113 research outputs found

    Характеристика об’єкта дисциплінарного проступку

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    Грищенко, Р. Характеристика об’єкта дисциплінарного проступку / Роман Грищенко // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 71-75. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32849/2663-5313/2020.1.13.У статті на основі аналізу наукових поглядів вчених та норм чинного законодавства України надано характеристику об’єкта дисциплінарного проступку. З’ясовано, що загальним об’єктом дисциплінарного проступку є трудові і суміжні з ними правовідносини, які на конкретному підприємстві складаються у трудовий розпорядок. Безпосереднім об’єктом дисциплінарних проступків є окремі елементи внутрішнього трудового розпорядку у вигляді груп однорідних правовідносин, пов’язаних з повним і доцільним використанням робочого часу, забезпеченням збереження майна, правильною організацією управління процесом праці і технологією виробництва, охороною здоров’я та життя членів трудового колективу тощо.In the article on the basis of the analysis of scientific views of scientists and norms of the current legislation of Ukraine the characteristic of the object of disciplinary misconduct is given. It was found that the general object of disciplinary misconduct is labor and related legal relations, which in a particular enterprise are formed in the labor regulations. The direct object of disciplinary offenses are certain elements of internal labor regulations in the form of groups of homogeneous legal relations associated with the full and appropriate use of working time, ensuring the safety of property, proper organization of labor process management and production technology, health and life of members of the workforce, etc.В статье на основе анализа научных взглядов ученых и норм действующего законодательства Украины охарактеризован объект дисциплинарного проступка. Выяснено, что общим объектом дисциплинарного проступка являются трудовые и смежные с ними правоотношения, которые на конкретном предприятии складываются в трудовой распорядок. Непосредственным объектом дисциплинарных проступков есть отдельные элементы внутреннего трудового распорядка в виде групп однородных правоотношений, связанных с полным и целесообразным использованием рабочего времени, обеспечением сохранности имущества, правильной организацией управления процессом труда и технологии производства, охраной здоровья и жизни членов трудового коллектива и тому подобное

    solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts

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    We present solc-verify, a source-level verification tool for Ethereum smart contracts. Solc-verify takes smart contracts written in Solidity and discharges verification conditions using modular program analysis and SMT solvers. Built on top of the Solidity compiler, solc-verify reasons at the level of the contract source code, as opposed to the more common approaches that operate at the level of Ethereum bytecode. This enables solc-verify to effectively reason about high-level contract properties while modeling low-level language semantics precisely. The contract properties, such as contract invariants, loop invariants, and function pre- and post-conditions, can be provided as annotations in the code by the developer. This enables automated, yet user-friendly formal verification for smart contracts. We demonstrate solc-verify by examining real-world examples where our tool can effectively find bugs and prove correctness of non-trivial properties with minimal user effort.Comment: Authors' manuscript. Published in S. Chakraborty and J. A. Navas (Eds.): VSTTE 2019, LNCS 12031, 2020. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41600-3_1

    Метастатические опухоли надпочечников. Клинические проявления и результаты хирургического лечения

