35 research outputs found

    Säilöntäaineen ja –ajan vaikutus hukkakauran itävyyteen jyväsäilönnässä

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    Viljan tuoresäilöntämenetelmät, jyvä- ja murskesäilöntä ovat varteenotettavia vaihtoehtoja kuivatukselle öljyn hinnan kallistuessa. Jyväsäilöttäessä vilja puidaan myöhemmin kuin kokoviljasäilörehua korjattaessa ja itävien hukkakauran (Avena fatua L.) siementen riski on suurempi. Tuoresäilönnässä vältetään kuivurin kautta tuleva hukkakauran leviämisriski. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, säilyykö hukkakauran siementen itävyys propionihapolla, urealla tai ilmatiiviisti ilman säilöntäainetta jyväsäilötyssä viljassa.Hukkakaura kerättiin yksityiseltä tilalta hukkakauran saastuttamasta ohrakasvustosta ennen oh-ran puintia varisemisen estämiseksi. Hukkakauran jälkituleentuminen tapahtui huoneenlämmössä. Säilönnässä käytetty ohra puitiin jyväkosteuden ollessa 25 % MTT:n pellolta Jokioisilla ja säilöttiin hukkakauran siementen kanssa pieniin koesiiloihin. Kokeessa oli kolme säilöntäainekäsittelyä (ilman säilöntäainetta, propionihappo ja urea), kaksi siilon sulkemistapaa (avoin normaalin jyväsäilönnän tapaan ja tiiviisti suljettu siilo) sekä kaksi säilöntäaikaa (3 ja 12 viikkoa). Kullakin käsittelyllä tehtiin kolme rinnakkaissiiloa eli yhteensä 36 siiloa. Kutakin säilöntäainekäsittelyä varten sekoitettiin 100 g hukkakauran siemeniä ja 900 g ohran jyviä, joihin levitettiin säilöntäaineet: 99-prosenttista propionihappoa 1 % tai ureaa 2,5 % viljan tuorepainosta. Urea levitettiin vesiliuoksena. Hukkakauran siemeniä säilöttiin ohran jyvien seassa 300-400 siementä/siilo. Lisäksi säilöntäaineella käsitellyistä eristä erotettiin noin 50 hukkakauran siementä pintanäytteeksi avoimiin siiloihin. Hukkakauran siementen itävyys määritettiin Eviran Tutkimus- ja analytiikkaosaston Kasvianalytiikkayksikön laboratoriossa Loimaalla ja säilöntälaatuanalyysit tehtiin MTT:n Eläinravitsemusryhmän laboratoriossa Jokioisilla.Hukkakauran itävyys oli säilöttäessä 61 %. Kaikissa propionihapolla ja urealla säilötyissä suljetuissa ilmatiiviissä siiloissa hukkakauran itävyys oli hävinnyt kolmessa viikossa. Avoimien siilojen pintaosassa parin sentin syvyydessä itävyys säilyi osassa siemeniä, mutta syvemmällä olleiden siementen itävyys oli tuhoutunut. Propionihapolla säilöttyjen avoimien siilojen pinnassa oli itäviä hukkakauran siemeniä 3 viikon säilönnän jälkeen, mutta ei enää 12 viikon jälkeen. Urealla säilöttäessä pinnassa oli vielä 12 viikon säilönnän jälkeen yksi itävä siemen. Ilman säilöntäainetta jyväsäilötty hukkakaura ei menettänyt itävyyttään avoimessa eikä ilmatiiviisti suljetussa siilossa 3 viikon eikä 12 viikon säilönnän jälkeen, mutta itävyys väheni suljetussa ilmatiiviissä siilossa 16 prosenttiin 12 viikossa. Pidempää säilytystä ei tutkittu.Tulosten perusteella propionihapolla ja urealla jyväsäilötyn hukkakauran itävyys häviää edellyttäen, että säilöntä tehdään huolellisesti ja siilo/auma/kasa peitetään tiiviisti. Avoimeen pintaan jäävät hukkakauran siemenet ovat riski, koska niiden itävyys voi säilyä todennäköisesti pinnan kuivumisen ja säilöntäaineen haihtumisen vuoksi. Erityinen riski on avoimeen kasaan ilman vaikutuksen alaiseksi jääneet hukkakauran siemenet, sillä dormanssi (itämislepo) saattaa suojata niitä itämiskykyisinä kauan.Vilja puidaan jyväsäilönnässä normaalia aiemmin, mutta osa hukkakauran siemenistä on jo saattanut varista. Toisaalta uudet sivuversot ennättävät tuottaa itämiskykyisiä siemeniä. Maahan varisseet siemenet voivat itää ja tuottaa itäviä siemeniä vielä syksyn aikana, joten hukkakaurainen alue pitää käsitellä glyfosaattivalmisteella tai muokata mekaanisesti torjuntasuunnitelman mukaan

