97 research outputs found

    Effect of Temperature on Wetting Angle

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    Separation Technologies Reviewed

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    Capital Structure or in English called debt to equity ratio is one financial ratio that compares the total debt to capital. Capital Structure has a usefulness that is to be a management reference of a company in making decisions about working capital to be used by companies, that the capital itself was funded by external / debt and capital funded by internal company. This research was conducted on companies engaged in food and beverage. This study also looks deeper about the relationship between capital structure with profitability, asset structure, firm size, sales growth and current ratio. The method used is multiple regression analysis with classical assumption test as statistical requirement. The data used in this study consisted of annual data from the related company financial statements in the period 2012-2016. The sample is divided according to the purpose of research is on 14 food and beverage companies. The results showed that simultaneously the character of profitability, asset structure, current ratio, firm size and sales growth influenced the performance of capital structure by 43.3%. In partial test of capital structure. Profitablility, company size, asset structure and sales growth have positive and insignificant effect on capital structure performance. While the current ratio has a positive and significant effect on the performance of capital structure

    Beyond Uniform Scaling: Exploring Depth Heterogeneity in Neural Architectures

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    Conventional scaling of neural networks typically involves designing a base network and growing different dimensions like width, depth, etc. of the same by some predefined scaling factors. We introduce an automated scaling approach leveraging second-order loss landscape information. Our method is flexible towards skip connections a mainstay in modern vision transformers. Our training-aware method jointly scales and trains transformers without additional training iterations. Motivated by the hypothesis that not all neurons need uniform depth complexity, our approach embraces depth heterogeneity. Extensive evaluations on DeiT-S with ImageNet100 show a 2.5% accuracy gain and 10% parameter efficiency improvement over conventional scaling. Scaled networks demonstrate superior performance upon training small scale datasets from scratch. We introduce the first intact scaling mechanism for vision transformers, a step towards efficient model scaling.Comment: Accepted At ICLR 2024 (Tiny Paper Track


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    Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler vokal grup merupakan kegiatan yang diadakan oleh lembaga pendidikan SMP Negeri 15 Bandung, sebagai penunjang kegiatan kurikuler, yang digunakan sebagai wadah untuk menyalurkan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki peserta didik. Dengan dampak, dapat membuat seorang yang belajar menuju ke suatu perubahan. Menambah kemampuan, pengetahuan, sosialisasi, dan mengasah kepercayaan diri. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan : (1) Tahapan pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung. (2) Metode yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMPN 15 Bandung (3) Hasil pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan objek penelitian pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung. Sumber data penelitian dari dua sumber yaitu: sumber manusia dan sumber data non-manusia. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung ini memiliki banyak prestasi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah diikutinya melalui festifal atau perlombaan-perlombaan yang pernah di juarai, baik tingkat Kabupaten ataupun tingkat Kota Bandung, walaupun tenaga pengajarnya bukan berlatar belakang dari pendidikan seni musik secara formal. Proses pembelajaran vokal grup pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMP Negeri Bandung ini dilakukan beberapa tahap, dimulai dengan tahapan awal, tahapan inti, dan tahapan akhir. Tahapan awal dilakukannya tahapan kegiatan, persiapan, pembukaan, tahapan latihan pemanasan, yang dimulai dengan latihan pernafasan, dan latihan vokalisi. Tahapan inti, dilakukannya pelajaran menggunakan materi lagu. Tahapan akhir merupakan evaluasi pembelajaran. Metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan pada pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler vokal grup adalah metode ceramah, demonstrasi, imitasi, dan latihan. Semua kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk mencapai hasil yang diharapkan dari pembelajaran ekstrakukurikuler vokal grup di SMP Negeri 15 Bandung. Pada dasarnya pembelajaran vokal grup sedikit berbeda dengan pembelajaran vokal solo, yang dimana kesatuan atau kebersamaan dalam kelompok sangatlah penting. Selain itu dalam musik, lebih bervariasi. Seperti pemberian harmonisasi, ritmis, improvisasi dan aransemen yang harus selalu diatur

    Data compression of discrete sequence: A tree based approach using dynamic programming

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    A dynamic programming based approach for data compression of a ID sequence is presented. The compression of an input sequence of size N to that of a smaller size k is achieved by dividing the input sequence into k subsequences and replacing the subsequences by their respective average values. The partitioning of the input sequence is carried with the intention of reducing the mean squared error in the reconstructed sequence. The complexity involved in finding the partitions which would result in such an optimal compressed sequence is reduced by using the dynamic programming approach, which is presented

    Ante-hoc generation of task-agnostic interpretation maps

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    Existing explainability approaches for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are mainly applied after training (post-hoc) which is generally unreliable. Ante-hoc explainers trained simultaneously with the CNN are more reliable. However, current ante-hoc explanation methods mainly generate inexplicit concept-based explanations tailored to specific tasks. To address these limitations, we propose a task-agnostic ante-hoc framework that can generate interpretation maps to visually explain any CNN. Our framework simultaneously trains the CNN and a weighting network - an explanation generation module. The generated maps are self-explanatory, eliminating the need for manual identification of concepts. We demonstrate that our method can interpret tasks such as classification, facial landmark detection, and image captioning. We show that our framework is explicit, faithful, and stable through experiments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ante-hoc CNN explanation strategy that produces visual explanations generic to CNNs for different tasks.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PID2020-116927RBC22 (R.B.).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessing Nepal's national sanitation policy

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    Many researchers and commentators on sanitation have recognised that relevant and effective policies play an important role in ensuring sanitation is addressed at sufficient scale that progress is made towards national sanitation targets in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With this in mind, the Environmental Health Programme (EHP) of USAID developed a written ‘Guidelines for the Assessment of National Sanitation Policies’ in 2002, to help countries assess the effectiveness of policy in enabling an environment that encourages effective programmes and strategies. Nepal was selected as one of two countries for field-testing the EHP Guidelines as part of DFID-funded research carried out by WEDC in collaboration with Development Network, a national consulting research firm in Nepal. This paper highlights key findings based on the research process, with implications for challenges facing Nepal in effectively implementing sanitation policy
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