10,254 research outputs found

    Role of Multipoles in Counterion-Mediated Interactions between Charged Surfaces: Strong and Weak Coupling

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    We present general arguments for the importance, or lack thereof, of the structure in the charge distribution of counterions for counterion-mediated interactions between bounding symmetrically charged surfaces. We show that on the mean field or weak coupling level, the charge quadrupole contributes the lowest order modification to the contact value theorem and thus to the intersurface electrostatic interactions. The image effects are non-existent on the mean-field level even with multipoles. On the strong coupling level the quadrupoles and higher order multipoles contribute additional terms to the interaction free energy only in the presence of dielectric inhomogeneities. Without them, the monopole is the only multipole that contributes to the strong coupling electrostatics. We explore the consequences of these statements in all their generality.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Utilización de redes neuronales para formular grasas técnicas

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    Neural networks are a branch of artificial intelligence based on the structure and development of biological systems, having as its main characteristic the ability to learn and generalize knowledge. They are used for solving complex problems for which traditional computing systems have a low efficiency. To date, applications have been proposed for different sectors and activities. In the area of fats and oils, the use of neural networks has focused mainly on two issues: the detection of adulteration and the development of fatty products. The formulation of fats for specific uses is the classic case of a complex problem where an expert or group of experts defines the proportions of each base, which, when mixed, provide the specifications for the desired product. Some conventional computer systems are currently available to assist the experts; however, these systems have some shortcomings. This article describes in detail a system for formulating fatty products, shortenings or special fats, from three or more components by using neural networks (MIX). All stages of development, including design, construction, training, evaluation, and operation of the network will be outlined.Las redes neuronales son una rama de la inteligencia artificial basadas en la estructura y funcionamiento de sistemas biológicos, teniendo como principal característica la capacidad de aprender y generalizar conocimiento. Estas son utilizadas en la resolución de problemas complejos, en los cuales los sistemas computacionales tradicionales presentan una eficiencia baja. Hasta la fecha, han sido propuestas aplicaciones para los más diversos sectores y actividades. En el área de grasas y aceites, la utilización de redes neuronales se ha concentrado principalmente en dos asuntos: la detección de adulteraciones y la formulación de productos grasos. La formulación de grasas para uso específico es el caso clásico de problema complejo donde un experto o grupo de expertos definen las proporciones de cada base, que al ser mezcladas proporcionaran características especificadas para el producto deseado. Algunos sistemas computacionales convencionales están disponibles actualmente para auxiliar a los expertos, sin embargo, estos sistemas presentan algunas deficiencias. En este artículo será descrito con detalles, un sistema para la formulación de productos grasos por redes neuronales (MIX) a partir de 3 o más componentes. Todas las etapas del desarrollo, incluyendo el diseño, construcción, entrenamiento, evaluación y operación de la red serán mostradas


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    The vascular accesses to hemodialysis patients usually are through arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or synthetic grafts. The analyses of recirculation zones, stagnation points, secondary flow and low and high shear stress are very important points to study for understand the hemodynamic local in arteriovenous fistula. In this work, it was analyzed through computational fluid dynamics the streamlines in AVF and it was compared with the literature results. The flow patterns were visualized under steady and unsteady condition with Reynolds number ranging from 100 up 600. The results obtained from CFD were very similar with the literature results. The flow becomes more chaotic when the Reynolds number increases. Vortex can be seen in anastomosis region, occupying all transversal section of the artery. Thus, the results obtained using CFD look like the results obtained experimentally

    Controle da cochonilha Ortézia Orthezia praelonga (Hemiptera: Ortheziidae), em aceroleira, medidas culturais e calda sulfocálcica, no Vale do São Francisco.

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    Objetivando-se o controle da praga, realizou-se experimento em área comercial, no Projeto de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho, em Petrolina-PE.1 CD-ROM

