339 research outputs found

    Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of Polarized GaAs Photocathodes

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    Atomic hydrogen cleaning followed by heat cleaning at 450∘^\circC was used to prepare negative-electron-affinity GaAs photocathodes. When hydrogen ions were eliminated, quantum efficiencies of 15% were obtained for bulk GaAs cathodes, higher than the results obtained using conventional 600∘^\circC heat cleaning. The low-temperature cleaning technique was successfully applied to thin, strained GaAs cathodes used for producing highly polarized electrons. No depolarization was observed even when the optimum cleaning time of about 30 seconds was extended by a factor of 100

    Surface Analysis of OFE-Copper X-Band Accelerating Structures and Possible Correlation to RF Breakdown Events

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    X-band accelerator structures meeting the Next Linear Collider (NLC) design requirements have been found to suffer vacuum surface damage caused by radio frequency (RF) breakdown, when processed to high electric-field gradients. Improved understanding of these breakdown events is desirable for the development of structure designs, fabrication procedures, and processing techniques that minimize structure damage. RF reflected wave analysis and acoustic sensor pickup have provided breakdowns localization in RF structures. Particle contaminations found following clean autopsy of four RF-processed travelling wave structures, have been catalogued and analyzed. Their influence on RF breakdown, as well as that of several other material-based properties, will be discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, Submitted to JVST A as a proceeding of the 50th AVS conference (Baltimore, MD, 2-7 Nov 2003

    Beam Test of a Segmented Foil SEM Grid

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    A prototype Secondary-electron Emission Monitor (SEM) was installed in the 8 GeV proton transport line for the MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab. The SEM is a segmented grid made with 5 um Ti foils, intended for use in the 120 GeV NuMI beam at Fermilab. Similar to previous workers, we found that the full collection of the secondary electron signal requires a bias voltage to draw the ejected electrons cleanly off the foils, and this effect is more pronounced at larger beam intensity. The beam centroid and width resolutions of the SEM were measured at beam widths of 3, 7, and 8 mm, and compared to calculations. Extrapolating the data from this beam test, we expect a centroid and width resolutions of 20um and 25 um, respectively, in the NuMI beam which has 1 mm spot size.Comment: submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    Nuclear Magnetic Quadrupole Moments in Single Particle Approximation

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    A static magnetic quadrupole moment of a nucleus, induced by T- and P-odd nucleon-nucleon interaction, is investigated in the single-particle approximation. Models are considered allowing for analytical solution. The problem is also treated numerically in a Woods-Saxon potential with spin-orbit interaction. The stability of results is discussed.Comment: LATEX, 9 pages, 1 postscript figure available upon request from "[email protected]". BINP 94-4

    Pion-Muon Asymmetry Revisited

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    Long ago an unexpected and unexplainable phenomena was observed. The distribution of muons from positive pion decay at rest was anisotropic with an excess in the backward direction relative to the direction of the proton beam from which the pions were created. Although this effect was observed by several different groups with pions produced by different means, the result was not accepted by the physics community, because it is in direct conflict with a large set of other experiments indicating that the pion is a pseudoscalar particle. It is possible to satisfy both sets of experiments if helicity-zero vector particles exist and the pion is such a particle. Helicity-zero vector particles have direction but no net spin. For the neutral pion to be a vector particle requires an additional modification to conventional theory as discussed herein. An experiment is proposed which can prove that the asymmetry in the distribution of muons from pion decay is a genuine physical effect because the asymmetry can be modified in a controllable manner. A positive result will also prove that the pion is NOT a pseudoscalar particle.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Recent Progress at SLAC Extracting High Charge from Highly-Polarized Photocathodes for Future-Collider Applications

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    Future colliders such as NLC and JLC will require a highly-polarized macropulse with charge that is more than an order of magnitude beyond that which could be produced for the SLC. The maximum charge from the SLC uniformly-doped GaAs photocathode was limited by the surface charge limit (SCL). The SCL effect can be overcome by using an extremely high (>1019 cm-3) surface dopant concentration. When combined with a medium dopant concentration in the majority of the active layer (to avoid depolarization), the surface concentration has been found to degrade during normal heat cleaning (1 hour at 600 C). The Be dopant as typically used in an MBE-grown superlattice cathode is especially susceptible to this effect compared to Zn or C dopant. Some relief can be found by lowering the cleaning temperature, but the long-term general solution appears to be atomic hydrogen cleaning.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, contributed to 10th Workshop on Polarized Sources and Targets, Novosibirsk, Sept. 22-26, 2003, to be submitted to Nucl. Instrum. and Meth.
