11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Berbagai Pengolahan Kulit Singkong Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Secara in Vitro, Protein Kasar Dan Asam Sianida

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    The aims of the research was to evaluate the digestibility in vitro of dry matter and organic matter, the contents of protein crude and contents of HCN in cassava peel which were treated by fermentation, ammoniation, and fermentation ammoniation (amofer). Materials used in this research were cassava peel, EM4, urea, bran, HCL pepsin, rumen goat's liqour and Mc Dougall butter solution. Oven, analytical balance, pH meter, glass beaker tube of CO2 gas, water bath, funnels, tube fermentor, centrifuges, ovens and thermos were used as the research equipment. This research consisted of 4 treatments and 4 replicators, (T0: Control; T1: Ammoniation; T2: Fermentation and T3: Ammonation Fermentation (Amofer). Data were analyzed using completely randomized design (CRD) and were continued by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result of the research showed that dry matter content of T0, T1, T2 and T3 was 25.29, 50.69, 54.75 and 61.87% respectively. Organic matter digestibility contents of T0, T1, T2 and T3 was 23.52, 48.59, 2.62 and 61.87% respectively. Crude protein contents of T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 9.12, 22.28, 13.91 and 23,31% respectively. HCN content of T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 580.93, 3.10, 1.16 and 0.43 ppm respectively. The study showed that the treatment in T1, T2 and T3 had a significant effect (p>0.01) on dry matter and organic matter, crude protein and HCN. The conclusion of this research was that amofer treatment could increase dry matter and organic matter, crude protein and could reduce the levels of HCN in cassava peel


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    Anoa are fully protected under Indonesian Law since 1931 (Law of Protection of Wild Animals 1931, no 134). Increasing law enforcement regarding hunting as well as promoting awareness of the Anoas unique threatened the existence of conservation measures. The modern concept of conservation based on the sustainability utilization, and therefore the knowledge of the Anoa preference in feeding to support the sustainability conservation should be studied. In the present study, the combination of direct observation methods which was done in the Lore Lindu National Park in Toro village at District Kulawi, Central Sulawesi and the epidermal analysis method which was carried out to Anoa’s dung were aimed to identify the vegetations preferred by Anoa in their habitat. The result showed 28 species of vegetations was used as feed by Anoa on in situ area. According to its percentage, the first ten were Freycinetia insignis Blume (17%), Microlepia todayensis Christ (8.9%), Disoxylum sp (8.6%), Lasianthus clementis Merr (7.7%), Clusia sp (7.5%), Schleria sp (6%), Podocarpus imbricatus (5.4%), Smilax leucophylla (5.1%), Elastostema sp (4.2%), and Garcinia sp (3.8%), respectively. Furthermore, it can be concluded that Anoa was eat more leafs and shrubs/bushes (each 24%, respectively) compared to flowers (18%), fruits (12%), shoots (8%), grasses, tubers, young grooves (each 4%, respectively) and moss (2%). Nutritionally, Anoa consumed 8.8% protein and 25.6% crude fiber. Keywords: Diet Composition, Dung Analysis, Ano

    Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Level Pollard Berprobiotik Terhadap Biomassa Mikrobiadan Kualitas Protein Dalam Pellet (Effect of Addition Various Level Pollard Containing Probiotics of Biomass Microbial and Quality Protein in Pellet)