    Genome-wide introgression among distantly related Heliconius butterfly species

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    Background: Although hybridization is thought to be relatively rare in animals, the raw genetic material introduced via introgression may play an important role in fueling adaptation and adaptive radiation. The butterfly genus Heliconius is an excellent system to study hybridization and introgression but most studies have focused on closely related species such as H. cydno and H. melpomene. Here we characterize genome-wide patterns of introgression between H. besckei, the only species with a red and yellow banded 'postman' wing pattern in the tiger-striped silvaniform clade, and co-mimetic H. melpomene nanna. Results: We find a pronounced signature of putative introgression from H. melpomene into H. besckei in the genomic region upstream of the gene optix, known to control red wing patterning, suggesting adaptive introgression of wing pattern mimicry between these two distantly related species. At least 39 additional genomic regions show signals of introgression as strong or stronger than this mimicry locus. Gene flow has been on-going, with evidence of gene exchange at multiple time points, and bidirectional, moving from the melpomene to the silvaniform clade and vice versa. The history of gene exchange has also been complex, with contributions from multiple silvaniform species in addition to H. besckei. We also detect a signature of ancient introgression of the entire Z chromosome between the silvaniform and melpomene/cydno clades. Conclusions: Our study provides a genome-wide portrait of introgression between distantly related butterfly species. We further propose a comprehensive and efficient workflow for gene flow identification in genomic data sets

    Scaling and Universality in the Counterion-Condensation Transition at Charged Cylinders

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    We address the critical and universal aspects of counterion-condensation transition at a single charged cylinder in both two and three spatial dimensions using numerical and analytical methods. By introducing a novel Monte-Carlo sampling method in logarithmic radial scale, we are able to numerically simulate the critical limit of infinite system size (corresponding to infinite-dilution limit) within tractable equilibration times. The critical exponents are determined for the inverse moments of the counterionic density profile (which play the role of the order parameters and represent the inverse localization length of counterions) both within mean-field theory and within Monte-Carlo simulations. In three dimensions (3D), correlation effects (neglected within mean-field theory) lead to an excessive accumulation of counterions near the charged cylinder below the critical temperature (condensation phase), while surprisingly, the critical region exhibits universal critical exponents in accord with the mean-field theory. In two dimensions (2D), we demonstrate, using both numerical and analytical approaches, that the mean-field theory becomes exact at all temperatures (Manning parameters), when number of counterions tends to infinity. For finite particle number, however, the 2D problem displays a series of peculiar singular points (with diverging heat capacity), which reflect successive de-localization events of individual counterions from the central cylinder. In both 2D and 3D, the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the critical point, and the energy develops a pronounced peak. The asymptotic behavior of the energy peak location is used to locate the critical temperature, which is also found to be universal and in accordance with the mean-field prediction.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    Information for handover management in heterogeneous networks: data representation,languages and integrated platforms

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    Due to the convergence of radio, television, telephony and Internet areas, the mobility of users, the ubiquity of services, and the development of new technologies to unify access provision, the interaction between providers and users will be required for access on demand in heterogeneous environments. This interaction should allow, in addition to seamless handovers, the negotiation based on technical requirements and user's desires during handover decision processes. The central part of the information being exchanged between the access provider's attachment points and user's devices should be a uniform and common structure that models the handover management information, in terms of what the information represents their semantic meanings and relationships. This work presents a set of ontologies, for this purpose, employed during handover decision processes, in integrated networking platforms for access on demand. A case study is presented, which demonstrates how a service could be integrated in two different platforms for such environment

    Yield, nutritional status and soil chemical properties as response to cattle manure, reactive natural rock phosphate and biotite schist in Massai grass.

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    In animal production, grasses planted in the pasture lands have especial value to improve aggregate value of products. This paper evaluates the effects of applying cattle manure, reactive natural phosphate and biotite schist on soil fertility, yield and nutritional content of Megathyrsus spp. cv. Massai. The experiment was conducted under field conditions, in a dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol). The experimental design was randomized blocks with the treatments confounding, with one replicate. The treatments consisted of three rates of natural reactive rock phosphate from Algeria - Djebel-Onk (0, 100 and 200 kg ha-1 of P2O5), three biotite schist rates (0, 150 and 300 kg ha-1 of K2O) and three cattle manure rates (0, 20 and 40 Mg ha-1). The application of reactive natural rock phosphate increased dry matter yield (DMY), however, this effect was not observed for cattle manure and biotite schist. The foliar contents of N, K and Mg (cattle manure), P and B (natural rock phosphate) and K (biotite schist) were significantly influenced by the treatments. The same effect was found forP levels in soil, dry matter of the aerial part, Mg and B content in the dry matter

    Criticality and oscillatory behavior in non-Markovian Contact Process

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    A Non-Markovian generalization of one-dimensional Contact Process (CP) is being introduced in which every particle has an age and will be annihilated at its maximum age τ\tau. There is an absorbing state phase transition which is controlled by this parameter. The model can demonstrate oscillatory behavior in its approach to the stationary state. These oscillations are also present in the mean-field approximation which is a first-order differential equation with time-delay. Studying dynamical critical exponents suggests that the model belongs to the DP universlity class.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.