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    Background. The adrenal glands are one of the most common sites of metastases in malignant disease, particularly lung cancer. The frequency of adrenal metastasis in patients with breast cancer and lung cancer reaches 39 and 35 % respectively.Materials and methods. A total of 156 patients with adrenal tumors underwent surgical treatment in the Siberian State Medical University between December 1998 and July 2017. The study included 16 (10.2 %) patients (9 males and 7 females) with adrenal metastases. The mean age of study participants was 57.6 years (range: 44–73 years).Results. By the moment of surgery, the mean metastatic adrenal tumor size was 4.9 ± 3.0 cm (range: 1.0–10.2 cm). Thirteen out of 16 patients had adrenal metastases from renal cell carcinoma, one patient – from colon cancer, one patient – from lung cancer, and one patient – from breast cancer. Nine patients had left-sided adrenal metastases, whereas six patients had right-sided adrenal metastases. Synchronous adrenal metastasis was detected in two cases: one patient had adrenal metastasis at the side of the renal tumor; the other one had bilateral renal cell carcinoma with both adrenal glands affected.We identified three main variants of the disease course according to prevailing clinical manifestations of adrenal metastasis: no manifestations, pain syndrome, and arterial hypertension.Seven participants had no clinical manifestations; of them, 6 patients had renal cell carcinoma, whereas 1 patient had breast cancer. The mean time between surgical removal of the primary tumor and detection of adrenal metastases was 24.1 months; the mean tumor size was 4.5 cm.Pain syndrome was observed in 5 patients. In three of them, adrenal metastases derived from renal cell carcinoma, in one patient – from lung cancer, and in one patient – from colon cancer. The mean time between removal of the primary tumor and detection of adrenal metastases was 19.8 months; the mean tumor size was 5.4 cm.Arterial hypertension was diagnosed in four patients. The mean time between removal of the primary tumor and identification of adrenal metastases was 27.3 months; the mean tumor size was 4.1 cm. The five-year overall survival rate in operated patient was 47.8 %.Conclusion. Regular examinations of patients after surgical treatment of malignant tumors are needed to detect adrenal metastases; surgery can extend the patient’s life. can extend the patient’s life.Введение. Надпочечники служат органом метастатического поражения многих злокачественных опухолей. Рак легких наиболее часто поражает надпочечники метастазами. Частота метастазов в надпочечники у пациентов с раком молочной железы и раком легкого составляет приблизительно 39 и 35 % соответственно.Материалы и методы. С декабря 1998 г. по июль 2017 г. в клинике Сибирского государственного медицинского университета были прооперированы 156 пациентов с опухолями в надпочечниках. В исследуемую группу включены 16 (10,2 %) пациентов (9 мужчин и 7 женщин) с метастатическим поражением надпочечников. Возраст пациентов составил 57,6 года (44–73 года).Результаты. Размер метастатической опухоли в надпочечниках на момент операции составил 4,9 ± 3,0 см (1,0–10,2 см). В 13 из 16 случаев причиной метастатического поражения стал почечно-клеточный рак, по 1 случаю – рак ободочной кишки, рак легкого и рак молочной железы. У 9 пациентов отмечено поражение левого надпочечника, у 6 – правого. Синхронное поражение надпочечников выявлено у 2 пациентов: в 1 случае – на стороне опухоли почки, в 1 – двусторонняя опухоль почки с синхронным поражением обоих надпочечников.Клинические проявления метастатического поражения надпочечников рассмотрены в рамках 3 состояний: без клинических проявлений, с болевым синдромом и с преобладанием в клинической картине артериальной гипертензии.Группу пациентов без клинических проявлений составили 7 больных, 6 из них имели метастатические поражения надпочечников почечно-клеточного рака и 1 – рака молочной железы. Среднее время от выполнения операции по поводу первичной опухоли до обнаружения метастатического поражения составило 24,1 мес, средний размер опухоли – 4,5 см.Болевой синдром в клинической картине преобладал у 5 пациентов. У 3 из них причиной метастатического поражения надпочечников стал почечно-клеточный рак, у 1 – рак легкого, у 1 – рак ободочной кишки. Среднее время от момента удаления злокачественной опухоли составило 19,8 мес, средний размер опухоли – 5,4 см.Артериальная гипертензия как наиболее вероятное клиническое проявление метастатической опухоли в надпочечниках имела место у 4 пациентов. Среднее время от момента удаления первичной опухоли до обнаружения метастатического поражения надпочечников составило 27,3 мес, средний размер опухоли – 4,1 см. Пятилетняя общая выживаемость оперированных пациентов составила 47,8 %. Заключение. Регулярные этапные обследования пациентов после хирургического лечения злокачественной опухоли помогут своевременно обнаруживать метастатическое поражение надпочечников, а выполненное хирургическое лечение позволит продлить жизнь больных раком

    A transgenic cell line with inducible transcription for studying (CGG)n repeat expansion mechanisms

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    There are more than 30 inherited human disorders connected with repeat expansion (myotonic dystrophy type I, Huntington’s disease, Fragile X syndrome). Fragile X syndrome is the most common reason for inherited intellectual disability in the human population. The ways of the expansion development remain unclear. An important feature of expanded repeats is the ability to form stable alternative DNA secondary structures. There are hypotheses about the nature of repeat instability. It is proposed that these DNA secondary structures can block various stages of DNA metabolism processes, such as replication, repair and recombination and it is considered as the source of repeat instability. However, none of the hypotheses is fully conf irmed or is the only valid one. Here, an experimental system for studying (CGG)n repeat expansion associated with transcription and TCR­-NER is proposed. It is noteworthy that the aberrations of transcription are a poorly studied mechanism of (CGG)n instability. However, the proposed systems take into account the contribution of other processes of DNA metabolism and, therefore, the developed systems are universal and applicable for various studies. Transgenic cell lines carrying a repeat of normal or premutant length under the control of an inducible promoter were established and a method for repeat instability quantif ication was developed. One type of the cell lines contains an exogenous repeat integrated into the genome by the Sleeping Beauty transposon; in another cell line, the vector is maintained as an episome due to the SV40 origin of replication. These experimental systems can serve for f inding the causes of instability and the development of therapeutic agents. In addition, a criterion was developed for the quantif ication of exogenous (CGG)n repeat instability in the transgenic cell lines’ genome

