339 research outputs found

    Holographic Renormalization for z=2 Lifshitz Space-Times from AdS

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    Lifshitz space-times with critical exponent z=2 can be obtained by dimensional reduction of Schroedinger space-times with critical exponent z=0. The latter space-times are asymptotically AdS solutions of AdS gravity coupled to an axion-dilaton system and can be uplifted to solutions of type IIB supergravity. This basic observation is used to perform holographic renormalization for 4-dimensional asymptotically z=2 locally Lifshitz space-times by Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of the corresponding problem of holographic renormalization for 5-dimensional asymptotically locally AdS space-times coupled to an axion-dilaton system. We can thus define and characterize a 4-dimensional asymptotically locally z=2 Lifshitz space-time in terms of 5-dimensional AdS boundary data. In this setup the 4-dimensional structure of the Fefferman-Graham expansion and the structure of the counterterm action, including the scale anomaly, will be discussed. We find that for asymptotically locally z=2 Lifshitz space-times obtained in this way there are two anomalies each with their own associated nonzero central charge. Both anomalies follow from the Scherk--Schwarz dimensional reduction of the 5-dimensional conformal anomaly of AdS gravity coupled to an axion-dilaton system. Together they make up an action that is of the Horava-Lifshitz type with nonzero potential term for z=2 conformal gravity.Comment: 32 pages, v2: modified discussion of the central charge

    From D3-Branes to Lifshitz Space-Times

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    We present a simple embedding of a z=2 Lifshitz space-time into type IIB supergravity. This is obtained by considering a stack of D3-branes in type IIB supergravity and deforming the world-volume by a plane wave. The plane wave is sourced by the type IIB axion. The superposition of the plane wave and the D3-branes is 1/4 BPS. The near horizon geometry of this configuration is a 5-dimensional z=0 Schroedinger space-time times a 5-sphere. This geometry is also 1/4 BPS. Upon compactification along the direction in which the wave is traveling the 5-dimensional z=0 Schroedinger space-time reduces to a 4-dimensional z=2 Lifshitz space-time. The compactification is such that the circle is small for weakly coupled type IIB string theory. This reduction breaks the supersymmetries. Further, we propose a general method to construct analytic z=2 Lifshitz black brane solutions. The method is based on deforming 5-dimensional AdS black strings by an axion wave and reducing to 4-dimensions. We illustrate this method with an example.Comment: version 3: version published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Dynamics of Generalized Assisted Inflation

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    We study the dynamics of multiple scalar fields and a barotropic fluid in an FLRW-universe. The scalar potential is a sum of exponentials. All critical points are constructed and these include scaling and de Sitter solutions. A stability analysis of the critical points is performed for generalized assisted inflation, which is an extension of assisted inflation where the fields mutually interact. Effects in generalized assisted inflation which differ from assisted inflation are emphasized. One such a difference is that an (inflationary) attractor can exist if some of the exponential terms in the potential are negative.Comment: 27 page

    Rigorous Formulation of Duality in Gravitational Theories

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    In this paper we evince a rigorous formulation of duality in gravitational theories where an Einstein like equation is valid, by providing the conditions under which the Hodge duals (with respect to the metric tensor g) of T^a and R_b^a may be considered as the torsion and curvature 2-forms associated with a connection D', part of a Riemann-Cartan structure (M,g',D'), in the cases g = g' and g does not equal g', once T^a and R_b^a are the torsion and curvature 2-forms associated with a connection D part of a Riemann-Cartan structure (M,g,D). A new form for the Einstein equation involving the dual of the Riemann tensor of D is also provided, and the result is compared with others appearing in the literature.Comment: 15 page

    Pseudo-supersymmetry and a Tale of Alternate Realities

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    We discuss how all variant 10d and 11d maximal supergravities, including star supergravities and supergravities in different signatures, can be obtained as different real slices of three complex actions. As an application we study the recently introduced domain-wall/cosmology correspondence in this approach. We give an example in 9d and 10d where the domain-wall and corresponding cosmology can be viewed as different real slices of the same complex solution. We argue how in this case the pseudo-supersymmetry of the cosmological solutions can be understood as the invariance under supersymmetry of a variant supergravity.Comment: 32 page

    Scaling Cosmologies from Duality Twisted Compactifications

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    Oscillating moduli fields can support a cosmological scaling solution in the presence of a perfect fluid when the scalar field potential satisfies appropriate conditions. We examine when such conditions arise in higher-dimensional, non-linear sigma-models that are reduced to four dimensions under a generalized Scherk-Schwarz compactification. We show explicitly that scaling behaviour is possible when the higher-dimensional action exhibits a global SL(n,R) or O(2,2) symmetry. These underlying symmetries can be exploited to generate non-trivial scaling solutions when the moduli fields have non-canonical kinetic energy. We also consider the compactification of eleven-dimensional vacuum Einstein gravity on an elliptic twisted torus.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Schr\"odinger Manifolds

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    This article propounds, in the wake of influential work of Fefferman and Graham about Poincar\'e extensions of conformal structures, a definition of a (Poincar\'e-)Schr\"odinger manifold whose boundary is endowed with a conformal Bargmann structure above a non-relativistic Newton-Cartan spacetime. Examples of such manifolds are worked out in terms of homogeneous spaces of the Schr\"odinger group in any spatial dimension, and their global topology is carefully analyzed. These archetypes of Schr\"odinger manifolds carry a Lorentz structure together with a preferred null Killing vector field; they are shown to admit the Schr\"odinger group as their maximal group of isometries. The relationship to similar objects arising in the non-relativisitc AdS/CFT correspondence is discussed and clarified.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, published version: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 (2012) 395203 (24pp

    String theory duals of Lifshitz-Chern-Simons gauge theories

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    We propose candidate gravity duals for a class of non-Abelian z=2 Lifshitz Chern-Simons (LCS) gauge theories studied by Mulligan, Kachru and Nayak. These are nonrelativistic gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions in which parity and time-reversal symmetries are explicitly broken by the presence of a Chern-Simons term. We show that these field theories can be realized as deformations of DLCQ N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Using the holographic dictionary, we identify the bulk fields that are dual to these deformations. The geometries describing the groundstates of the non-Abelian LCS gauge theories realized here exhibit a mass gap.Comment: 25+14 pages, 3 figures; v2: significant corrections regarding IR geometry, resulting in new section 5; journal versio

    Domain walls and instantons in N=1, d=4 supergravity

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    We study the supersymmetric sources of (multi-) domain-wall and (multi-) instanton solutions of generic N=1, d=4 supergravities, that is: the worldvolume effective actions for said supersymmetric topological defects. The domain-wall solutions naturally couple to the two 3-forms recently found as part of the N=1, d=4 tensor hierarchy (i.e. they have two charges in general) and their tension is the absolute value of the superpotential section L. The introduction of sources (we study sources with finite and vanishing thickness) is equivalent to the introduction of local coupling constants and results in dramatic changes of the solutions. Our results call for a democratic reformulation of N=1,d=4 supergravity in which coupling constants are, off-shell, scalar fields. The effective actions for the instantons are always proportional to the coordinate orthogonal to the twist-free embedding of the null-geodesic (in the Wick-rotated scalar manifold) describing the instanton. We show their supersymmetry and find the associated supersymmetric (multi-) instanton solutions.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, references adde
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