    BaFe12O19 single-particle-chain nanofibers : preparation, characterization, formation principle, and magnetization reversal mechanism

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    BaFe12O19 single-particle-chain nanofibers have been successfully prepared by an electrospinning method and calcination process, and their morphology, chemistry, and crystal structure have been characterized at the nanoscale. It is found that individual BaFe12O19 nanofibers consist of single nanoparticles which are found to stack along the nanofiber axis. The chemical analysis shows that the atomic ratio of Ba/Fe is 1:12, suggesting a BaFe12O19 composition. The crystal structure of the BaFe12O19 single-particle-chain nanofibers is proved to be M-type hexagonal. The single crystallites on each BaFe12O19 single-particlechain nanofibers have random orientations. A formation mechanism is proposed based on thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at six temperatures, 250, 400, 500, 600, 650, and 800 �C. The magnetic measurement of the BaFe12O19 single-particle-chain nanofibers reveals that the coercivity reaches a maximum of 5943 Oe and the saturated magnetization is 71.5 emu/g at room temperature. Theoretical analysis at the micromagnetism level is adapted to describe the magnetic behavior of the BaFe12O19 single-particle-chain nanofibers

    GWAS of Barley Phenotypes Established Under Future Climate Conditions of Elevated Temperature, CO2, O3 and Elevated Temperature and CO2 Combined

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    AbstractClimate change is likely to decrease crop yields worldwide. Developing climate resilient cultivars is one way to combat this production scarcity, however, little is known of crop response to future climate conditions and in particular the variability within crops.In Scandinavia, barley is widely cultivated, but yields have stagnated since the start of this century. In this study we cultivated 138 spring barley accessions in a climate phytotron under four treatments mimicking forecasted levels of temperature, carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) and ozone ([O3]) at the end of the 21st century1. The ambient control had 19/12°C (day/night) and [CO2] at 385ppm. Three single-factor treatments had elevated temperature +5°C day/night, [CO2] at 700ppm or [O3] at 120 ppb, and in a two-factor treatment the combination of elevated temperature and [CO2] was applied.Treatment effects were assessed on grain yield, grain protein concentration, grain protein harvested, number of grains, number of ears, aboveground vegetative biomass and harvest index. In addition, stability of the production was calculated over the applied treatments for the assessed parameters.In the climate scenario of elevated temperature and [CO2] the grain yield of barley decreased 29% and harvested grain protein declined 22%. Vast variation was identified among the individual barley accessions, which should be exploited by plant breeders in the development of climate resilient cultivars.A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of recorded phenotypes and 3967 SNP-markers identified 60 marker-trait associations (-logp>2.95)2. Markers were found associated with grain yield under all three single factor treatments temperature, [CO2] and [O3], as well as with stability over treatments.To our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluates numerous barley accessions under future climate conditions and identifies candidate markers for abiotic stress tolerance - markers that could be used in the development of cultivars to secure future primary production

    Geographic variation in plant community structure of salt marshes: species, functional and phylogenetic perspectives.

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    In general, community similarity is thought to decay with distance; however, this view may be complicated by the relative roles of different ecological processes at different geographical scales, and by the compositional perspective (e.g. species, functional group and phylogenetic lineage) used. Coastal salt marshes are widely distributed worldwide, but no studies have explicitly examined variation in salt marsh plant community composition across geographical scales, and from species, functional and phylogenetic perspectives. Based on studies in other ecosystems, we hypothesized that, in coastal salt marshes, community turnover would be more rapid at local versus larger geographical scales; and that community turnover patterns would diverge among compositional perspectives, with a greater distance decay at the species level than at the functional or phylogenetic levels. We tested these hypotheses in salt marshes of two regions: The southern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States. We examined the characteristics of plant community composition at each salt marsh site, how community similarity decayed with distance within individual salt marshes versus among sites in each region, and how community similarity differed among regions, using species, functional and phylogenetic perspectives. We found that results from the three compositional perspectives generally showed similar patterns: there was strong variation in community composition within individual salt marsh sites across elevation; in contrast, community similarity decayed with distance four to five orders of magnitude more slowly across sites within each region. Overall, community dissimilarity of salt marshes was lowest on the southern Atlantic Coast, intermediate on the Gulf Coast, and highest between the two regions. Our results indicated that local gradients are relatively more important than regional processes in structuring coastal salt marsh communities. Our results also suggested that in ecosystems with low species diversity, functional and phylogenetic approaches may not provide additional insight over a species-based approach

