1,539 research outputs found

    On the inconsistency of the MLE in certain heteroskedastic regression models

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    This paper studies the possibility of inconsistency of the maximum likelihood estimators for certain heteroskedastic regression models. These include the Poisson regression model and the ARCH models.

    Linear parameter-varying model to design control laws for an artificial pancreas

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    The contribution of this work is the generation of a control-oriented model for insulin-glucose dynamic regulation in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The novelty of this model is that it includes the time-varying nature, and the inter-patient variability of the glucose-control problem. In addition, the model is well suited for well-known and standard controller synthesis procedures. The outcome is an average linear parameter-varying (LPV) model that captures the dynamics from the insulin delivery input to the glucose concentration output constructed based on the UVA/Padova metabolic simulator. Finally, a system-oriented reinterpretation of the classical ad-hoc 1800 rule is applied to adapt the model's gain. The effectiveness of this approach is quantified both in open- and closed-loop. The first one by computing the root mean square error (RMSE) between the glucose deviation predicted by the proposed model and the UVA/Padova one. The second measure is determined by using the ν-gap as a metric to determine distance, in terms of closed-loop performance, between both models. For comparison purposes, both open- (RMSE) and closed-loop (ν-gap metric) quality indicators are also computed for other control-oriented models previously presented. This model allows the design of LPV controllers in a straightforward way, considering its affine dependence on the time-varying parameter, which can be computed in real-time. Illustrative simulations are included. In addition, the presented modeling strategy was employed in the design of an artificial pancreas (AP) control law that successfully withstood rigorous testing using the UVA/Padova simulator, and that was subsequently deployed in a clinical trial campaign where five adults remained in closed-loop for 36 h. This was the first ever fully closed-loop clinical AP trial in Argentina, and the modeling strategy presented here is considered instrumental in resulting in a very successful clinical outcome.Fil: Colmegna, Patricio Hernán. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Peña, Ricardo S.. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gondhalekar, R.. Harvard University; Estados Unido

    Designer Nets from Local Strategies

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    We propose a local strategy for constructing scale-free networks of arbitrary degree distributions, based on the redirection method of Krapivsky and Redner [Phys. Rev. E 63, 066123 (2001)]. Our method includes a set of external parameters that can be tuned at will to match detailed behavior at small degree k, in addition to the scale-free power-law tail signature at large k. The choice of parameters determines other network characteristics, such as the degree of clustering. The method is local in that addition of a new node requires knowledge of only the immediate environs of the (randomly selected) node to which it is attached. (Global strategies require information on finite fractions of the growing net.

    The cognitive basis of social behavior: cognitive reflection overrides antisocial but not always prosocial motives

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    Even though human social behavior has received considerable scientific attention in the last decades, its cognitive underpinnings are still poorly understood. Applying a dual-process framework to the study of social preferences, we show in two studies that individuals with a more reflective/deliberative cognitive style, as measured by scores on the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), are more likely to make choices consistent with “mild” altruism in simple non-strategic decisions. Such choices increase social welfare by increasing the other person's payoff at very low or no cost for the individual. The choices of less reflective individuals (i.e., those who rely more heavily on intuition), on the other hand, are more likely to be associated with either egalitarian or spiteful motives. We also identify a negative link between reflection and choices characterized by “strong” altruism, but this result holds only in Study 2. Moreover, we provide evidence that the relationship between social preferences and CRT scores is not driven by general intelligence. We discuss how our results can reconcile some previous conflicting findings on the cognitive basis of social behavior

    Occurrence of normal and anomalous diffusion in polygonal billiard channels

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    From extensive numerical simulations, we find that periodic polygonal billiard channels with angles which are irrational multiples of pi generically exhibit normal diffusion (linear growth of the mean squared displacement) when they have a finite horizon, i.e. when no particle can travel arbitrarily far without colliding. For the infinite horizon case we present numerical tests showing that the mean squared displacement instead grows asymptotically as t log t. When the unit cell contains accessible parallel scatterers, however, we always find anomalous super-diffusion, i.e. power-law growth with an exponent larger than 1. This behavior cannot be accounted for quantitatively by a simple continuous-time random walk model. Instead, we argue that anomalous diffusion correlates with the existence of families of propagating periodic orbits. Finally we show that when a configuration with parallel scatterers is approached there is a crossover from normal to anomalous diffusion, with the diffusion coefficient exhibiting a power-law divergence.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figures. Revised after referee reports: redrawn figures, additional comments. Some higher quality figures available at http://www.fis.unam.mx/~dsander

    The relative efficacy of price announcements and express communication for collusion: experimental findings

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    This study conducts experiments to determine the modes of communication that are able to produce and sustain collusion and how the efficacy of communication de- pends on market structure. Two communication treatments are considered: non-binding price announcements and unrestricted written communication. We find that price an- nouncements are conducive to coordinating on a high price but only under duopoly and when firms are symmetric. The standard experimental finding that collusion without com- munication is rare when there are more than two firms is shown to be robust to allowing firms to make price announcements. When firms are asymmetric, price announcements do result in higher prices but there is little evidence that firms are coordinating their behavior. When firms are allowed to engage in unrestricted written communication, co- ordination on high prices occurs for all market structures. We find that the incremental value to express communication (compared to price announcements) is greater when firms are asymmetric and there are more firms

    Aplicación del motor de inducción lineal como unidad motriz en un tren subterráneo de diseño convencional

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    Este trabajo describe una investigación realizada para determinar una posible aplicación del motor de inducción lineal en trenes subterráneos de diseño convencional. El estudio se realiza en base a una configuración especial propuesta, que consiste en un cierto número de primarios colocados sobre la vía y entre los rieles; los primarios se van conectando a una red de frecuencia normal a medida que el tren avanza v son alcanzados por el secundario que va ubicado bajo los coches. A partir de una curva fuerza-distancia v suponiendo un modelo ideal para el motor de inducción lineal, se establecen las ecuaciones necesarias para determinar la curva velocidad-distancia. Se desarrolla un método para determinar el consumo anticipado de energía. Se incluyen resultados numéricos de un ejemplo específico