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    The research aimed to assess the quality of the pellets that was evaluated from the microbial biomass content, crude protein and pure protein. The research was designed with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. T0 as control there was no treatments containing probiotics pollard addition; T1, the addition pollard containing probiotics as much as 10%; T2, the addition pollard containing probiotics as much as 20%; and T3, additions pollard containing probiotics as much as 30%. Crude protein levels were analyzed using the Kjeldahl method, pure protein levels were analyzed by means of incubation and analyzed by the method Kjedahl and biomass were analyzed with a spectrophotometer and the results were tested by Anova. The results showed that the addition pollard containing probiotics are not significantly different (P> 5%) of the crude protein pellet T0 (15.32%), T1 (16.21%), T2 (16.28%) and T3 (16.42%). Addition pollard containing probiotics significantly with the level of significance of 5% (P <5%) of the microbial biomass content and pure protein in the pellet. Pure protein content in each treatment were T0 (10.23%), T1 (12.40%), T2 (13.48%) and T3 (13.94%). Microbial biomass levels respectively T0 (1.890), T1 (2.040), T2 (2.068) and T3 (2.217). The conclusions of this research is the addition pollard containing probiotics could enhance microbial biomass, causing levels of crude protein and purified protein in the pellet increases. The level of crude protein, purified protein and the best microbial biomass in the treatment T3 was 16.42% respectively; 13.94% and 2.217

    Uji Proksimat Pakan Ceceran Pada Industri Pakan Yang Difermentasi Dengan Starfung (Proximate Analysis of Scattered Feed on Feed Industries Fermented by Starfung)

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    Scattered feed is derived from the feed industries that scattered during the feed processing take place. The objective of this research was evaluate the fermentation effect from many different level of starfung on it's nutrition contents. The material used on this research were scattered feed from collectors, Starfung, aquadest, tray, stirer, oven and various equipments in proximate analysis. Research was done in completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were: T0 = scattered feed with 0% level of Starfung addition, T1 = fermented scattered feed with 1% level of Starfung addition, T2 = fermented scattered feed with 2% level of Starfung addition and T3 = fermented scattered feed with 3% level of Starfung addition. Result of the research showed that there was no significantly difference (p>0.05) on many different level of Starfung addition in dry matter, ash, extract ether, crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract contents, but the treatments showed significantly difference on crude protein (p<0.05). The best treatment is fermented scattered feed by 2% level of “starfung” addition

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Ampas Kelapa yang Diberi Ekstrak Daun Kersen (Muntingiaca labura L.) dalam Kemasan Karung Blacu terhadap Kualitas Fisik Organoleptik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengkaji pengaruh lama penyimpanan tarhadap kualitas fisik organoleptik ampas kelapa yang diberi ekstrak daun kersen. Ekstrak daun kersen diekstraksi menggunakan metode sokletasi. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun kersen yang digunakan adalah 50%. Ampas kelapa diberi perlakuan yaitu A0 (tanpa pemberian ekstrak daun kersen), A1 (dengan pemberian ekstrak daun kersen) pemberian ekstrak daun kersen dengan perbandingan 1 : 10 (v/w) dan diberi perlakuan lama penyimpanan yang berbeda, masing-masing T0 (lama penyimpanan minggu ke -0), T1 (lama penyimpanan minggu ke-2) dan T2 (lama penyimpanan minggu ke – 4). Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2 × 3 dengan 5 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu uji organoleptik yang terdiri dari tekstur, warna, aroma dan ada tidaknya jamur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan dan pemberian ekstrak daun kersen pada ampas kelapa berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap uji organoleptik yang terdiri dari tekstur, warna, aroma dan ada tidaknya jamur. Ekstrak daun kersen yang ditambahkan pada ampas kelapa  mampu menekan terjadinya penurunan kualitas organoleptik yang meliputi tekstur, warna, aroma dan ada tidaknya jamur selama penyimpanan


