic noise on chemical reaction systems, which in the deterministic limit approach a limit cycle in an oscillatory manner. Previous studies of systems with an oscillatory approach to a fixed point have shown that the noise can transform the oscillatory decay into sustained coherent oscillations with a large amplitude. We show that a similar effect occurs when the stable attractors are limit cycles. We compute the correlation functions and spectral properties of the fluctuations in suitably co-moving Frenet frames for several model systems including driven and coupled Brusselators, and the Willamowski-Roessler system. Analytical results are confirmed convincingly in numerical simulations. The effect is quite general, and occurs whenever the Floquet multipliers governing the stability of the limit cycle are complex, with the amplitude of the oscillations increasing as the instability boundary is approached.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Sequential and Direct Two-Photon Double Ionization of D₂ at Flash

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    Sequential and direct two-photon double ionization (DI) of D2 molecule is studied experimentally and theoretically at a photon energy of 38.8 eV. Experimental and theoretical kinetic energy releases of D++D+fragments, consisting of the contributions of sequential DI via the D2+(1sσg) state and direct DI via a virtual state, agree well with each other

    Infrared effects in inflationary correlation functions

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    In this article, I briefly review the status of infrared effects which occur when using inflationary models to calculate initial conditions for a subsequent hot, dense plasma phase. Three types of divergence have been identified in the literature: secular, "time-dependent" logarithms, which grow with time spent outside the horizon; "box-cutoff" logarithms, which encode a dependence on the infrared cutoff when calculating in a finite-sized box; and "quantum" logarithms, which depend on the ratio of a scale characterizing new physics to the scale of whatever process is under consideration, and whose interpretation is the same as conventional field theory. I review the calculations in which these divergences appear, and discuss the methods which have been developed to deal with them.Comment: Invited review for focus section of Classical & Quantum Gravity on nonlinear and nongaussian perturbation theory. Some improvements compared to version which will appear in CQG, especially in Sec. 2.3. 30 pages + references

    Androgen receptor expression in metastatic adenocarcinoma in females favors a breast primary

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    BACKGROUND: The differential diagnosis of metastatic mammary adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinomas from other primary sites can be challenging, particularly in tumors that are poorly differentiated and negative for Estrogen/Progesterone receptors (ER/PR). With progression of disease, Androgen receptors (AR) are preserved with higher frequency than ER/PR in metastatic mammary carcinoma. This study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic significance of AR expression in adenocarcinoma of breast and other morphologically similar adenocarcinomas. DESIGN: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of 113 primary adenocarcinoma of various sites [breast (34, all females), lung (23, M- 6, F-17), colon (9, M-2, F-7), stomach (6, M-4, F-2), liver and bile duct (11, M-5, F-6), pancreas (7, M-2, F-5), ovary (10), endometrium (7), and cervix (6)] were immunostained with monoclonal antibody for AR. Except for well differentiated lobular carcinoma of breast (5) and bronchoalveolar carcinoma of lung (10), majority of the tumors were moderately to poorly differentiated. Tumors immunoreactive for ≄ 10% of nuclei were considered AR positive. However, AR immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm only was also recorded. RESULTS: 56% (19/34) mammary carcinoma and 20% (2/10) adenocarcinoma of ovary were positive for AR. Remaining 69 adenocarcinomas did not show nuclear immunoreactivity for AR in ≄ 10% nuclei; however, 52% (36/69) showed variable cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. CONCLUSION: Significant proportion of mammary carcinomas and some ovarian carcinomas express AR in the nuclei of more than 10% tumor cells. If metastatic tumor with unknown primary in a female is AR positive, breast and ovary are the most likely primary sites. Cytoplasmic immunoreactivity alone without nuclear immunoreactivity for AR was non-specific for this differential diagnosis

    Ena/VASP proteins have an anti-capping independent function in filopodia formation

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Cell Biology, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Cell Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 18 (2007): 2579-2591, doi:10.1091/mbc.E06-11-0990.Filopodia have been implicated in a number of diverse cellular processes including growth-cone path finding, wound healing, and metastasis. The Ena/VASP family of proteins has emerged as key to filopodia formation but the exact mechanism for how they function has yet to be fully elucidated. Using cell spreading as a model system in combination with small interfering RNA depletion of Capping Protein, we determined that Ena/VASP proteins have a role beyond anticapping activity in filopodia formation. Analysis of mutant Ena/VASP proteins demonstrated that the entire EVH2 domain was the minimal domain required for filopodia formation. Fluorescent recovery after photobleaching data indicate that Ena/VASP proteins rapidly exchange at the leading edge of lamellipodia, whereas virtually no exchange occurred at filopodial tips. Mutation of the G-actin–binding motif (GAB) partially compromised stabilization of Ena/VASP at filopodia tips. These observations led us to propose a model where the EVH2 domain of Ena/VASP induces and maintains clustering of the barbed ends of actin filaments, which putatively corresponds to a transition from lamellipodial to filopodial localization. Furthermore, the EVH1 domain, together with the GAB motif in the EVH2 domain, helps to maintain Ena/VASP at the growing barbed ends.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants GM7542201 to D.A.A., GM58801 to F.B.G., and GM62431 to G.G.B. and by Cell Migration Consortium Grants GM64346 to D.A.A and G.G.B