    Reasons for compliance or noncompliance with advice to test for hepatitis C via an internet-mediated blood screening service: a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mainly transmitted by exposure to infected blood, and can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Since the onset of HCV and the development of liver cirrhosis usually are asymptomatic, many HCV-infected individuals are still undiagnosed. To identify individuals infected with HCV in the general population, a low threshold, internet-mediated blood testing service was set up. We performed a qualitative study examining reasons for compliance and noncompliance with advice to test for HCV via the online blood testing service.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted with 33 website visitors who had been advised to test for HCV (18 testers, 15 non-testers). Transcribed interviews were analyzed qualitatively and interpreted using psychosocial theories of health behavior.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Reasons for testing pertaining to the online service were: the testing procedure is autonomous, personalized test advice is provided online, reminder emails are sent, and there is an online planning tool. Reasons for testing not specific to the online service were: knowing one's status can prevent liver disease and further transmission of HCV, HCV is curable, testing can provide reassurance, physical complaints are present, and there is liver disease in one's social environment. Service-related reasons for not testing pertained to inconvenient testing facilities, a lack of commitment due to the low threshold character of the service, computer/printing problems, and incorrectly interpreting an online planning tool. The reasons for not testing that are not specific to the online service were: the belief that personal risk is low, the absence of symptoms, low perceived urgency for testing and treatment, fear of the consequences of a positive test result, avoiding threatening information, and a discouraging social environment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Features specific to the online service played a significant role in motivation to test for HCV above and beyond the more conventional perceived health benefits of HCV testing. However, some online specific features were considered problematic and need to be adapted. Methods and strategies for dealing with these impeding factors and for improving compliance with testing via the online service are outlined.</p

    Inflação implícita e o prêmio pelo risco: uma alternativa aos modelos VAR na previsão para o IPCA

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    O presente artigo avalia, para o caso brasileiro, se a inflação implícita extraída dos títulos de renda fixa constitui um estimador não viesado da inflação ao consumidor, medida pelo IPCA. Nossas estimativas sugerem que as break-even inflation rates – ou simplesmente BEIRs – trazem informação relevante a respeito da inflação futura, especialmente para a maturidade de três meses. A principal inovação de nosso trabalho, contudo, está no método utilizado para a estimação, que nos permite concluir que o prêmio de risco da inflação, para algumas das maturidades consideradas, varia ao longo do tempo e não é desprezível do ponto de vista econômico. Comparamos também as previsões de inflação obtidas a partir das BEIRs com os modelos VAR utilizados pelo Banco Central e as estimativas dos Top5 do Relatório Focus. As previsões realizadas com as BEIRs mostraram maior acurácia que aquelas extraídas dos modelos VAR, porém, menos precisas que as geradas pelos Top5.O presente artigo avalia, para o caso brasileiro, se a inflação implícita extraída dos títulos de renda fixa constitui um estimador não viesado da inflação ao consumidor, medida pelo IPCA. Nossas estimativas sugerem que as break-even inflation rates – ou simplesmente BEIRs – trazem informação relevante a respeito da inflação futura, especialmente para a maturidade de três meses. A principal inovação de nosso trabalho, contudo, está no método utilizado para a estimação, que nos permite concluir que o prêmio de risco da inflação, para algumas das maturidades consideradas, varia ao longo do tempo e não é desprezível do ponto de vista econômico. Comparamos também as previsões de inflação obtidas a partir das BEIRs com os modelos VAR utilizados pelo Banco Central e as estimativas dos Top5 do Relatório Focus. As previsões realizadas com as BEIRs mostraram maior acurácia que aquelas extraídas dos modelos VAR, porém, menos precisas que as geradas pelos Top5