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    DEWI ISTIQOMAH. 23010113120086. 2018. Pengaruh Teknologi Fermentasi Limbah Tauge dengan Starter Trichoderma harzianum terhadap Konsumsi, Pertambahan Bobot Badan dan Konversi Ransum Itik Tegal. (Pembimbing : RETNO ISWARIN PUJANINGSIH dan SRI SUMARSIH). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji pengaruh teknologi fermentasi limbah tauge dengan starter Trichoderma harzianum terhadap konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi ransum pada itik Tegal. Manfaat penelitian adalah untuk memberi informasi pengaruh dari fermentasi limbah tauge dengan starter T. harzianum terhadap konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi ransum dari itik Tegal. Materi yang digunakan diantaranya itik Tegal jantan berumur 7 hari dengan bobot badan 51,33 ± 8,18 gram. Ransum yang terdiri dari limbah tauge, limbah tauge fermentasi, bekatul, bungkil kedelai, pollard, tepung ikan, premix dan jagung yang berasal dari Toko Bamboo Poultry daerah Semarang. Peralatan yang digunakan antara lain baskom, plastik, lakban, nampan dan kandang serta alat perkandangan. Bahan yang digunakan terdiri dari T. harzianum, molases dan aquades. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan 3 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan sehingga ada 15 unit percobaan. Perlakuan sebagai berikut : T 0 = Penggunaan 100% ransum, T = Penggunaan 85% ransum + 15% limbah tauge, T = Penggunaan 85% ransum + 15% limbah tauge fermentasi. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis ragam atau analysis of variance (ANOVA) dengan taraf 5% apabila ada pengaruh nyata dilakukan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT). 2 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh teknologi fermentasi pada limbah tauge dengan starter T. harzianum maupun limbah tauge yang tidak difermentasi tidak berpengaruh pada konsumsi ransum, pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi ransum itik. Konsumsi ransum itik Tegal yaitu T0 = 58,47; T1 = 57,24 dan T3 = 56,94 g/ekor/hari. Pertambahan bobot badan itik Tegal yaitu T0 = 18,63; T1 = 20,09 dan T3 = 18,65 g/ekor/hari. Konversi ransum itik Tegal yaitu T0 = 3,27; T1 = 2,86 dan T3 = 3,04. Simpulan penelitian yaitu bahwa penggunaan T. harzianum pada fermentasi limbah tauge sampai taraf 6% dan lama pemeraman 6 hari belum mampu meningkatkan konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan dan belum mampu menurunkan konversi ransum

    Kadar Neutral Detergent Fiber dan Acid Detergent Fiber pada Jerami Padi dan Jerami Jagung yang Difermentasi Isi Rumen Kerbau

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    The objective of research was to evaluate the quality of agricultural residues has been fermented with rumen contents buffalo reviewed of the decrease levels of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) and ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber). The research has conducted in May and June 2012 in the Laboratory of Animal Feed Technology and Feed Science Laboratory, Department of Nutrition and Food Animals, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture, Diponegoro University, Semarang. The material used in this study was the buffalo rumen contents, rice straw and corn straw. Research tools included: chopper, trays, plastic, scales, knives, pH meter, thermometer, label paper, tissue and apparatus for fiber analysis. Research used completely randomize design (CRD) 4x3 factorial with 3 replications. A factor is a combination of rice straw and corn are 100% 0% rice straw with corn straw (P), 50% rice straw with 50% corn straw (PJ), 0% to 100% rice straw corn straw (J). Factor B is the addition of buffalo rumen contents, there are 4 levels of 0% (R0), 5% (R5), 10% (R10), 15% (R15) and R0 as the control is 0% waste fermentation. Parameters measured were changes in the levels of fiber components NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) and ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber). The data was statistically processed by analysis of the range and if there is a significant effect of treatment was continued multiple regions Duncan test at 5% level. Results of the study showed a decrease in the levels of NDF and ADF in line with the increase in buffalo rumen contents. Lowest NDF levels obtained in 100% rice straw combined with 0% corn straw and given by buffalo rumen contents of 15%. The lowest ADF levels obtained in combination with rice straw 0% combined with 100% corn straw and given by buffalo rumen contents 15%

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Use of Papaya Fruit Latex in Making Herbal Medicated Multinutrition Block as a Local Goat Feed Supplement