    Pre-breeding for barley net blotch resistance in Finland

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    vokpka ks

    Thyroid Ultrasonography in Differentiation between Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

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    Objective: Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are the most common causes of hyper and hypothyroidism, respectively. Differentiation of these 2 diseases, if the patient is euthyroid, may sometimes be extremely difficult on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of gray scale sonography in differentiation of Graves’ disease from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Methods: This study included 149 patients divided into three groups, patients with Graves’ disease (34 patients, mean age = 36.8 ± 10.17 years), Patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (62 patients, mean age = 33.4 ± 12.16 years) and control group (53 healthy people, mean age = 34.74 ± 16.87 years). Members of all groups were referred to a single radiologist for thyroid sonography for evaluation of thyroid echogenicity pattern. Results: A total of 117 women and 32 men were examined by sonography. The most common sonographic pattern in Hashimoto and Graves’ was homogenous hypo-echogenicity which was observed in 45.2% and 47.1% of cases, respectively. Peripheral hypo-echogenicity pattern was seen in 40.3% of Hashimoto’s group with 100% specificity and 40.3% sensitivity. Central-hypoechogenic pattern was observed in 17.6% of Graves’ group with 100% and 17.6% specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that sonography has high specificity but low sensitivity in the diagnosis of either Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is therefore not possible to differentiate between these two diseases using sonography alone. Confirmation by laboratory data is also needed

    Effect of growth stage on resistance to Drechslera teres f. teres in barley

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    How much is the effective dose from medical imaging in pediatric patients in the neurosurgery department?

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    Medical imaging with ionizing radiation in pediatric patients is rising, and their radiation sensitivity is 2–3 times more than adults. The objective of this study was to estimate the total effective dose (ED) of all medical imaging by CT scan and plain radiography in patients in pediatric neurosurgery department. Patients with at least one brain CT scan and recorded dose length product (DLP) were included. Patients’ imaging data were collected from the picture-archiving-and-communicating system (PACS) using their national code to find all their medical imaging. Total ED (mSv) from CT scans and plain radiographs were calculated. A total of 300 patients were included, of which 129 were females and 171 males with a mean age of 5.45 ± 4.34 years. Mean DLPs of brain, abdomen, and chest CT were 329.16, 393.06, 284.46 mGy.cm. The most frequent CT scans in these children were brain CT scans with ED range of 0.09 to 47.09 mSv. Total ED due to all CT scans and plain radiographs were in the range of 0.38 to 63.41 mSv. Although the mean DLP of each brain, chest, and abdomen CT of patients was in the range of DRLs reported by previous studies, the patients with numerous CT scans received more radiation doses than mean ED (6.21 mSv between all age groups). The most frequent CT scan was the brain, and the most frequent plain radiographs were chest and lower extremities. It can be concluded that reducing the number of CT scans or plain radiographs by appropriate physical exams or replacing them with modalities that do not use ionizing radiation can reduce ED

    MRS Shimming: An Important Point Which Should not be Ignored

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    Introduction: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a well-known device for analyzing the biological fluids metabolically. Obtaining accurate and reliable information via MRS needs a homogeneous magnetic field in order to provide well-defined peaks and uniform water suppression. There are lots of reasons which can disturb the magnetic field homogeneity which can be corrected by a process known as shimming. This study is intended to recall the importance of shimming and also the significant role of quality control (QC) in achieving an accurate quantification. Material and Method: An acrylic cylindrical quality control phantom was designed as an analog of brain MRS test phantoms in order to control the accuracy of the obtained signal of a 1.5 T Siemens MRI system which belonged to one of Shiraz hospitals. The signal of NAA, Cho, Cr, the combination of these metabolites and also the distilled water, which was used in this study, was evaluated using separate phantoms. A QC test was performed using Siemens QC phantom and a standard test phantom. Results: The spectrum of our home- made phantom had a significant difference with the expected spectrum. The results of checking the spectrum of metabolites separately also confirmed that there was a systemic problem that affects all the signals originated from all metabolites and even the pure distilled water. The MRS system could not pass QC tests, and peak broadening was common in all spectra. The complex spectrum of standard test phantom was not produced successfully by the MRS system. Discussion: By a simple check of the water peak characteristics, lots of information can be obtained, one of which is the status of shimming that has a considerable effect on the accuracy of the spectrum. Thus, performing an automatic or manual shimming is not a criterion of the spectrum accuracy, and performing a periodic quality control using a test phantom by a specialist is necessary. Conclusion: Briefly, the quality control of MRS and all the other clinical device must be taken seriously. Sometimes QC can be the boundary of a right or a wrong decision for the patient