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    The use of papaya latex formulated with nitrogen supplementation and minerals in the form of multinutrition blocks that can pass through the rumen is expected to improve nutritional quality and feed digestibility. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of fermented rice straw, papaya fruit latex and blood clamshell flour as a main raw material in the manufacture of multinutrition blocks plus herbal anthelmintic medicine (papaya fruit latex) on physical quality (texture, color, aroma, hardness), chemical quality (proximate composition and mineral content of Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Zn). Microbiological tests were carried out on total bacteria, Salmonella and Escherichia coli. The research design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatment levels of papaya fruit administration and 4 replications. Data is processed statistically using ANOVA. The results of organoleptic physical quality analysis showed significant differences in the texture of the product given the highest papaya latex (0.007ml / kg). Chemical analysis of the product showed a quantitative increase in protein, although statistically the treatment did not show any significant differences. The results of the analysis of the microbiological quality of the product quantitatively showed that the resulting multinutrition block herbs were not contaminated with negative bacteria. It was concluded that multinutrition block herbs can be given to livestock as supplementary feed

    Pengaruh multinutrisi blok (MNB) sebagai pakan pelengkap terhadap kadar albumin, globulin dan perbandingan A/G pada kambing lokal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pakan pelengkap multinutrien blok (MNB) terhadap tingkat produktivitas kambing yang tercermin melalui kadar albumin, globulin dan perbandingan A/G dalam serum darah. Penggunaan kambing lokal bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tingkat produktivitas kambing lokal yang dinilai cukup rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Kalisidi, kabupaten Semarang dan analisis serum darah di laboratorium IBL Semarang. Kambing lokal dievaluasi kadar albumin, globulin dan perbandingan A/G di dalam serum darahnya untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian MNB berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat produktivitas. 12 ekor kambing lokal dipelihara dalam kandang individu dan dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok berisi 4 ekor berdasarkan bobot badan 17,5 – 20 kg (Kelompok I), 15 – 16,5 kg (Kelompok II), 13,5 – 15 (Kelompok III). Tiap kelompok diberi ransum yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan tiap kelompok, yang didalamnya diberi perlakuan ransum tanpa MNB (perlakuan I) dan ransum dengan penambahan MNB sebanyak 5, 10, dan 15 gram (perlakuan II, III, dan IV). Sampel darah kambing diambil dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh kadar albumin, globulin dan perbandingan A/G akibat perlakuan. Data hasil analisis diuji signifikasinya menggunakan ANOVA, apabila hasilnya berbeda nyata maka akan diuji lebih lanjut dengan uji Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (MRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian level MNB dengan jumlah yang berbeda (0, 5, 10 dan 15 g) tidak berpengaruh nyata (P > 0,05) terhadap kadar albumin, globulin dan perbandingan A/G dalam serum darah kambing lokal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian MNB tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap produktivitas ternak tercermin melalui tingkat kecernaan (albumin) dan peningkatan kesehatan (globulin).


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    The purpose of research was to know the effect cf fermentation with dilkrent level of liquid rumen and time period of fermentation on quality soybean husk. Research was studied in Animal Feed Science and Animal Feed Technology, Animal Science Faculty, Diponegoro University.Variables measured were proximate component (crude protein and crude fiber), fiber component, and organoleptic quality. "Treatments applied were : level rumen liquid (0, 100 and 20 %) and time period of fermentation (0, 2 and 4 week), Research compiled in completely randomized factory programme. .The research showed that there were significant increasing of quality soybean husk that Termented by different level of liquid rumen and time period of fermentation Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh teknologi fermentasi mcnggunakan cairan rumen dan lama pemeraman berbeda terhadap komponen proksimat, komponen carat serta kualitas organoleptik kulit polong kedelai . Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknologi Makanan Ternak dan Ilum Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UND111. Parameter yang diamati adalah komponen proksimai (protein kasar dan scat kasar), komponen scrat, kualitas, organoleptik kulit polong kedelai. Penelitian menggunakan Raneangan acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktoral Perlakuan aras cairan rumen : 0, l0 dan 20 %-dan lama )cram 0, 2 dan 4 minggu. Masil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas kulit polong kedelai yang difermentasi dengan menggunakan berbagai aras cairan rumen dan lama pemeraman